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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

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Chemical and isotopic constraints on hydrological processes in Unzen

volcanic geothermal system
Reika Yokochi a,⁎, Roland Purtschert b, Yoshimitsu Suda c, Neil C. Sturchio d,
Jürgen Sültenfuß e, Christof Vockenhuber f
Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, 5734 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Climate and Environmental Physics and Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Department of Geology, Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyo Machi, Nagasaki 851-2125, Japan
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Delaware, 255 Academy Street, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Department of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Otto Hahn Allee, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Otto-Stern-Weg 5, Zurich 8093, Switzerland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Geothermal systems developed in volcanic regions release magmatic volatiles that may forecast volcanic erup-
Received 2 May 2021 tions. These volatiles can be emitted directly in gaseous form to the atmosphere or can be absorbed by condensed
Received in revised form 16 July 2021 geothermal fluid and groundwater that discharges at surface thermal features. The subsurface flow dynamics of
Accepted 19 July 2021
these fluids are therefore crucial for the interpretation of their chemical and isotopic compositions. Furthermore,
Available online 24 July 2021
since geothermal fluids are globally used as energy and cultural resources, such information is also important for
their sustainable management. In this context, we investigated the subsurface residence times of fluids from
Unzen geothermal system three geothermal areas in Shimabara peninsula (Unzen, Shimabara and Obama) by measuring their tritium
Tritium and 36Cl activities, along with their chemical and stable isotopic compositions. At Shimabara, the trace tritium ac-
Chlorine-36 tivities of the geothermal fluids indicate that magmatic volatiles were transported by pre-nuclear (residence time
>60 years) groundwaters. Tritium and δD-δ18O data indicate that the steam feeding the Unzen geothermal field
is also derived from pre-nuclear meteoric water, and contributing about a quarter of the water budget. The 36Cl/Cl
ratio of the geothermal fluids in Obama exceeds that of seawater, indicating subsurface addition of nucleogenic
chloride during prolonged water-rock interaction.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction overlying the route of the seismic migration path, 4 km west of the
newly formed summit of Mt. Fugen; and a third at Shimabara city
Mt. Unzen is a polygenetic volcano located in the graben structure of near Shimabara bay above the postulated second magma chamber,
Shimabara peninsula, southwest Japan (Fig. 1a and b). Most recent where there are wells bearing low-temperature geothermal fluids.
eruption activities of Mt. Fugen occurred during 1990–1995 with over Helium isotopic compositions of the fluids from these areas were
10,000 pyroclastic flows. Prior to the onset of these eruptions, the epi- first reported by Marty et al. (1989), showing clear evidence of mag-
centers of volcanic earthquakes migrated eastward from a depth of matic He contributions to all three geothermal areas. However, the
15 km beneath Tachibana bay to a location beneath Mt. Fugen in June He/4He ratios did not show a systematic decrease with distance from
1990 (Umakoshi et al., 1994). This was interpreted as evidence that the volcanic cone by a gradual addition of crustal 4He as reported at
the magma chamber feeding the recent eruptions was located beneath other volcanos (Sano et al., 1984; Williams et al., 1987; Marty et al.,
Tachibana bay, whereas other geophysical data suggest a presence of 1989). For example, a low temperature fluid from Shimabara, farthest
another, possibly primary, magma chamber beneath Shimabara bay from the Mt. Fugen volcanic cone (11 km), had a higher 3He/4He ratio
(Ohmi and Lees, 1995). Interestingly, three geothermal fields are lo- compared to those of fumaroles of the Mt. Fugen lava domes. The data
cated close to each of these key geological features: one at Obama spa of the samples collected in 1983 (Marty et al., 1989) served as a pre-
along the coast of Tachibana bay, above the inferred magma chamber eruption reference for studies that followed as the volcano became ac-
source of the recent eruptions; another at the Unzen geothermal field, tive and erupted on Nov 17, 1990. Three months before the eruption
of Mt. Fugen, an increase in 3He/4He ratios compared to 1983 was de-
⁎ Corresponding author. tected in Shimabara (Kita et al., 1993), suggesting that the low-
E-mail address: (R. Yokochi). temperature geothermal fluid carried the signal of the ongoing volcanic
0377-0273/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

Fig. 1. (a)Shimabara peninsula with locations of three geothermal field sites. The blue dashed line is the transect of the cross section in (c). Red lines are locations of faults that delineate the
Unzen graben. (b) Location of Shimabara peninsula. (c) Cross section of the transect shown in (a). Three boreholes between Unzen and Obama show temperature anomalies, indicating
lateral and slightly upward flow of high temperature fluid westward toward Obama. Stars in the east side of Mt. Fugen are locations of springs, compositions of which were reported in
previous study. (d) Geothermal area of Unzen is located within a small basin surrounded by Yadake and Mt. Kinugasa. Pricipitation on the west flank of Yadake feeds the Unzen geothermal

activity. This is one of few volcanoes where a clear change of He isotope hydrologic model for the geothermal fluid circulation system in the
signal was observed before disastrous volcanic activity started. Two Unzen region.
other geothermal fields close to the Mt. Fugen volcanic cone did not
show clear changes, partly due to the varying sampling locations (Kita 2. Study area and methods
et al., 1993).
The change in He isotopic compositions may reflect enhanced flux of 2.1. Hydrogeology
volcanic volatiles to the surface via a complex geothermal fluid circula-
tion system, and He isotope ratios are considered to be a useful tool for Unzen graben is bound by EW-striking Chijiwa fault in the north and
forecasting volcanic activity (e.g. Sano et al., 1988; Sano et al., 2015). As Kanahama-Futsu faults in the south (Fig. 1a). Most volcanic and hydro-
carriers of the volcanic He signal, understanding the origin and flow dy- thermal activity on the Shimabara peninsula occur within the graben.
namics of water constituting these hydrothermal systems is crucial for According to geological and hydrological studies of the region (Otsuka,
estimating the response time of the volcanic signal in the accessible 1984; Furukawa, 1962; Watanebe and Hoshizumi, 1995; Sugimoto,
fluid sampling locations, as well as for understanding the evolution of 2006), basement rocks within the Unzen graben consist of Lower Pleis-
the geothermal system. Here we report tritium and 36Cl values mea- tocene marine sediments known as the Kuchinotsu formation, thick silts
sured in geothermal fluids along with their chemical and δD-δ18O com- and clays which form an aquitard in the eastern foothill region. The
positions in two geothermal source wells in Shimabara region, a mineral overlying Tatsuishi aquifer consists of basal pyroclastic rocks from
spring and a shallow well bearing high temperature fluid in Obama re- early Unzen volcanism, intercalated by tuffs, volcanic mudflows and
gion, as well as frying-pan type geothermal features and surface streams andesite lavas (Furukawa, 1962). Silts of this formation occasionally
in the Unzen geothermal field. We use these data to infer a conceptual form perched aquifers which seep springs on the volcanic flank

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

(Takamura et al., 1999), or divide the aquifer horizontally to confine use. Samples were collected from wells at Motoike spa (350 m well
deeper strata. Two generations of andesite lavas and pyroclastic rocks depth) and Kan'nonjima spa (190 m well depth). Both wells bear
overlie the aquifer and constitute the primary lithology above 300 m alti- bicarbonate-type fluids at moderate temperatures (~30°C). According
tude; the older Unzen volcanism during Middle Pleistocene covered a to the resistivity contrast, Kawabe (1997) identified the unconformity
large fraction of the graben whereas younger Unzen volcanism during between Tatsuishi and Fukae formations around 100 m depth. The geo-
Late Pleistocene to Holocene is limited to the eastern part of the graben. thermal wells are therefore tapping the Tatsuishi aquifer. Numerous
Drilled cores from groundwater and geothermal wells within the wells are present in the Obama geothermal field, and we collected fluids
Unzen graben consist mostly of pyroclastic rocks, but the Unzen geother- from one artesian well bearing hot saline fluid typical of this region and
mal area is underlain by a ~20m thick clay layer, underlain by 130 m of a cold mineral spring (’Karimizu’). The Unzen geothermal field has sev-
andesite lava flow. A 50–150 m thick alluvial fan deposit, with an Upper eral gas emanations and frying-pan features. Two of the frying-pan fea-
Pleistocene loam at its base, unconformably overlies the Tatsuishi forma- tures isolated from visible surface water flow were selected (Fig. 2; S:
tion in the eastern coastal Shimabara region. The stratigraphic profile of a Suzume-Jigoku and J: Jigoku Jizo). Additionally, we sampled leakage
geothermal well in this area shows multiple impermeable layers (clays from a pipe distributing the hot geothermal fluid to local geothermal
and tuffs) above 200 m depth (Murakami, 1975). The geothermal reser- baths. The inlet of the pipe appeared to have been inserted into a geo-
voir located beneath is therefore likely confined and isolated from the al- thermal spring covered with cement and soil for pressurization [P].
luvial aquifer. The shallow alluvial aquifer (Fukae formation) discharges One sample was collected at a creek flowing between two geothermal
numerous springs of bicarbonate-type water in the Shimabara city area, areas [C]. Two additional samples were collected from surface flows
which historically served the local communities (Takamura et al., near the outlet of the geothermal basin [E, W].
1999). However, this shallow unconfined aquifer is subject to nitrate pol-
lution (Amano et al., 2018), highlighting the importance of deeper 2.3. Methods
groundwater as a water resource. In the west coastal region of the
Unzen graben, the Kuchinotsu formation (basement rocks) typically ap- All fluid samples were collected in polypropylene bottles. Fluid sam-
pears at depths below 500 m. The Tatsuishi formation has low permeabil- ples used for cation concentration measurements were filtered by using
ity in the Obama geothermal area; the intercalating andesite lavas serve 0.45-μm polypropylene syringe filters. Cation concentrations were mea-
as reservoir rocks for the geothermal fluids (Saibi and Ehara, 2010). sured by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Agilent
The geothermal fluids show clearly distinct chemical features, pre- 7500). Anion concentrations were measured by ion chromatography
sumably reflecting different stages of the evolution of geothermal fluids (Dionex ICS-2100). Sample pH was measured in the laboratory, with in-
(Ohta, 1973; Ohsawa et al., 2002a). The high salinity of Obama thermal strument calibrated to certified pH buffers. Alkalinity (reported as
water has been attributed to seawater contribution. In the Unzen geo- HCO− 3 ) was measured by acidimetric titration using certified 0.1 M
thermal field (Jigoku) and Shimabara area, acid-sulfate- and HCl (Fisher Scientific). Stable isotope compositions of H2O in unfiltered,
bicarbonate-type fluids occur, respectively, resulting from the interac- unacidified water samples were measured by infrared absorption spec-
tion between meteoric water and gas/vapor released from the magma trometry (Los Gatos Research, Inc. model IWA-45EP), with data normal-
with varying extents of rock-fluid interaction. ized to standard isotope reference materials.
Analyses of tritium were conducted by the ingrowth method at the
2.2. Sampling sites noble gas laboratory of the Institute of Environmental Physics, Univer-
sity of Bremen, Germany (Sültenfuß et al., 2009). The 36Cl/Cl ratios
In the eastern coastal region of the Unzen graben, two geothermal were measured at the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics (ETH, Zurich)
wells are present and the blended fluid is supplied for public and private using AMS. The extraction and purification of Cl from samples followed

Fig. 2. Geothermal areas of Unzen delineated with yellow lines on a satellite image, identifiable due to the lack of vegetation. H: Hachiman jigoku, S: Seishichi jigoku, D: Daikankyo jigoku, J:
main jigoku area. Samples were collected at locations with white circled letters, shown with its watersheds (blue polygons).

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

the chemical procedures described in Ivy-Ochs et al. (2004); Cl was pre- The δ18O and δ18D values, tritium activities and 36Cl/Cl ratios of
cipitated as AgCl from the water samples by addition of AgNO3. After water samples are listed in Table 2. Previous studies on the Shimabara
rinsed and centrifuged, the AgCl was purified by re-dissolving in peninsula (Kawabe, 1997; Ohsawa et al., 2002a) concluded that most
NH4OH, from which hydroxides were removed by centrifugation. Sulfur geothermal fluids are of meteoric origin as they plot close to the global
was precipitated as BaSO4 by addition of Ba(NO3)2 and were removed Meteoric Water Line (Craig, 1961). Mizota and Kusakabe (1994) de-
by centrifugation, with residual S concentrations typically below the fined three zones each characterized by distinct local meteoric water
ppm level. The measurements were performed in the 6 MV EN Tandem lines within Japan. Shimabara peninsula belongs to zone 3 with the
Accelerator, extracting negative Cl ions from the silver chloride samples, zonal meteoric water line (JZ3-MWL) expressed as:
applying mass analysis and molecule destruction, and final separation of
the isobar 36S in the gas-filled magnet (Vockenhuber et al., 2019). The δD ¼ 7:73  δ18 O þ 12:7 ð1Þ
measured 36Cl/35Cl ratios were blank corrected and normalized to the
internal standard K382/4 N (Christl et al., 2013).
Our samples from Shimabara city plot on this line, as does the water
from the creek flowing down the side of Unzen-jigoku (Fig. 4). Five
other geothermal fluid samples from Unzen-jigoku align to the right
3. Results of JZ3-MWL passing through the data point of the creek, which encom-
passes either a systematic fractionation trend and/or mixing of two
Chemical compositions of the collected fluid samples are mostly in components. The cold mineral spring near the Obama region plots
agreement with findings in previous studies, as shown in ternary dia- close to the river composition of this area (Saibi and Ehara, 2010), con-
grams together with relevant data from the literature (Fig. 3 and sistent with local meteoric origin of the mineralized water in the area
Table 1: NEDO1988, Ohsawa et al., 2002a; Saibi and Ehara, 2010). As (Ohsawa et al., 2002a). The fluid from the geothermal well in Obama
stated in these literature, the geothermal fluid samples from this region shows heavy stable isotope signals and deviates below JZ3-MWL. The
are not in chemical equilibrium and plot in the range of ‘immature data fall within the range of Obama geothermal water reported in the
water’ on the K-Na-Mg ternary plot (Fig. 3a) defined by Giggenbach literature (Ohsawa et al., 2002a; Saibi and Ehara, 2010).
(1986). Compared to Ca-bicarbonate type river waters and shallow Tritium activities of the fluid samples varied between 0 and 2.5 TU.
groundwaters in this peninsula (Saibi and Ehara, 2010; Nakagawa Monitoring programs of tritium in local precipitation started in 1961
et al., 2017; Amano et al., 2018), bicarbonate-type fluids from two geo- in the Tokyo area (by International Atomic Energy Agency, 2021; Na-
thermal wells in Shimabara area were enriched in most solutes except tional Institute of Radiological Science, 2017 [database discontinued,
sulfate and Ca. Fluids from Unzen geothermal field (called ‘jigoku’) are data kindly provided by Dr. M. Gusyev]; Nuclear Regulation Authority,
acidic and highly enriched in sulfate while other solute contents are 2021). The peak shape evolution was fitted by a piecewise function f1
generally low and are comparable to surface water and shallow ground- (t) for t≤1963 and f2(t) for t≥1964, expressed as: Ln[f1(t)] = 1.15(t-
water. The fluid from Karimizu mineral spring in Obama area also had 1963) + 5.90 and Ln[f2(t)] = 5.53 e−0.071(t−1963)+0.80. The 1-σ
an acid-sulfate-dominated composition with a pH value of 2.1 mea- range of the deviation of the fitted curve from the measured values is
sured in this study in July 2019. This contrasts with the bicarbonate- shown in gray (Fig. 5). Other detailed studies on tritium levels of rainfall
type fluid composition reported by Ohsawa et al. (2002a) who mea- in Japan revealed a latitudinal variation (Momoshima et al., 1991;
sured pH value of 5.7 in Dec 2000 and by Morikawa et al. (2008) who Nakasone et al., 2019), as well as tritium spikes transported by air
measured a pH value of 6.9 in Nov 2002. Shallow wells in the coastal masses from Asia (Matsuoka et al., 1994; Yokoyama et al., 2011;
Obama area bear artesian flow of boiling NaCl-type fluids. A single sam- Gusyev et al., 2019). However, the limited number of monitoring data
ple collected for this study plots within the previously reported range of from Fukuoka and Kumamoto, the closest monitoring stations to the
chemical compositions. The chloride concentration of 4388 mg/L, ap- study sites, showed compatible results to Tokyo (Fig. 5: Momoshima
proximately 25% that of seawater, is within the typical range of fluids et al., 1991; Matsuoka et al., 1994; Hayashi et al., 1999; Momoshima
from this area. et al., 2005, 2008; Yokoyama et al., 2011), which we use as a reference

Fig. 3. Ternary diagrams of (a) cation and (b) anions with a curve representing equilibrium compositions following Giggenbach (1986). Solid symbols are data from this study, open
symbols are from previous studies (NEDO, 1988; Ohsawa et al., 2002a; Saibi and Ehara, 2010).’SW’ represents seawater, and N61-UZ-7 is the borehole near Unzen-jigoku bearing
NaCl-type high temperature fluid (NEDO, 1988). Reference numbers in the legend are: [1] Ohsawa et al., 2002a; [2] Saibi and Ehara, 2010; [3] Nakagawa et al., 2017; [4] Amano et al.,
2018. Studied water samples have not reached chemical equilibrium unlike N61-UZ-7.

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

Table 1
Chemical compositions of geothermal fluids from Unzen graben.

Name ID Date T pH Cl− SO2−

4 HCO−
3 Na Mg Al Si K Ca

°C mg/L mg/L mg/L ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

Unzen Jizo J 7/9/2019 79.0 1.7 0.7 2187 0 – 0.6 93.0 102.6 5.1 1.4
Unzen Suzume S 7/9/2019 64.9 1.9 2.6 1136 0 2.8 5.4 55.3 79.4 9.3 3.6
Unzen pipe P 7/9/2019 1.7 1.8 1949 0 10.0 9.8 61.2 128.1 10.3 6.3
Unzen Creek C 7/9/2019 28.1 2.6 3.1 311 0 3.1 1.9 15.3 44.4 3.3 1.6
Unzen East Stream E 7/9/2019 1.8 2.1 1689 0 3.4 7.3 52.3 110.8 5.8 3.5
Unzen West Stream W 7/9/2019 1.8 3.8 2129 0 8.8 8.4 84.5 107.4 17.2 5.4
Motoike Spa 7/10/2019 31.0 8.1 27.8 6.0 1427 246.8 87.7 – 33.3 29.7 8.6
Kan'nonjima Spa 7/10/2019 29.8 7.9 43.8 18.1 1595 101.0 150.0 – 32.6 24.7 14.3
Obama Spa 7/11/2019 97.8 6.2 4388.4 279 227 2706.8 126.7 – 89.8 241.0 17.4
Karimizu 7/9/2019 25.8 2.1 6.4 143 0 7.3 13.4 – 47.7 7.5 3.7
Seawatera 12/1975 17.8 18,650 2450 138 10,250 1270 358 399

‘ID’ are location symbols shown in Fig. 2. HCO−

3 values represent total alkalinity.
Seawater composition was reported by Saibi and Ehara (2010).

input function. The range of anticipated tritium activities of fluids surface water and shallow groundwater, suggesting contribution of Cl
in 2019 (the time of sampling = ts) was estimated by: AT (t) = from different sources as discussed below.
f(t)×e−λ(ts−t). These curves are shown with tritium activities of samples
in Fig. 5. The highest tritium activity observed at the creek flowing by
the Unzen-jigoku is within the range of current local precipitation. Tri- 4. Discussion
tium activities below 0.5 TU, as observed for two fluid samples from
Shimabara and a frying pan feature in Unzen-jigoku, indicate a signifi- 4.1. Shimabara geothermal wells
cant contribution of pre-nuclear meteoric water. Two other samples
from Unzen geothermal field and one from Karimizu mineral spring The 36Cl/Cl ratio of 9±2.4 ×10−15 and 10±3.0 ×10−15 are within the
had intermediate tritium activities. range of the anticipated local meteoric recharge ratio. The chloride con-
Chlorine-36 abundances were measured in three samples with rela- tent is several times higher than in local river waters and shallow
tively high Cl contents; the 36Cl/Cl ratios were 9±2.4 ×10−15 and 10± groundwater (Nakagawa et al., 2017; Amano et al., 2018), therefore,
3.0 ×10−15 at Kan'nonjima spa and Motoike spa in Shimabara, respec- chloride was probably added along the subsurface flow path. Because
tively, and 3±0.6 ×10−15 at the geothermal well in Obama. 36Cl abun- subsurface-derived Cl could also have comparable or only slightly
dances have been studied in a few geothermal fields (Hedenquist lower 36Cl/Cl ratio, the effect of this mixing is difficult to quantify. How-
et al., 1990; Rao et al., 1996; Snyder et al., 2002), and were proven useful ever, the measured value clearly excludes significant contribution of
for identifying sources of Cl. The study region is located at 32.8 °N where thermonuclear 36Cl which could elevate the 36Cl/Cl ratios by about
estimated natural 36Cl fallout rate is 30 (±10) atoms/m2/sec (Phillips, two orders of magnitude (Tosaki et al., 2011).
2013). With a mean annual precipitation of 2100 mm and typical Cl con- The tritium activities of samples from Shimabara geothermal wells
tents of surface water between 3 and 8 mg/L, observed ratios fall within were close to background level in accordance to a single data previously
the estimated range of 36Cl/Cl ratio in recharging meteoric water of reported from this region (<0.5 TU: Kawabe, 1997). Our new measure-
2.1–12×10−15, assuming a marine aerosol origin for chloride in ments from 2019 extend the lower limit of the water residence time by
recharging water. A recent study of young groundwater at comparable
latitude in Chiba, Japan, reported pre-nuclear 36Cl/Cl ratios of 17–29
×10−15 (Tosaki et al., 2011). Considering the lower precipitation in
Chiba, the upper range of theoretical estimate for Shimabara appear rea-
sonable. These fluid samples have higher Cl contents compared to

Table 2
Isotopic compositions of geothermal fluids from Unzen graben.

Name δ18O δD Tritium 36


‰ ‰ TU ×10−15

Unzen Jizo +3.9 ± 0.2 −5.8 ± 0.3 0.09 ± 0.06
Unzen Suzume −3.2 ± 0.3 −31.9 ± 0.9 1.23 ± 0.08
Unzen pipe −5.7 ± 0.0 −35.5 ± 0.2 1.02 ± 0.15
Unzen Creek −7.3 ± 0.0 −43.0 ± 0.1 2.50 ± 0.20
Unzen East Stream −4.7 ± 0.1 −33.4 ± 0.4
Unzen West Stream −3.6 ± 0.2 −29.3 ± 0.1
Fig. 4. Stable isotope compositions of geothermal fluids. Symbols are identical to Fig. 3.
Motoike Spa −8.1 ± 0.3 −48.0 ± 0.5 0.00 ± 0.05 10 ± 3.0
JZ3-MWL is the local meteoric line expressed as δD = 7.73 δ18O + 12.7 (Mizota and
Kan'nonjima Spa −7.9 ± 0.4 −48.4 ± 0.6 0.05 ± 0.05 9 ± 2.4
Kusakabe, 1994). The slope of the kinetic fractionation line (blue) is 3.44. The range of
andesite magmatic water is from Taran et al. (1989) and Giggenbach (1992a, 1992b).
Obama Spa −5.1 ± 0.2 −36.9 ± 0.1 0.55 ± 0.08 3 ± 0.6
Karimizu −6.6 ± 0.2 −44.2 ± 0.7 1.51 ± 0.08

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

Fig. 5. Tritium activities of key samples are shown as horizontal dashed lines (Uz C = site C of Unzen, Kmz = Karimizu spring, Obm = Obama), whereas anticipated tritium level at the time
of sampling for the given time of recharge is shown in yellow zone. Temporal change of tritium levels in precipitation measured in or near Tokyo are also shown as gray symbols
(International Atomic Energy Agency/World Meteorological Organization (IAEA/WMO) (2018), Nuclear Regulation Authority (2021). Although latitudinal variation of tritium activity
across Japan was reported (e.g. Momoshima et al., 1991), detailed examination recently showed that such trend is prominent in northeastern part of Japan (Gusyev et al., 2019). Black
symbols and lines are tritium levels in precipitation measured in Fukuoka and Kumamoto, near the study area (Momoshima et al., 1991; Matsuoka et al., 1994; Hayashi et al., 1999;
Momoshima et al., 2007, 2008; Yokoyama et al., 2011), within the range of data from Tokyo. Note that two data from Fukuoka are at the higher end of the spectrum, possibly impacted
by a local anthrologenic source (Gusyev et al., 2019), but the slightly higher background level will not affect our conclusion.

25 years (the time difference between two sampling campaigns) at two volcanic earthquakes. On other volcanoes where comparable time
different geothermal wells tapping the same formation. The absence of scales of the magmatic volatile signal response time was reported
tritium indicates isolation of the bicarbonate fluid from the overlying al- (7–15 km/yr at Nevado del Ruiz volcano by Sturchio et al., 1988; Sano
luvial aquifer. The tritium data in this fluid had never been discussed in et al., 1990; Sturchio and Williams, 1990, 6–18 km/yr at Mt. Mihara by
the context of volcanic signals transported in the aquifer, but this is the Sano et al., 1988), either a magmatically perturbed and enhanced hy-
area where a change in 3He/4He ratios was reported prior to the erup- draulic gradient or gas phase transport were suggested as possible
tion of Mt. Fugen in 1990. He isotope ratios continued to increase and mechanism for rapid signal transfer. Because the baseline measurement
peaked in July 1992, which was 6 months to 1 year after the peak of (Marty et al., 1989) was carried out several years prior to the eruption, it
magma effusion (Nakada et al., 1999) and SO2 discharge rates is unclear how the 3He/4He ratio increased over time prior to the 1990
(Hirabayashi et al., 1995) in mid- to late-1991 (Notsu et al., 2001). The eruption (e.g. abrupt vs. gradual). For better understanding of the mag-
prolonged residence time of the geothermal fluids from this region matic volatile transport processes, continuous monitoring is desirable
(>60 years based on tritium data) means that the advective flow of between and during eruption cycles.
the fluid is too slow to transmit the volcanic signal in the observed re-
sponse time scale of one year or less over the 8 km distance between 4.2. Unzen geothermal field (jigoku)
the Mt. Fugen volcanic cone to Shimabara.
An alternative transport mechanism of magmatic volatiles is The chemical compositions of fluids from Unzen-jigoku had low
through faults. Shallow groundwater and cold spring waters from chloride and other solute contents comparable to local rivers and shal-
Shimabara contained significant contributions of magmatic C character- low groundwater, but they were acidic and highly enriched in sulfate.
ized with elevated δ13C compared to groundwater in equilibrium with Such acid-sulfate type fluids are common in geothermal fields and are
soil CO2, especially along the stretch of the two major faults close to typically attributed to absorption and oxidation of H2S-containing
Mt. Fugen (Akamatsudani fault and Chijiwa fault; Ohsawa et al., steam into surface waters (Craig, 1963; Giggenbach, 1978), as inferred
2002b). Soil gas measurements transecting the Akamatsudani fault for Unzen-jigoku by Ohsawa (2006). The stable isotope compositions
also revealed enhanced magmatic CO2 concentrations near the fault of thermal waters from Unzen-jigoku were heavier compared to the
based on the geographic distribution of radiocarbon and δ13C meteoric water from nearby creek [site C] and in a plot of δD vs. δ18O
(Takahashi et al., 2004). Furthermore, an extensive mapping of they define a line with a slope of 3.4 (Fig. 4). All but one samples from
He/4He ratios in groundwater and thermal water showed that even the Unzen-jigoku had relatively high (>1 TU) tritium activity, indicating
shallow, low-temperature groundwaters ubiquitously contain signifi- a significant contribution of young water, probably from precipitation
cant amounts of dissolved magmatic He (Morikawa et al., 2008). within the surface watershed. The sample collected at the site C has
These previous studies demonstrated that, in the eastern part of the highest tritium activity which is within the range of modern precipita-
Unzen graben, faults crosscutting aquifers and soil layers serve as path- tion. Taken together with the δD-δ18O values which plot on JZ3-MWL,
ways for relatively rapid vertical transport of magmatic volatiles. How- this samples is considered to represent the isotopic compositions of
ever, a detection of magmatic volatiles in groundwater requires lateral young meteoric water with minimal geothermal input. The tritium ac-
transport from the fault intersecting the aquifer. The creation of fluid tivity is lower in sulphate-rich samples, indicating a higher proportion
pathways by rock fracturing could also be induced by pre-eruption of steam condensate. A high temperature (79.0 °C) frying-pan type

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

feature [site J] had only trace tritium activity with the heaviest δD-δ18O heat flux over a transfer time scale of 60 days. The depleted tritium
composition. data suggest that an additional, older, water source (i.e. not limited to
The isotopically heavy water of steam-heated surface pools results heat and sulfate) contributes to Unzen-jigoku features, and that the
from a kinetic isotope fractionation during evaporation where local me- flux is sufficient to locally form undiluted pools. Higher tritium activities
teoric water and emanating steam interact (Craig, 1963; Truesdell et al., observed within this area can simply be attributed to mixing with young
1977; Giggenbach, 1978). Following Giggenbach and Stewart (1982), meteoric water precipitated within the geothermal basin. An analysis of
water evaporation from thermal discharges at the surface can be stream networks within the geothermal area using a digital elevation
modeled as a kinetic process with effective fractionation factors: model (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 2019) indicates
that surface water and the geothermal fluids passing through the
ε0D ðT Þ ¼ εD ðT Þ þ 8:4 ð2Þ main jigoku area drain through the sample collection site E (Fig. 2).
Therefore, fluid sample collected at the site E provides a first-order esti-
ε018 O ðT Þ ¼ ε18 O ðT Þ þ 10:12 ð3Þ
mation of water contribution from the steam to this geothermal area. As
shown in Fig. 6, the isotopic composition at the pour point of the geo-
where ε are equilibrium fractionation factors. In case of the steady-state
thermal field (site E) indicates approximately a quarter contribution of
evaporation from continuously heated and replenished pools, the isoto-
water from the steam.
pic compositions of water (w) and steam (s) entering (i) and leaving
The analysis of stream networks also indicates that watershed areas
(o) the pool can be expressed as:
are relatively small for the three samples collected within the geother-
δwo −δso ¼ ε0 ðT Þ ð4Þ mal field (Fig. 2). Two of the samples [J and P] were located near each
other; their watersheds are practically identical, and site [P] was up-
δwo ¼ δwi þ f ðδsi −δwi þ ε0 ðT ÞÞ ð5Þ stream of [J]. As described above, an artificial construction with buried
pipes appears to gather the fluids from upgradient and beneath at the
where f is the fraction of steam contributing from the depth. At 79 °C, site [P] and the fluid is extracted for local spas, limiting the flow of me-
the effective fractionation factors (i.e. equilibrium and kinetic effects teoric surface water to the site J. This explains the low tritium activity at
combined) between liquid water and water vapor are 16.1 and 45.6‰ site J. For the studies of acid-sulphate type fluids which can rapidly react
for δ18O and δD, respectively (Giggenbach and Stewart, 1982; Horita with oxygen, chemical compositions of gas may not necessarily be a
and Wesolowski, 1994). Assuming that the sample containing the low- good indicator of contribution from surface water. Stream network
est tritium level (J) has a minimal contribution from surface water, the analyses can provide a useful a priori insight into possible contributions
evaporation at the measured temperature of 79 °C leads to δDsi and of surface water to surface geothermal features, which would be useful
δ18Osi values of −51.4 and −12.2‰. Measured δD and δ18O values at for preselecting the sampling sites most suitable for forecasting volcanic
each geothermal site represent δwo, whereas the surface water from site activity.
C can represent δDwi and δ18Owi values of −43 and −7.3‰. Eq. (5) for
oxygen and hydrogen gives: 4.3. Obama geothermal area

δDwo ¼ δDwi þ f δDsi −δDwi þ ε0D ðT Þ ð6Þ The chemical compositions of Karimizu spring changed from
  bicarbonate-type (Ohsawa et al., 2002a; Morikawa et al., 2008) to
δ18 Owo ¼ δ18 Owi þ f δ18 Osi −δ18 Owi þ ε018 O ðT Þ ð7Þ acid-sulfate -type. This change could be attributed either to variations
of flux and/or composition of the source, or due to different water-
The evaporation curve at 28 °C (temperature of surface water from rock-interaction and degassing processes during the transport of sulfu-
the creek) and 90 °C are shown on a δD and δ18O diagram, together ric gas in the subsurface. It is desirable to further investigate the cause of
with the fraction f of steam contribution and relevant data (Fig. 6). this compositional change and whether it is chronic, temporal or cyclic.
The low tritium activity at site J suggests the presence of a conduit The similarity in chemical composition suggests a common process that
enabling older (pre-nuclear) heated water/steam to ascend without generated this mineral spring water to Unzen-jigoku.
mixing with young, shallow groundwater or surface water. Based on The Obama geothermal fluid sample is greatly enriched in Cl, Na, and
the hydrograph analyses of the Unzen-jigoku, Tabata (1960) reported K compared to surface and shallow subsurface water, requiring a contri-
correlations between the fluid flux and time-ramped sum of the local bution of highly saline water. It was previously attributed primarily to a
precipitation. Furthermore, the fluid flux was negatively correlated to mixing of shallow meteoric water with heated seawater or deep-seated
temperature. The author interpreted this anti-correlation as a result of brine (Ohsawa et al., 2002a). The relatively low tritium activity of
varying groundwater flux through a geothermal area with constant Obama geothermal spa water (0.55 TU) is most probably a result of
mixing between young meteoric water similar to the one contributing
to Karimizu mineral spring and older saline water. A hydraulic connec-
tion of Obama geothermal field with the modern ocean was demon-
strated by the increased salinity during the time period of salt mining,
during which the water table dropped and induced seawater intrusion
(Saibi and Ehara, 2010). However, the Obama geothermal fluid sample
has slightly higher 36Cl/Cl ratio of 3±0.6 ×10−15 than that of modern
seawater (0.5±0.3 ×10−15; Argento et al., 2010), which indicates a Cl
contribution from a source other than modern seawater. This is consis-
tent with a larger δ18O-shift of these fluids than that produced by a sim-
ple mixing of meteoric water and seawater, necessitating a contribution
of andesitic magmatic water or high-temperature oxygen exchange
with rocks (Ohsawa et al., 2002a; Saibi and Ehara, 2010; Taran et al.,
1989; Giggenbach, 1992a, 1992b).
The subsurface production of nucleogenic 36Cl by the 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl
Fig. 6. Modeled water isotope evolution (δwo) via water evaporation from thermal
discharges and mixing with surface water at the surface pool. Open triangle represents
reaction occurs by thermal neutrons originating from U and Th fission
the estimated steam composition. Solid triangles are the data of samples from Unzen as well as from (α,n) reactions in the rock matrix (Davis Jr. and
geothermal field. Key samples are shown as large symbols with location ID label. Schaeffer, 1951; Lehmann and Purtschert, 1997). Under closed system

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of geothermal systems in the Unzen graben, adapted from Ohta (2005) and Ohsawa (2006). Blue lines represent flow of cold water.’YMW’ stands for ‘young
meteoric water’.

conditions (e.g. constant Cl) the 36Cl/Cl ratio converges toward a value Unzen geothermal field, the stable isotope compositions of six samples
proportional to the U and Th contents of the local rock matrix on a plot on a line representing a mixing between isotopically enriched sam-
time scale of 1.5 Myr, regardless of the Cl content (Phillips, 2000; ples with trace tritium activity and surface waters with tritium activity
Purtschert et al., 2021). In the steady state, the observed 36Cl/Cl ratio comparable to current local precipitation. Based on the estimate of the
of 3 ×10−15 corresponds to a few ppm U, which is within the range of source isotope compositions, the steam feeding this geothermal field
concentration for volcanic and pyroclastic rocks from Unzen volcanism appears to originate from pre-nuclear groundwater of meteoric origin.
(1.5–2.7 ppm: Takashima and Watanabe, 1994; Shimao et al., 1999). Despite the relatively long (>60 years) subsurface residence time of
The data can therefore be explained by a subsurface addition of the fluid, the boiling and steam generation can be an ongoing process,
nucleogenic 36Cl during prolonged residence of the chloride-rich fluid i.e. the addition of the magmatic volatiles can be recent. For a better un-
in crust. The tritium activity in the sample does not conflict this inter- derstanding of the magmatic volatile transport processes, further con-
pretation because mixing of tritium-bearing (Cl-poor) freshwater will straints on the fluid flow time scale and continuous monitoring of
have minimal effect on 36Cl/Cl ratio. volcanic signals are needed while a volcano is at rest between eruption
A possible candidate for the source of salinity in the Obama geother- cycles. The first measurement of 36Cl/Cl ratios in Obama geothermal
mal fluid is the deep-seated Na-Cl fluid detected in borehole N61-UZ-7, fluids revealed that chloride in the NaCl-type fluid is not simply derived
lateral migration of which was anticipated toward Obama geothermal from seawater, although a hydraulic connection to ocean had been pos-
area based on subsurface thermal anomalies (NEDO, 1988; Ohsawa, tulated. A systematic 36Cl/Cl study in Obama geothermal fluids could
2006). This deep-seated fluid had Cl contents comparable to the potentially help to better understand the significance of the apparent
Obama geothermal fluid but was characterized by a larger δ18O-shift nucleogenic 36Cl contribution.
from JZ3-MWL, making it apparently an implausible contributor. How-
ever, tritium was detected in the fluid from N61-UZ-7, indicating that Declaration of Competing Interest
this deep-seated saline fluid was diluted to some degree by young and
fresh meteoric water recharged at a higher elevation. If the original The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
deep-seated saline fluid prior to the dilution had been highly enriched interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
in Cl compared to the Obama geothermal fluid, the Cl from the deep- ence the work reported in this paper.
seated fluid could dominate the Cl budget with minimal δ18O-shift. A
minor contribution of modern seawater is also probable, thus more sys- Acknowledgements
tematic study is desirable for quantitative determination of Cl budget in
this geothermal system. This work was supported by NSF Petrology and Geochemistry pro-
gram (EAR-1906305) and the Swiss National Science Foundation
5. Conclusion (contract no.200020/172550). NCS thanks the University of Tokyo,
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, for support as a Guest Profes-
Aiming at understanding the origin and flow dynamics of geother- sor during summer 2019. We are grateful to two reviewers, Tobias
mal fluids in volcanic geothermal systems, we analyzed tritium and Fischer and Franco Tassi, for their comments which significantly im-
Cl activities of geothermal fluids along with their chemical and stable proved the manuscript. We thank the ministry of the environment
isotopic compositions from three geothermal areas in Shimabara penin- and the city of Obama for granting the access to the sampling sites.
sula. A simplified schematic of the main processes of the geothermal We thank Mr.Hamabe of Shimabara city office for guiding our sam-
system as deduced from the new data is depicted in Fig. 7. The pling at the city-operated geothermal wells. Linnea Heraty and Eliza-
bicarbonate-type fluids from low temperature wells in Shimabara are beth Lofredo are thanked for laboratory assistance at the University
tritium free and thus have subsurface residence times greater than 60 of Delaware. We are grateful to Ayaka Kumatani for the help in the
years. The disagreement between the time scales of advective fluid field. RY thanks H. Kobayashi, N. Morikawa, E. Gayer and K. Horiguchi
flow and volcanic signal response reported in the literature (Notsu for help, advice and discussions. Dr. M. Gusyev is acknowledged for
et al., 2001) indicates that the transport of magmatic volatiles and very kindly providing the tritium data from the discontinued NIRS da-
movement of geothermal fluids are decoupled in this aquifer. In the tabase. RY thanks J. Eason and PSD Desktop Support for their support.

R. Yokochi, R. Purtschert, Y. Suda et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419 (2021) 107353

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