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For the sake of his homeland, a decent citizen must be willing to give his life.

must adore his homeland and be a patriot. He must have a strong and abiding
confidence in his nation. He needs to follow the rules of the land. But he must
also consider the state's welfare, society's benefit, and the nation's long-term
A good citizen must cherish his country's cultural history. He should reverence his
country's heroes, prophets, sages, and saints. He must show respect for the race
of which he is a member. He must always have his state's future in mind. He must
labor sincerely in order to improve his country's standard of living.
He must be willing to spill his blood for the cause of his country throughout times
of invasion or foreign attacks. As a result, the greatest duty of a decent person is
to defend the country. A good citizen must coexist peacefully with his or her
neighbors and fellow citizens. He must honor his nation's foundations. A decent
citizen must always uphold the country's laws and have no tolerance for criminals
or anti-social groups.
He must be on the lookout for the country's enemies. He must not do anything
that will aid anti-nationalists or the country's enemies. He needs to hold to lofty
goals. He needs to be informed of what's going on in his own country.
The country's togetherness must be his primary concern. He should work for the
country's unification. A responsible citizen must have kindness for all, care for the
defenseless, relief for the unfortunate, and a caring attitude toward his fellow
Therefore, Cooperation, friendliness, humanity, dedication, and devotion to one's
family and society are all qualities that a good citizen should possess. Other faiths
must be respected by him. He must not do something that may bring shame to his
community or country. His guiding philosophy ought to be "the highest virtue for
the highest number of individuals." If we embrace all of these positive
characteristics, we will be good citizens.

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