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(Based on Chapters 1 to 7)

Time: 1.5 Hr.

Instructions to the candidates: Total Marks: 35
Read carefully the instructions given below and give answers
1. Do not open the question booklet until
you are asked to do so.
2. The question booklet contains 35 questions. The examinee
should verify that the requisite number of
in the question booklet, otherwise he/she should ask
for another question booklet. questions are printed
3. Students will mark their answers on the OMR answer
sheet only, not on the question booklet.
4. All questions are compulsory and each carries one mark.
5. There is no negative marking.
6. Each question has four possible answers-a, b, c and d.
Students are required to choose the most
the four alternatives. The answer should be filled in appropriate answer out of
the OMR answer sheet in the following way:
Question 1
Question 2

Question 3 O O
Question 4 O
7. Ifa student doesn't fill the
appropriate circle in the OMR answer sheet and leaves it empty or unfilled, he/she will get a zero
for it.
8. Only a black or blue balipoint pen has to be used for marking the answers on the OMR answer sheet.
9. Students have to submit the OMR answer sheet to the
invigilator before leaving the examination hall
10. Any kind of rough work should be done on the blank page given at the end of the question booklet.

DIRECTION: Questions 1 to 20 are multiple choice questions. Choose the correct answer from the given
1. Charge Q is placed at one corner of a cube. The total electric flux through the cube is :
2. A charge Q is divided into two
parts q1 and q2 such that when placed at a given distance, Coulomb force between
them is maximum. The relation between q1 and q2 is:
(a) q1 = 0, 92 = Q (b) 91 92 (d) none of these
3. Plane area A =8j is placed in an electric field E = 2j +3j -4k. The electric flux through the plane area is:
(a) 16 units b)-32 units (c) 24 units d) zero.
4. The charge given (Q) and the increase in
potential () graphs are drawn for two conductors
A and B. The capacitance
of the
conductors and (C Cg): B
(a) cannot be assessed from the plots (b) CA CpB A
(c) Ca> C (d) CA <
Cp V
5. circular under the effect of
A charged particle is moving on a path a uniform magnetic field. Its
frequency of
revolution does not depend upon:
(a) mass of the particle (b) speed of the particle (c) value of magnetic field (d) all of these.
6. In an a.c. circuit R = 100, X - Xc= 6 are connected in series. The power factor ofthe circuit is
(a) C (b) 0.6 (c) 0.4 (d) 1
The emf of astorage batery
from the battery
is 12 V and its internal resistance is 0,4 2. The maximum current which can be drawn
(a) 30 A (b) 15 A (c) 60 A (d) data is insufficient
The magnetic field inside
magnetic field will be:
a long current carrying solenoid is B. If the solenoid is turned into the shape of toroid, the

(a) 2B (b) tB (d) B.


S.Ifa uniform electric field exists in a region ofspace, the electric potential in that region will be :
(a) zero (b) constant (c) proportional to r (d) proportional to r
10. The internal resistance
in a cell is due to the:
(a) electrodes (b) container (c) electrolyte (d) all of these.
An a.c. circuit containing inductive reactance 80 and capacitive reactance 62 are connected in series. The
impedence of the circuit is :
(a) 14 Q (b) 102 (c) 2 2 (d) none of these.
A current is passed through a metallic wire of significant resistance and is measured in the milli-amnmeters connected
in the circuit. After some time, some change in the milli-ammeter reading is noticed. The change is
(a) increase in the current (b) decrease in the current (c) arbitrary (d) zero.
13. In LC circuit the
phase difference between voltage and current:
(a) depends upon L and C (b) aways 0 (c) 45 (d) 90.
14. Current I in the wire AB is
long decreasing at a constant rate. The induced current in the
circular loop will be
(a) clockwise and increasing
(b) anti-clockwise and increasing
(c) clockwise and constant
(d) anti-clockwise and constant
15. Two bulbs 60 W-220 V and 100 W-200 V are connected in series with 220 volt line. Which will lit
(a) 60 W bulb
more brightly?
(b) 100 W bulb
(c) both will produce equal brightness (d) cannot be lit in series.
16. A charged particle passes undeviated through a region where uniform electric and
exist in mutually perpendicular directions. This is magnetic fields of fixed magnitudes
(a) possible for one fixed value of velocity of the particle
(b) possible for two fixed values of velocities of the particle
(c) possible for every velocity of the particle
(d) never possible.
17. A capacitor is charged by connecting to a
is connected in parallel to an
battery to attain potential V. The battery is disconnected and the capacitor
uncharged capacitor of equal capacitance. The new potential difference between the
first capacitor will be:

(a) V (b) 2V V
(c d) none of these.
T h e energy (U) stored in a given capacitor is changed by giving charge (q). The graph between Uand q (when initial
stored energy is Ug) is:

(a tb d

I in the same sense. If the loops approach each other

19, Each of the identical coaxial circular
two loops carry current

alongthe c o m m o n axis, then:

(a)current in each loop will increase

(b) current loop will decrease

in each
(c)no change in current of either loop
that in other loop will decrease.
(d) current in one loop will increase and

is when current in it is I. In another wire of

radius made
20. In a wire of radius r, drift velocity of free electrons v

The in the second wire is:

ofsame material the drift velocity is 2.

(c) 2 (d) I/4

Ca) 1/2 (b)I
given: one labelled Assertion (A) and the o t h e r
DIRECTION: For questions 21 to 25 two statements are
to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer

given below: assertion.

true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
(a) If both assertion and reason are of the assertion.
true but the reason is not the correct explanation
(b) If both the assertion and reason are

is false.
(c) If assertion is true but reason
are false.
(d) If both assertion and reason decreases when
attraction between the plates of a charged capacitor
21. Assertion (A) The electrostatic force of
dielectric slab is introduced between
its plates.
between the charged capacitor plates does not change if dielectric slab
Reason (R) The electric field intensity
is introduced between the plates of the capacitor.
field interacts with a moving charge
and not with a stationary charge.
22. Assertion (A) : Magnetic
:Moving charge produces a magnetic field.
Reason (R) size of closed surface.
closed surface does not depend upon the shape and
The electric flux from a
23. Assertion (A) :

Reason (R) Electric flux =

oE dA.

then no potential difference will develop between the

24. Assertion (A) : Ifa train runs on rails in East-west direction,
ends of its axle.

Faraday's junction rule is also called the Lenz's law.

Reason (R)
reach its value is 1 5.
current is 50, the time taken by it to rms
25. Assertion (A) : If the frequency of alternating

Reason (RR) rms-

all the
each carefully and answer
case-study based questions. Read
DIRECTION: Questions 26 to 35 are
five questions based upon that case.
Case I. Fuse Wire damage. A fuse is
current in the electric circuit and saves the appliances from the
t is a safety device used to limit the exceeds tO a fixed
is low and resistance is high. Whenever current
made up of an alloy of copper and tin. Its melting point
value, it breaks due to heating effect and saves the appliances. If is the current
causing melting of fuse wire, then
Rt =m-c-A0 p t= A.1 d.c A0
where p is the resistivity, A is the cross-sectional area, d is the density, c is the specific heat and AO is the increase in
temperature of the fuse wire from room temperature to
melting point
Fromabove =A, A0
p t
where t is the time in which temperature increase to melting point.
26. The material of fuse nmust have
(a) low melting point
(b) high melting point
c)moderately high melting point (d) more than 500°C.
27. The current for melting the fuse wire will
(a) not change if its length is doubled
(b) increase if length is doubled
(c) decrease if length is doubled (d) may or may not change.
28. Which of the following wires will be more suitable for making a fuse wire?
(a) Small A small 1 (b) SmallA more l (c) More A small 1 (d) Any of these.
29. The fuse must be connected to :
(a) live wire (b) neutral wire c) either of these (d) none of these.
The resistance of fuse wire does not appear in the above formula given for currentI required for melting offuse wire.
If it is taken into consideration, the required current for blow off fuse wire will:
(a) not change (b) decrease (c) increase (d)may or may not change.
Case Il. Potentiometer
Inthe fig.. a potentiometer of wire length AB 1 m is connected with resistance R and standard cell B'. Cell E of emf
1.02 V is connected through resistance S, a key K and a galvanometer G to a jockey moving on the potentiometer wire.
With key K open the null position in galvanometer G is obtained at length AJ = 51 cm.


31. The potential gradient in wire AB is:

(a) 0.04 V cm (b) 0.01 V cm (c) 0.02 Vcm (d) 0.03 V cm.
32 If voltage drop in resistance R is 1 V then emf of cell B' is:
(a) 3 V (b) 2 V (c) 1.5 V (d) 2.5 V
33. If key K is closed, the null point:
(a) moves towards A (b) moves towards B (c) does not change (d) data not sufficient.
34. If resistance R is increased, the null point:
(a) moves towards A (b) moves towards B (c) does not move (d) data not sufficient.
35. Ifresistance S is removed, then balance point will shift
(a) towards A (b) towards B (c) does not shift (d) data is insufficient.

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