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Winkler, D., & Brooks, E. (2020).

Tracing Extremes across Iconic Desert Landscapes:

Socio-Ecological and Cultural Responses to Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and

Wildflower Superblooms. Human Ecology, 48, 211-223.

Tourism is an industry impacted by climate change. Certain areas, such as deserts, can

directly correlate their rainfall with the number of tourists they will see that year. Winkler

and Brooks work for the departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and

Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine, with Brooks also working for the

U.S Geological Survey. They write that certain climates, like deserts, are especially

susceptible to climate changes. The amount of rain a desert, such as Anza-Borrego Desert

receives, determines how many plants will grow. However, as water availability

decreases for locals as well as tourists, changes have to be made in infrastructure, and

water conservation. This research is for audiences interested in the impact of climate

change on deserts, and a high school background. A similar article on disappearing water,

in the High Plains, and its impact on communities can be found by Haacker et. al.


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