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1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the documents?

How was It produce? Pigafetta recounts how, he learned of

Magellan's trip and, eager to learn more about the world, he
requested and received permission to join the expedition. Magellan
intended to prove that the earth was round, and he DID PROVE that
the Earth is round through his voyage. Other than that, knowledge
that can be earn by the reader specially to those studying GEOLOGY.
More than that his base and
record detail of proving about the exploration. That his exploration
of the world will not be wasted specially in the crucial information
that became evidence about their findings and instead be known to
most who will read it. It produce by author writing Travelogue to
provide internal criticism.

2. What specific information of importance is provided

in the text? Explain its importance to the understanding of
Philippine history.
The specific information in the text, Antonio Pigafetta's
report of the Philippines was the first detailed and descriptive
account of the people, their lives, and languages, as well as the
geographical data he collected and wrote down throughout the
expedition, like discovery about the earth was not flatten and
proving that was round in expedition.
Some other than that it was found out there that the
geography about the world map is not yet complete and here it is
also found out in this text the first entry of the religion of catholism
in Philippines. The importance of Journal Writing and Historical
recording and also the importance traveling and discovery and re-
discovery to prove what do we need to find out and learn more
about exploring the world. This travelogue by fegafetta is a big
contribution about first discovery of the phililippines in the history
of the Philippines.
3.What light does it shed on people, their politics and economy,
religious and cultural practices? Analyze the text.

The light does shed on people, In politics and economy people

believe only one people are the good leadership of our primary
similar to the leadership of a good and brave hope of the first leader
of our country to defend the village and the democratic dictatorship
,that economy are

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