3.0 Main Content 3.1 Gatt-Wto As An Instrument of Suppression

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AE 411 List the major areas of disagreement

between the developed and underdeveloped

International Agricultural Trade countries.
Described the double standards and
hostility of the advanced countries in
UNIT 2: MAJOR THIRD WORLD CONCERNS dealing with the Third World in the GATT-


1.0 Introduction 3.1 GATT-WTO AS AN INSTRUMENT OF
2.0 Objectives SUPPRESSION
3.0 Main contents Following the Third World countries
3.1 GATT-WTO as an Instrument of constrictive demanding for an equitable and
Suppression New International Economic Order (NIEO),
3.2 Oppressive issues in GATT Negotiations (which had received international notice by
3.2.1 Traditional issues 1973), the major advanced courtiers began
3.2.2 Systemic issues to seek for an appropriate framework to
3.2.3 New issues and themes implement radical
3.3 Major North-South Cleavages in the WTO changes in the structures of world trade and
4.0 Conclusion economy.
5.0 Summary
6.0 Reference/Further Reading The changes were required to achieve the
following three aims:
Arrest the rising prices of raw materials
The Uruguay Round of GATT, and the WTO
(controlled mainly by the Third World, e.g.
which resulted, was an attempt by the
crude oil), which had led to the second
major advanced countries to tackle issues of
slump in 1974/78; stop the increasing
strategic importance to them for the
radicalism of the Third World; and bolster
redesign and management of the global
US economic dominance – and, by
economy in their interest, including the
extension, that of its western allies.
linkages between money, trade and finance.
In many respects, the outcome of the
For several reasons, GATT was chosen as an
Uruguay Round were, and still are,
appropriate framework to accomplish those
threatening the domestic development and
aims. The reasons include the fact that
future options of poor, Third World
foreign trade
is one of the strongest linkages among
Against that background, the purpose of
nations. Then there is the fact that Third
this unit, and the next, is to put in
World countries were weakest inside GATT
perspective specific strategic concerns of
as they did not negotiate collectives within it
Third World countries arising from the
like the main powers. The support of the
injustice and exploitation they experience in
socialist countries for the Third World even
the global trade regime.
verbal and rhetorical –
could not be counted on inside GATT
2.0 LEANING OBJECTIVES because, for reasons of self-interest, the
By the end of this unit, you should be able socialist countries adopted a low profile in
to: it.
Explain why GATT-WTO is described as an
instrument of suppression. Moreover, GATT negotiations were the least
transparent, unlike other international
List the issues that are offensive to the
processes. The Uruguay Round of GATT
Third World in GATT negotiations.
negotiations, and the World Trade
Organization which followed, constitute a
major reconstruction of international What were the three main aims of the
capitalism and a great setback for Africa advanced countries’ efforts to radically
and the rest of the Third World. restructure global trade and economy in
response to the Third World countries’
The Uruguay Round is regarded as the most agitations for a new international economic
a ambitious and complex order in the mid-1970s?
of the eight rounds of negotiations under
GATT. It differs from earlier rounds of GATT 3.2 OPPRESSIVE ISSUES IN THE GATT
which had sought merely to open up world NEGOTIATION
trade through tariff reductions and the Three sets of oppressive issues been
selective lowing of non-tariff barriers to identified in the Uruguay Round of GATT
trade, e.g. quota restrictions. The Uruguay negotiation. These are:
Round represents two separate themes:
a. The GATT multinational negotiations in 1) Textile and clothing – These have been
goods; and partly removed from GATT rules, but the
b. Separate negotiations on multinational discriminatory Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA)
mechanisms for ‘trade in has been retained.
services’ 2) Agriculture - Third World interests differ
among exporters of temperate zone products
Hence, the new rounds of GATT negotiations who complete with the advanced countries;
were about wider economic issues and trade exporters of tropical products; net food –
policy. The new round is essentially for importing countries; and others. But the
reorganizing the international economy and broad development interest of the Third
international economic relations into the World should not be sacrificed for mere
21st century, in the wider geographical market-share arrangement between the US
context of the and the European Union.
efforts of the United States to maintain its
position as a global superpower. It is about 3.2.2 SYSTEMIC ISSUES
global production, production capacities and
how to reduce weaken competition from the 1. GATT Articles – There are moves to
Third World. In these ways, the WTO was tamper with these especially Article XVIII,
joined to the IMF and the World Bank as the which enables the Third World countries to
new multilateral bureaucracy for managing imposed ‘trade policy restrictions’ in defense
the world economy, predominantly in the of their balance of
interest of the US, the European Union and payments.
2. Safeguards – These ensure that selective
In order to underscore the new character of or discriminatory safeguard actions should
international capitalism, many of the old be outlawed. This arrangement is not really
rules of the game have either been changed offensive to the Third World.
or weakened, where they were positive, or
left unchanged, where they were negative, 3. Subsidies and Multilateral Trade
e.g. the Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA). Negotiation Agreements –
Moreover, as we The ‘non-exclusion’ clause should not be
noted earlier, a whole range of new issues used to extract concessions that are
under trade in services and agriculture, contrary to the provisions of the
environment, investment and tighten the agreements. The weak Third World
monopoly of the advanced countries over the countries are especially vulnerable here.
global economy. These are reflected in the
three sets of issues in the GATT 4. Special and Different Treatment – This
negotiations, which Third World countries is a fundamental principle and the
must grapple with early in the 21st century. provisions for it in part IV of GATT and in
the Enabling Clause should be made system. Third World countries must struggle
operational in order to offer additional against these issues now
incentive to the weaker economies of the and demand redress.
Third World. (5) Labour Standards – These should be
governed by the international Labour
5 . Enforcement of Rights and Obligations Organization (ILO) Conventions and not
– This relates to the Dispute Settlement come under the WTO system. The
Mechanism and the functioning of the GATT implementation of current WTO agreements
system. At present, the enforcement of on these issues will, therefore, constitute a
rights and major setback for Third World countries.
obligations lies in ‘retaliation’, an area in This is why these issues have to be
which Third World countries are very scrutinized and raised for fuller discussion
weak in relation to the industrialized and necessary modifications in the national
countries. interest of member-states before they can be
accepted and implemented by Third World
3.2.3 NEW ISSUES AND THEMES countries.
(1) Trade in Services – ‘Development’ 3.3 MAJOR NORTH-SOUTH CLEAVAGES
should have the same force as security in IN WTO
Africa XXI so that Third World countries can We have noted that a common characteristic
reserve their rights to make and enforce of the Uruguay Round Negotiations was a
laws, regulations and practices that they marked hostility of the advanced countries
consider proper for their development. Third towards the Third World. And the true
World countries that are already heavily objective of the Uruguay Round was to block
dominated and marginalized the competitiveness of the industrialized
require this protection. Third World, even at the expense of the
(2) Trips (trade-related intellectual principles of liberalism, and thus to
property right –technology): many aspects reinforce the monopolies of the dominant
of these rights require fuller discussion and centre. In this area, as in every other time,
agreement. National laws on TRIPS should their double standard prevails. The
not be allowed to come conclusion of the Uruguay Round
under international review, or be a subject negotiations produced few
for the settlement of disputes. Third World winners, and these were mostly from the
regarding the technological monopoly of the industrialized countries, and
advanced countries means that TRIPS many losers- mostly from the Third World.
would aggravate this desperate situation. The major issues of interest to the Third
The Third World must produce a sound World were relegated or ignored. It is,
collective agenda on these issues of trade in therefore, not
services and TRIPS. surprising that the last attempt to hold the
(3) TRIMS (trade-related investment WTO meeting in Seattle, U.S.A. in December
measures – on foreign investment): these 1999 was scuttled by the widespread angry
must not restrict national capacity for protests
attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), or of hostile and marginalized social groups.
for directing it to sectors according to
national proprieties. In spite of this pious 3.4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THIRD
hope, however, it is clear that the Third WORLD COUNTRIES AND
World must produce a joint agenda on INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES (URUGUAY
(4) MAI (Multilateral Agreement on The major differences between Third World
Investment): Third World countries must and the industrialized countries in the
insist on their sovereignty over all foreign Uruguay Round negotiations on GATT and
investment. This is because MAI, TRIPS and theWTO are in four areas. These are:
TRIMS are the most controversial and a. Industrial exports from the south-
unacceptable aspects of the new WTO Opening up the advanced countries’
markets to the Third World has been transactional monopoly of technology – a
resisted so far. Instead, the former has move that is clearly detrimental to the
exclude trade in textiles from the rules development of Africa and the rest of the
of GATT-Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA) which Third World.
has been in place for over 25 years. 4. while claiming to be fighting corruption
b. Tropical agricultural and mining (e.g. via Transparency international), the
products – The GATT-WTO has remained GATT-WTO negotiations were not only
silent on the issue of improving the terms of highly non-transparent, they also prohibit
trade for Third World export. Thus, the Third World countries from employing
trade regulated by GATT-WTO represents import inspectors to monitor the prices
merely 7% of world trade; while textiles, charged by western exporters, especially as
agricultural products (including tropical oil, these prices involve illegal transfer of
which compete with temperate oils), mining capital, tax evasion and corruption. They
products, etc ., are excluded (so as not to also
benefit the Third World) include ‘transfer pricing’ (which is the over
c. Better access to international finance – invoicing of imports and the under invoicing
The Third World had demanded this during of exports) for hiding profits and transferring
the Uruguay Round negotiations but the them abroad without paying national profits
GATT-WTO only offered liberalized banking tax on
rules, which have them;
rather facilitated capital flight (including 5. opening financial markets in the Third
stolen funds) from the Third World to the World to the western banks and insurance
advanced countries. companies (called financial liberalization) is
d. Improved conditions for technology really meant to increase the transfer of
transfer – Rather than make this possible, capital (legal, illegal
GATT –WTO has, indeed, strengthened and extra-legal) from the Third World
western technological monopoly by advanced countries. Yet, the persistent
introducing the issue of intellectual inadequacy of development finance
property rights (TRIPS). continues to crippled Africa and other Third
World countries.
3.5 RELATED TRADE REGIME POLICIES 6. The inclusion of ‘new issues’ mentioned
All the policies of the advanced countries earlier in the Uruguay Round negotiations
reflect their hostility and double standard in have also increased conflicts between the
dealing with the Third World under two groups in the new trading system. They
GATTWTO. constitute the imperative for an urgent and
For example, collective Third World agenda on the GATT-
1. Rather than include textiles, agricultural WTO system.
and mining products in the Uruguay Round
(GATT-WTO), the advanced countries 4.0 CONCLUSION
allowed Third World countries the minor The GATT-WTO system which is imposing
concession of granting liberalism without borders constitutes a
each other some preferences on these fundamental attack on the sovereignty of
products; Third World countries, especially as the new
2. GATT-WTO rules on TRIMS promote the trade rules are being imposed without full
monopoly of transactional in the local and transparent discussion and the assent
markets Third World countries by opposing of under
clauses requiring ‘minimum national developed countries. Third World appears to
content in production, minimal exports, etc., be a replay of the old impositions of the
which were designed to promote Third World original GATT and the Bretton Wood system
development when
3. TRIPS have been launched under GATT- most Third World countries were still
WTO not to promote competition in colonies. In other words, it would appear
technology but to strengthen Western that Third World countries are now being
recolonized in the GATT-WTO system. The
new GATT-WTO system has effectively
marginalized Third World countries; and
their development interests
and priorities are being neglected in place of
a pre-occupation with free trade rhetoric’s.
It is imperative for the Third World to adopt
an urgent and collective agenda to redress
the injustices of the GATTWTO system.

This unit has exposed you to the major
concerns of Third World countries in the
global trade regime. The main content of
this nit include the characterization of the
GATT-WTO as an instrument by which the
demands and struggles of Third World
countries for a new international economic
order were suppressed. This led to the
dilution of the Third World’s competitiveness
and the reestablishment of US hegemony in
the global economy. This unit also dealt
with new and oppressive rules, from the
perspective of Third World countries, in the
GATT negotiations. And the major divisions
between the advanced and Third World
countries were also addressed in this unit


Bade Onimode, (2000): Africa in The World
of the 21st Century, (Ibadan): Ibadan
University Press, 2000),Chapter 7.
C. Raghavan, (1990): Re-Colonisation GATT,
The Uruguay Round and the Third World
(Penang: Third World Networks, 1990.
Samir Amin, (1998): Capitalism in the Age of
Globalization (London: Zed Books, 1998).

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