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Installation/Update of Web Deployment Package (Adding a site for

1. Type IIS in Search Bar. Once searched, click the IIS Manager and Run as Administrator on
the search results.

2. After this, navigate to the IIS Site Select SMB.DIS then go to the Deploy tab on the
right pane of the IIS Manager. Select Import Application.
DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

3. Click Browse and navigate to the folder location of the DIS 4.2 Web Deployment
Package’s zip file. Select SMB.DIS

 Click Next (select the Package)

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

 Click Next (Select the Contents of the Package)

4. Once you reach the Enter Application Package Information window.

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

*Note: Make sure that the default values for:

Data Source = .\MSSQLSERVER2016
Initial Catalog = SMB.DIS.SERVER
Password = beerdis2019
If not then change its value

 Click Next

 Select No and Click Next (Overwrite Existing Files)

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

5. Click Next until you reach the import process of the Deployment Package. Wait until a
prompt appears, confirming the successful import. Click Finish.

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

6. Go back to IIS  Click on SMB.DIS under Sites. Make sure to access .NET Globalization,
Directory Browsing and Limits option under Configure to enable the following options.

o Under .NET Globalization, change Culture and UI Culture to English (United States)(en-
US) Click Apply.

o Under Directory Browsing, enable it on the right pane of the window

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

o Under Limits, set Connection Timeout to 28800 seconds (equivalent to 8 hours), then
click OK

Adding / Updating a site for DIS 4.2 ReportViewer

Type IIS in Search Bar. Once searched, click the IIS Manager and Run as Administrator on the
search results.

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

After this, navigate to the IIS Site Select SMB.DIS.ReportViewer then go to the Deploy tab on
the right pane of the IIS Manager. Select Import Application.

1. Click Browse and navigate to the folder location of the DIS 4.2 ReportViewer file 

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

 Click Next

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

2. Click Next (Select the Contents of the Package)

3. Remove the text in the Application Path:  Change the values of the following in the
SMBEntities-Web.config Connection String.
Data Source = .\MSSQLSERVER2016
Initial Catalog = SMB.DIS.SERVER
User ID = sa
Password = beerdis2019

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

A Message Prompt will appear  Click OK

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

4. Overwrite Existing Files Choose No  Click Next

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

5. Click on SMB.DIS.ReportViewer under Sites. Make sure to access .NET Globalization, Directory
Browsing and Limits option under Configure to enable the following options.

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

o Under .NET Globalization, change Culture and UI Culture to English (United States)(en-
US) Click Apply.

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DIS 4.2 Installation Guide

o Under Directory Browsing, enable it on the right pane of the window

o Under Limits, set Connection Timeout to 28800 seconds (equivalent to 8 hours), then
click OK

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