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Choose ONE of these following Figures and write a report based on the figure you choose!

1. Figure 1

Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan perubahan beberapa tipe rumah tangga di Kanada dari
tahun 1984 hingga 2020. Rangkum informasi dengan memilih dan melaporkan fitur utama,
dan membuat perbandingan jika relevan

The table shows the changes in household types in Canada at 10-year intervals from 1984 to
2014 and again in 2020.

There has been a steady increase in households without children during this period. One-person
households doubled from 6% in 1984 to 12% in 2020, whilst the percentage of couples with no
children rose from 19% in 1984 to 23% in 2004 and to 25% in 2014. However, this figure
levelled out in 2020. Even bigger changes have occurred when it comes to couples with
dependent children. This category shrank from 52% in 1984 to 36% in 2020. In contrast, the
percentage of lone parents trebled over the same period, rising from 4% in 1984 to 12% in 2020.
The percentage of families with non-dependent children has remained more stable: 10% in 1984,
rising only 1% over the next 20 years before falling to 9% in 2014.

In conclusion, the table shows definite patterns of change within the Canadian family over the
past 40 years, in particular the decline in the traditional. model of one couple with dependent

(179 words)
2. Figure 2

Diagram lingkaran membandingkan cara mengakses berita di Kanada dan Australia. Ringkas
informasi dengan memilih dan melaporkan fitur utama, dan membuat perbandingan jika
The pie charts show the principle ways of finding out the news in two different countries,
Canada and Australia. The two nations show broadly similar patterns, though there are some
differences, both significant and minor.

One of the most prominent features of this data is that, while in Canada over a third of people
access the news online, in Australia the figure is more than half, at 52%. It is apparent that
viewing the TV news is popular in both countries, with about two fifths of Canadian population
favouring this mode of delivery and only 3% fewer in Australia. One major difference between
Canada and Australia is that over twice as many people read the news in print in the former,
compared with the latter. The figures are 14% and 7% respectively. Similarly, listening to the
news on the radio is preferred by three times more people in Canada than in Australia.

Overall, it can be said that the high levels of internet use in Australia mean that other methods
such as radio and print are used less in comparison with Canada.

Diagram lingkaran menunjukkan cara-cara utama untuk mengetahui berita di dua negara yang
berbeda, Kanada dan Australia. Kedua negara secara umum menunjukkan pola yang sama,
meskipun ada beberapa perbedaan, baik signifikan maupun kecil.

Salah satu fitur yang paling menonjol dari data ini adalah, sementara di Kanada lebih dari
sepertiga orang mengakses berita online, di Australia angkanya lebih dari setengahnya, yaitu
52%. Jelas bahwa menonton berita TV sangat populer di kedua negara, dengan sekitar dua
perlima penduduk Kanada menyukai cara penyampaian ini dan hanya 3% lebih sedikit di
Australia. Satu perbedaan utama antara Kanada dan Australia adalah bahwa lebih dari dua kali
lebih banyak orang membaca berita di media cetak di Kanada, dibandingkan dengan yang
terakhir. Angka tersebut masing-masing 14% dan 7%. Demikian pula, mendengarkan berita di
radio lebih disukai oleh tiga kali lebih banyak orang di Kanada daripada di Australia.

Secara keseluruhan, dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat penggunaan internet yang tinggi di Australia
berarti metode lain seperti radio dan cetak lebih sedikit digunakan dibandingkan dengan Kanada.
The pie chart represents the differentiation of five particular processes of getting information in
Canada and Australia.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that in Australia online is the biggest source of
information, while in Canada Tv is the most. In addition, Canadian people can get more data
through print media which is doubled than in Australia.

To regards to online, 52 percent of reports come from different online sources, whether in terms
Canada it is 36, and the second-most among the sources. Another big portion is the TV, 40 and
37 percent of news can be accessed through this medium in Canada, and Australia respectively.

Now turning to the other three features, in both countries least information can be attained from
the radio, while among those nations Australia has the value which is less than half of Canada
and that is 2 percent and it is equal to the no specified. From print media, 14 percent of data can
be achieved in Canada but in Australia, only 7 percent of information can people have.

Diagram lingkaran mewakili perbedaan dari lima proses tertentu untuk mendapatkan informasi
di Kanada dan Australia.

Secara keseluruhan, yang menonjol dari grafik adalah bahwa di Australia online adalah sumber
informasi terbesar, sedangkan di Kanada Tv adalah yang paling banyak. Selain itu, orang Kanada
bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak data melalui media cetak yang dua kali lipat daripada di

Berkenaan dengan online, 52 persen laporan berasal dari sumber online yang berbeda, baik
dalam hal Kanada 36, dan yang kedua terbanyak di antara sumber. Porsi besar lainnya adalah
TV, 40 dan 37 persen berita dapat diakses melalui media ini masing-masing di Kanada, dan

Sekarang beralih ke tiga fitur lainnya, di kedua negara paling sedikit informasi yang dapat
diperoleh dari radio, sementara di antara negara-negara itu Australia memiliki nilai yang kurang
dari setengah Kanada dan itu adalah 2 persen dan itu sama dengan yang tidak ditentukan. Dari
media cetak, 14 persen data dapat diperoleh di Kanada tetapi di Australia, hanya 7 persen
informasi yang dapat dimiliki masyarakat.
Data regarding the popularity of various news-accessing media in Australia when compared to
Canada is depicted in the given pie charts.

Overall, it is clear that when Australia depends more on newer modes of information technology
to access news, in Canada traditional modes are still popular.

As per the charts, the lion’s share of the population prefers to obtain online news, and this
crosses the half-way mark (52%). This is about 15% more than those who view TV to access
day-to-day information.

In Canada, the situation is almost opposite, when almost two-fifth of the total population depend
on TV to gather news. Though there is a sizeable proportion who prefers online news (36%),
their rate falls behind the TV viewers.

When there exists over two-fifth of Canadian residents who rely on radio and print media (14%
and 7% respectively) for accessing news, this aggregate accounts only under 10% in Australia,
with radio playing a greater role (7%).

Data mengenai popularitas berbagai media pengakses berita di Australia jika dibandingkan
dengan Kanada digambarkan dalam diagram lingkaran yang diberikan.

Secara keseluruhan, jelas bahwa ketika Australia lebih bergantung pada mode teknologi
informasi yang lebih baru untuk mengakses berita, di Kanada mode tradisional masih populer.

Sesuai grafik, bagian terbesar dari populasi lebih memilih untuk mendapatkan berita online, dan
ini melewati batas setengah jalan (52%). Ini sekitar 15% lebih banyak daripada mereka yang
menonton TV untuk mengakses informasi sehari-hari.

Di Kanada, situasinya hampir berlawanan, ketika hampir dua perlima dari total penduduk
bergantung pada TV untuk mengumpulkan berita. Meskipun ada proporsi yang cukup besar yang
lebih menyukai berita online (36%), tingkat mereka tertinggal di belakang pemirsa TV.

Ketika ada lebih dari dua perlima penduduk Kanada yang mengandalkan radio dan media cetak
(masing-masing 14% dan 7%) untuk mengakses berita, jumlah ini hanya di bawah 10% di
Australia, dengan radio memainkan peran yang lebih besar (7%).
The yielded pie charts demonstrate how people access the news in Australia and Canada.

Overall, it can be seen that television and online news are the most prioritised way although not
specified have the least in both countries.

For Canada, two fifth percentage of people like to access news by the TV while 36% of update
themselves by digital platforms, which has the second-highest proportion. Print or tabloid
medium has double percentage than radio has. In addition, 3% of Canadian get widow is not

For Australia, online accessing news is just above a half percentage which has 16% more than
has in Canada although, via television has roughly the same percentage as online has in Canada.
Moreover, with 2% radio and not specified has similar people preference. The print has half
proportion of access to daily updates than has in Canada.

Diagram lingkaran yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bagaimana orang mengakses berita di Australia
dan Kanada.

Secara keseluruhan, dapat dilihat bahwa televisi dan berita online adalah cara yang paling
diprioritaskan meskipun tidak disebutkan paling sedikit di kedua negara.

Untuk Kanada, dua perlima persentase orang suka mengakses berita melalui TV sementara 36%
memperbarui diri mereka sendiri melalui platform digital, yang memiliki proporsi tertinggi
kedua. Media cetak atau tabloid memiliki persentase dua kali lipat dari radio. Selain itu, 3%
orang Kanada mendapatkan janda tidak ditentukan.

Untuk Australia, mengakses berita online hanya di atas setengah persentase yang memiliki 16%
lebih banyak daripada di Kanada meskipun, melalui televisi memiliki persentase yang kira-kira
sama dengan online di Kanada. Selain itu, dengan radio 2% dan tidak ditentukan memiliki
preferensi orang yang sama. Cetakan memiliki setengah proporsi akses ke pembaruan harian
daripada di Kanada.
The pie charts provide data about five ways of getting the news in two different countries,
Canada and Australia.

Overall, watching TV is the most popular way of accessing the news in Canada, while online
is used in preference to other methods in Australia.
Looking at the charts in more detail, 37% of Australian people get the news by watching TV,
only 3% fewer in Canada. Meanwhile, more than a half of Australian population prefer to
access the news by online and in Canada, the figure is over a third, at 36%.

However, in Australia, people hardly listen to the news on the radio, only accounting for 2%
of the total. This figure is three times less than that of Canada, at 7%. Besides, the percentage
of people who read the news in print in Canada doubles that in Australia, at 14% and 7%,
respectively. Not specified has the lowest proportion in both countries, with 3% in Canada,
followed by Australia with 2%.

Diagram lingkaran memberikan data tentang lima cara mendapatkan berita di dua negara
berbeda, Kanada dan Australia.

Secara keseluruhan, menonton TV adalah cara paling populer untuk mengakses berita di
Kanada, sementara online lebih disukai daripada metode lain di Australia.
Melihat grafik secara lebih rinci, 37% orang Australia mendapatkan berita dengan menonton
TV, hanya 3% lebih sedikit di Kanada. Sementara itu, lebih dari setengah penduduk Australia
lebih suka mengakses berita secara online dan di Kanada, angkanya lebih dari sepertiga, yaitu

Namun, di Australia, orang hampir tidak mendengarkan berita di radio, hanya 2% dari total.
Angka ini tiga kali lebih kecil dari Kanada, yaitu 7%. Selain itu, persentase orang yang
membaca berita di media cetak di Kanada dua kali lipat dari di Australia, masing-masing
sebesar 14% dan 7%. Tidak ditentukan memiliki proporsi terendah di kedua negara, dengan
3% di Kanada, diikuti oleh Australia dengan 2%.
The pie charts provide data about five ways of getting the news in two different countries,
Canada and Australia.

Overall, watching TV is the most popular way of accessing the news in Canada, while online
is used in preference to other methods in Australia.
Looking at the charts in more detail, 37% of Australian people get the news by watching TV,
only 3% fewer in Canada. Meanwhile, more than a half of Australian population prefer to
access the news by online and in Canada, the figure is over a third, at 36%.

However, in Australia, people hardly listen to the news on the radio, only accounting for 2%
of the total. This figure is three times less than that of Canada, at 7%. Besides, the percentage
of people who read the news in print in Canada doubles that in Australia, at 14% and 7%,
respectively. Not specified has the lowest proportion in both countries, with 3% in Canada,
followed by Australia with 2%.

The (How many?) pie charts provide data about (vague. What data is on these charts?) five
ways of getting the news in two different countries, Canada and Australia. (Incomplete. What are
the five ways?)

Overall, watching TV is the most popular way of accessing the news in Canada, while online is
used in preference to other methods in Australia.

Looking at the charts (Useless "filler" words. Delete them.) in more detail, 37% of Australian

people get the news by watching TV, only 3% fewer in Canada. Meanwhile, more than a half
of the Australian population prefer to access the news by online and in Canada, the figure (not a
good word choice)  it is over a third, at 36%. (Do not start a new paragraph. You are still
comparing details.)
However, in Australia, people hardly listen to the news on the radio, only accounting for 2% of
the total. This figure is three times less than that of Canada, at 7%. Besides, the percentage of
people who read the news in print in Canada is double doubles (Do not use the verb here. It is
static, not dynamic data.) that in Australia, at 14% and 7%, respectively. Not specified has the
lowest proportion in both countries, with 3% in Canada, followed by Australia with 2%.
The pie charts illustrate the principal ways of accessing news in Canada and Australia.

In Canada, the most prominent source is TV, in Australia, it is from an online source. We can
see that in both the pie charts, the bottom three sources show a similar pattern.

TV usage in Canada is maximum at 40%, followed by Online sources at 36%. In contrast in

Australia, these two resources swap the position, Online sources being maximum at 52%
followed by TV at 37%.

One major difference between Canada and Australia is that over twice as many people read
the news in print in the former, compared with the latter. The figures are 14% and 7%
respectively. Similarly, listening to the news on the radio is preferred by three times more
people in Canada than in Australia.

Diagram lingkaran menggambarkan cara utama mengakses berita di Kanada dan Australia.

Di Kanada, sumber yang paling menonjol adalah TV, di Australia, dari sumber online. Kita
dapat melihat bahwa di kedua diagram lingkaran, tiga sumber terbawah menunjukkan pola
yang serupa.

Penggunaan TV di Kanada maksimal 40%, diikuti oleh sumber Online sebesar 36%.
Sebaliknya di Australia, kedua sumber ini bertukar posisi, Sumber online maksimal 52%
diikuti TV 37%.

Satu perbedaan utama antara Kanada dan Australia adalah bahwa lebih dari dua kali lebih
banyak orang membaca berita di media cetak di Kanada, dibandingkan dengan yang terakhir.
Angka tersebut masing-masing 14% dan 7%. Demikian pula, mendengarkan berita di radio
lebih disukai oleh tiga kali lebih banyak orang di Kanada daripada di Australia.
The pie charts compare the four different ways from which Canada and Australia access news.
These sources include Television, Radio, Print, and Online.

Overall, news from TV and online acquired the highest position, while Radio at the least among
the given sources.

To begin with, Canadian people accessing news from television is 40% which is almost equal to
the percentage in Australia with just 3% less. Just above half of the Australians are accessing the
news through online mode, while 36% of Canadian people are getting it from the internet.

Moreover, print media and radio were among the least popular modes of getting news across
Canada and Australia. The percentage of people accessing news from print in Canada stood at
14%, which is exactly double the figure of Australians. Canada has 7% of news access through
radio, while only 2% in Australia. Additionally, the source is not specified among 2 to 3% of
people in both countries.

Diagram lingkaran membandingkan empat cara berbeda yang digunakan Kanada dan
Australia untuk mengakses berita. Sumber-sumber ini termasuk Televisi, Radio, Cetak, dan

Secara keseluruhan, berita dari TV dan online menduduki posisi tertinggi, sementara Radio
paling tidak di antara sumber-sumber yang diberikan.
Pertama-tama, orang Kanada yang mengakses berita dari televisi adalah 40% yang hampir
sama dengan persentase di Australia yang hanya 3% lebih sedikit. Lebih dari setengah orang
Australia mengakses berita melalui mode online, sementara 36% orang Kanada
mendapatkannya dari internet.

Selain itu, media cetak dan radio termasuk di antara mode yang paling tidak populer untuk
mendapatkan berita di Kanada dan Australia. Persentase orang yang mengakses berita dari
media cetak di Kanada mencapai 14%, yang persis dua kali lipat angka orang Australia.
Kanada memiliki 7% akses berita melalui radio, sementara hanya 2% di Australia. Selain itu,
sumbernya tidak ditentukan di antara 2 hingga 3% orang di kedua negara.

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