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Science 10 Quarter 3, Week 3 Name: ____________ Yr.&Sec. ___________

Score: __________
Name: ____________ Yr.&Sec. ___________
Score: __________ Test I. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best
Test I. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best 1. In the 1930, the heaviest element known was
answer. Uranium with an atomic number of ____.
1. It stimulates the growth and controls the a. 90 b. 91 c.92 d. 93
functions of other glands. 2. Plutonium has an atomic number of 94, this
a. Pituitary c.Thyroid element is known to be _______.
b. Parathyroid d. Thymus a. Halogens c. Noble Gas
2. It perceives a stimulus. b. Transuranium d. Metals
a. synapses c. sensory neurons 3. All of the following describes a transuranium
b. receptor d. motor neurons elements EXCEPT:
3. Regulate body metabolism and cause storage of a. Has an atomic number greater than 92
calcium in bones b. Unstable and decay radioactively
a. Pituitary c. Thyroid c. Discovered in laboratory
b. Parathyroid d. Thymus d. Has an atomic number less than 92
4. The space between two nerve and another is 4. All of the following are laboratory made
called ______. elements EXCEPT:
a. synapses c. sensory neurons a. Plutonium c. Neptunium
b. receptor d. motor neurons b. Calcium d. Californium
5. It controls the calcium levels in the body and 5. It is a device used to synthesize new elements.
normalizes bone growth a. Particle decelerator
a. Pituitary c. Thyroid b. Particle accelerator
b. Parathyroid d. Thymus c. Particle operator
6. It refers to any self-regulating process by which d. Particle reactor
biological systems tend to maintain stability
while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for Test II. Matching Type. Match column A with column
survival. B. Write your answer before each number. Note: letter
Test II. Matching Type. Match column A with column of answers may be repeated
B. Write your answer before each number. Note: letter Column A Column B
of answers may be repeated a. Successfully carried out a a.Moseley
Column A Column B nuclear transmutation
1. Successfully carried out a a.Moseley reaction
nuclear transmutation b. Proved that an element b Rutherford
reaction having an atomic number 93
2. Proved that an element b Rutherford could be created
having an atomic number 93 c. Discovered neutron c. Mendeleev
could be created d. Published a paper on the d. Corson
3. Discovered neutron c. Mendeleev arrangement of the elements
4. Published a paper on the d. Corson based on their atomic
arrangement of the elements numbers.
based on their atomic 5. Synthesized element with e.McMillan
numbers. atomic number 43
5. Synthesized element with e.McMillan 6. Most Valuable contributor to f. .Chadwick
atomic number 43 the development of the periodic table
6. Most Valuable contributor to f. .Chadwick 7. Demonstrate that atomic g. Lawrence
the development of the periodic table number, and protons determined
7. Demonstrate that atomic g. Lawrence most of the elements properties
number, and protons determined 8.synthesized element 94
most of the elements properties 9. Discovered element 85
8.synthesized element 94 10. organized elements into rows
9. Discovered element 85 and columns
10. organized elements into rows
and columns _______________________
Parent’s Signature
_______________________ VALIDATION #4
Parent’s Signature Physical Science 11/12 Quarter 3, Week 2
Physical Science 11/12 Quarter 3, Week 2 Name: ____________ Yr.&Sec. ______
Score: __________ Score: __________

Test I. YES or NO. Write YES if the element is Test I. YES or NO. Write YES if the element is
transuranium or synthesize in the laboratory and NO if it transuranium or synthesize in the laboratory and NO if it
is not. Write your answer on the space provided and is not. Write your answer on the space provided and
write the SYMBOL for each element inside the write the SYMBOL for each element inside the
parentheses. parentheses.

___1. Hydrogen ( ) ___1. Hydrogen ( )

___2. Plutonium ( ) ___2. Plutonium ( )

___3. Thorium ( ) ___3. Thorium ( )

___4. Lithium ( ) ___4. Lithium ( )

___5. Manganese ( ) ___5. Manganese ( )

___6. Berkelium ( ) ___6. Berkelium ( )

___7. Einstenium ( ) ___7. Einstenium ( )

___8. Bromine ( ) ___8. Bromine ( )

___9. Lawrencium ( ) ___9. Lawrencium ( )

___10. Krypton ( ) ___10. Krypton ( )

Test II. Write the balanced equation that describes the Test II. Write the balanced equation that describes the
given reactions. (2 pts.each number) given reactions. (2 pts.each number)
1.Alpha Decay of 1.Alpha Decay of
206 206
82Pb 82Pb
2.Beta Decay of 2.Beta Decay of
238 238
92U 92U
3.Positron 3.Positron
Emission of Emission of
231 231
91Pa 91Pa

___________________ ___________________
Parent’s Signature Parent’s Signature

Physical Science 11/12 Quarter 3, Week 2

Name: ____________ Yr.&Sec. ______

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