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This unit covers the topics on structures of globalization which include The Global
Economy,  Market Integration, The Global Interstate, and  Contemporary Global Governance.

Here are questions for discussion as you go through the materials shared. Use them as your
study guide.
Why did the Bretton Woods System collapse in the 1970s?

What are the major positions and arguments on the relationship between
economic  globalization on the one hand and economic growth and income inequality on the
other  hand?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade? Do these arguments fully  hold in
relation to both developed and developing countries?

How have digital technologies transformed the structures and operations of

global  corporations?

Has the rapid growth of global corporate capitalism led to a diffusion of influence in
the  global economy?

To what extent have global corporations become less regulated?

What kinds of states do we need to handle today's most pressing problems?

How is globalization changing the overall balance of power between states and  citizens?

How does the resilience of states both advance and inhibit democracy and how  democratic is
a world of globally interconnected states?

In what ways does the UN's conception of multilateralism have to change if it is to  adapt to a
rapidly evolving global order?

In what ways does the UN system contribute to the formation of global consciousness?

What is the UN's “ideational” role in global problem solving?

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