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Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester


The Chinese revolution took place in august 1927-December 7, 1949, and in 1949

is when it ended, the leader was Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong was known as a chairman Mao was born on December 26, 1893, in

Shoshan, Xiangtan China, he was a Chinese communist revolutionary, and also he

was the father people’s republic of china, he make the rules as the chairman of

the Chinese communist party from when it was established of PRC (People’s

Republic of China).

Mao Zedong was the one who launched the Socialist Education Movement in

1966 he united the Cultural Revolution, which was a program to remove

“counter-revolution” which lasted ten years. And the main purpose was to

cleanse politics, economy, organization, and ideology.

Many people were not happy because if someone is kind, putting out what you like is

kind of difficult for you and also as the Cultural Revolution made the economy

of china decrease.

The main causes of the Chinese revolution were the combination of

imperialist demands from Japan and the West Machu government embodied by the

king court, and then the ideas came from the Chinese revolution. And after there

was a Liberation war, that was the conflict led by the Chinese communist

revolution and the chairman Mao Zedong and it was when Mao Zedong proclaimed

the people's republic of China in October 1949.

Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester

The Chinese Civil War was a civil war that was fought from 1927 to 1951 because of

differences in thinking between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the

Kuomintang (KMT, or Chinese Nationalist Party). The war was a fight for

legitimacy (justice) as the government of China. This liberation war was fought by

the communists who gained control of mainland China and established the

People's Republic of China in 1949, and then forced the leadership of the Republic

of China to retreat (or retract) to the island of Taiwan.

The Chinese communist party was the communist of china; Is the founding of

the people's republic. This communist party guides political and educational

development as it was declared by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao.

This Chinese revolution made some positive and negative impacts in china, there

were some kind inequalities between men and women in china's society that was

decreased as the revolution happened, and also china lost some partnerships like

the USA, and also the communist party and the communist revolution changed

many things like social things and education.

And after this special communist revolution led by Mao Zedong happened the

population began to increase a little bit because the war of liberation and

communist revolution did kill many people in China.

The population in China during 1950-1952 was 552.0 million people, you see the

population was a good number.


Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester

The fall of the mainland to communism in 1949 led the United States to

suspend diplomatic ties for the People’s Republic of China for decades, and there

was also the success of that revolution like education in school continued as

during that communist the students were stopped to go to school for a while.

The communist took over the mainland of the People's Republic of China and

established the Chinese government.

Communist victory and takeover of the mainland China People's Republic of China

established in mainland China Government of the Republic of China moved out to


The communist had both a negative and positive impact because back then, wives

had to be controlled by their husbands if the wife was unworthy that was

considered unnatural.


According to me, if the Chinese communist revolution couldn’t happen,

China would be uncivilized I mean with too many cultural things than those are
in china now and also students would not go to school because of those cultures,

the economics would be down and also inequalities between woman and husbands

would be increased than it is now. And I would like to end by saying if this

communist revolution could not happen the population of china would be killed

by the famine and also china would be among the poorest country in the world as

the culture was kind of dominating.

Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester

Jean Chretien: The link of the paper:



● Xie, Yu, and Chunni Zhang. “The long-term impact of the Communist

Revolution on social stratification in contemporary China”. September 24,


● Maurice Meisner. “The significance of the Chinese Revolution in world

history”. September



● Milestones.” The Chinese Revolution of 1949”. 12/4/202.

Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester

Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

Chinese Revolution (1948-1952) Jean Chretien

GP research paper
12/5/2021 1st trimester

Jean Chretien Horugavye’ research paper

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