Diah Khotimah - 180388203042 - VB - M12

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Name : Diah Khotimah

Nim : 180388203042
Vocabulary Building

Practice 1. Read each pair of the sentences. Circle the letter that contains an idiom then
write down the meaning.

1. A. When I waded into the ocean, I got cold feet

B. I was supposed to give a speech, but I got cold feet
Idiom and meaning:
Got Cold Feet = become anxiety or nervous

2. A. Summer is our rainy season, and when it rains, it pours.

B. After getting a flat tire and losing my wallet. I realized that when it rains, it
Idiom and meaning:
When It Rains, It Pours = Similarly Good Or Bad Things Tend To Follow.

3. A. Hoping to break the ice, Owen told the new girl a joke
B. When you go ice fishing, use this hatchet to break the ice.
Idiom and meaning:
Break The Ice = Reducing or Eliminating Awkward and The Tension

4. A. I aimed, pulled the bow string, and the arrow hit the spot.
B. On a hot day, a cold glass of tea really hits the spot.
Idiom and meaning:
Hit The Spot = To Be Correct Or Accurate

5. A. When Bill left the farm and moved to the city, he felt like a fish out of water.
B. A fish out of water only stays fresh for a few days.
Idiom and meaning:
Fish Out Of Water = Does Not Feel Comfortable In A New Environment

6. A. I shook my head to get the wasp out of my hair.

B. Just get out of my hair and quit reminding me to study!
Idiom and meaning:
Out Of My Hair = Not One's Responsibility Or Burden Any Longer.

7. A. If you’re looking for the bread, it’s in the bag.

B. Don’t worry about who will win the game; it’s in the bag.
Idiom and meaning:
In The Bag = Assured Of A Successful Outcome; Virtually Accomplished Or Won.

8. A. I know the story is true because I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.
B. The oats fell straight from the horse’s mouth onto the barn floor.
Idiom and meaning:
Horse’s Mouth = A First-Hand Or Extremely Reliable Source

9. A. Are you serious about that or are you pulling my leg?

B. The toddler wanted to play with me so he kept on pulling my leg.
Idiom and meaning:
Pulling Leg = Joke With Someone

10. A. When I baby-sat for the naughty Nathan Nixon, I was tied up and left in the
B. I couldn’t go to the party Saturday afternoon because I was tied up with a
business appointment.
Idiom and meaning:
Tied Up = Busy Or Have An Appointment
Practice 2. Find 5 idioms on your own and make a good sentence out of it.

1. Idiom : Dark Horse

Meaning : A person who is so secretive that not much else is known about him
Sentence : Because I come to you like a dark horse.

2. Idiom : Lone Wolf

Meaning : A very independent or solitary person.
Sentence : He is a lone wolf; that's what makes him a foreign worker who
always excels here.

3. Idiom : Pigs Fly

Meaning : Something that is impossible or will never happen
Sentence : Heard he would come on time like a flying pig, it never happened!

4. Idiom : Call It Day

Meaning : to end something
Sentence : We've struggled and feel tired. So, let’s call it a day and go home.

5. Idiom : Feel blue

Meaning : Sadness
Sentence : You had to be the one to let me down, to color me blue.

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