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CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022


First Semester, AY 2021-2022


Name Course & Year

M12-C2-AP2 11|11|2021
Section Date

Experiment No. 3
Objective: Compare the heats of combustion of alcohols of different number of molecular
weights using calorimetry.

Apparatus: digital balance thermometer

aluminum can iron stand, Iron ring,
clay triangle alcohol lamp (spirit burner)
25 mL graduated cylinder 4x4" square cardboard with a hole in the middle

Materials: 300 mL distilled water

3 samples of unknown pure alcohol as fuel
The combustion of organic compounds like alcohols produces large quantities of energy.
Ethanol is a commonly used fuel in motor cars and its usage is increasing because it is a
form of renewable energy. But what makes a good fuel? A good fuel is any substance which
gives out large amounts of energy when it is burnt. In most cases, fuels are burnt in oxygen
(air), i.e., they are oxidized. Is there any relationship between the energy released by one
alcohol and another alcohol? This experiment aims to investigate the relationship between
the number of carbon atoms in an alcohol chain and its standard enthalpy change of
combustion. The heat of combustion (standard enthalpy change of combustion) is the
enthalpy change when one mole of the compound undergoes complete combustion in
excess oxygen under standard conditions. It is given the symbol ΔH˚comb and standard
conditions simply refer to room conditions with a temperature of 298K and a pressure of 1
atm. The combustion of alcohol is an exothermic process. It releases heat to the
surrounding resulting to a negative value.
CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022


NOTE: Alcohols are organic substances that are flammable and easily catch fire when
exposed to naked flames. It is a fire hazard. Care must be taken to ensure that any
spills are being cleaned up immediately. Safety goggles must be worn while
performing this experiment. A fire extinguisher should also be kept close by in case
of emergencies.

Figure 1. Heat of Combustion set-up

1. Measure 100-mL of water and pour it carefully into an aluminum can.

Ti . Record.
2. Read the initial temperature of the water,

3. Cover the aluminum can with the cardboard then insert the thermometer through the

4. Weigh the alcohol lamp containing the alcohol sample used as fuel, . Record.
5. Position the alcohol lamp on top of a block of wood to elevate it. Place the clay shield
over it and put the clay triangle on top of the clay shield.
6. Place the aluminum can on top of the clay triangle. See to it that the distance
between the wick of the alcohol lamp and the aluminum can is approximately 1 cm.
7. Light the alcohol lamp and heat the water.
8. During heating, gently stir the water until it boils. When the water boils, read the
temperature of the water. Record.
Note: Do not touch the aluminum can when taking the temperature of water.
9. Remove the aluminum can carefully.
10. Extinguish the flame of the alcohol lamp.

11. Continue stirring the water gently and record the maximum temperature reached, .
CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022

12. Reweigh the alcohol lamp/burner, . Record.
13. Repeat steps 1-12 for the other 2 unknown alcohol samples.
14. Calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion (ΔH˚comb) per mole of alcohol.
15. Calculate the percentage error

theoretical value − experimental value

Percentage Error = 100
theoretical value

16. Show complete solutions to all calculations.

17. Plot a graph relating the standard enthalpy of combustion and the number of carbon
atoms in an alcohol.

Quantitative Data and Formulas:

Distilled water
• volume, mL = 100 mL
= 1.0 g/mL
• density of water, g/mL
= 4.18 J/g C
• specific heat capacity, J/g C

mw = V
• mass, g

• change in temperature, C T = Tf − Ti

• enthalpy change during combustion, J Hw = mwcp T


• mass of burnt alcohol, g mA = mi − mf

• molar mass of alcohol, g/mol AM =12C+H+16O

( C - number of carbon atoms, H - number of hydrogen atoms, O - number of oxygen atoms)

n= A

• number of moles, mol MM

− Hw
H comb =
• standard enthalpy of combustion, J/mol n
CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022

Calculations: Show complete solutions.

Percentage Error (Ethanol) = |– 1368 - (- 2724.21 kJ/mol)| x 100 = 99.14%


Percentage Error (Propanol) = |-2021 - (- 5643 kJ/mol)| x 100 = 179.22%


Percentage Error (Butanol) = |2670 - (- 9875.25 kJ/mol)| x 100 = 296.86%

CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022

1. Is a combustion reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain your answer.
All combustion reactions are exothermic. Since, during these reactions
heat is released.

2. Why is combustion important to life?

When fuels burn in combustion reactions, beneficial thermal radiation is emitted

(heat). Combustion reactions are utilized to heat our homes, operate most automobiles,
and generate a significant portion of our electricity.

3. Based on the plotted graph, what relationship can be drawn between the number of
carbon atoms and their standard enthalpies of combustion?

The heat of combustion of each alcohol is determined by the number of

carbon and hydrogen atoms in the alcohol molecule's chemical formula. The
heat of combustion increases as the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms per
alcohol molecule increases.

4. Give 5 types of combustion and define each type.

a. COMPLETE COMBUSTION: In complete combustion, the reactant burns in oxygen
and creates minimal products. When a hydrocarbon is burned in oxygen, the reaction
produces principally carbon dioxide and water. When various elements are burnt, the
byproducts are mostly common chemical oxides. Carbon gives off carbon dioxide, sulfur
gives off sulfur dioxide, while iron gives off iron (III) oxide.
b. INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION: This combustion occurs when there is insufficient
oxygen, allowing the fuel to completely react, creating carbon dioxide and water. This
combustion creates water in the same way that full combustion does, except instead of
carbon dioxide, the result is carbon and carbon monoxide. Products of pyrolysis remain
unburned in this form of combustion, contaminating the resulting smoke with toxic gases.
c. SMOLDERING: This is a slow, flameless, low-temperature combustion caused by the
heat produced when the surface of the fuel is directly assaulted by oxygen. It is typically
an imperfect variant of the combustion reaction. Solid materials that undergo smoldering
combustion include coal, cellulose, cotton, tobacco, wood, foams, and so on.
d. RAPID COMBUSTION: Rapid combustion, sometimes known as fire, is a type of
reaction that produces a great quantity of heat and light and frequently results in a flame.
This reaction is employed in machines such as internal combustion engines and
thermobaric weaponry. This type of combustion is also known as explosion combustion.
e. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION: A combustion that develops as a result of self-
healing, followed by thermal runaway, and finally ignite. Phosphorous, for example,
ignites on its own at ambient temperature without the input of heat.
5. Give 5 examples of combustion in everyday life and explain.
a. Fireworks or burning of Wax candle
b. Combustion of Natural Gas or LPG to cook
c. Burning of Petrol or Diesel for using vehicles like car
d. The production of energy in thermal power plants
e. Burning of Wood or Coal to heat your home.

Combustion is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction that

occurs between a fuel and an oxidant, usually atmospheric oxygen, to generate
oxidized, often gaseous products in a mixture known as smoke. Therefore, combustion
occurs in all of the aforementioned activities.

6. A 1.55 gram sample pf pentanol, C5H11OH is burned and produced a temperature

increase of 55 0 C in 200 g of water. Calculate the heat of combustion of pentanol.

mA = 1.55 g

ΔTw = 50 ℃ mw = 200 g c c= 4.18 J/g ℃

MM of C5H11OH = 12(5) + 11(1) + 16(1) + 1(1) = 88 g/mol
N = mA = 1.55 g = 0.018 mol
MM 88 g/mol

ΔHw = mwcΔTw = (200 g)(4.18)(50) = 41800 J

ΔH°comb = - ΔHw = - 41800 J = - 2322.22 kJ

N 0.018 mol
CHEM181: Chemistry for Engineers - Laboratory First Semester, AY 2021-2022

Table: Summary of Data

Molar Number ΔH during ΔH˚comb ΔH˚comb

Substance Before heating After heating Difference mass of moles combustion (standard) (experimental)
% error
g/mol mol J kJ/mol kJ/mol

Mass of burnt
46 0.029 99.14%
Alcohol A Mass of ethanol + Mass of ethanol + ethanol g/mol mol - 2724.21 kJ/mol
Ethanol alcohol lamp alcohol lamp – 1368
mA = 1.34 g
(C2H6O) mi = 167.82 g mf = 166.48 g
Distilled temperature Final temperature T = Tf − Ti 79 002 J
Water T = 29 ℃ Tf = 92 ℃ T = 63 ℃

Mass of ethanol +
Alcohol B alcohol lamp Mass of ethanol + Mass of burnt
0.014 179.22%
Propanol alcohol lamp propanol 60 g/mol mol – 2021 - 5643 kJ/mol
mi = 195.30 g
(C3H8O) mf = 194.48 g mA = 0.82 g
Distilled temperature Final temperature T = Tf − Ti
Water T = 29 ℃ Tf = 92 ℃ T = 63 ℃ 79 002 J

Mass of ethanol + 74 g/mol

Alcohol C Mass of ethanol + Mass of burnt mol
alcohol lamp 296.86%
Butanol alcohol lamp butanol – 2670 - 9875.25 kJ/mol
mi = 194.78 g
(C4H10O) mf =194.16 g mA = 0.62 g
Distilled temperature Final temperature T = Tf − Ti 79 002 J
Water Tf = 92 ℃ T = 63 ℃
Ti = 29 ℃

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