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A. Discuss.

. What is yol
enterta inm
・ Whydoyo
Which words are related to ea⊂h place of entertainment? B. Read the p
Complete the table by che〔king the correct boxes.
l. Which wc
2. Whatdot
audienc e a. We:

(waiting) line b. there:

b ackstage c. them:

d. theIh:二

e. it:
SPeCial effects

outdo or
I enjoygo
’there:s on(

drama ciuI
members l
尋lso lea「n

twice a we
A. Discuss. So, Neither, Too. Either O軒e「s尋血
. Are there many places of entertainment in your
書wo per冊「
Read the following dialogues and match the
工6wn/city? We all wor
Phrases in bold with thei「 uses.
・ What’s the most popular with people your age?
亡he costu調

ロロ ロロ
A: J旅egoi略的房ue moγie5・
D購Om Whj
B. Listen to four people talking about p葛aces of B: SodoL/Ido too.
ente「tainment. Which place is each ofthem talking C: J don’1 J don’t族e waitin〆n nne.
電柵e. 1t’与g
about? Match the names with the places.
A: I can’t sing give it up f
B: NGitheγ Can J. /J can,t eithe購

C: W弗Ican.
⊂ Rewrite the
a. It is used to agree with an a鯛rmative sentence.
Same WO「d
b. It is used to agree with a negative sehtence.
C. It is used to disagree. l- }fy sister a
aⅡd Igo tc

u軸aHy cr(

good time

圏圏田寺s Talk in groups ofthree. Look at the places below and

C.しisteれagain and write Tfor巾ue or Ffor False.
disc早ss what you like or don’t like about them・ Agree

1・ Danny usually goes to this place alone. 口 Or disagree usingso or "ei妨er

2・ Danny epjoys the variety ofactivities on off料 ロ 主軸nisre

museum themepark bowlingalley
e 3. Roger doesn,t like waiting in line.   ロ 這1まxes B玉
movies theater coffeeshop restaurant

1 4. Roger has to go there because it’s his job. ロ

起援虹e重s o工
I ′oye goingめC砺e shops腺0鋼製Se。。.
5. Emily hates preparing before going to this place.ロ
6. Emily thinks that it isn,t always safe there. ロ’
1 don,f be`OuSe…

7. Rita goes because of another person○   ○

8. Rita likes going there late.     ロ

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