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JAIPUR l SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 179



he Saffron Party’s mastermind
strategist (Chanakya), the game
changer and the powerful Union
Home Minister Amit Shah’s De-
cember 5 Jaipur visit basically
aims to boost the morale of a de-
moralised state BJP (especially
after its humiliating defeat in recent two As-
sembly by-elections) and to launch a highly
‘hopeful’ Mission 2023 to bring back the party
to power in Rajasthan.
However, all ‘anxious’ eyes will be on the tow-
ering man Shah’s response to a ‘waiting’ and a
crowd puller Vasundhara Raje to indicate her
exact role in the upcoming Assembly polls. So
far, in party circles (and not in public), she has
been perceived as a side-lined or ignored leader
by the party high command, though the ground
realities may certainly be a bit different. In a
recent internal survey held by the party,
Vasundhara again emerged as the tallest and
popular leader among all ‘alternatives’, being
worked out by high command so far.
According to sources, though she may not
be the first choice of the party high command,
but if the situation warrants and Madam
draws large crowds in her pre-poll public meet-
ings, then the party, after having a careful as-
sessment, will not hesitate to backtrack and
bring back Vasundhara on the forefront, just
to ensure the likely comeback of one more BJP
state government in the country. One thing is
certain, without properly ‘settling’ (with or
without CM post) Vasundhara factor, there is
no guarantee for a BJP comeback in State As-
sembly, because in case of a ‘divided house’, a
three-time Congress Chief Minister and a tow-
ering leader Ashok Gehlot, who is extremely
confident of his fourth tenure, will have a
smooth sailing in 2023 polls. Turn to P8





jaz Patel joined a se-
lect group of bowlers
by grabbing all ten
wickets in India’s first
innings in the second
Test at Mumbai’s Wankhede sta-
dium. He became only the third
bowler to achieve this feat after
England’s Jim Laker and India’s
Anil Kumble. However, he is the
first bowler of a touring side to
have proved so lethal. Not that it
helped New Zealand as they
were bowled out for their lowest
score against India in their first
innings. But Mumbai-born Pa-
tel’s performance still shone
through his side’s dismal batting
collapse. Patel deservedly got a
standing ovation from the
Wankhede spectators as he led
his side to the pavilion.
He is only the second cricket-
er to have played against India
and be bathed with light.
Worse, Indians are among
India’s stance on coal help. They have failed to keep
climate-finance promises to
in his city of birth afterDouglas
the biggest victims of cli- at the recent COP26 poor countries (notably the For thousands of spectators it
The writer is former UN under-secretary-
mate change, periodically climate-change $100 billion per year they must be a memory to cherish.
enduring devastating floods committed to provide at Now New Zealand has to ensure
general and former Union MoS for External
Affairs & is Congress party MP and unseasonal droughts, in conference drew heavy COP15 in Copenhagen in that Patel’s efforts do not go in
addition to choking on pol- criticism, but richer 2009), and refused to transfer vain. It’s tough though.
luted air. Delhi is a poster advanced green technolo-
child for poor air quality, Western economies gies. And COP26 singled out

ndia has somehow emerged which hovers between “se- have done little to help the coal used by developing
as the villain of last month’s vere” and “hazardous” for countries, not the oil and gas
United Nations Climate much of the year.
developing countries’ used extensively in the West.
Change Conference (COP26), The causes include PM2.5 green transition. India will India’s energy require-
blamed for resisting cuts to particles emitted from coal- ments are expected to in- And for those who fear
coal consumption even as fired power plants, fumes
make a good-faith effort to crease faster than those of Allah, he will make
toxic air envelops its capital, from dense traffic, industrial help avert climate any other country in the next their path easy.
New Delhi. The country’s pollution, and the burning of disaster, but only within two decades. Since COP21 in
supposed crime in Glasgow crop stubble by farmers in Paris in 2015, India has an-
was to join China in insisting neighboring states – all com- the limits of what it nounced ambitious plans to
on a last-minute change to bined with winter fog. can feasibly do scale up its production and
the conference’s final decla- But given India’s tradition- use of renewable energy,
ration, in which countries al role as a leading voice of which currently accounts for
only 18% of its electricity
pledged to “phase down” the developing world, it be- unsustainable energy-guz-
rather than “phase out” coal. came the face of the last-min- zling are rife in the West, generation. And at COP26, In-
For that, India, whose per ute change of language at most Indians live close to the dia complemented its explicit Rajnath Singh
capita carbon-dioxide emis- COP26. The “phase down” subsistence level, and many commitment to phase down
sions are a fraction of those wording regarding coal con- have no access to energy. To coal with a pledge to achieve
of the world’s leading emit- sumption had already ap- expect India to meet the tar- net-zero emissions by 2070.
ters, was widely criticized for peared in a US-China bilat- gets that rich countries cur- India has also updated its
obstructing the global fight eral climate agreement rently tout is unfair and im- nationally determined contri-
against climate change. signed earlier in the confer- practical. Economic develop- butions, which it must fulfill
The irony is that India has ence. Nevertheless, India be- ment – indispensable to pull- by 2030. Country is now pledg-
done far less to intensify the came the focus of global op- ing millions of Indians out of ing to increase its installed
planet’s greenhouse effect probrium. India does not de- poverty – requires energy. renewable-energy capacity to On this special day commemorating
Indian Navy’s daring ‘Operation Trident’
than either China or the de- serve to be the fall guy. For Coal may be polluting, but it 500 gigawatts, and meet 50% during #1971War, my greetings and
India has also updated its veloped West. True, the coun- starters, the country has 17% is not feasible for any devel- of its energy requirements best wishes to all personnel of this
nationally determined try is a major coal consumer, of the world’s population but oping country to switch rap- from non-fossil-fuel sources. outstanding force which continues to
contributions, which it must and derives about 70% of its generates only 7% of global idly to cleaner alternatives Furthermore, India aims to protect our National Interest through
fulfill by 2030. The country energy from it. CO2 emissions. (China, with that need scaling up. reduce its CO2 emissions by Maritime Security. #SwarnimVijayVarsh
is now pledging to increase But, as recently as 2015, at 18.5% of the world’s people, Moreover, despite having one billion tons and lower its @indiannavy
its installed renewable- least a quarter of India’s pop- generates 27% of emissions, vast financial resources and emissions intensity (which
energy capacity to 500 ulation couldn’t take for and the US, with less than 5% access to cleaner fossil fuels measures emissions per unit Nitin Gadkari
gigawatts, and meet 50% of granted what almost every- of the world’s population, ac- such as natural gas (which of economic growth) by 45% @nitin_gadkari
its energy requirements one in the developed world counts for 15%.) Whereas India must import), Western from 2005 levels.
from non-fossil-fuel sources can: to flick a switch on a wall wasteful consumption and countries have done little to PROJECT-SYNDICATE.ORG

PAKISTAN IN DIRE T Pakistan has often

here can’t be a big- Pakistan’s central bank on
ger embarrass- latter’s request. The bailout This 4-lane greenfield alignment
ment for Pakistan teetered on the brink comes with a tough condition enables uninterrupted inter-state
connectivity and increases the
and has been described
than a tweet from that it will have to return the
commercial traffic between Madurai
its embassy in money within 72 hours of
Serbia criticizing Prime Min- as a failed state. Over the Saudi request in case of sov-
and other parts of Southern Districts
of Tamilnadu to Trivandrum and reduce
ister Imran Khan over non- years it has done precious ereign default. Islamabad travel time by at least 40 mins in the 16
payment of salaries. turned to Saudi Arabia out of km stretch.#PragatiKaHighway.
The tweet said, “With infla- little to strengthen desperation as the Interna-
tion breaking all previous re- its economy tional Monetary Fund turned  Vol 3  Issue No. 179
cords, how long do you expect down its borrowing request.  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764.
@ImranKhanPTI that we of- Pakistan has often tee-
Printed and published by
ficials will remain silent & in Serbia have been hacked. tered on the brink and has
Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of
keep working for you without Pakistan Bureau of Statis- been described as a failed First Express Publishers. Printed
being paid for the past three tics data showed that infla- state. Over the years it has at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B.
months & our children being tion had jumped sharply done precious little to Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk
forced out of school due to from 9.2 percent to 11.5 per- strengthen its economy. Nor Road, Jaipur. Published at 304,
non-payment of fees. Is this cent. That apart, Pakistan is has it taken credible meas- 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das
#NayaPakistan?” To manage in dire straits financially and ures to eliminate terror ha- Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001,
the situation, the Pakistan is literally going around with vens on its soil. Besides, it Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.
Foreign Office said in a state- a begging bowl. To bail out continues to be run under Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra.
ment that the Twitter, Face- the cash-strapped country, the shadow of the army and Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan
book and Instagram accounts Saudi Arabia recently agreed mullahs and China—perfect responsible for selection of news
of the Embassy of Pakistan to park $ 3 billion as loan in recipe for disaster. under the PRB Act


8,603 26
new cases new cases

415 00
JAIPUR l SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2021 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 179 new fatalities new fatalities

NO PLAN TO BAN The Union Minister of Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrashek- THIRD OMICRON A man who returned from Zimbabwe has been found infected with the Omicron
NSO, DON’T har informed the Parliament that it had no information on whether the United States VICTIM FROM variant of coronavirus in Gujarat’s Jamnagar, the state health department said. This
has blacklisted the NSO group, which has been at the centre of a global controversy is the third Omicron case in India. Meanwhile, a 33-year-old man has tested positive
KNOW STATUS IN over the alleged misuse of its Pegasus spyware to tap phones of journalists, activ- GUJARAT, for Omicron, in Dombivli near Mumbai following his return from South Africa. He is
US: GOVT IN PARL ists, and politicians. There is also no proposal to ban the group in India, MoS said. FOURTH IN MAHA the first confirmed case of Omicron in Maharashtra and the fourth in India.


The Home Minister visited border, Tanot
Mata Temple before interacting with troops
and scheduled night halt in the border area
post, where he shared
meals with jawans dur-
I am going to
housing & leaves END STIR IF TALKS GO
stay here
AMARINDER, DHINDSA ing the ‘bada khana’
for CAPF jawans New Delhi: Union Home Minister tonight with New Delhi: The BJP may fight the will officiate as the chief
priority of Modi Amit Shah called farmers’ leaders
to discuss remaining issues, the
you at this post and Punjab elections in alliance with the
parties of Captain Amarinder Singh
guest of the 57th BSF
raising day celebrations
govt, said Shah farmers said on Saturday, announc- this is an attempt to and former Akali leader Sukhdev and parade to be held
ing a five-member panel to hold understand your Singh Dhindsa, Union Home Min- here. The minister will
talks with the government. “The ister Amit Shah said on Saturday.
Shivendra Parmar/
result of the meeting between the difficulties and to find Also speaking at length on Jammu
take salute of the parade
Rajiv Gaur/ and address troops.
Suryaveer Singh Tanwar government and the committee will ways to ease problems. and Kashmir, the Home Minister Before this interaction
be discussed on December 7th, and —Amit Shah, said statehood would be restored
with the BSF troops, the
if a compromise is found, then there told troopers during an evening only after elections, and those
Jaisalmer: The Naren- is a possibility of farmers going minister was given a
address at a ‘Sainik Sammelan’ demanding it were merely trying to
dra Modi government is back from borders,” he said. create a political controversy. briefing on the opera-
working to ensure bet- tions and the general se-
ter healthcare facilities curity situation of the
and increased housing Home Minister Amit the India-Pakistan bor- life in protecting the tary forces including border area by senior of-
satisfaction and family Shah said in Jaisalmer der, the minister said motherland”. BSF will now be able to ficers of the paramilitary
time for personnel of on Saturday. Addressing the government will do Shah, who is on a two- stay with the family for force, including Director Union Home Minister Amit Shah offers prayers at Tanot
the Central Border Security Force “everything for the wel- day visit to Jaisalmer in 100 days. Shah spent the General (DG) Pankaj Ku- Mata temple in Jaisalmer on Saturday. (Top) Shah along
Armed Police (BSF) personnel at the fare of troops who spend the desert state, said the first night of his trip at mar Singh. More on P4 with BSF official Pankaj Ghoomer at Indo-Pak border.
Forces, Union ‘Rohitash’ post along the golden days of their personnel of paramili- the ‘Rohitash’ border —With PTI Inputs —PHOTOS BY SANTOSH SHARMA

IN PLACE OF BIRTH, AJAZ Sena takes dim view of Mamata’s ‘no

JOINS PERFECT 10-FOR CLUB UPA’ remark, bats for Cong-led alliance
AJAZ PATEL Ajaz Patel was just eight when his
family left Mumbai in 1996 for New
Mumbai: Taking a dim
Zealand. He began as a fast bowler premo and West Bengal Jhansi: Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav said he might be

before he realised spin would open chief minister Mamata open to joining an alternate political front to be led by the Trinamool
more doors for him. On Saturday, Banerjee’s bid to side- Congress boss and Bengal CM Banerjee. Yadav said the ruling party
he clinched all 10 wickets of India’s line the Congress and would be “wiped out” in Uttar Pradesh like they were by Banerjee in
v/s India in 2021 first innings of 2nd test in Mumbai.
emerge as the key face of the Bengal polls. “I welcome her. The way she wiped out the BJP in
Bengal... the people of Uttar Pradesh will wipe out the BJP,” Yadav
the Opposition against
ANIL KUMBLE India the BJP dispensa-
said in Jhansi during his campaign yatra. “We will speak about it
when the time is right,” he told the reporters.

10/74 vs Pakistan tion, the Shiv

in 1999 Sena on Saturday
said that pushing tion grouping paral- strengthening the BJP in “Saamana”, said
JIM LAKER England the grand old par- lel to the UPA (Unit- and “fascist” forces. those who do not want
ty away from na- ed Progressive Barely a few days af- the UPA should make

10/53 vs Australia
in 1956
tional politics
and creating
an Opposi-
would be
akin to
ter Banerjee pronounced
the demise of the Con-
gress-led UPA, the Sena,
their stand clear openly
and not whisper as it
would spark confusion.

COUNTRY DOES NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE Zaika of TV news will be bland
WHO GO BOTH SIDES: GEHLOT forever without icon Vinod Dua
eteran journalist Vinod Dua died on
CM gave a target to Ashok Gehlot @ashokgehlot51 has been a minister in Saturday at the age of 67 following a
youth workers to bring My deepest condo- the Atal Bihari Vajpayee prolonged illness after a Covid infec-
lences on the passing government and the tion, to which his wife Chinna Dua also
more than 10,000 away of senior succumbed in June. With an illustrious
country does not accept
people to Dec 12 rally journalist, Padmashree Vinod
those people who go both career spanning four decades, Dua was the voice
Dua ji. He devoted his whole
Naresh Sharma life to journalism. He made a sides. In such a situation, of television media a generation grew up listening
remarkable contribution in the he said, that the words and watching to. His legacy transcends the 80s,
field of journalism. 90s, the 2000s and in his last avatar, on digital
Jaipur: In a snub to of Mamata Banerjee new age media. He was also known to have revo-
West Bengal chief minis- should not be heeded. lutionised election coverage in India. The last rites
ter and TMC chief jasthan chief minister Addressing a meet- CM Ashok Gehlot along with Govind Singh Dotasra, Abhishek will be performed at Delhi’s Lodhi crematorium at
Mamata Banerjee for Ashok Gehlot on Satur- ing of Youth Congress Chaudhary, Gurjot Sindhu and Ganesh Gogra interacting with 12 noon on Sunday.
her remark on UPA, Ra- day said that Banerjee and NSUI Turn to P8 NSUI and Youth Congress members at CMR on Saturday. I I I I

SHAH ATTENDS ‘BSF RAISING DAY’ IN DUNES Shah will reach Jaipur at 11.30 am on Sunday & address concluding
session of BJP state working committee meeting at 1.45 pm at JECC
Shah addressed person-
nel in Sainik Sammelan &
lauded valour of Jawans.
His visit to Jaisalmer
BSF officials driving a sand crawler. near India-Pak border
coincides with the 57th
Raising Day event of BSF
He offered prayers at the
Tanot Rai Mata temple
He closely watched
night patrolling by BSF
personnel and spend a
night at Rohitash Border
He is attending BSF’s
Shah does jalabhishek of Shivling at Tanot Mata Temple. Raising Day event on
Dec 5 morning and then
leaves for Jaipur. Amit Shah along with Gajendra S Shekhawat talking to BSF personnel. Also seen are PK Singh and
Shah heading towards Rohitash Border Out Post (BOP). Pankaj Ghoomar and others.

BSF Jawans offering fruits to Amit Shah.

Shah along with BSF personnel watching sunset at Rohitash Amit Shah, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, PK Singh and BSF officials posing for the shutterbugs. —PHOTOS BY SANTOSH SHARMA Shah had traditional ‘bada khana’ with jawans.
Border Out Post (BOP) on Saturday.


Shah’s close
door meeting BJP issues ‘black paper’ against Gehlot govt Shah will arrive at Jaipur
airport at 11.30 am.
Road show will be held
from airport to JECC.
with top leaders Aishwary Pradhan He will address the
concluding session of
First India Bureau Jaipur: The BJP State the BJP state working
Working Committee on committee meeting at
Jaipur: Amid the ongo- Saturday came out with 1.45 pm and the meeting
ing infighting in BJP a resolution to bring the of public representatives
Rajasthan, Union Home BJP back to power in at 3.45 pm.
Minister Amit Shah the state and overthrow One to one meeting with
will have close door the Congress govern- top 10 leaders from 6 pm.
meetings with the top ment. In the meeting Shah will have one to
leaders of the state unit held in the presence of one meeting with the
after addressing work- former CM Vasundhara state president Satish
ing committee meeting Raje, Rajendra Rathore Poonia, in-charge Arun
and meeting of public made a political propos- Vasundhara Raje, Satish Poonia, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Rajendra Rathore, Kailash Choudhary, Diya Singh, leader of oppo-
representatives during al, which was supported Kumari, and other leaders were present in the meeting held at JECC on Saturday. sition Gulchand Kataria,
deputy leader of oppo-
his visit on Sunday. by four leaders.
sition Rajendra Rathore,
Shah will arrive at They also came out Union Ministers Gajendra
Jaipur airport where he with a ‘black paper’ POONIA PRAISES RAJE REGIME, TARGETS GEHLOT Singh Shekhawat, Arjun

will be welcomed by the against the Gehlot gov- tate president Satish Poonia spoke by PM Modi for the welfare of the poor, Ram Meghwal, Kailash
senior leaders. ernment and passed a highly about the previous Vasund- to make the country self-reliant and Chaudhary, Bhupen-
He will have talks political resolution hara Raje government. He also high- in the field of environment protection. dra Yadav, former CM
with them at the air- highlighting the works lighted the importance of the upcom- Other aspects of the resolution are Vasundhara Raje & Satish Poonia in a conversation during meeting Vasundhara Raje and RS
MP Omprakash Mathur.
port for around half an done by the Central gov- ing visit of Union Home minister Amit steps taken towards preserving our held at JECC on Saturday. —PHOTOS BY SUMAN SARKAR
hour before leaving for ernment & thanked PM Shah to the state. Poonia also targeted culture like reconstruction of Ram tem- Post lunch, Shah will
JECC Sitapura where Modi for it. Addressing CM Ashok Gehlot and the Congress ple in Ayodhya and raising the standing Political resolution focussed on the address the public
he will address the par- a media conference, party alleging that they have failed their of India in the international community, representatives meeting
works done by PM Modi for the welfare from 3.45 pm in which
ty’s state working com- Deputy Leader of Oppo- own election manifesto. Meanwhile, he said, adding that works done for the
Rajendra Rathore said the political welfare of the farmers are also promi-
of the poor, to make the country self-re- nearly 10,000 public
mittee meeting and sition Rajendra Rathore
meeting of public rep- deliberated on the issues resolution focussed on the works done nently mentioned in the resolution. liant and in the field of environment protection representatives will be
resentatives. taken up in the meeting. —Rajendra Rathore, Deputy Leader of Opposition

PAID RESPECT Ramlal Jat resigns
Raje meets Dr Panagariya, Rajendra from post of Prez
Godha’s family & pays tribute to Dhalet First India Bureau

Bhilwara: Ramlal Jat,

First India Bureau field. Raje then visited Revenue Minister &
the residence of the for- president of Co-opera-
Jaipur: Former Chief mer editor-in-chief of tive Milk Union
Minister Vasundhara Samachar Jagat news Bhilwara has resigned
Raje on Saturday paid paper Rajendra Godha from post of president
floral tributes to neu- and expressed grief on Saturday.
rologist Padma Shri Dr over his death. A letter has been as per the Rajasthan Co-
Ashok Panagariya who She also paid floral handed over to the man- operative Society Act.”
died due to post covid tributes to Mahendra aging director of dairy, He sought that letter be
complications in June Dhalet, who was the na- Vipin Sharma. approved in meeting of
this year. tional secretary of BJP The outgoing chair- Board of Directors.
She went to the resi- SC Morcha. man wrote, “Being a According to Manag-
dence of Dr Panagariya The former CM also member of the Govern- ing Director, a meeting
and consoled the family went to SMS to enquire ment’s Pantry Council, of the Board of Direc-
members. Raje said that about the health of RSS I am resigning from tors will now be called
Dr Panagariya will al- leader Hastimal. Later, post of president of within a month. After
Home Minister Amit Shah meets Paralympic gold medalist ways be remembered she attended Maha-aar- Bhilwara District Milk accepting resignation,
Avani Lekhara in New Delhi on Saturday.—PHOTO BY ANI for his outstanding con- ti at Hanuman temple Producers Co-operative election for the post of
tribution in medical Vasundhara Raje being presented a book by Dr Panagariya’s wife. in Chandpole bazaar. Union Limited on Dec 4 president will be called.
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rd Dengue: Raj
tops the
SC judge inaugurates
Jpr Court II building
st death tally First India Bureau tice Prakash Gupta was
in country Jaipur: The building
the chief guest.
The programme was
of Jaipur Mahanagar organised by The Bar
Two children of a doctor couple, studying online, tested positive in Jaipur II, located in District &
Sessions Court Com-
Association. The guests
were presented with
First India Bureau plex, was inaugurated Guard of Honour. Anil
COVID-19 on Saturday. Along with Chaudhary, President
Dungarpur: The dis- UPDATE this, the Advocates' of The Bar Association,
trict administration im-
posed zero-mobility 9,54,874 Chambers were also in-
augurated by SC Justice
Jaipur, District Bar As-
sociationchairman Dr
curfew in the city on TOTAL CASES Ajay Rastogi. The pro- Sunil Sharma. Gen
Saturday after two 26 IN A DAY First India Bureau gramme was presided Secy Satish Sharma &
women and a man test- over by HC Justice MM other judicial officers &
ed positive for Corona
virus. This is the first
9,45,706 Jaipur: Rajasthan
is experiencing a
Srivastava while Jus- lawyers were present,
incident of curfew in surge in dengue
the state after the sec- 8,955 cases too. The state
ond wave of corona.
Meanwhile, the af-
has recorded high-
est number of
Newborn of a rape victim,
fected area, Mohamma-
dia Colony near the Ga- 213
deaths due to the
vector-borne dis-
dies soon after delivery
liakot Mosque, has been ACTIVE CASES ease in the country. YOUTH HELD FOR
declared a containment 100 IN JAIPUR This has exposed
zone, where around 200 Passengers line up at the Jaipur Airport for mandatory Covid-19 the hollow claims of
families reside. A wom- test on Saturday. (Inset): A health worker takes the nasal swab the Health depart- Kota: Father of a girl,
an, who had returned sample of a passenger for Corona test at the Jaipur Airport. ment about its pre- working as a labourer,
after attending a mar- —PHOTOS BY SUMAN SARKAR paredness to face First India Bureau had registered a plaint
riage in Gujarat, had Dr. Raghu Sharma the situation. with Railway Colony po-
tested positive for the
virus and the other two
IN FOCUS With 3 cases, Sodala
State recorded a
sharp rise in Octo-
Kota: A 17-year-old
rape victim gave birth
lice accusing a 19-yr-old
youth of raping his 8-yr-
Millions have lost their
were infected from her.  Department  Former Minister area in the city has lives in Corona. Our ber with 7,080 Den- to a child, but the in- old daughter. Accused
Even the medical of Health had Brij Kishore reported highest leader@RahulGandhi gue cases & Novem- fant didn’t survive has been held.
stores and milk vendors administered 8.95 Sharma has number of new patients, while Ji has demanded that ber saw the highest after delivery. The girl
have been asked to keep lakh vaccine doses recovered families of deceased, number of cases at was raped by her
2 cases were found in Jagat- HUBBY-TO-BE, HIS
their shops closed. The till Saturday. from Covid-19 should be given an 8,106. Out of the to- 20-year-old neighbour
administrative staff are
pura and one each in Kho- economic package tal 18,659 cases, 54 in Udyog Nagar area BRO ACCUSED
 The figure of as his report
supplying medicines has tested
Nagorian, Lal Kothi and of Rs 4L, we support patients have died of the city early this
Corona Vaccination Jaipur: An IT firm em-
and other essential reaches beyond the negative for the Vaishali Nagar localities. that demand.#Speak- so far, whereas, Ma- year. She is now recu-
ployee has accused two
commodities to patients 7 crore mark. infection. —Dr Narottam Sharma, CMHO UpForCovidNyay harashtra has seen perating in JK Lon
brothers of gangrape.
at home. 25 deaths out of Hospital here.
She registered a com-
11,294 cases & UP According to sourc- plaint with Bani Park
has only 8 deaths es, the girl stays with police alleging that two
NAGAUR DIST TOPS VACCINATION CHART IN RAJ RESIDENT DOCS WARN OF COMPLETE WORK BOYCOTT out of 27,056 cases. her estranged mother brothers, both resid-
More than 10L vaccinated in state on Saturday, with Nagaur After boycotting selective services continuously for 6 days, the Principal, SMS and brother. They ing in Lucknow, had
bagging top position by vaccinating 1,860 people in a day. All Rajasthan Resident Doctors’ Association, has announced Medical College, Dr came to know that she gangraped her before
to further boycott work demanding early PG counseling by the Sudhir Bhandari was expecting when engagement. She also
The office boy at AIIMS, Jodhpur, has been arrested by cops of Centre, accusing them not taking seriously the eight-point de- blamed excessive she was seven months alleged that her fiancé
Basni police station area of the city for spreading fake news mands given to state government. The Association has included rains for surge in pregnant. Matter was has refused to marry
about the new Omicron variant. The accused had posted the resident doctors of labour room & ICU in boycott. They have number of dengue reported to police & her even after 8 years
aforementioned news on a social media post, cops said. warned of complete boycott, if demands are not accepted soon. cases this year. accused was arrested. of relationship. I I I I

 Some districts report over AMID OMICRON FEARS


700% increase in Covid-19
cases in the last 14 days
 Letters have been sent to

Odisha, J&K, Mizoram,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu asking
them to be more careful

New Delhi: In the let- ed a 152% hike in Cov-

ter, Health Secretary id-19 cases between the COVID UPDATES IN BRIEF!
Rajesh Bhushan said week ending November  K’taka Health Minis-  Kerala Man who
that 13 out of 14 dis- 25 to the week ending ter instructs medical returned from UK on
tricts in these states December 2. colleges to make Nov 21, tests Covid
have been reporting a Districts in Mizoram necessary preps positive
high number of cases are seeing positivity
over the past month, rates as high as 17%.  288 samples of  Ex-Puducherry CM
contributing 55.87% of Champhai is one such foreign fliers sent for requests Modi to al-
new virus cases in In- district. Odisha has genome sequencing, low booster dose for
dia. shown a decline in says Mumbai mayor fully jabbed
A letter has been weekly Covid-19 tests,  SA returnee booked  Allow booster
written to Karnataka, down from 4,01,164 for violating home dose for healthcare
where the first two cas- tests in the week end- quarantine norms in workers: Telangana
es of the Omicron vari- ing November 26 to Chandigarh Health Min to Union
ant of coronavirus have 3,88,788 tests in the Health Min
been detected. The IN- week ending December  20 dedicated coun-
SACOG has also report- 3. Kathua in Jammu BE AWARE! School students holding placards ters for those mak-  Omicron is not fatal
ed cluster outbreaks in and Kashmir has seen participate in an awareness rally against the Omicron ing online booking but India should be
the state. In Karnataka, a 736 per cent surge in variant of Covid in Chennai on Saturday.–PHOTO BY ANI for testing at Delhi prepared for third
Tumakuru has report- Covid-19 cases. —ANI Terminal 3 Airport wave: expert
 Madurai to ban entry  Study finds how
India to tour SA for 3 Tests, 3
of unvaccinated peo- Covid affected men-
ple in public places tal, physical health of
ODIs, T20Is to be played later: Jay New Delhi: As calls for Covid-19 vaccine
 Over 21.38 cr unuti-
lized doses available  Omicron confirmed
New Delhi: The BCCI Secretary Jay Shah on booster shots grow amid the emergence with States, UTs in 10 USA states
Saturday announced that India would tour of Omicron, the new corona variant, sci-
South Africa for three-Test and entists are urging India should prioritize INDIA ON HIGH ALERT...
three ODIs. The four T20Is double vaccinating its eligible population
which were also originally
part of the tour will now be
first so that most people at least get the
base layer of protection against the viral T he newly labeled fifth variant of concern
by WHO, Omicron, has put India on high
alert. In view of the new variant, the Union
played on a later date. “BCCI infection. Many countries have already
has confirmed CSA that the started giving booster shots to their Health Ministry has taken note of the surge
Indian team will travel for three citizens in light of the new strain. India, in cases, advising states to do the needful in
Tests and three ODIs. The re- however, is yet to consider booster shots terms of testing, tracking and treating people
maining four T20Is will be even as several experts in the past few and also ensure to improve the pace of vac-
played at a later date,” Shah told. days have urged for the same. A medic inoculates 2nd vaccine dose to a woman.
cination drive.
Jay Shah

Birla: Need a common platform Sirsa has more political Will there be ‘understanding’
for PACs for better coordination advantage for BJP in
Delhi than in Punjab!
between BJP and JDS?
Kavita Pant
Sharat K Verma
New Delhi: A picture
Jaipur: BJP has re- of Prime Minister Nar-
cently lent a major endra Modi and former
blow to its old ally PM HD Deve Gowda
Akali Dal as it broke went very viral recently
Manjinder Singh Sir- Manjinder Singh Sirsa on social media, in
sa, who was pivot of which PM Modi is offer-
Akali politics in Del- perception that ing seat to Gowda re-
hi and got him in- through Sirsa, BJP spectfully. After this
cluded in saffron has challenged Akali there were speculations
party. Sirsa joining politics in Punjab. that there could be a
LS Speaker Om Birla addresses at the inauguration of the centenary celebrations of Public Accounts BJP is a huge event That may be right in synergy between BJP
Committee of the Parliament at the Central Hall of the Parliament House in New Delhi on Saturday. and this could be its place but in Pun- and JDS in Karnataka.
President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu also present. —PHOTO BY ANI gathered from fact jab BJP will remain a However, there is still Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Ex-Prime Minister Deve Gowda.
that Amit Shah got small ally & alliance time for the Assembly
New Delhi: Lok Sabha Since there are many issues of common him included in par- will be headed by elections in southern the BJP and accepting as the Congress has ap-
Speaker Om Birla on interest between the Public Accounts ty. There is a general Captain Amarinder. state as they will be held the leadership of Lin- pointed DK Shivaku-
Saturday emphasised in May 2023. Anyway, gayat leaders BS Yedi- mar, a renowned Vokka-
on the need for one com-
Committee of Parliament and the Pub- SIRSA HAS MORE UTILITY IN DELHI the thought of pre-poll yurappa and Basavaraj liga leader who has
lic Accounts Committees of the States, there
EAt lections
mon platform for Public to all 3 mun corps are to be held in Del- synergy between these Bommai would mean challenged the influ-
Accounts Committees should be one common platform for PACs of the hi at time of Punjab Assembly polls next year. two parties is too far- losing the core Vokkali- ence of the Deve Gowda
in Parliament and state Parliament and the State Legislatures. This will present, BJP is in control of all 3 mun corps. fetched. One reason for ga vote of the JDS. If family, as the state pres-
legislature for better co- ensure better coordination, transparency and Therefore, winning this is a matter of life and death this is that former CM the Lingayat leadership ident and he is consid-
ordination. accountability of Executive. —Om Birla, LS Speaker for BJP. If AAP wins, it will be a major setback for HD Kumaraswamy has of the BJP considers ered to be the future
Om Birla’s sugges- BJP as well as for Union HM Amit Shah because played emotional card Kumaraswamy as the Chief Minister of Kar-
tion came on the inau- in Delhi now officially govt means Lieutenant Gov- by calling the next elec- leader, then Vokkaliga nataka. That’s why the
gural event of the two- Lok Sabha Speaker problems, in these sev- ernor and Lieutenant Governor works under Union tion his last and wants votes will be given, oth- Deve Gowda family
day Centennial year Om Birla further added en decades, we have Home Ministry. The second importance of Sirsa is to contest on maximum erwise not. On the con- might not ‘axe it’s feet’.
celebrations of the PAC that our biggest emerged as the largest that he will help correct BJP’s deteriorating image number of seats. trary, the chances of However, The possibili-
in the Central Hall of achievement has been and most effective de- among Sikhs due to the farmers’ movement. Another reason for this vote going to the ty of a post-poll allianc-
Parliament House. that despite several mocracy in world. —ANI this is that going with Congress will be strong es cannot be ruled out.


NHPC director Jain dropped for his poor personal dealings

Rakesh Ranjan Moreover, when a per- as from personal and also said to have had is- self from indulging in
son is appointed to a temperamental prob- sues with another for- ‘habitual petty personal
New Delhi: As the director post of a com- lems. So it may not be Official reason mer Air India CMD Lo- politicking’.
news broke on Thurs- pany, he is vetted for his unreasonable to sur- for Nikhil Jain’s hani who was gracious It is said he reached
day that the Ministry of performance and integ- mise that probably Jain removal could enough to ignore his the breaking point after
Power had shown the rity. So the purported has put himself in faultlines in interest of failing to get PESB to
door to NHPC Director official reason does not harm’s way by defying be his poor maintaining spirit of select him as CMD. Hav-
(Personnel) Nikhil Ku- seem to be tenable. not only certain in- performance, railway. After making ing failed in achieving
mar Jain ‘with immedi- There could be some- structions from the this may appear things hot for himself, his legitimate dream,
ate effect’ four months thing more. Ministry but also by go- too simplistic Jain planned and es- he is said to have set
ahead of his scheduled One of the more con- ing against the grain of Nikhil Kumar Jain caped to NHPC in 2017. himself into ruinous
retirement on March 31, vincing reasons for this teamwork. Possibly his Everything was going course of picking up
2022, feverish specula- kind of drastic action is personal feud with his fine with him there till quarrels with one and
tions set off about the generally irreconcila- bosses might have esca- It is rumored that Jain, periors even at Air In- CMD Rohit Nandan. It his ambition again all. Ministry decided to
probable reasons for ble policy differences lated to a point where originally an IRPS cad- dia, where he was is said that he could not drove him to stir trou- part ways with him be-
this sudden develop- arising so much not the latter had no option re officer, had issues brought as Personnel even gel with Nandan, ble for himself as he lieving that he was be-
ment. from policy differences but to call it quits. with colleagues and su- Director by former his benefactor. He is could not restrain him- yond redemption. I I I I

GOVT, UNEMPLOYED BREAK Minister charges: Shocker

for some, relief for others
After getting the responsibility, Rathore spoke to state prez of Unemployment Unified Federation
Yogesh Sharma

Jaipur: Nine ministers

has taken over as the
new district in charge
of Jodhpur.

who were there in the BD Kalla has been EARLIER:

First India Bureau Ashok Gehlot cabinet made in-charge of Al-
before reshuffle will war; Shanti Dhariwal,
Jaipur: Chief Minister now be in charge of one Jaipur; Hemaram
Ashok Gehlot’s Princi- district each instead of Chaudhary, Jaisalmer;
pal Secretary Kuldeep two whereas the dis- Parsadi Lal Meena,
Ranka, Aarti Dogra, tricts of as many other Kota; Lalchand Kataria,
Lalit and former seed ministers have also Bikaner; Mahendra
corporation president been changed. Jeet Singh Malviya,
Dharmendra Rathore Among the old Minis- Ajmer; Mahesh Joshi,
held talks with an eight- ters, there is only one Bhilwara; Ramlal Jat,
member delegation un- Minister –– Bhanwar Udaipur; Pramod Jain
der the leadership of Singh Bhati –– who has Bhaya, Jhalawar; Vish-
Upen Yadav, state presi- been given the respon- vendra Singh, Dausa;
dent of Rajasthan Un- sibility of two districts Ramesh Meena, Bharat-
employment Unified instead of one and pur; Udailal Anjana, Ra-
Federation. It was there is no change in jsamand; Pratap Singh
agreed to release the list Youth protest against Rajasthan Government over unemployment outside Congress headquarters in Lucknow. —FILE PHOTO the district of UDH Khachariyawas, Chit-
of laboratory assistant Minister Shanti Dhari- torgarh; Shale Moham-
recruitment medical de- DHARMENDRA RATHORE FOR MEDIATION LETTER TO CM FROM PILOT CAMP wal, who will continue mad, Tonk, and Mamta
partments in seven days. to be the minister in Bhupesh, Jhunjhunu.
Jaipur: Dharmendra Rathore will play the role Jaipur: The leaders owing allegiance to Sachin
There will be a meet- charge of Jaipur. A new type of social
of “mediator” in ending the agitation against Pilot in ruling Congress are coming out openly
ing with the Chief Min- After the Cabinet re- engineering is also be-
unemployment. The unemployed have been demanding early resolution of unemployment.
ister on Sunday at 3 pm shuffle, Ministers have ing seen in the new list
agitating outside the Lucknow Congress office MoS for Agricultural Marketing & Tourism,
over rest of the demands been made in-charge of in which minority af-
for seven days. After his mediation, the ongo- Murarilal Meena has written a letter to CM Gehlot
of the unemployed, in- different districts afresh. fairs minister Shale
ing movement in Lucknow has been postponed. taking up the demands of the reserved category.
cluding increasing the The Rajasthan Unemployment Unified Federation In the letter, Meena has sought implementation of Mahendra Chaud- Mohammad has been
post in School Lecturer has been agitating for the past 51 days at the the 5 points discussed during Thursday talks and hary, the Deputy Chief made in-charge of Mus-
Recruitment 2018, REET martyr memorial in Jaipur. Chief Minister Gehlot stressed on issues like completion of recruitment Whip who was formerly lim-dominated Tonk. At
2021, Computer Instruc- has given a big responsibility to Rathod to talk process. He has said that the appointment of a close ally to Chief the same time, keeping
tor Grade 1, Grade 2, PTI to the protesters. Rathod spoke to Upen Yadav, 500 teachers, for which the entrance test was Minister Ashok Gehlot, the regional balance in EARLIER:
Recruitment, withdraw- Rajasthan Unemployment Unified Federation conducted recently, should also be added to the has been demoted and some districts, the con- NOW:
al of cases against un- state president, on the phone. recruitment process. assigned to the Sirohi cerned minister has
employed. district. Shubhash Garg been made in-charge.

NEWS DIGEST Woman who accused

Gameti takes U-turn
Sikar: The first police yoga and sadhna centre in First India Bureau no pressure from Bheel
the state built in Sikar’s Police Line Complex was and she was withdraw-
inaugurated by Congress Gogunda: The wom-
an, who had accused
ing the case against
him on her own. Now,
Committee chief Govind
Singh Dotasra. Many offi- local legislator Pratap she has demanded ac- VISIT
cers, including Sikar MLA Lal Bheel of outraging tion against the people PHED Minister Dr Mahesh
Rajendra Pareek, Fatehpur her modesty, has re- who misled her. Joshi called upon
MLA Hakam Ali Khan were tracted her claim and She had filed a com- Assembly Speaker Dr CP
present on the occasion. Industrialist and social admitted that she plaint with the Am- Joshi at his residence on
worker of LNJ Group, Riju Jhunjhunwala got the threw the allegation at bamata police alleging Saturday. Dr Mahesh Joshi
yoga and sadhna centre constructed to help police the behest of some peo- that Bheel had raped has been also appointed
personnel and their families stay fit and healthy. ple. The woman is mar- her in the pretext of as the minister in-charge
of Bhilwara district, and
ried and a resident of marrying her. She had
considering that Dr CP
Bedla village under also met the SP in this Joshi has been an MP from
FATHER GETS 20 YEARS IN JAIL FOR Sukher police limits in regard and the case Bhilwara, the meeting is
RAPING MINOR DAUGHTER Udaipur district. was handed over to CB- considered as crucial.
Pali: A special Protection of Children from Sexual The woman said on CID as an MLA is in-
Offences (POCSO) Act court on Saturday convicted Saturday that there was volved in it.
and sentenced a man to 20 years RI for raping his
11-year-old minor daughter. The Judge also im-
posed a fine of Rs 40,000 on the convict, informed
special public prosecutor Sandeep Nehra. Mean- Churu: Couple dies in road accident, School principal shot at
by ex-student over TC
while, After Jaipuria, now the 43-year-old technical
assistant complained about the sexual harassment
in JK Lon Hospital. SMS PS has registered a case four-year-old son hurt, sent to hospital
under various sections of IPC & SC-ST Act. Howev- First India Bureau First India Bureau that the student studied
er, the official confirmation is yet to be done. in Class X in his school a
Churu: Three people Dholpur: Irate over year ago. Several teach-
of the same family An out-of-control, speeding pickup crushed a getting a TC a year ago ers complained about
SHO SUSPENDED FOR REFUSING TO died in a road accident
3-year-old playing in the courtyard of a roadside from Keshavdas Vidya the boy because of his
house in Bariyara village of Anchor-Malarna
REGISTER GANGRAPE CASE in Bikaner. Late in the
Dungar police station area. Police officer Dhan-
Mandir School near Tor unruly behaviour. After
Bharatpur: A police sub inspector was suspended for night, the couple was village of Sadar police this, the school manage-
raj Meena, along with the police team, reached
allegedly refusing to register a case of gangrape in going on a bike with the spot and took the dead body of the innocent station area in Dholpur ment gave him a TC.
Bharatpur, an official said on Saturday. A 19-year-old their two children. to Malarna Dungar Government Community district, a student Four days later, the
woman was allegedly abducted and gangraped by two Meanwhile, the pick- Health Centre. Police Officer Dhanraj Meena opened fire at the school accused minor student
men when she was on her way to college on Nov 29. up hit him. The hus- said that Ankita’s father Jitendra Gurjar lodged a principal. The princi- reached the school with
Though she initially kept the incident under wraps, band and wife and report. He said his daughter Ankita was playing pal, however, had a nar- a sword. At that time,
she later revealed her ordeal to her family members, their daughter died in in the courtyard in front of the house. row escape as the bullet the school management
following which they arrived at the Ucchain police the accident, with got stuck. had called his family
station on Thursday, Bharatpur SP Devendra Bishnoi only a four-year-old After getting informa- members.
said. “SHO Shravan Pathak, a sub inspector, refused son left alive. were returning to Pars- the bike. Mangalaram 4-year-old son Anil tion, a team from Sadar SHO Deepak Banjara
to register a case. The woman’s family met me yester- Actually, four mem- neu from Rajaldesar on Nayak, his wife Manju were injured in the ac- police station reached said that a case has been
day and lodged a complaint. A case of gangrape was bers of the same family a bike at 10 pm. Mean- Devi, 2-year-old daugh- cident. The pickup that the spot. Principal Bhag- registered against the
registered and the SHO was suspended,” the SP said. of Parsneu near Churu while, the pickup hit ter Priyanka and hit the bike riders. wan Tyagi told police accused student.


Vaibhav attends BCCI general body meet

Nirmal Tiwari stamped by Indian
COURTESY VISIT Cricketers’ Associa-
Kolkata: Rajasthan tion. AGM approved
Cricket Association the budget for the fi-
(RCA) president nancial year 2021-22.
Vaibhav Gehlot on Approval of audited
Saturday represented accounts of 2019-20 and
the state in the BCCI 2020-21 and formation
general body meeting of Tour-Fixture, Tech-
in Kolkata. Rajasthan Cricket nical, Umpire and Dif-
Many important de- Association (RCA) ferently Abled Cricket
cisions were taken in president Vaibhav Gehlot Committee also final-
the board meeting. meets West Bengal ised in the meeting.
Brijesh Patel and Ma- Governor Jagdeep The age limit of match
jumdar’s name were Dhankhar at the Raj officials and support
sealed in the IPL gov- RCA president Vaibhav Gehlot meets BCCI president Sourav Bhavan, Kolkata on staff has been in-
erning council. Prag- Ganguly and vice president Jay Shah at BCCI’s 90th AGM. Saturday. creased from 60 years
yan Ojha’s name to 65 years.
Troubles are a part of life - show
courage in your own and
kindness in others.
—Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor-in-Chief, First India Promoted by
Pacific Medical University
FIRST INDIA SUNDAY SPECIAL came, but there is not tune with the BJP,
much justification for Mamata also said that
The author is a journalist their coming or not. But ‘Rahul lives abroad
and political commentator many prominent lead- more.’ When Mamata
and views expressed are ers of Captain Ama- came to Delhi in July,
his personal rinder camp could be she only asked for time
seen there. What should to meet Sonia, but for a
DECEMBER 12 tion both are showing be understood from this while in that meeting,
RALLY: AN at peak. If this rally was is that Tiwari, who con- Rahul was also present.
ALBATROSS held at Ramlila Maidan stantly targets Dr Man- When Mamata went to
AROUND NECK OF in Old Delhi, then the Sonia-Rahul that the was once known for res- there are words about a mohan & Rahul, is the Mumbai and met
CONGRESS crowd could have gath- cancellation of the rally taurant business, now big leader of Congress, most adored face of Sharad Pawar, she

E ver since Congress

handed over the
reins of the Agitation
ered as it is a crowded
area and people also
come walking. Haryana
would not send the
right message to the
party cadre, so Gehlot
became famous for
food. His house, adja-
cent to a big embassy in
Sunil Jakhar changing
sides. It is being told
about Jakhar that on
Captain in Delhi. Ti-
wari’s team does not get
along well with Team
raised questions on the
existence of the UPA
asking ‘Which UPA?’
Committee to veteran govt will stop vehicles hijacked this rally and a very posh area of Del- initiative of Captain, he Rahul’s Ajay Maken J’khand CM Soren is
Digvijay Singh, his re- from crossing the bor- scheduled it in Jaipur hi, is becoming famous has been talked about and Randeep Surjewa- also unable to refuse
bellion has started tak- der and the Kejriwal where the entire govt these days for spectacu- for several rounds with la. If Ahmed Patel, who UPA as his govt also has
ing shape again. One govt of Delhi will also machinery can be lar parties. Parties that Nitish Kumar BJP top brass. They are took Manish forward in support of 18 Congress
day suddenly he an- try its best not to allow thrown in mobilizing can decide fate of ‘Page just waiting for notifi- Cong, is no more, can MLAs. Cong and RJD
nounced that the Con- crowds in the rally be- the crowd. While Ra- 3’ parties. From the cation of polls. Bharat Manish return in 2024 may have fought sepa-
gress party will hold a cause the civic elec- hul’s opinion till the city’s big businessmen, secret in the past, that Bhushan, Min for Food to show saffron beliefs? rately in Bihar by-poll,
huge rally against infla- tions are to be held in end was that ‘this rally foreign diplomats, jus- ‘when he was complet- Supplies in Channi’s He has old desire to con- but Lalu himself does
tion in Delhi’s Dwarka Delhi in two-three should be taken to UP tices to IAS, IPS and IRS ing his studies by stay- cabinet, who was a min- test from Chandigarh. not question existence
on December 12. After months where AAP is or Punjab instead of Ra- officers, you can see ing in Patna, he used to ister during Captain’s of UPA.
his announcement, the pushing all its strength. jasthan’, but because of them dancing here. Re- live in pvt lodge. There tenure, is being said to WHY CONGRESS IS
Congress’ sleep was When both the parties the paucity of time, Ge- cently, at one of their was settlement of poor switch sides with Capt. ON THE TARGET ...AND FINALLY
also broken. Rahul are face to face in Pun- hlot got his point in parties, Bollywood’s fa- around lodge when OF MAMATA? The new Punjab opin-
wanted to know what is
rationale for holding a
rally in Delhi now, that
jab, Goa, and U’khand,
Gandhi family decided
that rally should be can-
front of the high com-
mand. Sonia-Rahul-Pri-
yanka has agreed to
mous singer Mika mes-
merized audience in
such a way that even
they got their salary,
drank wine with meat,
created ruckus & in
C ongress’s star Ra-
hul Gandhi is not
liked by Mamata Baner-
ion polls are projecting
a hung Assembly there.
The big players in fray
too in Dwarka, neither
the time is favourable,
nor the atmosphere, the
celled for time being. In
such a situation, Ra-
jasthan CM Ashok Ge-
join the rally and clever
Gehlot has targeted
Sachin Pilot’s chances
host’s wife also seemed
to lose her rhythm.
drunk condition used
to abuse the then PM of
country. On becoming
O n Thursday, Con-
gress leader Man-
ish Tewari’s famous
jee. This quarrel esca-
lated when Rahul made
Mamata’s fiercest oppo-
- Cong, AAP, SAD, BJP
and Amarinder. There
is a tough fight between
weather and the pollu- hlot, who appeared on with this. IS NITISH CHANGING CM, he tried to give book ‘10 Flash Points 20 nent Adhir Ranjan lead- Congress and AAP. SAD
the scene, suggested to COLOURS? shape to old resolve. So Years’ was launched in er of Cong in LS & also is also in a formidable
A lot of ruckus was
created in Bihar
polls after an empty bot-
much praise for ex-PM
Indira? Can Nitish
change colours in 2024?
New Delhi, but surpris-
ingly, veteran Congress
leaders from this cere-
reins of Cong
in Bengal to
over contest. Analysts are
telling that if the
picture remains as
DELHI’S tle of liquor was found mony made a distance. him. Mamata it is, then for the
LUTYENS’ as it made fund of the DEFECTION Those who came are is unable to first time AAP
ZONE ‘dry state’. Nitish had SEASON IN included in the impor- digest even and BJP can come

Defying slogan
‘Na Khaunga
Na Khane Dunga’, a
not yet disclosed what
was incident that led
him to implement a liq-

T he defection season
has knocked in
tant faces of G-23 - like
Anand Sharma, Bhu-
pendra Singh Hooda
R a h u l ’ s
friendship with
together, this alli-
ance could also
get support
new power broker has uor ban in Bihar. So, Punjab. If sources are etc. Janardan Dwivedi Yechury. of BSP &
emerged. He Nitish has clarified this to be believed, then and Pawan Kheda also So, in Capt.
Sonia Gandhi Rahul Gandhi Priyanka Gandhi Mamata Banerjee

TODAY, SHAH WILL ENDORSE Om Birla resumes Blanket Fund!

Kota: On the initiative cember 4, a blanket
of Lok Sabha Speaker fund has also been
Om Birla, the started in New
blanket fund start- Medical College
ed in Kota 15 years Hospital where
ago has once again now the relatives
started in this of hospitalized pa-
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot hits back This time too people of Raj will not fall winter season. tients will be able
at Opposition party for the resolution in trap of Shah, despite propaganda: CM On the occasion to get free blan-
of Birla’s birthday, cel- kets and the attendants
First India Bureau After Congress ebrated by his family will get relief from the
came to power and supporters on De- chilly nights.
Jaipur: Hitting back at
the opposition party
in 2018, the
party has won 6 out of
for the resolution, CM
Ashok Gehlot said that 8 Asssembly polls held Gehlot motivates young workers
the resolution is a bun- in the state which re- From P1… as much as possible.At
dle of lies. flects the people’s faith the same time, the CM
He said that the BJP in the governance of office bearers on Satur- gave a target to the
candidates finished day, Gehlot said that youth workers to bring
third and forth in by-
Congress. Congress is in the DNA more than 10,000 people
polls and security was —Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister of the country and no to the rally to be held in
forfeited. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot heed should be paid to Jaipur against the cen- SHAH IN JAISALMER! Amit Shah greets people at Tanot Rai Mandir.
“Frightened and out- the statements of lead- tral government over
raged by the defeat, ten in it on every issue this bundle of lies,” he jasthan have given a ers like Mamata Baner- the issue of inflation on From Jacket the crucial day of the
BJP state prez, union including farmer loan said. befitting reply to the jee. He said that it is December 12. “All of us rally is a clear indica-
ministers and other waiver, Kisan Mitra “The people of the Home Minister and only because of the should raise our voice A smart politician Ge- tion of his proximity
leaders keep making Energy Scheme, covid state are intelligent. this time also they will youth that he has been strongly against the hlot, in response to with the policy maker
false statements by management. It is be- They have recognized not fall in their trap, no able to become the Centre. Only then the Amit Shah’s rally has Shah!
misusing the resourc- yond facts and logic. the BJP’S character matter how much prop- Chief Minister and mo- deaf and dumb govern- organised a massive 2 Though, in this en-
es,” he said. Today, Amit Shah will and face. In the past aganda they do,” he tivated the young work- ment of the Centre can lakh crowd target Con- tire process, another
“Only lies are writ- come and will endorse too, the people of Ra- added. ers to work for the party be removed,” he said. gress really in Jaipur grassroots leader from
on December 12 on the Hadoti and the present
issue of price hike. Ini- LS Speaker Om Birla

Santa comes early for IAS Roli, Rohit, Rajeev! tially the rally was
scheduled to be held in
New Delhi but after
may also emerge as a
dark horse at the elev-
enth hour. But if the

1 gets new post, 2 get new responsibilities in Centre

New Delhi’s denial to party, after having a ma-
hold the rally on corona jority in the House, de-
grounds, a Gandhi fam- cides to bring in a Jat
ily loyalist Gehlot has face at 8, Civil Lines,
Rajendra Chhabra Rajasthan cadre. virtually hijacked this then Satish Poonia, a
ROHIT KUMAR SINGH had gone to Now, three IAS offic- rally to Jaipur, again to RSS choice, may be an-
Jaipur: One IAS officer ROLI SINGH was recently made central deputation from Rajasthan five months ers of Rajasthan cadre- show his skills. other option. The im-
of Rajasthan cadre has the principal secretary of GAD in back. He was given the posting as additional Praveen Gupta, Ajitabh At the moment, on pact and influence of
got a new posting in the Rajasthan. Earlier, secretary in the ministry of culture. He has Sharma and Rajesh Ku- the face value, during Shah’s presence in
Centre while two IAS of- she was posted as been promoted to the post of special secre- mar Yadav are eagerly the last three years, an- Jaipur is that all the
ficers have been promot- resident commis- tary but he has been kept at the same place. waiting for the appoint- other young Rajput and senior leaders and the
ed and given new re- sioner in New Delhi. The post of special secretary is equivalent to ment to the post of joint Shah confidant, Jal factions of the Saffron
sponsibilities. She did not come secretary. secretary. They have al- Shakti Minister Gajen- party looked like a sin-
Roli Singh, IAS offic- to Jaipur even for ready got NOC from Raj dra Singh Shekhawat gle and united face dur-
er of 1994 batch, has got a single day to take RAJEEV SINGH THAKUR has been in Sources said that the has been indirectly pro- ing BJP working com-
the new posting in the charge after transfer Delhi since 2017. For the last 4 years, he has meeting of ACC regard- jected by the Centre as mittee meetings held in
MoHFW as additional & went on leave for been holding the post of joint secretary in the ing appointment of joint a Chief Ministerial face Jaipur on Saturday. A
secretary while 3 months. She got new posting in ministry of defence. He has been promoted secretaries is likely to be or a CM designate can- strong crowd of all BJP
1989-batch officer Rohit the MoHFW as additional secretary. to additional secretary and transferred to the held in the last week of didate for 2023, but Central Ministers,
Kumar Singh, who was ministry of commerce and industry. December or first week nothing can be said till MP’s, MLA’s and all
posted in the ministry of January. 1993 batch Raje factor is finally Panchayat level grass-
of culture, has been IAS of Raj cadre Tan- ‘sorted out’. However, roots leaders are curi-
promoted and given the of 1995 batch Rajeev secretary and trans- and industry. The ap- gard. The order is for 40 may Kumar has been Gajendra bana’s travel- ous and excited to listen
new posting of special Singh Thakur has been ferred from the minis- pointment committee IAS officers of the promoted as Additional ling with Shah in the to iron man Amit
secretary in the same promoted from joint try of defence to the of the cabinet, GoI has country including these Secy in Union Ministry same BSF plane from Shah’s speech on Sun-
ministry. Third officer secretary to additional ministry of commerce issued order in this re- three IAS officers of the of Environment Change. Jaisalmer to Jaipur on day! I I I 09
DECEMBER 5, 2021

Jagdeesh Chandra with (L-R) Sanjay Sardana, Vishaal Mathur, Aasawari Sahni, Aruna Beniwal,
JD Maheshwari, Deepak Sankit, Jessica Snock and Lokesh Sharma after the poster launch ceremony

Queen of Cosmos

Jagdeesh Chandra with Haneet Singh and Ramit Jagdeesh Chandra with (L-R) Aasawari, Aruna and Deepak


a gdeesh
launched the (L-R) Rajat Sharma, Chandra Shekhar Joshi,
Vivasvat Pal Karauli, Lokesh Sharma and Rishee Miglani
posters of
two upcom-
ing mega- Joshi, GM the Leela Pal-
events by ace and Rajat Sharma, Di-
First India, the first rector of Sales Leela Pal-
is the much-awaited ace said, “We are glad to
Season 11 of Fashion host the Fashion Connect
Connect and other was and Cosmos team. Look-
the international an- ing forward for the grand
nual beauty pageant show to be held in Dubai.
launched by First India- I extend my heartiest
Queen of Cosmos at The wishes to the team.”
Leela Palace on Saturday Prince of Karauli,
night! Vivasvat Pal Karauli
Excitement ran high at graced the evening
the Leela Palace as FC as the special
Brand Ambassador Rish- guest. Show Di-
ee Miglani announced the rector Lokesh
details on behalf of First Sharma,
India. Vi k r a m
First India’s The Queen Sukhani,
of Cosmos, an interna- Rajat Shar-
tional beauty pageant will ma, Direc-
be held in Dubai on March tor of
10, 2022. Women from dif- Sales Leela
ferent parts of the world Palace,
Rishee Miglani Yashika Singh
will compete for the cov- V a n i s h
eted title. Auditions will Chugh, owner
be held at Hotel Fairmont day. He said, “After the er individuals Sizzlin Sciz-
on February 2 for the grand success of the First who are aware zors, JD Ma-
same. Besides this, the Miss India/Teen 2021 held of their creden- heshwari, San-
Fashion Connect season at Novotel Goa on October tials. This pag- jay Sardana,
Richa Jalani
11 will be held on March 30, First India has come eant will be a Deepak Sankit,

12 at Oaks Ibn Battuta up with another magnifi- great contribu- Mohit Falod,
Gate Hotel Dubai. The cent pageant. Along with tor to the welfare Wrickie An-
season 9 was also held in our endeavour to show- of society, while also grish, Shalini
Dubai and was greatly ap- case the beauty and talent working in the fash- Naruka, Ravi De-
preciated by one and all. of charismatic ladies, ion and entertain- wani and Vishaal
Jagdeesh Chandra un- with Queen of Cosmos ment industry. I con- Mahur among
veiled the posters of both 2022, we also strive to em- gratulate the entire other dignitaries
the event on the glorious power women by trans- team.” also graced the
winter evening on Satur- forming them into strong- Chandra Shekhar evening.
Aruna Beniwal and Aasawari Sahni I I I I



YOUR DAY Horoscope by

Saurabbh Sachdeva
A few in number Parsi clan thriving in the garden city Bengaluru
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Aries Taurus
MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 APRIL 21 - MAY 20
All property matters will Parents may give you a ANUBHA JAIN
be resolved favourably. free hand in something Journalist writer
Adding to your comfort you wanted to do all by
on the domestic front yourself. Whatever

can be one of your aims preparations you have onserving a spe-
today. Your suggestions at work are done for an exam or competition will be cial bond with
likely to be appreciated and imple- enough to see you through. Someone nature, the Par-
mented too. Joining a gym or may be planning to take you out for a sis clan leads a
meditation/yoga classes is possible in meal, so remain available! You may covert life but
the quest for a healthy body and mind. wriggle out of a tight financial situation. with full enthusi-
asm. Parsis are
staunch believers of their
Gemini Cancer religion and religious be-
liefs. They fear from al- ited Bangalore in 1923. Ko-
MAY 21 - JUNE 21 JUNE 22 - JULY 23
mighty and wor- thari’s wife passed away in
Good preparation will Don’t expect any
ship fire. Parsis respect Bangalore city. On his sub-
keep you in contention concessions on the
in a competition. Money promotional front, but and find all four elements sequent visit to the city,
comes from unexpected the system will not be of nature, i.e., fire, earth, the Parsis requested Sir
sources .Hiring party unfair to you. Those air, and water, sacred. Kothari to construct a hall
agreeing to the terms and conditions suffering from a lifestyle disease will Their temple is called Ag- in the fond memory of his
for a payment will be like a financial succeed in getting it under control. iary or Fire Temple. One wife. And, in this vein, an
coup for those freelancing. You will Your innovations on the home front fine day, I came across an iconic building the Lady
take up an exercise regimen that suits will be much appreciated. Possession age-old famous Par- Jehangir Kothari Memo-
your lifestyle. of a property may be given to some. si Fire Temple that is situ- rial Hall was constructed
ated near the overcrowded and presented to the Anju-
Indian Express building man. Now the building is
Leo Virgo junction on Queen’s road
in Bengaluru.
used for the social gather-
ing of Parsis. In this se-
To preserve their reli- ries, Parsi B.J.Entee estab-
A social obligation may A function at home is
gious identity Parsis land- lished a Parsi Dharamsha-
make you waste your likely to keep you busy
time. Financial front and entertained. You can ed on the South West coast la or a guest house for Par-
looks okay. Excellent be invited to a social of Gujarat’s Sanjan town si travellers.
man management skills function which you will in the year 716 A.D. At the Burial or cremation is
will help you in managing many things enjoy a lot. Less workload at work will time of the Mysore Wadi- also prohibited in the Par-
at once on the professional front. give you adequate time to pursue some yar dynasty, Parsis were si community. The fa-
Eating right and remaining active will personal commitments. Joining a gym seen in Karnataka. The mous Parsi Tower of Si-
help maintain good health, despite or starting an exercise routine is first recorded settlement lence - also, known as the
irregular hours and little rest. indicated on the fitness front. of the Parsees in Banga- who were working for the roastrians in the year 1922, Meher’. Dokhma or a well built-in
lore was in 1880. Parsis mi- British army settled in the and, they inaugurated the Though the fire tem- 1940 by the Parsi clan in
grated to Bengaluru city cantonment area in the Bangalore Parsee Zoroas- ple is enclosed with loads the city. Not to affect
Libra Scorpio and were allowed to follow
their tradition and cus-
city. A need to establish an
Anjuman in Bangalore
trian Anjuman.
Talking about Parsis’s
of vehicle noise and crowd
everywhere, so as I entered
the Zoroastrian way of
disposing of the dead the
tom. The Parsi families was felt by the Parsee Zo- journey in South India, the temple premises, the Dokhma was constructed.
Keeping a tab on others Marital relationship will
one of the Board of Trus- peaceful surrounding and Here, to prevent the pollu-
will help strengthen get strengthened by
your position on the mutual give and take. tees Shereyar D.Vakil, Vice environment inside, en- tion of earth or fire, the
academic front. Peace Those travelling by road President, The Bangalore tirely transformed my bodies of the dead are
prevails on the home may make good time. Parsee Zoroastrian Anju- mood to concord and seren- placed in the Dokhma and
front. Your bank balance is likely to You may find yourself growing man in an interview stat- ity. The temple is built-in exposed to the sun, and
swell and make you financially secure. financially strong. Your inputs on the ed, “Parsis came to Mysore rare British Iranian archi- even for birds to prey
Good performance is likely to get professional front will be much between 1888 and 1890. Dr. tecture style with fire flame upon.
recognition for you on the professional appreciated. Becoming health D.K. Darashaw was the designed cemented pillars Subsequently, as the Zo-
front. conscious will lead to total fitness. first practicing Parsi doc- in white and grey colour roastrian population of
tor in Mysore. In 1900 give a mystifying feel to the Bangalore increased,
there were only 15-20 Par- passers-by. In the Sanctum structures like the Tower
Sagittarius Capricorn si families in Mysore and
then they spread to Banga-
Sanctorum (a holy secret
place to perform any ritual
of Silence, the Lady Je-
hangir Kothari Memorial
lore. In 1920 there were or activity) of the fire tem- Hall, the B.J. Entee Dhar-
Converting a freehold You will find someone
about 100 Parsis.” ple, there is an eter- mashala, and the Kothari
property into builder knowledgeable enough
floors is possible and to discuss a complex In 1937, the Zoroastri- nal fire burning all the Hall, etc. were added to the
will prove a win-win property matter. an population of Banga- time. An interesting fact is assets of the Anjuman.
situation for all. Doing Financially, you could lore increased to 300 from that only sandalwood is A notable effort of the
exceptionally well on the academic front not have been on a sounder wicket, as 125 in 1925. Vakil informed used to burn the fire. Dur- Anjuman was the con-
will add to your prestige. Some award money flows in. A new deal is in the that there are now 800 ing my visit to the tem- struction of a block of
awaits those in a government job. A offing for businessperson and may community members with ple when I tried to enter flats in 1967 for the middle-
new health product may benefit those prove lucrative. It is time to get going roughly 400 to 450 families inside the temple where income group Zoroastri-
trying to come back in shape. on the fitness front to improve health. of the Parsi clan are resid- the fire is burning the an, families, who were
ing in Bengaluru. priest Faredoon Karkaria finding it difficult to get
With the donation given stopped me and stated that suitable living accommo-
Aquarius Pisces by the late Seth Dinshaw
Cawasji, the Bangalore
the priest or anyone from
the Parsi community is
dation at reasonable rents.
Anjuman has also insti-
Parsee Zoroastrian Anju- only allowed to enter the tuted an Education Fund
Financially, you will feel Getting a suitable
man started the construc- Sanctum Sanctorum. I felt to encourage the younger
more secure now, than accommodation is
before. Judicious foreseen for those tion of the Agiary surprised listening to this, generation in their pur-
spending will help you desperate for it. Good (The Fire Temple) in 1924 but every community has suit of education.
save much. Don’t pick earning will keep your in Bengaluru. And, its rituals and customs to In the end, I can say
up an argument at workplace as it can coffers brimming and keep you in high the temple was consecrat- follow. that though small in num-
go against you. Wayside food is best spirits. Financially, you are likely to find ed in the year 1926. Vakil further said that a ber the community is
avoided, especially during this season. yourself on the top of the world. You The Fire temple has been prominent Parsi visitor quite active in the city and
Family life will be immensely fulfilling. will find things moving favourably at named ‘Bai Dhanmai & Sir Jehangir Kothari of doing satisfactory social
Your health remains fine. work. Health remains satisfactory. Cawasji Dadabhai Dar-E- Karachi and his wife vis- work for the Parsi clan. I I I I

Kriti Sanon aces a Gajra

Sonam Kapoor flaunts a handfan at a wedding

Bebo with her name handpainted on a saree

Model flaunts a stunning Chand Baali Maang Teeka

One accessory that makes your
wedding look stand out


rom Maang Teeka
to Paasa, Kanauti
Jhumkas to a dain-
ty Bindi, anything
could make your
wedding look spe-
cial, right? While
some may choose to go the
minimal way with a sleek To express and stamp who Weddings are my favourite I am a fan of colours and
clutch, others would go all you are, fashion accessories because dressing up is fun, style my Indian outfits
out with a repertoire of jew- are your best friend. As I especially in ethnic clothes accordingly. I believe in the
els. For me, a pop of colour accessorised this look with with lots of jewellery. While power of monochromatic
through exaggerated ear-
a simple Chand Maang Tikka I’m a fan of heavy jewellery looks and just how simply
rings or a black diamond
and nothing more than a sometimes, my ultimate ac- impactful they are. If my
nose pin does the magic, but
I’m sure all the fashion vic-
Kajal here. It is compliment- cessory favourite is a watch, saree is pink, I’d go for a
tims have their own ‘go-to’ ing the ethnicity of the look. one to match almost every salmon or fuchsia blouse.
accessories. The mang tikka also adds colour. From rose gold to a I really like how different
Since I have got a lot of a little more festive vibes silver one, each brings out tomes of one colour make
weddings bookmarked on and a pinch of innocence the ethnic charm. Another for a beautiful palette that
my calendar, I resorted to to my look. I think it makes favourite are heels, they is equally soothing to the
our dear readers for some me stand out because I can accentuate the curves and eyes. With a pinch of gold
fashion inspiration and pull it off with any and every add a much-needed oomph or silver with a piece of
trust me, the responses type of Indian attire – suit, to the outfit. They also give jewellery, I finish off
have me swooning. I’m all Lehenga or Saree! us a brilliant posture. my look.
set to give my own spin to
Tara Sutaria’a Potli bag rounds off her wedding guest look

Being a Rajput, I have learnt Winter weddings call look for My favourite accessories during
to love my jewels just how my looks that are stylish yet prac- the wedding season have to be a
mom and sisters do. A fan of Sa- tical to protect you from ‘Dilli pair of statement earrings. Bold,
rees, I choose to style them with ki Sardi’. Therefore, I choose statement earrings not only make
delicate pearl or any dainty neck- to drape around a Pashmina or you stand out but also help avoid
laces. I feel like this accessory woollen shawl around any outfit too many other heavy pieces. It
simply brings out the elegance of I carry. It not only keeps me brings attention to the part that
every Indian look. With a state- warm but also lends a timeless you want to flaunt. It goes great
ment ring, I choose to play up charm to my look. If not a shawl, with sarees and my favourite are
my understated look and let my I would go for a stole and drape either pearl earrings or diamond
jewellery do the talking. I also it in some unique way, thanks to ones. I also feel that once you
like my hair coloured in brown the YouTube tutorials. With this, put on a piece of danglers, your
streaks and play around with I choose to roll with dark colours outfit automatically becomes all
different hairstyles that highlight as they blend well with winter the more premium and your look
my highlights! celebrations. becomes more defined.
Bhumi Pednekar’s pink eyeshadow is an accessory that pops out


‘Sacch Bedhadak’

Jagdeesh Chandra with GM Ashok Rathore,
Bhim Singh, Madhu Singh and Sujata

Jagdeesh Chandra with (L-R) Srishti Jain, Gaurav Gaur,

Vishakha Mathur and Megha Soni
GM Ashok Rathore with Anand Tiwari, Ajeet Parihar, Khaled Khan, Mahavir Sharma, Mansi Rathore, —PHOTOS BY NAIM KHAN
Chef Asish Roy, Bhim Singh, Sujata Sharma, Ajay Sharma, Islam Chaudhary, Komal Thakur and Madhav Rathore During the ceremony

Christmas Spirit
caps to the guests. This
was followed by the chefs,
other staff members of
the hotel and guests com-

comes alive
ing together to mix the
ingredients. The process
began with adding the
fruits and nuts to a large
container and pouring (L-R) Dr Rajkumar, Rafiq Khan, Dr Mahesh Joshi,
Pratap Singh Khachariyawas, Vinayak Sharma and PK Mast the spirits. Then the mix-
ture was tossed and

head of Christ- turned till they were CITY FIRST

mas celebra- ey were poured into the drenched in the spirit.
tions, Hotel mix and a number of Christmas décor and live n the launch
Rambagh Palace gloved hands kneaded crooning added im- of the news-
kicked off the the concoction tirelessly mensely to the camarade- paper ‘Sacch
cake mixing sea- to make the perfect rie of the event. This was Bedhadak’,
son by hosting Christmas cake. “The followed by a scrump- Srishti Vinayak En-
its annual ‘Cake Mixing more to mix, the merrier tious spread by the culi- tertainment Media
Ceremony’. Both hotel the feast!,” Ashok nary maestros of the ho- Pvt. Ltd organised a
staff and guests rolled up Rathore, GM Rambagh tel to celebrate the fes- pre-launch party at
their sleeves and partici- Palace, said, adding, that tivities with a perfect Hotel Grand Uniara
pated in a hearty mixing mixing is a ritual start of blend of Christmas spirit on Saturday.
Jagdeesh Chandra and GM Ashok Rathore Jagdeesh Chandra with (L-R) Vinayak,
of dry fruits and nuts for the festive season. and cheer. An evening to Jagdeesh Chan- Tushar, Vivek, Manoj and Alok
plum cakes with spirits. He further added, during the cake mixing ceremony remember! dra graced the occa-
Apart from the staff “Cake Mixing is a ritual sion as the Chief
members and invited which hails from Europe Guest. He felicitated the net Minister, Dr Mahesh
guests – senior execu- wherein the mixture is entire team of ‘Sacch Joshi and Pratap Singh
tives of the hotel were emptied into large Bedhadak’ and wished Khachariyawas, MLA
also present on the containers and them great success. and CM’s advisor Dr Raj-
occasion. stored for days be- Vinayak Sharma and kumar Sharma, MLA Rafiq
Jagdeesh Chandra fore Christmas with Shrishti Jain paid immense Khan, Chairman of Revenue
graced the evening as the occasional stirring in gratitude to everyone on the Board Rajeshwar Singh,
Chief Guest. between.” occasion. They assured that Chief of Vipra sena Sunil Ti-
Besides, endless bot- The cake mixing began the team will work hard to wari, RAS Lokesh Meena and
tles of spirits and syrups with handing over the serve authentic news to eve- RAS Pankaj Ojha graced the
Chef’s team led by Chef Asish Roy
like golden syrup or hon- aprons, gloves and Santa ryone. event with their presence.
During the occasion Cabi-



Dr Ajay Sharma, Dr GN Saxena, Dr Sudhir Sachdeva, Dr ML Swarnkar, Dr Swati Garg and Dr VK Kapoor he ancient town

Jaipur Surgical
of Barwara, During the awareness campaign
CITY FIRST near Sawai

M a d h o p u r, CITY FIRST

he two-day Jaipur Sur- gears up for the prepa-
gical Festival, organ- ration of the much- uskaan foundation for road safety, Traf-

Festival @ MGH
ized by Mahatma Gan- awaited wedding of Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif fic Police Jaipur along with students of
dhi Medical College the season. Six Senses Manipal University conducted an On-
and Hospital, Sitapura, was Royal Fort Barwara set to host the wedding of Bol- Road campaign at OTS chauraha, JLN
inaugurated on Saturday. The lywood heartthrobs Katrina Kaif and Vicky Marg to generate awareness about the use of ISI
chief guest was Dr ML Kaushal from Dec 7 to 9. Yee Pin Tan, the Global mark helmets amongst the road users. Students
Swarnkar, Emeritus Chair- Head of Design Six Senses and metalware manu- stood on the stop line holding informative plac-
person, Mahatma Gandhi facturer, IRIS, developed exclusive décor products ards and interacted with road users during the
Medical University. He said for the property. The design of Six Senses Resort red signal. The focus of the campaign was to
that Jaipur is considered the in Rajasthan reinterprets the gracious and regal educate and motivate people to use ISI mark hel-
city of festivals. On the same ambiance of a bygone era dating back 700 years. mets. Neha Khullar, Project Director told that
lines, now a health festival is Pin accoladed Rajeev Pabuwal, Laksh Pabuwal more than 44, 000 people lose their life because
also being organized. Like the and others from team IRIS for their product quality. of not using the certified helmet.
Jaipur Literature Festival,
Jaipur Surgical Festival will
be organized every year. In
this, by discussing the issues
related to a disease, new sur-

geons will be technically ma-

Organisers Mahatma Gan-
dhi Hospital’s Senior Gastro
Surgeon Dr VK Kapoor and Dr Dr ML Swarnkar, Dr Sudhir Sachdeva, Dr VK Kapoor
Ajay Sharma told that 16 and Dr Swati Garg during the lamp lighting ceremony
speeches related to cholecys-
tectomy i.e. gallstone stones RL Swaranakar auditorium. online and offline. More than
were made in this scientific He informed that the pro- 850 surgeons from Australia,
Rafiq Khan, UBS Rathore, Amrit Kalash, Puran Singh Rathore
program being organized in gram is being organised both Bangladesh, Cameroon, Cana- & Harun Qureshi during the lamp lighting ceremony During the ceremony
da, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mau-
ritius, Mongolia, Nepal, Paki- CITY FIRST Agencies who worked Affiliated members to

stan, Saudi Arabia, Singa- unitedly during COVID CAPSI. A free COVID
pore, South Africa, Sri SA (Associa- -19 Pandemic as Front Vaccination drive has
Lanka and Ukraine are tion for Securi- line warriors. MLA also been organised for
participating in the surgi- ty Associate’s- Rafiq Khan graced the the Private Security
cal festival. Along with Rajasthan) af- occasion as the Chief Guards & their families
this, the experts discussed the filiated to CAPSI( Cen- Guest. ADG Home at Agarwal College
common problem and solution tral Association for Guard’s IPS Amrit premises, Sanganeri
of gallstone stones in Ra- Private Security Indus- Kalash were present as Gate by MLA Rafiq Khan
jasthan. try) celebrated Private Amrit Kalash addressing the special guests. on request of A.S.A. The
Speeches will be delivered Security Day on Satur- the audience All PSARA Licensed ceremony was appreci-
by 17 experts on the second day to honour the Pri- ers Proprietor’s / Di- Private Security Agen- ated by all the guests as
day of the festival. vate Security Guards, rectors of PSARA Li- cies of Rajasthan & who it was worth cherishing.
Dr ML Swarnkar addressing the audience Security officers, Own- censed Private Security are members to A.S.A &

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