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Navigating through the Demands of Pre-Service Teachers in the “Now Normal” Education

Day 1: October 26, 2021 

Topic 1: Lesson Planning and DLL Writing

Speaker: Mr. Joselito M. Javier

The lesson plan is one of the instructional materials used by a teacher to have a
systematic flow in delivering a lesson to the students. It is also a guide for a teacher in executing
the topic that they need to discuss. This is the tool that is useful and reliable because this serves
as detailed information on what will be the outcome of the lesson after the learning process.

According to Mr. Joey Javier lesson planning is a way of visualizing a lesson before it is
taught, which means making a lesson plan is served as preparation time for the teacher to master
the content of the topic they will teach for the students. He also discussed how to make a detailed
lesson plan (DLP). This consists of Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures,
Remarks, and Reflection. There is also a procedure such as before the lesson, during the lesson,
and after the lesson. Before the lesson, the teacher should prepare the instructional materials that
they needed in discussing the lesson. While for during the lesson it is the process of lecturing and
discussing the context of the topic. Lastly is the after lesson, where the teacher evaluates the
learning outcome of the students about the lecture they have given.

In conclusion, a ready teacher has expertise on the subject matter of what he/she teaching.
Therefore, she/he can execute the lesson properly by using DLL or DLP. Also, without a lesson
plan, a teacher won’t have an organized teaching process and the students will not learn
Topic 2: Personality Development
Speaker: Ms. Rainelda M. Blanco


Personality Development is consisting of the characteristics, morality, integrity, and

behavior of a person. It is important to consider by a one person to develop his/her personality.
As a future educator, a teacher is a role model for the students. They need to attain a good
personality inside and out to influence the student better.

Ms. Rainelda Blanco discussed personality development. She assessed us through the
personality test, which we did by answering the questions or choices she presented to us. At the
end of the test, she also defined the meaning of our results. Those results are connected to our
personality that we didn’t know. The speaker helps us to know ourselves more in terms of how
we behave in a different situation that will help in our teaching field in the future. According to
the speaker, there are 24 carats of Gold to develop a winning personality but I will just mention
what is caught my attention. First is learning from failure, sometimes when we failed, we lost our
confidence because we felt like we are not capable to do such a thing but little we didn’t know
that there is a lesson behind our failure and it will make us better people the next time we try
again. We just need to reflect and accept our flaws and use them as our strong points in the
future. Second, don’t complain and criticize what w
e cannot change, I learned from this that we need to see the good things behind one situation.
Lastly is to be responsible, we are the one who is in charge of the things we do that’s why we
need to think first about what we are doing before doing an action.

To sum up, our character reflects our image as an individual. As Educator we must be a
good example for the student. I realized that we should improve our mindset and approaches
when interacting with the student to be good and effective Teachers.
Topic 3: Teaching Internship Expectation Joint DepEd Memo. No.1 S2021

Speaker: Ms. Rowena T. Quiambao


Practice teaching is a serious matter that a pre-service teacher needs to accomplish

because this will serve as their training ground. Some rules should be considered and guidelines
that should be followed. Knowing the guidelines and policies, a pre-service teacher will be
knowledgeable on their duty during the field.

In the discussion of Ms. Rowena T. Quiambao with the topic of Teaching Internship
Expectation Joint DepEd Memo. No.1 S2021 she talks about that even it is pandemic education
must still be ongoing. The field study and practice teaching courses need to incline with the
current situation we are experiencing. She also informed us about the persons that we will
encounter during our internship. These are the cooperating teachers that will be our coaches and
mentors once we are already deployed. Also, the other terminologies that have a connection to
our training. I learned that we can choose where school we want to practice teaching even if it is
private or public. There is also a requirement that the pre-service teacher must be fulfilled such
as the hours they need to finish their practice teaching and portfolio that consist of learning
experiences in the experiential learning courses. In addition, final demonstrating is also essential
to them and need to prepare to have a successful outcome because this is one of the major
requirements for finishing their course.

Finally, when we have a better teacher anyone that surrounds them will benefit. The
students will learn and will bring changes to their situation. We must conduct and give quality
education for everyone because this is one of their stepping stone to reach their dreams in life.
Topic 4: New Normal Educational Assessment
Speaker: Dr. Jerry D. Cruz


“Honesty is the best policy” is one of the popular quotations that teachers leave on the front
page of making a test paper or assessment for the students. Being a student, some will work hard
to get a high score on the activities given by the professor and some will tend to cheat just to pass
the examination. It is important to teach the students and do not tolerate them cheating during the
evaluation of the teachers because they are not benefiting from that, they are just fooling
themselves that they learn but not.
During Dr. Jerry Cruz's talk, he discussed academic honesty which means the act of a
student that is contrary to the evaluator’s rules or instructions. He also shared the forms of
academic dishonesty such as cheating; which is prohibited to do of a student and the example of
this is copying the answer of their classmates with or without the consent of that person. The
next one is plagiarism, which we all know that when we copy someone's statement, we should
state the person’s name or ask for their approval before we put on our work. Then fabrication or
falsification is most seen in the situation of researching because some researchers tend to change
the data, they have been gathered to precise their work. Lastly is sabotage, which is you’re
destroying someone's work just to defeat them and it is common in any competition.
I realize that as a student we should not aim for high grades instead we should goal to
learn and make ourselves better people. In the end, our works reflect what we have learned. We
may fool ourselves today but not our future. I will use these learnings to inspire my future
students of what should they do and to stimulate them to study and work hard because they will
harvest it in the future.

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