Da 3

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DA-2- MAT2001-F1

1) A factory produces bearing balls with an average diameter of 0.05 cm. A random sample of 10 balls is
chosen and it is found that the average thickness for these samples is 0.048 cmwith a standard deviation of
0.001 mm. Test for the significance of deviation. (Value of t for 9 degrees of freedomat 5% LOS is 2.262)
(5 marks)

2) An experienced athlete tries for an international competition. In order to improve the stamina, he registers
his time under water about 10 times and sees that the average time is 53 seconds and the sum of the
squares of the deviation is 150. If the athlete claims that he can stay 56 seconds if the experiment is
repeated several times. Can you give a statistical evidence to check if the athlete is lying or not? Test the
hypothesis with 5% and 1% LOS

3) Find the goodness of fit for the following situation.

Four students tossed a badge with red on one side and blue on the other side. Each person tossed this
badge for 160 timesand they observed the following data.

No. of Reds 0 1 2 3 4

Observed 16 50 53 32 7

If the coins are not tampered i.e. balanced, find the expectedfrequency of getting 0, 1,2,3,4 Reds.

4) 5 students attempted 5 exams at different timeline. The datacollected is shown below.

A 72 42 77 68 53
B 53 53 63 72 48
C 82 75 64 60 72
D 61 64 57 48 50
E 65 68 70 64 53

If a test is designed to check if the student performance issame across all the students. Test the
hypothesis at
a) 0.05 LOS
b) 0.01 LOS
Practice problems for module 7 (Need not be included in DA)

5) If the failure function of the transistor follows anexponential distribution if hazard rate is 0.1.

a. Find the failure density function

b. find the MTTF of transistor
c. What is the design life corresponding to thereliability 0.9.

6) The repair maintenance of a satellite takes to 2 to 6months with probability density

3t 2
m(t) = , 2 < t < 6 months
a. Evaluate the probability that a repair will be done in
4 months
b. Compute MTTR.
c. Find the repair rate.




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