Contemporaneous Ascent of Within-Plate Type and Island-Arc Typemagmas in The Beppu-Shimabara Graben System, Kyushu Island, Japan

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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109

Contemporaneous ascent of within-plate type and island-arc type

magmas in the Beppu±Shimabara graben system, Kyushu island,
Itsuro Kita a,*, Masatsugu Yamamoto a, Yoshitada Asakawa a, Masafumi Nakagawa a,
Sachihiro Taguchi b, Hidenao Hasegawa c
Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University, Akita 010-8502, Japan
Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Institute for Environmental Sciences, Aomori 039-3212, Japan
Received 21 January 2000; accepted 16 February 2001

Within-plate (WP) type and island-arc (IA) type magmas have erupted in north Kyushu and south Kyushu, respectively,
during Quaternary time. The former is related to the eastern end of the East Asian extensional province and the latter to the
subduction zone of the Philippine Sea plate. The Beppu±Shimabara graben system in the central part of Kyushu island is
located in the area of overlap between them. Quaternary volcanic rock samples from the graben system can be chemically
classi®ed as WP- and IA-types by their multi-element patterns and positions on a Zr±Nb±Y discrimination diagram. Rocks of
both type and of similar ages occur throughout the graben system. Furthermore, the rocks of WP-type give systematically higher
Sr/ 86Sr ratios (0.7048±0.7049) than those of the associated IA-type (around 0.7040). The relations between 87Sr/ 86Sr and Nb/
Y ratios of the former are clearly distinguished from those of the latter. These results demonstrate that this graben system is
characterized by the contemporaneous ascents of WP- and IA-type magmas to the same Quaternary volcanic areas. Such
rivalrous ascents of WP- and IA-type magmas seem to be a common feature of magmatism associated with graben in
extensional provinces related to subduction zones of island arcs and their boundary areas. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.
Keywords: graben; within-plate type magma; Island arc type magma; subduction zone; rifting area; spidergram pattern; 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio

1. Introduction WP-type basalts occur abundantly in North Kyushu,

at the margin of the East Asian province of rift-related
Kyushu island in southwest Japan, has a compli- basaltic volcanism. The Beppu±Shimabara graben
cated tectonic setting (Fig. 1). The Philippine Sea system lies in the zone of overlap between the subduc-
plate subducts under this area at the Nankai Trough tion zone and the present extensional tectonic area
and the Ryukyu Trench to produce the Daisen and (Tada, 1985) (Fig. 1). The Philippine Sea plate
Ryukyu volcanic zones, respectively. Furthermore, subducts steeply beneath the Beppu and Kuju areas,
and is thought not to extend beneath the Shimabara
area because seismic centers deeper than 30 km are
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: 181-18-8892455. lacking (Mitsunami, 1992). The Yufu±Tsurumi,
E-mail address: (I. Kita).

0377-0273/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0377-027 3(01)00222-0
100 I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of Beppu±Shimabara (BS) graben system (after Tada, 1985) and locations of Beppu, Kuju, and Shimabara areas in
Kyushu, SW Japan. The distribution of rift type (WP-type) basalts in the Northwestern Kyushu is shown. Solid triangles show Yufu±Tsurumi,
Kuju, and Unzen volcanoes in Beppu, Kuju, and Shimabara areas, respectively. Inset map shows the location of the Sendai basalt area and the
tectonic environment of Kyushu island accompanied by distribution of WP-type basalts in the East Asia extensional province modi®ed from
Zhou et al., (1988). SWJA: SW Japan arc (also called the Daisen volcanic zone), RA: Ryukyu arc, NT: Nankai Trough, OT: Okinawa Trough
(modi®ed from Kimura, 1990), TLF: Tancheng±Lujiang fault zone.

Kuju, and Unzen volcanoes are located in the Beppu, more abundant phenocrysts and have higher Fe 31/
Kuju, and Shimabara areas of the graben system, Fe 21 ratios than the latter (Nakada, 1986).
respectively. These volcanoes belong to the Daisen Tectonic environments of volcanic rocks can be
volcanic zone, also called the SW Japan arc, which distinguished using multi-element patterns (the
stretches from Daisen in southwest Honshu island to spidergram), which emphasize abundances of high
the Shimabara area of Kyushu (Fig. 1). Their volcanic ®eld strength (HFS) elements relative to large ion
rocks can be distinguished petrographically and lithophile (LIL) elements (e.g. Wood et al., 1981;
geochemically from those of Aso volcano, which Pearce, 1983). According to Wood et al. (1981),
lies at the northern end of the Ryukyu arc. The volca- spidergrams of WP-type rocks have smooth primor-
noes of SW Japan arc and Ryukyu arc are character- dial mantle-normalized patterns that are different
ized by eruptions of hornblende andesite and from those of IA-type rocks, which show depression
pyroxene andesite, respectively. The former contains of HFS elements, especially Nb, relative to LIL
I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109 101

elements. It is well known that alkali and tholeiitic tional glass bead method. Their trace element contents
basalts in North Kyushu show WP-type patterns, were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
whereas calc-alkaline andesites in the Ryukyu arc Spectrometer (VG-PQV) at Institute for Environmen-
have IA signatures (Nakada and Kamata (1988); tal Sciences. The sample solutions were prepared by
Kakubuchi et al., 1995). The volcanoes within the conventional acid digestion, using acids of ultra pure
Beppu±Shimabara graben system, however, have grades and ultra pure water puri®ed by distillation and
produced volcanic rocks of both WP- and IA-types. the deionization. For calibrations of trace elements,
In the Beppu area at the eastern part of the graben Custom Grade Standard Solutions for ICP from
system, the existence of a WP-type basalt, erupted SPEX Co. were used. The accuracy and precision of
concurrently with the dominant IA-type volcanic major element contents are estimated to range
rocks, has been reported (Ohta et al., 1992). Further- between 1 and 2% and of most trace elements between
more, in the Shimabara area at the western part of the 2 and 8%. Isotopic compositions of Sr in rock samples
graben system, Nakada and Kamata (1988) reported were measured using a mass spectrometer (Finnigan-
the occurrence of WP-type basalts and some andesites MAT 261) at Akita University. The average 87Sr/ 86Sr
of similar age showing spidergrams with patterns value (^1s ) from 139 measurements of NBS-987 Sr
intermediate between WP- and IA-types. Although standard completed during the course of our studies is
they explained the andesites by mixing of WP-type 0.710241 ^ 0.000022.
basaltic magmas with felsic magmas formed by melt-
ing of lower crustal material, the petrogenetic rela-
tionship between the WP-type basalts and the 3. Spidergram patterns of volcanic rocks in the
andesites has not yet been con®rmed by isotopic graben system
data. These observations led us to hypothesize that
the grabens can act as a common channel for the Our interests were focused on the volcanic rocks
ascents of WP- and IA-type magmas in such tectonic within the graben system reported by Nakada and
environments where the rifting area and subduction- Kamata (1988) and Ohta et al. (1992). For that reason,
related island arc overlap one another (Kita, 1997). nine rock samples were collected from the Beppu,
Furthermore, IA-type magmas and WP-type basalts Kuju, and Shimabara areas along the Beppu±Shima-
have erupted concurrently within continental margin bara graben system (Fig. 1). Samples from Beppu and
arcs associated with graben and faults, such as the Shimabara areas were collected from the same local-
Mexican volcanic belt and the Cascade arc of the ities as those reported by earlier workers, as follows;
United States (e.g. Nelson and Carmichael, 1984; Oninomiyama basalt (BO-1) from the Yufu±Tsurumi
Leeman et al., 1990; Carmichael et al., 1996; Luhr, volcanoes, and Minami±Shimabara andesites (S-1
1997; Bacon et al., 1997; Borg et al., 1997; Conrey et and 2), Hayasaki basalt (S-3), and Atagoyama basalt
al., 1997). In this study, we aim to verify that the (S-4) from Unzen volcano (Table 1). Furthermore,
Beppu±Shimabara graben system accommodated from Mt. Hiijidake of Kuju volcano group reported
not only IA-type arc magmatism but also WP-type by Nakada and Kamata (1988), the basalts (KH-1 and
magmatism of almost the same age, based on detailed 2) and andesites (KH-3 and 4) were collected. In addi-
spidergram patterns, positions on a Zr±Nb±Y discri- tion, three samples were collected from the Aso area
mination diagram, Sr isotopic data, and the ages of the as representative IA-type rocks related to subduction
volcanic rocks from the Beppu, Kuju, and Shimabara of the Philippine Sea plate. Table 1 shows sample
areas. localities, rock types, and petrographical characteris-
tics of volcanic rocks from the Beppu±Shimabara
graben system and Aso area. Their major and trace
2. Experimental element contents, spidergram pattern types, Sr isoto-
pic data, and ages are shown in Table 2. Basalts from
Major element compositions in volcanic rocks were the Kuju and Shimabara areas can be distinguished
determined by X-ray ¯uorescence spectrometer petrographically from the associated andesites by
(Rigaku 3070) at Akita University, using the conven- their olivine contents.
I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109
Table 1
Sample localities, rock types, and petrographical characteristics of volcanic rocks from the Beppu±Shimabara graben system and the Aso area (qualitative quantity of phenocryst
minerals: 111 . 1 1 . 1 . 2; pl: plagioclase; ol: olivine; opx: orthopyroxene; cpx: clinopyroxene; hbl: hornblende)

Area Sample no. Locality Rock type Phenocrysts Groundmass texture

Pl ol opx cpx hbl

Beppu area BO-1 Oninomiyama N33819 0 10 00 , E131824 0 20 00 Basalt 111 11 2 2 Intergranular

0 00 0 00
Kuju area KH-1 Hiijidake summit N33806 40 , E131816 20 Basalt 111 11 1 11 Intergranular
KH-2 Hiijidake N33806 0 30 00 , E131816 0 30 00 Basalt 111 11 2 1 Intersertal
KH-3 Hiijidake N33806 0 50 00 , E131815 0 40 00 Andesite 111 1 11 Hyalo-ophitic
KH-4 Hiijidake N33807 0 00 00 , E131815 0 30 00 Andesite 111 1 11 Hyalo-ophitic
Shimabara area S-1 Minami-shimabara N32841 0 20 00 , E130811 0 50 00 Andesite 111 1 11 2 Intersertal
S-2 Minami-shimabara N32840 0 10 00 , E130811 0 00 00 Andesite 111 1 11 2 Intersertal
S-3 Hayasaki N32837 0 30 00 , E130810 0 40 00 Basalt 11 1 Pilotaxitic
S-4 Atagoyama N32835 0 20 00 , E130811 0 10 00 Basalt 2 11 Pilotaxitic
Aso area AS-1 Nakadake N32850 0 40 00 , E131804 0 20 00 Basaltic andesite 111 1 2 11 Intersertal
AS-2 Komezuka N32854 0 00 00 , E131802 0 10 00 Basalt 111 11 11 Intergranular
AS-3 Nakadake N32852 0 30 00 , E131805 0 20 00 Basalt 11 1 1 Intersertal
Table 2
Chemical compositions, types of spidergrams, 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios, and ages of volcanic rocks from the Beppu±Shimabara graben system, and Aso and Sendai areas of Kyushu island.
YAE and NAKA correspond to the Yaeyama and Nakayama basalts in the Sendai area. Contents of major and trace elements are given in wt% and ppm, respectively. LOI means loss
on ignition and Fe2O3p is total iron as Fe2O3 ((1) Ohta et al., 1992; (2) Ohta, 1991; (3)Nakada and Kamata, 1988; (4) Ono and Watanabe, 1985; (5) Miyachi, 1982; SPG-type:
spidergram type; WP: within-plate type; IA: island-arc type; WP±IA: intermediate type

Sample BO-1 KH-1 KH-2 KH-3 KH-4 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 AS-1 AS-2 AS-3 YAE NAKA

SiO2 (wt%) 53.12 52.55 52.65 58.29 61.54 58.45 56.50 49.39 48.34 54.55 51.64 52.08 53.78 50.07

I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109
TiO2 1.83 1.03 1.06 1.03 0.72 1.00 1.06 2.02 1.63 0.90 0.94 1.03 0.81 1.40
Al2O3 15.19 17.93 18.25 16.66 16.00 17.08 17.28 15.39 14.53 17.28 17.61 17.67 15.28 16.62
Fe2O3p 9.64 9.91 9.98 7.66 6.37 7.84 8.28 10.77 11.65 9.53 10.56 10.39 8.74 10.14
MnO 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.17
MgO 5.86 4.62 4.38 3.40 2.59 2.70 3.28 6.68 9.10 3.91 5.35 4.31 7.11 6.90
CaO 7.59 8.77 8.57 6.87 5.86 6.77 7.30 8.70 8.97 8.32 9.80 8.87 9.86 9.28
Na2O 3.90 3.20 3.13 3.33 3.59 3.35 3.14 3.45 3.37 3.50 3.31 3.95 2.68 3.03
K2O 1.55 1.19 1.26 1.86 2.15 1.54 1.42 1.32 0.99 2.32 1.42 1.65 1.03 1.36
P2O5 0.50 0.22 0.24 0.19 0.18 0.23 0.21 0.61 0.49 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.22 0.32
LOI 0.72 0.17 0.99 0.38 0.93 2.04 1.41 1.59 1.05 0.16 0.05 0.82 0.58 0.79
Total 100.05 99.77 100.69 99.81 100.06 101.16 100.03 100.08 100.30 100.86 101.09 101.21 100.24 100.08

Rb (ppm) 38.4 27.0 29.9 54.1 57.0 51.7 43.9 31.0 18.1 75.3 42.0 47.9 18.1 38.2
Sr 634 775 784 436 511 467 484 608 423 638 581 645 772 421
Y 18.0 19.2 21.0 24.0 15.0 47.0 39.0 24.0 22.0 22.0 19.0 20.0 17.8 24.6
Zr 154 70.3 74.8 148 82.3 132 74.8 140 85.8 102 86.9 66.4 57.7 116
Nb 23.3 4.12 4.79 9.70 7.56 7.79 6.74 28.4 17.1 6.73 4.53 4.65 4.48 39.6
Ba 407 347 383 431 510 374 306 341 230 393 287 347 314 292
La 30.5 15.6 15.6 22.2 18.6 22.6 23.7 40.1 23.6 21.4 14.2 17.5 16.6 26.8
Ce 60.7 31.1 34.3 45.2 32.0 32.3 29.7 69.0 43.4 37.3 27.1 31.5 37.2 48.0
Nd 32.2 17.9 18.4 22.0 16.1 26.8 28.1 38.2 26.1 22.8 16.9 20.2 22.2 24.3
Sm 5.73 3.84 3.89 4.66 3.18 5.69 6.16 6.91 5.14 4.76 3.81 4.37 4.75 5.09
Eu 1.69 1.32 1.39 1.42 1.16 1.96 2.13 1.88 1.49 1.21 1.09 1.27 1.42 1.64
Gd 5.22 3.49 4.06 4.68 2.98 6.14 5.75 6.36 4.48 3.98 3.14 3.59 4.28 5.16
Dy 3.74 3.34 3.51 4.38 2.80 6.45 6.58 5.13 4.37 3.93 3.29 3.65 3.10 4.53
Er 1.64 1.80 1.82 2.29 1.52 3.77 3.75 2.41 2.26 2.14 1.78 2.01 1.76 2.72
Yb 1.34 1.65 1.65 2.16 1.50 3.47 3.59 2.03 2.06 2.03 1.72 1.87 1.69 2.76
Lu 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.23 0.51 0.53 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.41
Hf 3.42 1.54 1.72 3.44 2.38 2.87 1.85 3.71 1.94 2.42 1.70 1.30 2.45 3.08
Ta 1.35 0.42 0.52 0.74 0.67 1.12 0.62 1.25 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.54 0.57 2.48
Th 4.83 2.71 3.00 5.31 5.39 4.61 4.07 4.39 2.51 6.70 3.67 4.36 2.77 4.51


87 86
Sr/ Sr 0.704821 0.704016 0.704024 0.704271 0.704111 0.704032 0.704914 0.704817 0.703874 0.704021 0.703996
^11 ^11 ^12 ^9 ^9 ^10 ^16 ^8 ^15 ^8 ^8

Age 22±6 6.3±3 6.3±3 6.3±3 6.3±3 1.42 1.42 4.1 , 1.1 Ma(3) Holocene(4) Holocene(4) Holocene(4) 0.7 Ma(5) 0.7 Ma(5)
ka(1) ka(2) ka(2) ka(2) ka(2) ^0.08 Ma(3) ^0.08 Ma(3) ^1.1 Ma(3)

104 I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109

elements such as Nb, Zr, and Ti (Fig. 2A). This

supports the results of Ohta et al. (1992) who reported
the existence of WP-type basalt associated with the
dominant IA-type volcanic rocks in this area. On the
other hand, S-1 and 2 (andesites) show the IA-type
pattern with clearly negative anomalies of Nb and Ti,
whereas S-3 and 4 (basalts) give the patterns of WP-
type rocks without such negative Nb, Zr, and Ti
anomalies (Fig. 2C). It is noteworthy that the basalts,
BO-1 (Beppu) and S-3 (Shimabara), at both ends of
the graben have almost similar patterns of WP-type
(Fig. 2A). These WP-type patterns show slightly
negative anomalies of Ta and Hf. These slight anoma-
lies can also be found in the spidergram of GSJ rock
reference sample, JB-1a, a WP-type basalt from
northwest Kyushu (Kitamatsuura area), based on the
compilation data by Imai et al. (1995). Therefore,
such anomalies may be characteristic of basalts in
northwest Kyushu, suggesting that these basalts are
not true WP-type but near the end-member of that
category. On the other hand, the basalts (KH-1 and
2) from the Kuju area give IA-type patterns with
distinctly negative anomalies of Nb, Zr, and Hf (Fig.
2B), supporting the results of Nakada and Kamata
(1988). However, we identi®ed the intermediate
WP-IA-type in andesites (KH-3 and 4) with patterns
intermediate between WP- and IA-types characterized
by negative Nb anomalies and positive Zr anomalies
(Fig. 2B).
Fig. 3 shows a Zr±Nb±Y discrimination diagram
(Meschede, 1986). BO-1, and S-3 and 4, which have
WP-type patterns on Fig. 2, plot in the ®elds of within-
plate alkali basalts (WPA) and within-plate tholeiites
(WPT), whereas KH-1 and 2, and S-1 and 2 which
have IA-type patterns on Fig. 2, plot in the ®eld of
Fig. 2. Spidergram patterns of volcanic rocks from the Beppu± volcanic arc basalts (VAB). On the other hand, KH-3
Shimabara graben system. (A) WP-type patterns of the Oninomi- and 4, which have intermediate WP-IA-type patterns
yama basalt (BO-1) from the Beppu area and a basalt (S-3) from the on Fig. 2, fall within the boundary area between WPT
Shimabara area. (B) IA-type (KH-1, -2) and intermediate type (WP- and VAB. This is consistent with the observation that
IA: KH-3,-4) patterns from the Kuju area. (C) IA-type (S-1, -2) and
WP-type (S-3, -4) patterns from the Shimabara area. The values of
KH-3 and 4 are petrographically different from KH-1
primordial mantle are from Wood et al. (1981). and 2 (Table 1). For example, the former have hyalo-
ophitic textures and dusty plagioclase phenocrysts,
whereas the latter have intergranular and intersertal
Spidergrams composed of 16 elements following textures and clear plagioclase phenocrysts. The
Wood et al. (1981) are used for our discussion. Fig. textures are thus in accord with the existence of differ-
2 shows the spidergrams of the volcanic rocks from ent magma types in Kuju area. Therefore, chemical
the graben system. BO-1 has a WP-type spidergram and petrological signatures of volcanic rocks indicate
pattern absent negative anomalies of incompatible that the coexistence of WP- and IA-type rocks is
I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109 105

Fig. 3. Zr±Nb±Y discrimination diagram of volcanic rocks from the Beppu±Shimabara graben system and Aso area. The boundaries between
several ®elds are after Meschede (1986). WPA: within-plate alkali basalts; WPT: within-plate tholeiites; VAB: volcanic arc basalts; N-MORB:
N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts; P-MORB: P-type mid-ocean ridge basalts.

common to all volcanic areas in the Beppu±Shima- bara area give 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7041 and 0.7040,
bara graben system. much lower than those (0.7049 and 0.7048) of the
associated WP-type basalts (S-3 and 4) (Table 2). It
is notable that the 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7040 and
4. Relationship between spidergram patterns and 0.7049 are similar to the lowest and highest values
Sr/ 86Sr ratios of volcanic rocks from the graben of basalts for all of northern and northwestern
system Kyushu. Also in the Beppu area, the same Sr isotopic
relationship between the IA- and WP-type rocks was
The spatial variations of 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios for late- found. The WP-type basalt (BO-1) has a 87Sr/ 86Sr
Cenozoic basalts (ca. ,12 Ma) in the southwest ratio of 0.7048 higher than those (0.7039±0.7041) of
Japan have been reported by Kakubuchi et al. IA-type andesites with SiO2 contents lower than about
(1995), based on the data compiled from other studies 60% reported by Ohta and Aoki (1991). It can be
(Matsuhisa and Kurasawa, 1983; Kurasawa, 1984a,b, emphasized that WP-type basalts at both ends of the
1985; Kagami et al., 1986; Yanagi et al., 1988; Morris graben system give 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios similar to each
and Kagami, 1989; Fujibayashi et al., 1989; Notsu et other and the same thing can be said of IA-type ande-
al., 1990; Nagao et al., 1990; Nakamura et al., 1990; sites. Besides, the IA-type basalts from the Kuju area
Kakubuchi et al., 1994). According to Kakubuchi et (KH-1 and 2) give 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7040, similar to
al. (1995), the 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios in northern and north- those (0.7039±0.7041) of IA-type andesites from the
western Kyushu range widely from 0.7036 to 0.7054. Beppu and Shimabara areas. On the other hand, the
However, more radiogenic basalts (.0.7050) have WP-IA-type Kuju andesite (KH-4) has a 87Sr/ 86Sr
erupted only on the seaside of northern Kyushu ratio of 0.7043, intermediate between WP- and IA-
most distant from Beppu±Shimabara graben system type rocks within the graben system in terms of both
(Fig. 1). Sr/ 86Sr ratio and spidergram pattern. Furthermore,
The IA-type andesites (S-1 and 2) from the Shima- Kurasawa (1984a) reported that 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of
106 I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109

Fig. 4. The spidergram patterns of basalts from the Aso area. The values of primordial mantle are from Wood et al. (1981).

volcanic rocks from Kuju area are clustered in the anatexis of the lower crust (Nakada and Kamata,
range from 0.7040 to 0.7044 with an exception of 1988). However, Shibata and Ishihara (1979) reported
0.7050. This exceptional value is similar to the highest that the 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the crustal materials in this
value in and around the graben, suggesting WP-type region are higher than 0.7040. The mixing model is
magma in Kuju area. These results indicate that there unlikely, therefore, because andesites from the Shima-
is a common relationship between the spidergram bara area have the lowest 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios in the region,
patterns of volcanic rocks within the graben system, lower than those of both the associated WP-type
their positions on the Nb±Zr±Y discrimination basalts and crustal materials. Furthermore, basalts
diagram, and their 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios. from the Aso area related to subduction of the Philip-
The genesis of IA-type andesites from the Shima- pine Sea plate beneath the Ryukyu arc show IA-type
bara area has been explained by the mixing of WP- spidergram patterns (Fig. 4). They also give low
type basalt magmas with felsic magmas generated by Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7039±0.7040 similar to those of

Fig. 5. Relation between 87Sr/ 86Sr and Nb/Y ratios of volcanic rocks from the Beppu±Shimabara graben system and Aso area.
I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109 107

based on stratigraphical correlation. On the other

hand, the andesites of IA-type (S-1 and 2) yield ages
of 1.42 ^ 0.08 Ma similar to that of S-4 (Nakada and
Kamata, 1988) (Table 2). Andesites and basalts from
Mt. Hiijidake of the Kuju area have ages of 6.3±3 ka
(Ohta, 1991), whereas the Oninomiyama basalt of
WP-type from the Yufu±Tsurumi volcanoes in the
Beppu area has an age of 22±6 ka (Ohta et al.,
1992), and the associated andesites of IA-type have
ages of 35±2 ka (Kobayashi, 1984).
According to Nakada and Kamata (1988, 1991), the
upper mantle beneath northwest and central Kyushu
started to be contaminated by the subducting slab of
Fig. 6. The spidergram patterns of basalts from Sendai areas (Fig. the Philippine Sea plate at 5-3 Ma. After 2 Ma,
1). The values of primordial mantle are from Wood et al. (1981).
contamination of the mantle had been completed in
the areas nearest to the trench such as Beppu and
IA-type rocks found within the Beppu±Shimabara Kuju, leading to eruptions of the IA-type magmas.
graben system (Table 1). Thus, 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of However, in the Beppu and Kuju areas, not only IA-
IA-type magmas from Shimabara, Beppu, Kuju, and type magmas but also WP-type magmas erupted in the
Aso areas related to subduction of the Philippine Sea late Pleistocene and Holocene. The eruption ages of
plate beneath Kyushu island are similar to each other WP-type magmas are younger in the east part of the
and have the lowest 87Sr/ 86Sr signatures of any rock graben system than in the west. Furthermore, also in
type found in north Kyushu. the Shimabara area, which is the most distant from the
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between 87Sr/ 86Sr trench, IA-type magmas were erupting contempora-
ratios of volcanic rocks and their Nb/Y ratios. The neously with WP-type magmas in the early Quater-
Sr/ 86Sr and Nb/Y ratios of WP-type magmas (BO- nary (about 1.4±1.1 Ma). Therefore, it can be
1, and S-3 and 4) fall within the highest values concluded that contemporaneous ascent and eruption
recorded for both parameters in northwestern Kyushu of WP- and IA-type magmas is a characteristic
(Kakubuchi et al., 1995), and can be distinguished common to volcanic areas throughout the Beppu±
clearly from IA-type magmas (S-1 and 2, KH-1 and Shimabara graben system.
2, and Aso) with the lowest values for both. Those of South Kyushu is in¯uenced by both the subduction
WP-IA-type magmas (KH-3 and 4) from the Kuju zone of the Philippine Sea plate and the rift systems of
area have intermediate values for both parameters. East Asia. From the Sendai region, located on the
Therefore, it can be inferred that two different back-arc (western) side of south Kyushu near the
magmas, the WP- and IA-types, ascend independently Okinawa Trough (Fig. 1), we analyzed WP-type
from the upper mantle to feed each volcanic area basalt and IA-type basalt from the Nakayama and
within the Beppu±Shimabara graben system. Yaeyama areas, respectively (Fig. 6) (NAKA and
YAE in Table 2). These basalts give the same age
of about 0.7 Ma (Miyachi, 1982). The WP- and IA-
5. Similar eruption ages of WP- and IA-type type magmas erupted contemporaneously within the
magmas fault zone in this area as they did throughout the
Beppu±Shimabara graben system. These results indi-
Nakada and Kamata (1988) reported that the basalts cate that perhaps other grabens and faults in exten-
of WP-type (S-3 and 4) from the Shimabara area have sional provinces related to subduction zones of
ages of 4.1 ^ 1.1 and ,2 Ma, respectively. Further- Kyushu island can become preferable channels for
more, in that paper, they inferred the age of S-4 the simultaneous ascents of WP- and IA-type
(Atagoyama) to be similar to that (1.11 ^ 0.07 Ma) magmas; at least the Beppu±Shimabara graben
of Uwabaru basalt plateau about 5 km to the east, system is not unique.
108 I. Kita et al. / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 111 (2001) 99±109

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