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Tiếng Anh HP3 (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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- Brand loyalty: the tendency to always buy a particular brand
- Brand image: the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand
- Brand stretching: using an existing name on another type of product
- Brand awareness: how familiar people are with a brand (or its logo and
- Brand name: the title given to a product by the company that makes it
- Product launch: the introduction of a product to the market
- Product lifecycle: the length of time people continue to buy a product
- Product range: the set of products made by a company
- Product placement: when products are used in films or TV programmes
- Product endorsement: the use of a well-known person to advertise products
- Market leader: the best-selling product or brand in a market
- Market research: information about what consumers want or need
- Market share: the percentage of sales a company has
- Market challenger: the second best-selling product or brand in a market
- Market segment: customers of a similar age, income level or social group
- accessory: something extra that improves or completes the thing it is added to
(đồ phụ tùng), someone who helps another person to commit a crime but does
not take part in it (kẻ đồng phạm)
- chief executive: the person with the most important position in a company or
organization (giám đốc điều hành)
- go global: to start operating in countries all over the world
- Demanding: needing a lot of attention, effort, or time (đòi hỏi khắt khe)
- let's face it: something that you say before you say something that is
unpleasant but true (hãy thú nhận đi)
- Taste: gu
- advertising hype: quảng cáo rầm rộ
- a raft of: a great deal of
- element of choice: yếu tố so sánh lựa chọn
- punch: strong effect
- ready-to-wear: off-the-peg, (of clothes) produced in standard sizes and not
made to fit a particular person
- Boutique: a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, shoes
- top-of-the-range: the most expensive among a group of a similar product

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-with the aim of: with a view to doing sth

-take aim: nhắm, nhắm bắn
-Conscious: determined and intentional; awake, thinking and knowing what is
happening around you
- Hype: sự quảng cáo thổi phồng
- Horrified: very shocked
- Perception: a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how
things seem, nhận thức
- go downmarket: to a lower quality or price
- high-volume: a large quantity
- aspirational brand: a brand of goods that people think will give them a higher
position in society
- buzz marketing: a method of selling a product by getting people to talk about it
to other people, especially over the Internet
- price-conscious: knowing how much things costs and avoiding buying
expensive things
- Confectionery: a place where sweets or chocolate are made or sold
- Downturn = downswing
- appeal: interest or attract sb
- Repositioning: the process of changing the way that people think about a
product, service or company
- Dominating: being the largest, most important, most noticeable or the best
person or thing
- Router: bộ định tuyến
- Dominate: have control over a place or person
- Automaker: a big company that makes car
- strengthen (against): increase in value
- market appeal: sự hấp dẫn của thị trường
- Tactic: sách lược, a planned method for achieving a particular result
incorporate in/into: to include sth as part of sth larger
- Strenuous: rất cố gắng, hăng hái, needing or using a lot of physical or mental
effort or energy
- Aisle: lối đi giữa 2 hàng ghế
- (economic) woes: big problems or troubles
- a rival: a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for
superiority in the same field of activity
- Coincidental: happening or existing at the same time
- a discounter: a person or company that sells things at lower prices than others
- be associated with: be connected with sth in some way

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- increase/decrease by: thêm

- increase/decrease to: lên đến
- an increase/decrease of: một sự
- get fed up with = be bored with
- aim at/to
- based in = located in
- Constructive: If advice, criticism, or actions are constructive, they are useful
and intended to help or improve something
- Acquisition: sự tiếp quản
- on welfare: receiving financial help from the state because you are poor or
have not been employed for a long time
- welfare (benefits): phúc lợi, help given, especially by the state or an
organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have
enough money
- Subsidiary: a company which is at least half-owned by another company
- factory/plant: a large building or group of buildings where goods are made
(using machinery)
- call centre: an office where people answer questions and make sales over the
- service centre: a place where faulty products are mended
- Headquarters: the main office or building of a company
- distribution centre: a building from which goods or supplies are sent to
factories, shops or customers
- Warehouse: a building for storing goods in large quantities
- Outlet: a place through which products are sold
- R&D: carry out research
- Customer Services: deal with complaints
- Human Resources: train staff
- Sales and Marketing: run advertising campaigns
- Production: operate assembly lines
- Finance: prepare budgets/accounts
- Administration: keep records
- Legal: draw up contracts (soạn thảo văn bản)
- Logistics: transport goods and services
- Public Relations: issue press releases
- IT: install and maintain systems equipment
- Bureaucratic: bộ máy quan liêu, involving long and difficult dealings with

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- (highly) decentralized: used to describe organizations or their activities which

are not controlled from one central place, but happen in many different places,
phân quyền
- Impersonal: without human warmth; not friendly and without features that
make people feel interested or involved, vô cảm
- Democratic: based on the principles of democracy, tính dân chủ
- market-driven = market orientation = market-led = market-oriented:
influenced by market knowledge and customer needs
- Centralised: controlled by one main system or authority, tập trung
- Dynamic: (B1) having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm (C2) continuously
changing or developing
- Hierarchical: arranged according to people or thing level of importance, or
relating to such a system, hệ thống thứ bậc
- Progressive: developing or happening gradually
- staff morale: đạo đức nhân viên
- Perks: sth your employer gives you in addition to your pay (phúc lợi bổ sung)
- the side effect: tác dụng phụ, an unexpected result of a situation, an unpleasant
effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect
- Philosophy: triết học
- Settings: bối cảnh, the time and the place in which the action of a book, film,
play, etc. happens
- Foster: to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings, khuyến
- Autonomy: independence/freedom to make your own decisions (sự tự quản)
- Empowerment: giving people the power to do sth (sự trao quyền)
- Prominent: very well known and important
- Accomplishments: success in doing sth
- Initiatives: important new plans to achieve an aim
- Faculty: teaching staff
- a five-star hotel
- a 10-year plan
- a 20-minute presentation
- Comedian: nhà hài kịch, a person whose job is to make people laugh by telling
jokes and funny stories or by copying the behaviour or speech of famous
- on brief: sơ lược, lasting only a short time or containing few words
- business objectives/plan
- management style/consultant
- sales team/revenue
- customer care/loyalty

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- company headquarters/logo
- product line/range
- consumer goods/awareness
- research project/findings
- findings = outcomes
- information technology/desk
- computer program/virus
- selling price: giá bán, the price at which something is sold
- cost of producing: chi phí sản xuất
- Dividend: cổ tức, (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people
who own shares in it
- Capitalist: someone who has a large amount of money invested (= given
hoping to get more back) in a business
- consumer spending: chi phí tiêu dùng
- tax refund: sự hoàn thuế
- purpose - built: designed and built for a particular use, được làm với mục đích
nhất định
- local inhabitants: a person or animal that lives in a particular place, cư dân
- quarterly earnings: thu nhập theo quý
- Offset: bù cho, bù lại, to balance one influence against an opposing influence
so that no great difference results
- Soar: tăng vọt, to rise very quickly to a high level
- Ailing: yếu kém, weak and suffering from illness
- sales revenues: doanh số bán hàng, the amount of income that a company
receives from the sale of products or services in a particular period of time
- Plummet: giảm mạnh, to fall very quickly and suddenly
- positive trend: xu hướng tích cực
- Halve: giảm một nửa, to reduce something by half or divide something into
two equal pieces
- tax cuts (n): reductions in taxes
- surface transport: the movement of people or goods by road, train or ship
rather than by plane
- Removals: the business of transport furniture and other possessions when
people move to a new home
- home market: thị trường quốc nội, thị trường chính quốc
- Incorporate: include storage (space/facilities): the putting or keeping of things
in a special
- place for use in the future
- Mobility: the ability to move freely or be easily moved

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-better off: to have more than you had in the past or more money than other
- Incompetent: not having the ability to do sth as it should be done, unable to do
one's job
- be alleged: được cho là
- Reassure: to comfort sb and stop them from worrying, khẳng định lại
- Explicit: clear and exact
- Virtue: an advantage or good thing
- Retention: the continued use, existence or
- Mythology: ideas that may or may not be true
- hop between jobs: change jobs frequently
- regarding = in connection with = in/with regard to = concerning = about = as
- possession of sth/sb
- stay in credit = be in credit
- go into the red= overdraw
- Overdraft: thấu chi
- bank statement: a printed record of the money put into and removed from a
bank account (bảng sao kê tài khoản)
- downturn (in): a reduction in the amount or success of something, such as a
country's economic activity
- Depression: a period in which there is very little business activity and not
many jobs
- Financing: gọi vốn
- debt financing: gọi vốn = đi vay vợ
- equity financing: gọi vốn = bán cổ phần
- equity stake: money risked when a business owns part off another company
- Recession: a period of time when business activity decreases because the
economy is doing badly
- Shares: equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is
- Debt: money owned by one person or organisation to another person or
- stock market: a place where company shares are bought and sold
- Forecast: a description of what is likely to happen in the future
- retained earnings: lợi nhuận giữ lại
- profit margin: the difference between the price of a product or service and the
cost of producing it

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- Investment: money which people or organisations put into a business to make

- Bankruptcy: when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts
- a dividend: a part of a company's profits paid to the owners of shares
- pre-tax profits: the money a business makes before payment to the government
- annual turnover: the amount of money which a business obtains (in a year)
from customers by selling goods or services
- Interim: temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something
permanent exists
- assessment sheet: tờ đánh giá
- target audience: khách hàng mục tiêu
- Script: kịch bản
- on an ongoing basis: sth that happens on an ongoing basis happen indefinitely.
It will continue until stopped
- Employ: take advantage of
- Securities: chứng khoán
- index-linked securities: chứng khoán gắn với chỉ số trượt giá (linked to the rate
of inflation)
- fixed-interest securities: lending to a government or a company
- Equities: a stock or a share
- equity return = RoE: tỷ suất lợi nhuận trên vốn chủ sở hữu investments not
linked to equity returns: commercial property (bất động sản);
- commodities (precious metals);
- agriculture (an interesting area of development over last 20 years)
- hedge funds: quỹ dự phòng/ bảo hiểm, quỹ đầu tư mạo hiểm
- absolute return funds: quỹ lợi nhuận tuyệt đối
- wheeler dealer: sb who does a lot of complicated
- business transactions: nhà giao dịch
- Frenetic: sự điên loạn
- Twentysomethings: người từ 20-29 tuổi
- return the favour: đáp lại tấm lòng tốt của ai
- Impair: limit
- Thrive: thăng tiến nhanh
- hurly-burly: hoạt động huyên náo
- Intellectually: về mặt trí tuệ
- Division: department
- bear market (>< bull market): thị trường rớt giá, a financial market in which
prices are falling
- Traders: người giao dịch chứng khoán, people who deal in shares and bonds

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- financial analyst: chuyên viên phân tích tài chính, sb who carefully examines
the financial state of a company
- Volatility: sự biến động, sự thay đổi thất thường, sudden and quick change
- trading desk: quầy giao dịch, the area of a financial market where a particular
company does business
- (buy/invest in) equities: shares in companies, especially ordinary shares, or the
activity of trading these shares
- research analysis: the careful examination of the performance of companies
and stocks
- business sector: the part of the economy made up by companies
- Earnings: the profit that a company makes in a particular period of time
- Derivatives: chứng khoán phái sinh, things such as options or futures based on
underlying (cơ sở) assets such as shares, bonds and currencies
- cover (v): mention
- level off: If a rate or amount levels off, it stops rising or falling and stays at the
same level
- rocket (to): to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress
towards success
- Plummet: to fall very quickly and suddenly
- casual clothing: quần áo bình thường
- break the ice: phá vỡ bầu không khí
- credit crunch: sự thắt chặt tín dụng
- ETSE 100 (index): chỉ số cổ phiếu 100 công ty có giá trị vốn hóa thị trường lớn
nhất được niêm yết trên sở giao dịch chứng khoán
- market cap (italisation): giá trị vốn hóa thị trường
- Venture: a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty
- make (pre-tax) profits
- Spot: to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking
- gap in the market: lỗ trống trên thị trường
- bed linen: the sheets and covers that you put on a bed, khăn trải giường và áo
- beat estimates/expectations/forecasts: to do better than someone or something
- Momentum: the force that keeps an object moving
- Tycoon: nhà đầu tư
- Stake: cổ phần
- Sculpture: tượng
- Pitch: cuộc gọi vốn
- Breathtaking: hấp dẫn, ngoạn mục
- Sheer: tuyệt đối, hoàn toàn

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- Derivative: chứng khoán phái sinh

- cut up: cắt nhỏ
- rise to: react positively to
- experiment (v) with/on
- specialize in: chuyên về
- Trading bloc: liên minh mậu dịch, a group of countries that manage and
- Trade activities
- probe: thăm dò, điều tra
- deal: hợp đồng làm ăn
- tie up: gói chặt
- free trade:

(1) international trade without tariffs (thuế quan), quotas (hạn ngạch) or other

(2) is a trade policy that does not restrict imports or exports

(3) it’s a situation in which goods come into and out of a country without any
controls or taxes. Countries which truly believe in free trade try to liberalise
their trade, that's to say, they take away barriers to trade. They have open
borders and few controls of goods at customs (hải quan)

- liberalise: giải phóng

- quotas: hạn ngạch, limits on the number of goods that can be imported
- expensive import licences: special permission to import goods
- free port: cảng tự do, a port area where goods in transit are exempt from (miễn
trừ) customs duty (thuế nhập khẩu)
- laissez- faire: quan điểm không can thiệp, tự do, the policy of allowing private
businesses to develop without government control
- Dumping: bán phá giá, the practice of selling goods in another country so
cheaply that companies in that country cannot compete fairly
- customs: hải quan
- tariffs: a tax on goods coming into or going out of a country, thuế xuất nhập
- strategic industries: an industry that a government considers to be very
important for the country's economy or safety
- quote a price: báo giá
- arrange insurance cover: soạn phạm vị bảo hiểm
- break into market: thâm nhập thị trường

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- place an order: đặt hàng

- meet the delivery date: kịp hạn giao hàng
- regulation: an official rule or the act of controlling something
- combat (economic slowdown): to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful
from happening or increasing
- trade deficit: a situation in which the value of goods a country imports is
greater than the value of goods it exports
- fundamental: more important than anything else
- deficit: the total amount by which money spent is more than money received
- sustained: long-lasting
- defective: nhược điểm
- shortly: ngay sau khi
- extensive test: kiểm tra diện rộng
- manipulate: to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly
or dishonestly
- free trade >< protectionism: the actions of a government to help its country's
trade or industry by taxing goods bought from other countries
- upturn: (especially in economics) an improvement or a change to a higher
level or value >< slowdown
- despatch: to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a
- Purpose = send = deliver
- domestic appliance: thiết bị dùng trong nhà
- detail testing: kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng
- (close/good) rapport: a good understanding of someone and an ability to
communicate well
- With them = good relationship
- tie up loose ends: to finish or complete things that are left unfinished.
- probe: to try to discover information that other people do not want you to
know, by asking questions carefully and not directly
- production standard: tiêu chuẩn sản xuất
- tactful: khéo léo
- get the fact: kiểm tra chi tiết
- tactic: chiến lược, phương pháp
- accessory: phụ kiện
- lawmaker: người lập pháp, người làm luật
- open border: mở cửa biên giới
- infant industry: ngành công nghiệp non trẻ
- developing industry: ngành công nghiệp đang phát triển
- embargo: cấm vận, lệnh cấm vận

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-a tariff on sth
-deregulation (of): the action of removing national or local government controls
or rules from a business or other activity
- comply with regulations: tuân thủ quy định
- argue with sb about/for sth
- with respect to: liên quan
- accuse of: thao túng
- reach a deal: đạt được thỏa mãn
- subsidies to domestic producers: money given to them by the government
- complicated regulations for documents: make trade slower and less attractive
- phone in sick: to phone and say you are not coming to work because you are
- tax avoidance: the reduction, by legal methods, of the amount of tax that a
person or company pays, tránh/né thuế
- tax evasion/fraud: ways of illegally paying less tax than you should, trốn thuế
- insider trading: sự ấn định giá
- sex discrimination: phân biệt giới tính
- insider trading: giao dịch nội gián
- counterfeit goods: hàng giả
- money laundering: sự rửa tiền
- animal testing: sự thí nghiệm trên động vật
- industrial espionage: tình báo công nghiệp
- bribery and corruption: hối lộ và tham nhũng
- Takeover: a situation in which a company gets control of another company by
buying enough of its shares, thâu tóm, thu mua
- cabin crew: in an aircraft, the people whose job it is to take care of the
- ground staff: the people whose job is to take care of a sports ground and its
- Property: a building or area of land, or both together
- sick leave: nghỉ ốm
- stretch the truth: say sth that is not exactly true or not completely honest
- reference check: tên người hướng dẫn thực tập
- line of deception: ranh giới lừa dối
- elicit: to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction
- be tempted: to want something or to want to do something
- carry their weight: hoàn thành tốt phần việc của họ
- Rationalization: sự hợp lý hóa

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- sell someone short: to value someone too little, đánh giá thấp bản thân
- Deception: sự dối trá, sự lừa dối
- Justify: biện minh, bào chữa
- Distorted: móp méo, lệch lạc
- Assumption: giả thuyết, giả định
- civil servant: công chức
- codes of ethics: quy tắc đạo đức
- cross the ethical line of deception: vượt qua ranh giới đạo đức của sự lừa dối
- Backhanded: của hối lộ
- Kickback: tiền đút lót
- Integrity: sự chính trực
- Fraud: sự gian lận
- make a copy of: use a special machine to copy
- dispose of sb/sth: to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so
that the matter is finished
- sorely (= very) tempted to
- justification for: a good reason or explanation for something
- reluctant to: miễn cưỡng
- circulate sth to sb: lan truyền
- turn out: hóa ra là
- withdraw from sth: rút lui, rút khỏi
- live up to sth: đạt được, thỏa mãn

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