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MAY 2011

and YOu

STuck in
Kim Hughes

Nikki Fashion Designer

of Nika Formals

From the publisher Mimi Zelman

Dear Readers,
I always get excited this time of every month,
because every time I see a new issue of Women
With Know How completed, it gives as much
pleasure as the first one we published!
It really is a feeling I can’t describe. I feel like the
magazine is like having a new baby every month!

I am especially excited this month to have Niki

Kapoor as our cover story. She really is an
amazing woman and the more I get to know her,
the more inspired I get! Speaking of having a
baby every month, this month is Mother’s Day

and I wish all mothers the best mother’s day!

Those of us that are daughters, make sure to

make your mom feel loved. Nothing gives more
Those of us that pleasure than when I hear the words I love you
from my daughters!
are daughters, make

sure to make your In closing I feel this poem says it best:

mom feel loved.

More Than A Mother

When God set the world in place, to make a house into a home. giving you the strength you need,
when He hung the stars up in space, A mother is there to teach and guide, encouraging you to succeed.
when He made the land and the sea, a mother will stay right by your side. A mother is one who can be strong
then He made you and me. She’ll be there through your pain and strife; when you need someone to lean on.
He sat back and saw all that was good; she’ll stay constant in your life. You’re more than a mother to me;
He saw things to be as they should. A mother will lend a helping hand a reflection of Him in your face I see,
Just one more blessing He had in store; until you have the strength to stand. a love that knows no boundaries.
He created a mother, but whatever for? She’ll pick you up when you are down; I’m glad that you chose to be
He knew a mother would have a special place when you need a friend she’ll stick around. all this and more to me.
to shine His reflection on her child’s face. A mother is one who listens well, You share a love that knows no end,
A mother will walk the extra mile will keep her word; will never tell. you’re more than my mother,
just to see her children smile. A mother never pokes or pries and you are my friend.
She’ll work her fingers to the bone but stands quietly by your side,



16 26 34 36
Cover Story Professional Business Food
Nikki Kapoor Spotlight How to Succeed as New Twists on Fresh
Dickie Choate a Small Business Owner Summer Favorites

6 Young Entrepreneur 22

Karen L. Dortschy Kim Hughes

Your Career
10 Finance 28

Robyn Crigger April Oliver

Vickie L. Bunzey


Serving Charlotte
Visit Our and Charleston

Online Store
Mimi L. Zelman

You know your stuff, design and page production

now show the world! SPARK Publications


Whether you’re heading to your company’s Wendy Whitehurst

board meeting or your daughter’s soccer Contributing Writers

Mary Elizabeth Murphy
practice, you’ll be stylin’ when you show the
Marcie Williams- Browning
world that you are a Woman With Know-how. Robyn Crigger

Kim Hughes
We’ve handpicked a select group of items of
all in rich black, to showase the gorgeous
fuchsia pink and silver metallic embroidered Charleston
Contact Mimi Zelman
message that tells everyone you are truly
a woman to be reckoned with.

For more advertising information call

Mimi at 704-491-1207 or email her at:
Copyright ©2010
Cover photography: Dustin Shores
Marketing Karen L. Dortschy, Partner, Sandbox Solutions

“Consistency is Key to
Building Brand Awareness”

ere’s a pop quiz! What a “brand”? In simplistic terms a brand
shape is the Starbucks is a proposition – a message such
“siren” (woman as “we deliver quality sportswear”.
mythological creature) enclosed There may also be sub-messages
in and what is its color? What and values which associate with that
direction does the Nike swoosh message, but they all revolve around
move – left to right, or right to the same idea. How this message
left? What color is Target’s target? is communicated is often termed
(Answers below). “branding”, and one of the most
important aspects of communicating
Chances are you answered all three a brand visually and subconsciously is
correctly. Why? Because Starbucks, consistency.
Nike and Target are the ultimate
role models for brand consistency The core message of all successful
– resulting in their companies brands never really changes. Let’s
and products being easily consider Apple computers. Since
recognizable and identifiable. their brand’s conception, their brand
You probably hear the words proposition was to supply state-of-
Karen L. Dortsch
Sandbox So lut ion s “brand” and “branding” the-art, high-quality, great looking
.com often these days, as they and high-performing computers. This
704.201.3354 are buzz words thrown message has never changed, although
around by almost everyone. the way they have communicated
So what really is the definition of this over the years has, as they have
Marketing alone does product or service, she needs to be
not build a brand. exposed to a brand 17 times. Seventeen
times! It’s essential that when a
Many communications potential customer comes across your
contribute to a brand “brand message”, she knows right away
which brand is communicating to them.
and a brand image. This can only be done by consistency.
Otherwise, she can mistake your brand
kept up with modern design standards. with a competing brand, which means
This has led to consumer recognition, your business potentially loses that
and then trust and loyalty from their customer and may even help your
customers. competitor gain her!

Think about other successful brands However, Marketing alone does not
such as Nike, Intel, Disney and build a brand. Many communications
McDonalds. Whatever you look at, contribute to a brand and a brand
whether it’s a hangtag on a shirt, an image-- including the product or service
Internet ad, a store sign or product
packaging, you’ll see that each piece
is consistent in look, font, attitude and
message. From logo usage to package
design to website to store signage,
they’re consistent.

Consistency -- whatever the medium,

whatever the message, is the hallmark
of building a strong brand. But why
bother with brand consistency? Call me today to see how much
you could save with Allstate’s
Brand consistency has one massive home & auto discounts.
advantage – recognition. With (980) 875-9385
recognition comes familiarity. With
familiarity comes trust and confidence. Kim Fewell
1230 Charlottetowne Ave.
Also, if done correctly, consistency
brings clarity and purpose which
customers buy into. They become loyal.

As people we don’t really like “new’

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before a consumer purchases a Allstate Insurance Company

itself, people-to-people interactions consistency, what can you do?
and all forms of communications, Start with the basics – email addresses
including bills that are sent to (all initial caps, or all lower case or
customers, checks that are sent to upper/lower), email signatures, fonts
suppliers, etc. for emails and other communications.
Don’t use Arial for one medium,
Verdana for another and Comic Sans
Be diligent in ensuring everyone for yet another.
maintains consistency – every day,
The type and quality of paper used for
every communication. everyone’s business cards, stationery
and brochures. Your invoices and
statements. Your vehicle magnet signs
Even the way the copy on a company and your tradeshow booth signs. Your
email is written should be considered voicemail message and how everyone
in the light of the brand messaging. should answer the phone.
Standards include deciding if everyone
should write “e-mail” or “Email” or Create brand standards for all of these,
“E-mail” or something else. Everything that everyone in your organization
should be consistent. If they’re not, needs to follow. Designate yourself or
it causes customers to lose trust in another leader in your organization that
the brand. is detail-focused, as the guardian of the
brand. Be diligent in ensuring everyone
Brand consistency often takes many maintains consistency – every day,
years to master before it really starts every communication. Then, you’ll be
working for you. This means you on your way to becoming the next Nike,
need to think long term – and hit the Starbucks or Apple!
ground running with brand consistency.
Leading brands got there because they For more tips and recommendations
have had many years of consistency for branding or rebranding your
behind them and they have had long- business, contact Sandbox Solutions
term, clear goals for consistency in for a free copy of the newest
their brand, with the right people in Sandbox Solutions Sand Paper (our
place to “guard” the brand. version of the White Paper), entitled
“Company Rebranding - Operational
So if you are just starting a business, Implementation”, or for more
or haven’t had years to build brand information.

Answers to Pop Quiz: 1. Circle, green 2. Left to right 3. Red

Your Career Robyn Crigger, CEO Compass Career Management

As Economy Drags On, What

Are The Umemployed To Do?

ho hasn’t heard all the employers (especially small businesses)
grumbling about the poor as far as needing to keep costs down
economy, expenses of all in order to keep the business healthy.
kinds skyrocketing, and that many However, there are many unemployed
are still unemployed for more than people, who are really trying to get
a year? There are still many who are hired. There are some challenges that
mature job search candidates who complicate matters. For instance there
are being refused any employment, are some unemployed people, who are
using the excuse of being “over receiving unemployment checks, but can
qualified”, when clearly it is their only find work that pays enough to lose
age that is the reason. Of course, their unemployment benefits but doesn’t
many employers know that the pay enough to cover their living expenses.
mature, experienced employee
would expect a higher salary Obviously, our government’s pockets
than a young, inexperienced are empty, and printing more money
person. +Since most isn’t the answer. So what can any of us
INF O employers are still trying do? Some options could be:
MORE c. – Compassns
ners In
OI Part anagement
Solutio to keep their costs down,
r M o m
Caree care e r .c they are selecting the The necessity to get more than one job.
mpass 04) 849-2500
sca re less experienced job A possibility if child care isn’t an issue.
Moving in with relatives or friends and
As a business owner, I can sharing/splitting expenses.
understand the dilemma for most With gas so expensive, use public
transportation or carpool when at
all possible.
I will be the first to tell you that you
MUST be organized and learn all that
Review your spending habits and cut is involved in being self-employed.
out luxuries (Example: one TV story
showed a family struggling, and yet the
mother was still buying “bottled water”
and chips, etc.) we feel about our economy and relay
what we expect of them. As “our”
The cutting of coupons for the grocery representatives they need to know your
store has been proven to save a LOT perspectives and needs. As for what to
of money! do as an unemployed person, don’t sit
behind a computer, but instead get out
There is one option that some and talk to as many people as you can.
unemployed people have chosen to Relay how you can help an employer!
become “Self-Employed”. It is NOT Keep an open mind.
easy!!! But if you carefully choose
a line of business in which you are
experienced and could effectively
promote to potential clients, this
COULD be something to seriously

However, I will be the first to tell you

that you MUST be organized and
learn all that is involved in being self-
employed. It is very hard work, and
you would either need to be able to
prove to a bank that you could be
successful in order to get a loan to
start the business. OR you would need
to have ample funds set aside to start
your business AND enough money to
live off of for six months to a year AT
LEAST! Many new businesses don’t
earn enough money to pay themselves
for 1-3 years.

In the meantime we all need to let our

legislative representatives know how
wellness Vickie L. Bunzey, Certified Holistic Health Coach

Stress, Hormones and You

“I am so stressed out.” a chain reaction happens. The stress
How many times do you say, think hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are
or feel that if you have to deal with released. Cortisol is a hormone critical
one more thing you are going to in managing fat storage and energy
explode. Unfortunately, too many of in your body. Cortisol is known to
us experience this feeling every day. increase appetite and may encourage
Stress is so common place that we cravings for sugary or fatty foods.
may not even notice how much stress
we feel. It may be a relationship that So now with all that cortisol running
has a little bump or maybe a big bump around our body we naturally reach for
in it, a job we don’t like or even if we our comfort foods. Most comfort foods
do like it are overloaded with work, too come in the form of high carbohydrate
many things to do and too little time foods, the bad carbs….sweets, muffins,
for all the things you need to take care pastries, doughnuts, cookies, pizza,
of, too little sleep because you are too mashed potatoes, breads, french fries,
busy. What can you add to the list? chips. These foods cause a surge of
insulin in our blood stream. When
Our body obviously deals our body can’t absorb or process the
with stress, but at what excess of insulin, we store it as fat.
MORE IN FO expense? Now we have two problems….stress
Vickie L. Bunzey
Certified Holistic Health
Coach We can become tense. and weight gain.
Our blood pressure
vickie@yourbalancedhealt can rise. Our breathing We are not done yet.
increases. Our body We now have adrenaline, cortisol and
naturally goes into a insulin out of balance. When we reach
“fight-or-flight” stress for fattening comfort foods during
response. When this happens stressful times in a sub-conscious
self-medicating state our body releases few. It is scary what stress can do to
serotonin. Serotonin makes us feel our body. But you can turn the tables
good or better. It is no surprise that on stress and you can put steps in
when we are under stress we may not place to cope with your stress.
make the smartest food choices. When
we eat sugary or fatty foods, we tend Next time you feel stressed and
to eat more and crave more. Because find yourself heading for the
we have an increase of cortisol, we also refrigerator or snack machine,
become less sensitive to the hormone stop and acknowledge the stress.
leptin. Leptin tells our brain that we are Sit down and breathe. Think…are you
full and to stop eating. We have created really hungry? Or are you dealing with
a roller coaster that is hard to get off. a situation or emotion? If you do this
repeatedly, you can create a new habit
Research is showing that this hormone for dealing with stress. Start now to
imbalance can lead to weight gain, retrain yourself in how you handle
trouble losing weight, insulin resistance, your stress.
high cholesterol levels, high blood
pressure, thyroid problems, metabolic • Eat regular meals so that you
burnout and inflammation to name a don’t get hungry and feel a drop

in your blood sugar. This will keep for a while. Find something more
you from unmindful eating. pleasant to do to distract yourself.

• Eat healthy snacks and smaller • Think positive. Come up with a

portions. Remember that food is plan to resolve the situation that is
fuel for your body. When you eat causing the stress.
healthy you equip your body to
handle stress better. • Relax. Whatever works for you….
do it. Breathe. Meditate. Visualize.
 anage your stress with Listen to music. Take a hot bath.
alternatives to food. Regular exercise
can help prevent stress, manage •Do something fun. Get yourself out
emotions and help you maintain a and enjoy your life.
healthy weight. Try new things like yoga,
Tai chi or something you’ve wanted to You can retrain yourself. Health is
try. Don’t limit yourself. about balance. Strive to balance your
nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotion
•Give yourself a break. Whatever is and spirituality. You will love how your
causing your stress, just step away body responds.

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Fashion Designer
of Nika Formals

hat do you get when you combine beauty,
brains, business savvy and a big heart?

Simply two words: Niki Kapoor I had the privilege of

meeting Niki last fall and it became readily apparent
She is indeed a Woman With Know-How. Niki is generous
and gracious with her time and talent and she possesses an
internal beauty that truly defines her.

She radiates compassion, style, fortitude and a wiliness to

dream, BIG.

What follows is my conversation with Niki that tells her


Tell us about Nika: the beginning, I worked not only as a
Nika is a design house for prom, designer, but have also been involved
pageant, wedding and social occasion in running the business side of things.
dresses. I design product that is cutting Most designers don’t get that chance.
edge and fashion forward. At Nika, I feel very fortunate that life gave me
we believe in pride of ownership. Our opportunities that allowed me to grow in
dresses are made with high quality both these areas.
fabric and hand-crafted bead work.
The inspiration for Nika comes from What is unusual or unique about
appreciating the grace, elegance and your business, in comparison to your
essence of women. Our motivation is competitors or similar businesses?
not to follow trends but to set them. We offer a product that cross sells very
well. It is very diverse and versatile in
use. I can sell one dress for at least 3
“Nika is a very innovative brand and occasions and for age groups ranging
known for it. Honesty, respect and from 15 to 50. My style 4015 can sell
for Prom, Pageant, Contemporary and
sincerity are the cornerstones of our Wedding and (in colors) for a young
customer service. mother of bride. This concept makes
it more profitable for my stores to
What are some interesting carry my brand. Their ROI is higher for
statistics about Nika? my product.
Nika is now an international brand. We
are in 14 countries. Our growth rate this Additionally, we have a very unique
year, fingers crossed, is already 40%. look. It is truly different from my
competitors. As a result we stand out.
How did you get started While everyone is going in one direction
in the fashion industry? with their designs, I go the other. I do
I have been in the fashion industry my own thing. So the look is always
working as a designer and managing fresh. Nika is a very innovative brand
operations since I was 18 years old. I and known for it. Honesty, respect
officially got started in this particular and sincerity are the cornerstones of
industry (Social Occasion/ Evening) our customer service. Nika is not just
with Mauri Simone right after college. about turning a profit. Profit comes
Mauri Simone was a Start-up. It was a with success. It is about the whole
great learning experience in terms of experience the customers have with
defining my look as a designer as well Nika and the effect we have on the
as gaining business prowess. Since industry.

Is there a customer experience a non-profit my brother started. Kukri
you are most proud of? helps impoverished children in rural India
I am proud of all of our customer with school uniforms and books etc.
experiences. We work very hard to take
care of our customers’ every day. Their goal is to help these children get
Once we had a store that forgot to place an education and break the cycle of
a special order for a dress. When they poverty. I am also a mentor for teens.
realized it they called us to order I feel a positive self-image is crucial for
it just a few days before the wear date. teenagers. They are fighting so much
We did not have the dress in stock outside influences and pressures. Helping
at that time. Instead of leaving our them get self-empowered so they can
customer hanging, we called the other be true to themselves is very important.
stores we had shipped the same dress People don’t realize it but by becoming a
to and bought it back. We do this sort mentor you can make such a difference in
of thing all the time. However, I am a child’s life. I love working with children
most proud of the fact that our stores
love our line and feel proud to carry it.
This is most fulfilling to me. Every time I
talk to them, they share how much they
love my dresses. Most of my customers
showcase my dresses in their window
display. Sometimes they buy a dress just
for the display to draw traffic. It is the
best compliment a designer can get.

Please share your involvement and

commitment with nonprofit work?
I am very involved in non-profit work. It
is part of the reason I do what I do. I am
starting an orphanage in India for at-risk
Children. Our goal is to help as many
children as we can. But our focus will be
children who are at risk of being sold for
child-prostitution or servitude.
Animal Rescue is another cause very
dear to me. I am very actively involved
in helping shelter animals find rescues. I
am also involved with Kukri Foundation,

and I feel it is my calling to help them my journey. I hope they will help you in
create healthy and purposeful lives. I am yours:
a huge fan of self-empowerment and I •B e true to who you are and do what
encourage it early on. you love. Even if you make a few
mistakes it is not the end of the
Who are some of your world. It is like anything new you
most notable clients? learn. You are terrible at it initially.
Nika has a growing celebrity following. But you get better as you practice.
We have dressed Brooke Burke, Carrie Trust yourself and be wiling to take
Ann Inaba, and Karina Smirnoff from some risks.
DWTS. We also work with Vanna White
for Wheel of Fortune. She and her team •H
 ave a “can do” attitude. In the end
are lovely to work with, by the way. We it is all in your attitude and where
also dress Mya and Nikkole (both are you put your attention. I have always
Grammy nominated recording artists) believed I can do anything I want. My
for red carpet events and concerts. Just parents instilled a “can do” mind-
to name a few. set in me. I don’t think of obstacles.
I think of the best ways to get from
What would you most like our point A to B.
readers to know about your
MOREormals journey in business? • F ollow your intuition. My best advisor
Nika F I love being a designer. But I is my intuition. In business I feel it is a
w .n ik aforma549
w w 83-6
(800) 7 also love the business aspect crucial tool to have along with reason
fo @ n ikafo
of my work. It has helped me and logic. I have noticed that as I
grow so much. These are the trust my intuition more I have learnt
things that have helped me in to trust myself more as well.

 urround yourself with people wiser
than you and turn to them for advice
whenever you feel stuck. But in the
end do what feels right to you.

Watch for great things to come Niki’s

way! To see her fashions visit her
website at
To contact Niki email her at info@ or 1-800–783-6549.

Young Entrepreneur Kim Hughes

Stuck in a Rut
t happens to the best of us. Typically when my rut occurs, I tend to
We are chugging’ along; doing lean on and garner inspiration from my
what we are ‘supposed’ to do, positive ‘army’ – My band of allies and
dreaming our dreams, working on mentors that always find a way to lift
living the life that we have worked my spirits and help to realize my value,
on booties off for, and then it which I become temporarily blind to.
happens. We’re blind-sided. We just In my last experience, even my ‘army’
ran smack dab into a rut. wasn’t enough. For 2 weeks, I wallowed
in my rut without a soul knowing. Ok,
Now, I can be real and tell you that I I am not that ignorant; I am sure a lot
have hit more ruts in my personal and of people knew but to crawl out of my
professional life than I care to admit. tunnel of self-pity, I needed to conquer
Truthfully, once a month I hit a rough this one entirely on my own.
patch of some sort. Sometimes it’s a
struggle to pay bills, sometimes it’s a I typically find solace in quotes and
situation where I haphazardly carry other inspirational stories and what broke me
people’s emotions, which brings me down free of the chains of my own mind was a
to the 7th layer of hell, and sometimes, I renowned philosopher who created the
just don’t have an explanation. most basic, yet powerful quote I believe
has ever been muttered… Mahatma
What I define a rut as is being unstable; Gandhi.
A place where we are restless and
perturbed with our work (or personal) “Be the change you want to see in the
lives and our groove and rhythm come world.”
to a screeching halt. Trying to dig
ourselves out is sometimes like trying to What is so great about this quote is that it
dig an underground canal to China. can be taken a myriad of different ways; it
can challenge you to create a movement signature. I took simple baby steps
that will open the world to a higher which completely refurbished my
standard and state of living, it may awaken mental state.
the masses from a mechanically induced
coma or, in my case, it can propel you Consider me broken free of my rut and
to make miniscule ‘tweaks’ to your daily trucking down Positive Highway 12 at
regimen that can get you back on track full force again.
and in the game.

I took the word ‘CHANGE’ and I started

to brainstorm and mind-map. Defining
what change meant to me and how
I felt mulling over the word ‘change’.
A slew of powerful and stimulating
words jumped out at me but none as
compelling as ‘update’.

UPDATE – What a basic, run-of-the-

mill word but it spoke to me! I was at
a point in my professional life where I
just needed to update my practices. I
have been in the game for 6 years and
I’m not dumb but what worked for me in
the past clearly wasn’t going to catapult
me to my future. All I needed to do
was to update to a new standard in my

I began creating survey’s for my current

and past clients to gain insight on their
experiences with me and my company,
I signed up for Jeffrey Gitomer’s Ace of
Sales program, I began disassociating
from organizations and obligations
that were not conducive to my time or
energy, and I conjured up a new way
to reach out to my potential clients.
I even did something as modest as
restructuring my Smartphone’s email
“Are you in a rut? change occurring before your eyes BUT
the momentum behind that change isn’t
Are you satisfied so little. You were taking the steps all
with where your life along but it was that tiny puzzle piece that
is heading? Are you made each step fuse together to create
something magical.
systems at go?
Think of it this way… The computer or
It doesn’t take something big to make device that you are reading this article on;
a forceful impact in our lives. Time and when you bought it, it was fully functioning,
time again, I have found the littlest action right? You were able to execute all the
or thought often makes the biggest tasks you needed to and it performed like a
difference. Ever hear the phrases ‘it hit champ. Over time, things probably stopped
me like a ton of bricks’ or ‘one day it running as smoothly as it did when it was
just happened’? Well, that is your little brand new and periodically, your computer

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So I ask you; are you in a rut? Are you but it doesn’t have to be like that. If you
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Are you systems at go? make bite-sized life updates, even the
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Professional Spotlight Mimi Zelman

Dickie Choate
of Upscale Urban Design
How did you get started in this
business?  After Design School, I
pursued commercial work and was
employed with an office furniture
dealership. They were bought out and a
changing commission structure helped
me decided to do something on my own. 

And How Long Have you been

Business? 17 yrs on my own and 21
in the industry.

What is your background-

what were you doing before
this business?  I was working as
an Executive Assistant for a high end
Home Builder. Then a Retail Store
Designer and next a Commercial Real
Estate Developer. Each experience
repeatedly involved me in scenarios
pertaining to design. It was a natural
progression to pursue a degree in the
field of Interior Design.
Who is your typical client? 
Thankfully, there is no typical client...
that’s the great thing about the
business, its diversity. I meet the most
interesting people who sometimes Take advantage of all the great
have really unique needs. For instance,
presently I am partnering with another
programs we have in Charlotte for
Designer in furnishing an airplane Entrepreneurs. CPCC offers free
hanger. Never done that before, so business counseling as does the
it’s a special experience. As of late,
it has been a younger more urban
Small Business Technology Center.
client. Charlotte has changed so much
over the past 20 years and clients What advice do you have
are demanding a more sophisticated, for women in regards to
broader spectrum of art and decorating? Before starting a
furnishings. project, spend plenty of time in shelter
magazines discerning what you love
What is unusual or unique and identifying your style. Tear pictures
about your business, in from magazines; take pictures of homes
comparison to your or offices you admire. It makes it much
competitors or similar easier for your Design Professional to
businesses? 6 yrs. ago, quite by quickly plan your project if you are clear
accident, I began making custom on looks you love.
furniture. I had a specific need and the
standard manufacturer wouldn’t modify. What kind of encouragement
I found this wonderful woodworking would you give to a women
shop near Lenoir. About the same just starting out her business?
time, I found a custom upholstery Take advantage of all the great programs
shop near Hickory. Both artisans have we have in Charlotte for Entrepreneurs.
been in the industry over 25 yrs. and CPCC offers free business counseling
can build most anything faster, more as does the Small Business Technology
beautifully and more affordably than Center. If you are concentrating on
major manufacturers. It has given me Commercial Design, subscribe to the
complete freedom to design the look Business Journal to become familiar
and specific dimensions I need for with what is going on in the
each project, simultaneously giving business community. If
the client superior quality and Residential Design is your INFO
MOREan Design, the
affordability. Because a lot of stores focus, join one of the local Urb Doors.”
Upscale ithout
tore W
are out of business now and because design societies to stay “ S
a le U rb anDesig
sc 79
www.Up (704) 564-74 72
we can provide all products from floor abreast of products and . B o x 672
P.O 28226
tte, NC
to ceiling, our slogan is, the “Store services available to that C h a rl o

Without Doors”. discipline.

Finance April Oliver, Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

Spring Means Time for

Financial House Cleaning

t’s spring at last. The birds Your credit standing. Did you know
are singing and the smell that you are entitled to one free credit
of barbeque fills the air. As report annually from each of the three
you perform such springtime major credit bureaus? Spring is a good
rituals as garage and basement time to request yours from Equifax
cleaning, why not take some (, Experian (
time to spruce up your finances? and TransUnion ( You
Review these important items can also get copies at no cost from
now so you can relax and enjoy By reviewing
the budding season knowing that the reports carefully you can find
your financial house is in order. anything from old accounts that should
be closed to outright identity theft.
Your budget. There’s a good chance
that your cash flow needs will vary Your financial records. Spring is
during the summer months. an excellent time to sort through old
Not only does summer travel statements, pay stubs, bills and other
come into play, but you may records that you no longer need. Be
Ameriprise Financia
l Serices, Inc also need additional funds sure to keep up to six years of records
April M. Oliver
for child care while the to support your tax deductions, since
com kids are away from school. that’s how long the IRS has to audit you.
www.ameriprisead ver
704.540.7171 This review may also reveal
opportunities to trim expenses Your protection needs. While de-
and increase savings goals. cluttering and filing paperwork, take

Spring is an excellent annual review to help make sure you
time to sort through are on track to reach your financial
old statements, pay goals. The process can help keep
tabs on your net worth, cash flow and
stubs, bills and other portfolio value. It’s also a good way to
records that you no determine if your portfolio has strayed
longer need. from your intended asset allocation
and rebalance if necessary.

time to review life, homeowner, auto Most importantly, don’t let your
and disability policies to make sure financial house cleaning overwhelm
you are still satisfied with your level of you. Tackle items one at a time and
coverage. If you’ve experienced any consult your financial advisor for help
life changing events like divorce or along the way.
the birth of a child, your needs have
changed and it’s time for an insurance
and beneficiary review.

Your estate plan. Estate planning

is not just for the wealthy. While tax
reduction and gifting strategies come
into play for those with considerable
assets, everyone needs the most basic
estate plan. If you haven’t already
done so, make sure you have an up-
to-date will, health care directive and
basic powers-of-attorney.

Your benefits. Even though fall is

traditionally open enrollment time, spring
is a good time to make sure the benefits
you’ve elected are being maximized. If
you are covered by a health savings plan,
make sure you are using the investment
component to your advantage.

Your investment and savings

plans. There’s no better time for an

Family Features

Growing Your
Small Business
or anyone with a small business or who
works for themselves, getting the word “With so many affordable
out to new customers is critical. But if you
don’t have marketing experience, how do you options available, nearly
know what needs to be done and where to begin? every business should have
To help small business owners get the word an online presence.”
out and reach more potential customers, Bill
Klock, GSM Sales Training and Recruiting for
Yellowbook, has some sage advice.
particularly now when consumers are looking in
Use More Than One Method many different places for direction on where to go
“Word of mouth is traditionally an effective source for local goods and services.”
of new customer leads,” said Klock. “But while
referral sources are effective, they are not trying The most successful marketing plans consist
to sell a product – they are simply sharing useful of a diversified portfolio that includes a mix
information among their peers. It’s important to of print, direct mail, online and search engine
actively market your business in a variety of ways, optimization/marketing (SEO/SEM) components.
“Smaller businesses
can probably aim to revisit
their plans in the six-month
range because they have
fewer moving parts.”

This multi-pronged approach helps businesses

get better overall market penetration.

Recent studies have found that nearly half of all

U.S. small businesses don’t have a website. “With
so many affordable options available, nearly every
business should have an online presence,” said
Klock. “Also, if you don’t know anything about
search engine optimization, make sure your
website creator or consultant does.” SEO/SEM
can help improve your search engine ranking so
your company’s website is more likely to be found
by your target audience.

According to Klock, by combining internet and

search optimization methods with direct mail and
print in a marketing program, local business are
more likely to reach existing customers and new
prospects across multiple touch points.

Keep Fine Tuning Your Marketing Plan

According to the U.S. Small Business
Administration, a successful marketing plan
should include market research, location,
the targeted customer group, competition,
positioning, the product or service being sold,
pricing, advertising and promotion. Refer to it
often and update it every three to six months.
Keep track of what has worked and what hasn’t.
Get customer feedback, as well.
“Smaller businesses can probably aim to revisit have a knowledgeable, experienced staff with a
their plans in the six-month range because they proven track record on the sidelines to provide
have fewer moving parts,” said Klock. “This valuable support whenever it’s needed.”
exercise can also help businesses uncover
seasonal trends and evaluate their performance One popular outsourcing option is
to help inform key management decisions.” Yellowbook’s 360-degree portfolio of
marketing tools, which offers a variety of
Get Professional Help options for small business owners. Yellowbook
“The success of your business is too important consultants can develop an affordable,
to not position it well,” said Klock. “Professional effective plan for a business so an owner
media consultants can often help a business can focus squarely on business execution.
focus its efforts in ways that a family member or a Business owners interested in a free no-obligation
part-time staffer cannot. Marketing experts have consultation can call 1-800-YB-YELLOW
the skills to map out a customized strategy, are (1-800-929-3556), or submit a request online
more up to date on the latest market trends and at

Smart Business
Isn’t Child’s Play
Improve your marketing presence

Develop an effective social media strategy

Reduce your printing expenses

Fill your buckets with new business

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Contact us at 704.201.3354

Family Features

How to
as a

ichelle Binks has always had an
entrepreneurial spirit. A move to a new
city provided her a chance to start
her own consulting business, building from the
experience she received from her employment in
large human resource departments.

“Starting my company was not a tough decision, it was

learning how to maintain and grow my company to
where I wanted it to be that I needed help with,” said
Binks, president and owner of HR Consulting Solutions.

Binks was not alone in needing help. The Small offer these tips to help small business owners make
Business Administration says 50 percent of all those changes to better their business:
small businesses fail within the first five years.
But, according to a Dun and Bradstreet study, 90 Target your Audience - It’s tempting to try a little bit
percent of successful businesses say they sought of every type of advertising that’s offered to you. But
out expert help. with limited budgets, entrepreneurs end up with a tiny
presence in each. Instead, select a few mediums that
Binks found that help through the Business really reach your target audience and that you can
Accelerator Program, a free program provided by afford to establish a presence in by using frequency
American Family Insurance that uses nationally and larger visuals.
recognized small business experts to help small
business owners succeed. Set Goals - What is your higher purpose for being a
small business owner? What matters most to you?
“What’s great about the Business Accelerator Program Write down your answers and keep them close at
is the specificity it provides for individual companies,” hand. Share them with your business partners, allies
said Binks. “When starting my business, I didn’t realize and friends. Remind yourself of them when you pick up
the huge importance of sales and marketing, but the phone, when you face rejection, when you squeeze
the Business Accelerator experts worked with me in another sales call on the way to pick up the kids.
personally and covered these areas in a way that I
could apply to my business and make a difference to Sell Hope First - Many sales professionals make
my bottom line.” the mistake of getting caught up in trying to sell
the features and dimensions of their product first
She is just one small business owner who – rather than engaging with the customer around
has seen the positive growth in their business their hopes and dreams, about what they hope to
because of the program. accomplish. It’s important to understand the bigger
picture in positioning yourself with a client and in
“Entrepreneurs face new challenges every day,” the marketplace.
said Bob Wright, Wright Business Institute founder
and Business Accelerator career coach. “Overdue To find out more about the Business Accelerator
payments, materials that don’t arrive on time, program, visit
employees who don’t show up for work, and
more. It’s easy to feel daunted and become
paralyzed. Often, just taking one small step
in the right direction will get things moving
to really take off. The Business Accelerator
program is a great step that will provide
business owners the tools to make those
little changes that can immediately make a
difference in their business.”

The Business Accelerator program experts

Family Features

Fusion New Twists on Fresh
Summer Favorites

reshen up summer
entertaining with some new
flavor combinations that put a
twist on traditional favorites and add the
perfect touch when hosting an evening
of dessert and drinks with friends.

In these dessert recipes, familiar

peaches, berries, honeydew and
pineapple get an unexpected little
kick with a dash of hot sauce for
a delightfully sweet and spicy
flavor fusion.

If you’re looking for the ideal drink

pairing for these delicious desserts,
fruit and chocolate are always
a winning combination. Godiva
Chocolate Infused Vodka, a perfect
combination of rich chocolate and
smooth vodka, is the essential
Spicy Island Grilled Pineapple ingredient to create delightful
Makes 4 servings cocktails to serve at any special
1 large ripe pineapple occasion. New York-based
1 tablespoon fresh-squeezed lime juice mixologist Elayne Duke has
1 teaspoon original Tabasco brand pepper sauce created four drinks that are sure to
1/2 cup granulated sugar become entertaining favorites.
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat grill to high. “Godiva’s new Chocolate Infused
Vodkas add rich chocolate notes to
• REMOVE skin from pineapple; core and cut into any cocktail and mix well with a wide
1/2-inch-thick slices. variety of flavors,” said Duke. “They’re
• COMBINE lime juice and Tabasco sauce in small also smooth and delicious on their
bowl. Combine sugar and cinnamon in shallow bowl. own, and can even be enjoyed over
Brush both sides of pineapple with Tabasco mixture; ice for an easy aperitif that’s simply
dip into cinnamon-sugar mixture to coat well. chocolate perfection in a glass.”
• GRILL pineapple slices 8 to 10 minutes, turning once
until golden on both sides.
Serving suggestions: Serve as a dessert with vanilla ice
cream or whipped cream.
Godiva Chocolate Pomegranate Twist
Yield: 1 drink; drink contains 1.5 fluid ounces of alcohol
1 1/2 ounces Godiva Chocolate or Chocolate Raspberry
Infused Vodka
3/4 ounces pomegranate juice
• COMBINE Chocolate or Chocolate Raspberry Infused
vodka and pomegranate juice in a cocktail shaker filled
with ice.
• SHAKE WELL and strain into a martini glass.

Godiva Midnight Martini

Yield: 1 drink; drink contains 1.5 fluid ounces of alcohol
1 1/2 ounces Godiva Chocolate Infused Vodka
Strawberry wedge for garnish
• POUR Chocolate Infused Vodka into a cocktail shaker
filled with ice.
•S  HAKE WELL and strain into a martini glass. Garnish
with a strawberry wedge.

Glassware Tips for Your Party

• To help guests keep track of their drinks, buy or make some fun wine glass charms for
stemmed glasses.
• To add a touch of style to your party, serve your drinks in an array of eclectic glassware.
Serving glasses in a variety of shapes and sizes will provide the unique touch you might
be missing.
• Don’t stop there: try serving your desserts in some fun cocktail glasses as well. Serve the
Piquant Peach Melba in a margarita glass, or the Honeydew Granita in a martini glass.
• To encourage your guests to drink responsibly, prominently display a pitcher of water with
an assortment of colored tumblers to ensure a glass of refreshing water is never out of reach.
Always have plenty of delicious snacks.

For more fresh flavor ideas, visit

Honeydew Granita
Makes 5 cups • COMBINE sugar and water in a small saucepan
3/4 cup sugar over medium-low heat; cook until sugar is
3/4 cup water dissolved. Cool to room temperature.
4 cups honeydew melon chunks • PURÉE melon chunks until smooth in a food
1 tablespoon Tabasco brand green processor or blender. Stir in Tabasco sauce, lime
jalapeño pepper sauce juice, lime peel and sugar mixture. Pour mixture
1 tablespoon lime juice into a shallow pan. Freeze 4 to 5 hours, stirring
1 teaspoon grated lime peel occasionally, until mixture is frozen, granular and
slightly slushy.

Godiva Coco Razzle Tea

Yield: 1 drink; drink contains 1.5 fluid ounces of alcohol
1 1/2 ounces Godiva Chocolate Raspberry Infused Vodka
3 ounces iced tea
3 to 4 lemon wedges for garnish
• COMBINE Chocolate Raspberry Infused Vodka and iced tea
in a cocktail shaker with ice.
• SHAKE WELL and strain into a highball glass over ice.
Garnish with lemon wedges.

Godiva Chocolate à l’Orange

Yield: 1 drink; drink contains 2 fluid ounces of alcohol
3/4 ounces Godiva Chocolate Infused Vodka
3/4 ounces Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
1/4 ounces Grand Marnier
Orange twist for garnish
• COMBINE Chocolate Infused Vodka, Chocolate Liqueur,
and Grand Marnier in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
• SHAKE WELL and strain into a rocks glass over ice.
Garnish with an orange twist.

SPARK Publications Presents

on Heaven’s Couch
my journey with a masterful mentor
As a young teenager, Fabi Preslar was
introduced to Yvonne – a vibrant,
outspoken French woman who
would become her life-long mentor.
On Heaven’s Couch describes the
journey that they took together and
the emotional and Spiritual strength
Preslar attributes to her lessons learned.
She explains how Yvonne’s strong
dose of reality coupled with tough
love and heartfelt lessons helped her
to transition from a shy introvert to a
successful businesswoman, empowering
public speaker and mentor.

Filled with bold lessons and poignant

quotes, On Heaven’s Couch encourages
readers to love life, appreciate its little
heavens and, in Yvonne’s words, “Be
good to yourself.”

To purchase, go to:
Orders will begin shipping after February 17th.

After thirteen years of helping others self- has helped her connect not only with other
publish their stories, SPARK Publications female entrepreneurs, but with her clients, as
president Fabi Preslar has switched gears, well. “I knew writing a book was hard…but
picked up her pen, and written her first not this hard! However, with the help of my
book. Fabi decided to write On Heaven’s SPARK Team and the same resources that
Couch after a speaking engagement where my clients have used for thirteen years, I was
she discovered that other women related able to complete my book. Now I can tell
to and enjoyed hearing about her personal clients ‘I’ve been there. If I can write a book,
Fabi W. Preslar journey of mentorship. Sharing her story you can write a book.’”

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