4144 Module 2c Needs Assessment Group Assignment

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List other nonprofits that are providing or may provide the program or service
(or similar programs and services) you are considering?
● Corazon Roxas Foundation
○ A nonprofit organization dedicated to effectively assisting and supporting
organizations that provide education, medical assistance, housing and
care for families in need.
○ https://www.corazonroxas.org/
● Penny Appeal USA
○ A relief and development organization with a really BIG vision for the
world. They want to create the best societies they can and to break the
cycles of need and poverty for good.
○ https://pennyappealusa.org/
● A voice for A Child
○ Is a non profit organization aimed to recruit medical experts so they can
facilitate medical services and much needed pediatric treatment for
disadvantaged children living in Central Florida, Bolivia, Argentina,
Honduras, Haiti, and Nicaragua.
○ https://www.avoiceforachild.org/

2. Is there a need for the program or service you want to create?

● How would your new organization be different from these organizations (different
services, serving a different population, etc)?
○ Our organization would not provide resources for emergency response
and/or clean water. These organizations have a lot in common with the
programs we have in our nonprofit organization, however, I think the main
difference would be the demographics of the people we are working with.
We’d reach out to the communities that are usually ignored; African
American, Hispanic, and Asian communities.
● Is there a need that is currently not being met by these organizations that your
organization could meet? If so, what is that need?
○ Corazon Roxas Foundation doesn’t have a program that helps individuals
break out of the cycle of poverty. That is something that our organization
wants to focus on. We do want to help low-income families, however, we
also want them to be independent and successful citizens of this country.
● How could you work with the organizations you listed above?
○ The organizations we listed have very similar programs to the ones we
have in our organization. I think we would be able to work with the
outreach program of these organizations. We could host events at these
other organizations so that we reach different parts of the community. We
would also have flyers at these other nonprofit locations so that their
clients can be informed about neighboring friends that want to help!
3. Who is your audience? And, what is its demographic profile? Are they low
income? Single mothers? Kids with debilitating illnesses? Are they senior
citizens? Where do they live? How do they get around (public transport etc)?
How many people are there who need your service?
○ According to the American Children’s Campaign, nearly 55 percent of Florida’s
four million children are either living in or near poverty, or in households that are
one missed paycheck or lost a job away from not being able to meet basic
needs. While in the Orlando area, 15% of children under 18 years old live below
the poverty line. Our audience would be these children and their families.

4. What are this group's needs and desires? You may think they need one thing
but they may actually need and want something else. Ideally, you would
conduct a survey with the population you intend to serve to find out what they
are thinking, but you will not have time to do that for this class. In lieu of
surveying your target population, complete the following:
● Brainstorm as a group to discuss what you think your target audience needs.
○ Education: clothing, school supplies, homework assistance, after school
○ Health care: food program, medical care.
○ Training and employment for parents or guardians: resume building,
developing industry-specific skills, finding roles/jobs for parents of these
● Survey at least 10 of your friends to find out what they think this group would
○ Basically are the same things as we mentioned above. However, they
also suggested providing programs to help increase family’s income, such
as parent's skill training and job search counseling, helping families find
more affordable houses (more than 900,000 households in Florida are
“severely cost burdened,” paying more than 50% of their income for
housing costs.)
● For your answer, provide the statistics to your informal poll. Provide graphs or
charts to show your results.

Florida Poverty Rate By Age

Children Under 6 in Florida have a Poverty Rate of 24.5%.
Children 6 to 11 Years Old in Florida have a Poverty Rate of 22.6%.
Adolescents 12 to 17 Years Old in Florida have a Poverty Rate of 19.9%.

Orlando, Florida Poverty Rate By Age

Age Poverty Rate

Children Under 6

Children 6 to 11 Years Old

Adolescents 12 to 17 Years Old

5. What is your plan to meet these needs/desires?

○ By providing the programs to ensure that every child has access to quality
affordable education and health care. Meanwhile, assisting single-parent and
low-income families to increase their families' incomes in order to be successful
and independent.

6. What is the name of your organization? Go to Florida Nonprofit Corporation

(Links to an external site.) to find out if that name is already taken.
○ Dreamer Defender (has not been taken yet)

7. Go to Florida Articles of Incorporation (Links to an external site.) List 3 things

that must be included in your application to apply to become a 501 (c) 3
organization in the state of Florida.
○ Registered agent’ information
○ At least one person acting as the incorporator
○ List a specific purpose.

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