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How to motivate employees
The following are the ways through which employees are motivated

Pay for performance

This is where the employer pays his/her workers depending on the quality and quantity of output
being produced. For example in a company like Uganda clays, it may decide to pay its workers
depending on the quantity and quality of bricks, tiles the workers have produced. This motivates
the workers having in mind that if they produce good quality products and also in large numbers,
they will be paid highly hence away of motivating workers in the organization

Pay for time

This is where an organization pays it workers according to the time they have worked for .
Example it can distribute its tasks to employees in shifts and each employee is paid depending on
the hours done in the scheduled shift. It can also pay an overtime allowance to those employees
who do extra duties or who work beyond their job jurisdiction hence away of motivating workers
in the organization

This is where the employer pays equal salaries, benefits, bonuses, to those employees doing
similar activities. For example in an organization like MUBS it pays its senior lecturers from
different departments the same salary benefits ,bonuses because they all do similar activities for
example teaching students ,setting exams, marking, them hence a way of motivating them at the
work place

Good working conditions

This is where an organization ensures that it provides employees with good health and safety
measures at the work place for example providing them with protective gears like gloves ,gum
boots, such that employees protect their bodies from accidents that may happen at the work place
hence away of motivating employees .

Profit sharing
This is where an organization makes a lot of profits and decides to share them with the
employees. This motivates them having in mind that if they work hard and the company gets a
lot of profits automatically it has to share with them hence a way of motivating employees at the

This is where the employer adds a sum of money to the employees wage as a reward for good
performance. For example gain sharing is given to those employees who produce large quantity
and good quality products in the organization hence away of motivating employees at the work

Giving awards
This is where the organization decides to award those employees who perform highly by giving
them certificates recognizing them in front of fellow workers hence a way of motivating
employees at the work place

Commission pay
This is where the employer pays his/her employees depending on the variety of goods and
services an employee has sold to the customers .For example an employer may decide to give
10% on the sales of goods and services an employee has sold hence a way of motivating
employees at the work place

Give employees necessary tools to fulfill their functions

Employers should provide employees with better computers as well as training them on how to
use them to perform organizational tasks effectively hence away of motivating employees at the
work place

Encourage team work

Employers should ensure that there is team work in the organization where by organizational
tasks should be done in teams such that employees can share different ideas on how to perform
the tasks and more so to enable those who do not have knowledge on how to perform the tasks
can easily learn from others hence motivating employees at the work place.

Make sure every employee is in the right position
The employers should ensure that an employee is placed in the right position where he/ she has
knowledge ,skills and abilities to perform the assigned tasks very well hence motivating
employees at the work place.

Setting small and manageable goals

Employers should set clear and achievable goals such that employees understand them and work
hard toward achieving them and this helps to keep them on the right track thus motivating
employees at the work place.

Offer opportunities for personal growth

The employers should allow their employees to go for further studies , taking them for training
such that they learn new skills , knowledge and abilities on how to perform different tasks in the
organization hence away of motivating employees at the worker place.

Give employees more flexibility

The organization should allow its employees to work which ever shifts they prefer, allow them to
take unlimited vacations, giving them more options on how to execute tasks hence making
employees feel like they are choosing to work rather than being forced to work.

Giving employees more autonomy

This is where employers should allow employees take ownership of their work they do for
example employees should make decisions on how to execute organizational tasks hence this
motivates them to perform organizational tasks without fear.

Allow employees take regular breaks.

Employers should allow all their employees to take short breaks every hour or two to have a
passive effect on both their minds and body. For example getting up from their office chairs,
stretch their legs, rest their eyes thus a way of motivating employees at the work place.

Help employees set their own goals

The employer should ask their employees about what they like to be achieving and if they have
an idea for a personal goal, the employers should follow up with them to help them achieve it.

Allow for semi-personal projects
The employer should allow his/her employees to dedicate a fraction of their work hours
genuinely want to work on as a way to motivate and to drive more innovation.

In conclusion the above are the ways through which employers should motivate their employees
in order to perform organizational tasks effectively to enable it achieve the set goals and


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