Edu210 Foundations of Education

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EDU210 Foundations of Education

Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligence Profile Assignment

Educating all students is an important goal of effective teachers. Using a variety of teaching
strategies and methods that will address all learning styles ensures all students will enhance their
understanding of new material. The better we know our student’s areas of strengths in learning
the more effective we can become in facilitating classroom learning opportunities. It is also
important for us to be aware of our own learning preferences. Understanding our preferred styles
of learning or intelligence allows us to utilize our strengths while challenging ourselves to
explore other styles of learning.

Take the following surveys and discover your preferred learning styles and intelligences.

Learning styles profile survey

Active: 7
Intuitive: 5
Visual: 1
Global: 1
Multiple Intelligence Survey
Spacial: 4.86
Musical: 4.71
Social: 4
Self: 3.71
Language: 3.57
Nature: 3.43
Body: 3.29
Math: 2

With this information write a reflection paper answering in following:

● What does this information mean to you as a future teacher?

● How will knowing this information about yourself affect your future students?
● Explain how you might address teaching students with various styles of learning and
provide two examples of classroom activities that you will use to enhance the learning of
all your students.

This reflection should be a minimum of one page/400-500 words in length.(Double-spaced,

Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.) Submit the assignment in the appropriate assignment space on
My top learning styles are active and intuitive. Great ways that I learn from active

learning are with games done with other classmates that include the learning material as well as

including a competitive nature. While this is not a preferred learning style for all students, I do

see it as beneficial to include it in the lesson. A great example of this is using a program called

Kahoot in class to review material or key terms, competing against your classmates. It’s also a

great way for you as a teacher to see how your class, overall, is grasping a concept. Discovering

that I am a more intuitive learner does not come as a surprise to me, especially considering I am

very much into the arts; including visual and performing arts. A lot of learning about the arts,

particularly music and visual, is based around theory. A good way to include this type of learning

is to connect information with other information. Constantly making connections is really

important for these types of learners. As I have experienced, it has been hard for me to

understand certain concepts until they have been connected to previous knowledge. A good way

to do this in a classroom would be to refer back to a previous lesson. For example, using a grid to

get proportions right while learning about drawing portraits. I think that knowing my own

personal strengths would definitely help me in my future classroom. Being an active and

intuitive learner, I know that these strategies work for me, so in turn I feel like I would be good

at implementing those into my future classroom.

My top two results from the multiple intelligence survey are spatial and musical.

Following what I mentioned previously about my intuitive learning, knowing that my main

intelligences are spatial and musical, it makes sense. I am pleased to know that spatial is my top

result, considering I am going into art education. A lot of art is about being able to visualize

things in your mind 3 dimensionally to make what you want. A way I would include this into my

curriculum in my art class, would be teaching compositions. This is when you take a unique idea
that you think of yourself and sketch it out on paper. Music intelligence also makes sense to me.

All throughout middle and high school, I participated in all sorts of choir activities. A cool way

that music is often used in classrooms, is for learning new information. For example in Spanish

class, we learn the countries and their capitals in a fun song. I’m not a hundred percent sure how

I could incorporate music into my art class. One thing I enjoyed from my high school art class

was that my teacher would play piano music in the background while we worked on our projects.

Other than that, there wasn’t any music included in teaching lessons.

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