Blueholme - Maze of Nuromen

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Nuromen the Black was a powerful and evil necromancer On the way to Laws End, the party will be met by a band
who attracted a number of like-minded followers to his of high elves passing through the forest on their journey
tower set upon a rocky knoll in the wilderness. Here they out of the Known World. Upon learning of their quest (or
built a small town, known as Law's End because it lay surmising it if players are tight-lipped) one of their
beyond the reach of all kings of the Realm. Nuromen took number will recount how his cousin, an elf prince, once
advantage of an extensive cavern network beneath his approached Nuromen in attempt to turn sway him to the
tower, expanding and fitting it out with fine stone and side of good or, failing that, take a measure of the danger
woodworks. This underground lair became the abode of he represented. Unfortunately, the true evil of Nuromen
his family and his henchmen and, according to legend, the the Black was far greater than the prince had suspected,
site of terrible debaucheries, rituals and experimentation. and he was never seen again …
Nuromen finally brought destruction upon himself and the
people of Law's End by tampering with forces beyond
even his power to control. People living in the nearest
settlement, an isolated hamlet 50 miles distant, saw a
terrible lambent blaze over the region of Law's End. An
expedition was mounted, but the folk of the town were
discovered dead in their streets and homes , with no clue
as to what caused them to fall where they were …
No trace of Nuromen or his adherents could be unearthed
amongst the smouldering wreckage that was all that
remained of his tower. From that day forward people
shunned the vicinity of Law's End, and the wilds slowly
reclaimed the town. To this day the events of that night
are told by mothers and good clerics to warn youngsters
of the just recompense that is visited upon folk for evil
doings – as well as tales of the perilous Maze of
Nuromen, and of the fabulous treasures said still to be
buried there …
The wood elves that still dwell in the deep forest around
Law's End set a watch over the ruins as surety against any
ill-conceived venture to rebuild the ill-fated township, but
their numbers are declining. As the elves leave the forests
for unknown lands beyond the sea, goblins have come
down from the mountains to fill the dark woods. More
feared and distrusted than the wood elves, the goblins
have proved an even more efficacious deterrent to would-
be settlers of the knoll.


Law's End lies some fifty miles from the former hamlet,
now a thriving village, on a limestone outcrop in the The necromancer killed the elf and took his crown; a
forest at the foot of the mountains. Below the ruins of the magical circlet of silver which the elves would like to see
village a river springs forth from the roots of the retrieved from the Maze. Should the party agree, they will
mountain, eventually becoming a mighty river. be given a token which will guarantee free passage from
any wood elves guarding the ruins. If the party should
The referee may roll for e ncounte rs along the way, or
recover this heirloom and restore it to the kingdom of the
impose the m as se e ms appropriate ; wood e lve s and high elves, they will thenceforth be known as elf friends.
goblins are the most common inte llige nt be ings to be
The characters will be further rewarded with other gifts of
found. Eve n if the party me e ts nothing e lse along the way, esteem, of a nature as deemed appropriate by the referee
howe ve r, one e ncounte r should be playe d out as be low. (but probably magical).


THE RUINS OF LAW’S END The catacombs are filled with dust and cobwebs and
spiders and the skeletal remains of its inhabitants, struck
On the flat summit of the hill stand the broken remains of
down in the act of whatever they were engaged in at the
Nuromen's great tower and, around this, the fallen down moment of doom. The doors and woodworks of the Maze
buildings of a small town. The statues and carvings still are still serviceable; most can be forced open if locked or
visible amongst the ruins indicate that it was a place of
great wickedness and depravity, but the crumbling
structures are overgrown with moss and its streets lie Nuromen set an array of traps and magicks around his
broken by weeds and saplings . All is still and silent, Maze before his untimely demise and some of them
except for the occasional crack of old bones underfoot. reflect the necromancer’s morbid sense of humour. The
There is nothing to be salvaged as the goblins of have steel traps are a little rusty but unfortunately still function
picked it clean, though few ever found the way into the unless otherwise noted in the dungeon key.
Maze from the underground river chamber until a few
days before the party arrived – and none have yet come

The normal rule s for de te rmining and re solving

wande ring monste r e ncounte rs apply within the Maze .
Howe ve r, be cause of the isolate d nature of the maze the
table s be low are use d inste ad of those in the Pre ntice
Rule s. Some wande ring monsters are limite d in numbe r –
whe n the y are slain, no more will be forthcoming and the
re fe ree should re -roll until a monste r that is still available
is rolle d. The e lve s are wood e lve s, e xploring the uppe r
le ve l of the maze against the be tte r judge me nt of the ir
e lde rs.
First Level

1d12 Monster Number Total

1 Bandits 1d4 6
2 Ce ntipe de s, Giant 1d4 Unlimite d
3 Elve s 1d2 2
4 Ge latinous Cube 1 1
5 Goblins 1d4 10
6 Gre e n Slime 1 1
7 Rats, Giant 2d4 Unlimite d
8 Scre echer 1 1
9 Ske le tons 1d4 Unlimite d
10 Ske le tons 1d4 Unlimite d
11 Stirge 1d4 Unlimite d
12 Zombie s 1d2 Unlimite d

Second Level

1d12 Monster Number Total

THE MAZE OF NUROMEN 1 Ce ntipe de s, Giant 1d6 Unlimite d
2 Ghoul 1 1
The Maze of Nuromen is a marvel of engineering. Carved
3 Goblins 1d6 10
from the natural limestone caverns beneath his tower, the
4 Gre y Ooze 1 1
halls and corridors are grand and imposing with
fantastically sculpted columns supporting high, vaulted 5 Grick 1d2 2
ceilings. Nuromen had the inhabited portions dressed with 6 Shadow 1d2 2
stone, frescoes and wood which, in spite of the age and 7 Ske le tons 1d4 Unlimite d
neglect that have taken their toll, are still impressive in 8 Ske le tons 1d6 Unlimite d
their hedonistic and decadent splendour. 9 Spide r, Giant 1 1
It is dark except in those areas lit by magic as mentioned 10 Troglodyte s 1d4 Unlimite d
in the dungeon key. The party will need torches, lanterns, 11 Ye llow Mould 1 1
magical light, or infravision to be able to see. 12 Zombie s 1d4 Unlimite d

~ 2 ~

DUNGEON KEY 1b: Bottomless Pit

E: Empty Room Things droppe d in cannot be he ard to hit bottom, and a

cold wind issue s upwards out of the de pths. If anyone
The re are a number of rooms which are e mpty of anything
e xplore s the pit on a rope or using a long pole , a colony of
othe r than mould and inse cts. The size and shape varies as
stirge s will fly out of the abyss and attack. The re is
shown on the map; othe rwise the se rooms are
nothing e lse in the pit.
unre markable .
Stirge s (4) – hp:2,4,5,6; #AT:1; D:1; AC:9; I:10

2: Underground Courtyard
1: Broken Shaft
This huge hall is litte re d with se veral ske letons, some still
Burie d be ne ath the old ruins of the ne cromance r’s towe r
in armour. All he re die d in the disaste r that be fe ll Law's
lie s a de e p shaft. Once the side s he ld chambers for visitors
End. A se arch will re ve al a fe w coins and little e lse ; it is
and guards, accesse d by a spiral stair that has long since
obvious the are a has be e n re ce ntly loote d. The re are
collapse d. Once the party discove rs the ope ning in the
sconce s on the pillars, black from whe re the torche s
rubble , the shaft may be de sce nde d using about 100' of
burne d the mselves out; the lofty arche s of the ce iling are
rope . Surprisingly, the re are signs of re cent disturbance of
lost in darkne ss. Nothing of re al import is to be found in
the ove rgrown e ntrance, and the re is alre ady a set of ropes
this chambe r. Large double doors are se t in the north and
going down into the darkne ss …
south walls; the north doors are plate d in brass and de pict
The bottom of the 50’ diame te r shaft is fille d with the sce nes of fe asting and de bauchery, those to the south are
de bris of the collapse d towe r and staircase , and is cut in coppe r-covered and moulde d in a charne l horror of de ad,
half by a fast flowing unde rground rive r. The rive r is cold disme mbe re d and de caying bodie s.
and de e p e nough to cre ate de adly rapids. A se t of
imposing double doors, partly burie d and slightly ajar,
3: The Old Armoury
le ad out of the shaft to the e ast.
He re Nurome n's guards store d the ir shie lds, armour and
The rope s be long to a small party of goblins who have
we apons. The re is an assortme nt of ruste d swords, old
re ce ntly e ntered the Maze. An e lf or dwarf may notice the
pole arms, rotte n shie lds, and de caying suits of armour
goblinoid manufacture of the rope s (1-2 on 1d6). Two
lying in pile s against the walls whe re the she lve s and
goblins have staye d be hind as guards. Unle ss the party
racks that once he ld the m collapsed. If carefully se arche d,
can achie ve surprise, one will hide in the rubble while the
a suit of magical +1 mail can be found, still gle aming
othe r runs ahe ad to warn the ir compatriots .
unde r a laye r of de tritus .
Goblins (2) – hp:4, 5; #AT:1; D:1d6; AC:6; I:11; T:1

4: Barracks
1a: Underground River
This is whe re the soldie ry who patrolle d the Maze of
The original cave s we re cre ate d by this rushing stre am, Nurome n quarte red while on duty. The re are moulde ring
which e nte rs the shaft through a still-solid iron portcullis table s and be ds, and in some of the be ds lie ske le tons.
in the north. The channe l is choke d with tumble d stone Four more are seated at a table, accoutre d in rusting mail.
blocks from the collapse of the towe r. The re mnants of an Plate s and cups still sit on the table as do dice from a
ornate stone bridge can be seen in the water. game . The dice are of e xquisite ly carve d ivory, staine d in
de licate shades of white , ye llow, blue , re d and gre e n; the y
Characte rs crossing the slippe ry rubble must roll the ir
are worth 20gp for the se t. If anyone picks the m up,
De xte rity score or le ss on 1d20 or fall in, dropping any
howe ve r, the hand of one of the ske le tons will re ach out
hand-he ld ite ms. Characte rs we aring me tal armour will
lightning quick to clutch the ir wrist!
sink unle ss the y can dive st the mse lve s of the ir panoply
(roll 1-3 on 1d6). If the ir Stre ngth is 14 or lowe r, the y will All four ske le tons will come to life – the y have be e n
be swe pt out of the chambe r and through the troglodyte turne d into unde ad by the curse of Nurome n. The y will
cave s. In chamber 19 another d20 che ck against De xte rity fight to the de ath. One be ars a shield distinguishable from
can be made to ge t out of the rive r be fore being carrie d out the othe rs in that it is not corrode d at all. It is in fact a
of the mountain. Cle ver party me mbe rs can make use of magical +1 shie ld (this ske le ton has AC3). Scattered on the
rope s to try and rig up a re scue from the shaft, but the y floor are a fe w coins whe re the y fe ll whe n the ir owne rs’
ne e d at le ast 200’. Once a party me mbe r crosse s and purse s rotted away (8cp, 12sp, 2e p). The re is nothing e lse
faste ns a rope to the other side of the rive r, no d20 che ck is of value in the room.
ne e de d for those following.
Ske le tons (4) – hp:1,2,3,3; #AT:1, D:1d6; AC:4,4,4,3; I:12; T:1

~ 3 ~

5: The Pantry and casks of soure d wine line the othe r walls of the large
food pre paring are a. Ragged sacks spill the ir ancie nt grain
All the foodstuffs as we ll as the she lve s the y we re store d
across the flagstone s , mummifie d carcasse s ha ng from
on have long since disinte grated, so that e ve n rats find no
iron hooks, and the ske le tal re mains of the cooks lie falle n
suste nance he re. In the hall the re is little e lse to be found,
at the ir tasks.
although, as with most othe r areas, ske le tons lie about. A
se arch of the re mains will yie ld a gold ring and a je we lle d Anyone se arching the room is like ly to disturb a
ne cklace worth 23 and 50gp, re spe ctive ly. ve nomous giant centipede that has crawle d into the Maze
through some unknown fissure . On a roll of 1-3 on 1d6, a
character has agitated the centipede and it attacks (see the
5a: Storage Area BLUEHOLME™ rule s for the e ffe cts of giant ce ntipe de
The coppe r-plate d door to this room is we ll se ale d (and
jamme d). This has ke pt the worst de cay from its conte nts, Giant Ce ntipe de (1) – hp:2; #AT:1; D:Poison; AC:9; I:13
toge the r with the ir careful packing. The re are 5 boxe s of 20
torche s e ach, 3 lante rns, a crate with 20 flasks of oil, a case
of 50 candle s, and various tools such as awls, hamme rs,
picks, and so forth that we re inte nde d for use in the
planne d e xpansions to the Maze whe n its occupants ye t
live d.

5b: Wine Vault

He re are many barre ls, lining the walls from floor to

ce iling. Some are e mpty, many are spoile d, but the re are
20 casks of wine of the be st and most ancie nt vintage ,
se aled and in good condition. The be ve rage has a value of
500gp back in the village ; double or more if the characte rs
can figure way to transport it back to a town or city. The 7: Banqueting Hall
wine is e lfin, a gift from the doome d e lfin prince who trie d
to be frie nd Nurome n. Upon e nte ring this room, a foul ste nch will assail the
party, as we ll as the grisly sight of a banque t table
The re is also a ghost here, the phantom of a drunkard who surrounde d by ske le tons dressed in de caying fine ry. Some
re side d with ne cromance r in Law's End. Anyone se e ing
le an back in the ir chairs, othe rs slump forward, and some
the apparition will imme diate ly know it as a spirit,
have falle n to the floor. Four chairs of varying de gre e s of
e the re al and white from he ad to toe , le e ring in magnifice nce are e mpty. The table is lade n with an
anticipation as it draws a cup of wine . All characte rs assortment of gold and silve r se rving ve ssels, chalices, and
e xce pt cle rics must save vs. paralysis or run scre aming plate s, which are of 300gp value if cle ane d of the
from the hall for 1 turn in te rror.
e ncrusted re mnants this final fe ast. The e xpire d re ve lle rs
The ghost doe s not attack; it will drink from the cup, but we ar je we ls worth 200gp. Finally, the re is a fine bottle of
the wine flows through its immate rial gulle t and splashe s wine on the table , ove r 150 ye ars old and worth 50gp in
on the floor. The spirit will the n proffe r the cup to the town.
characte rs. Should any of the m drink, the y will turn Se t in the e ast wall of the hall, be hind the high table on its
ghostly white from he ad to toe and re main in this strange
raise d dais, is a gre at fire place whose chimne y e xits
state until a Re move Curse spe ll is cast by a cle ric of
some whe re in the mountains. An old, gre e n coppe r pot
sufficie nt powe r. Whe the r the party acce pts the ghost's hangs ove r the cruste d ashe s. Hiding in the shadows of
offe r or not, afte r this ge sture it will vanish and the cup
the 40’ high vaulte d ce iling are two harpie s who found the
will fall to the floor to add its re maining conte nts to the chimne y spout and have se t up the ir lair he re in the hall.
multitude of stains. The place is be foule d with the ir e xcre me nt, which is the
source of the ste nch. The bone s of e lve s and goblins, as
we ll as the odd human, can be seen amongst the le avings
6: Kitchen of the ir me als. If the party looks strong, the y will try to use
He re we re pre pare d the fe asts which Nurome n he ld for the ir song. The y will attack whe n the y have the
his gue sts in the banque ting hall (Chambe r 7). The large advantage , shrie king and s quawking.
he arth in the ce ntre of the we st wall is share d with the
Harpie s (2)–hp:9,14; #AT:3; D:1d4/1d4/1d6; AC:7; I:10; T:12
banque ting hall. Rotte d cupboards, rusted kitche n ute nsils

~ 4 ~

8: The Grotto evil deity worshipped by Nuromen and his followers).

Contrasting with this monstrous tapestry is a delicate
Ope n to the southe rn cliff face of the hill, ove rlooking the
painting of a lush garde n with a little girl and a be autiful
rive r be low, Nurome n cause d to be fashione d a
woman se ated on the rim of an ornate fountain (the y are
re markable garde n with a cle ve r fountain fe d by one of Nurome n’s wife and daughte r in the grotto).
the many unde rground stre ams. The fountain fe ature s
many le wd and impish figure s that spray pa sse rs-by with The re is a canopie d be d, many couche s, a vanity with
wate r whe n the y ste p on a hidde n switch, and it still a mirror, and othe r assorte d luxurious but now sadly
functions pe rfe ctly. de te riorate d furnishings. The re is a wardrobe fille d with
worn and moth e aten fine ries. The re are also many fine ly
de taile d toys; in fact, the re is a magical toy which
Nurome n made for his daughte r. It is a fine ly wrought
silve r puppe t which dance s a nd spins by magic whe n
take n from one 's pocke t and se t upon the floor. It is lying
on the be d ne xt to the ske le ton of a small girl and he r
nanny. This is whe re the two we re sle e ping whe n the
calamity of Law's End struck.

The two ske le tons are dre ssed in fine but rotting garme nts
and are cove re d with the dust of age s. The girl's bony
wrist be ars a silve r bracele t which has the name “Anthe a”
e ngrave d upon it. If the re was any ray of light in
Nurome n's wicke d he art it was the affe ction he bore for
his daughte r and wife . The girl's name is the password to
the magical study (chambe r 12).

Aside from the magical puppe t (worth 300gp), the re is

nothing of value e xcept possibly some old pe rfume s that
be longe d to Zime na, Nuromen's wife (150gp if sold to the
right me rchant).

A multitude of strange but be autiful plants once adorne d

de e p plante rs scooped out of the floor of the chambe r but,
unte nde d, the y have all grown wild; the ir rampant vine s
and bulging fruits are de adly poison. The fountain still
flows and the wate r is swe e t and good. Hidde n amongst
the ve ge tation are 2 giant fire be e tle s.

Giant Fire Be e tle s (2) – hp:4,7; #AT:1; D:2d4; AC:4; I:9

9: Nuromen’s Apartments

This ornate and we ll-furnishe d room was the private

quarte rs of the ne cromancer and his family. The cold stone
walls are clad in rare timbe rs and drape d with long
tape stries which de pict the life and career of Nurome n, as
we ll as the founding of Law's End. Anyone e xamining the
tape strie s will gathe r that Nurome n was a vain and
conce ited fe llow who saw Law's End as the pinnacle of his
life 's work. The re is also a de piction of gigantic, multi-
armed baboon-like creature with great fangs and a single
eye set in the centre of its face (this is the image of the

~ 5 ~

10: Hall of Prisoners The study house s a wondrous assortment of table s, books,
contraptions, maps, globe s, jars of small pre se rve d
Once the holding are a for those who disple ased Nuromen,
cre atures and appendages, bottles, alche mical apparatus,
ske le tons in irons now occupy the se ce lls, e xce pt for the
astrological charts, bones, fe athe rs and so on. The library
last; he re an old man languishes in chains, seemingly we ll-
is full of historical, alche mical, and scie ntific tome s , most
ple ase d with his lot and e vincing no de sire to le ave . He
in a state of comple te de cay. Spide rs and cobwe bs are
will babble gratifying things about Nurome n and warn
e ve rywhe re .
the party to le ave the Maze . He is but a phantasm, an
ancie nt spe ll cast by Nurome n in an idle mome nt of
fancy. He will be gin to re pe at himself after a while , which
should be a clue to the playe rs. De te ct Magic will re ve al
the old man’s nature , and Dispe l Magic will cause the
illusion to vanish.

11: Gallows

He re is whe re the ne cromance r’s e ne mie s we re hung by

his guards, raising the m by a noose around the ir ne ck
until the y strangled. The gallows are moulde re d; on a roll
of 1-3 on 1d6 anyone walking on the m will bre ak through
and take 1d2 points of damage whe n the y hit the floor
be low. The re is still one ske le ton clothe d in rotting rags,
hanging by its ne ck from a fraye d rope that will bre ak if
inte rfe re d with.
Strappe d to a table lie s a halfling ske le ton, its bone s
be aring faint marks of incision – an unfortunate victim of
Nurome n’s e xpe rime nts. A thorough se arch of the room
12: Nuromen’s Study
will turn up a backpack containing the pe rsonal e ffe cts of
Whe n anyone approache s the coppe r-plate d door to this the halfling, and a le tte r which ide ntifie s him and te lls of
hall, a corpse face moulde d into its surface will animate the land from which he hails. Pe rhaps this will le ad to
and state , “None may pass unless they know the word.” The furthe r adve nture s for the party ...
password is Anthe a, the name of Nurome n's daughte r. If
On anothe r table sits a frog inside a glass jar – and the frog
this is offe re d, the face will moan, "You may pass." as the
is alive . If fre e d from the glass jar, the frog will howl as it
door swings ope n. If the party cannot gue ss the password,
care ens randomly through the room, smashing vials and
the face will only re pe at its que stion and occasionally ask,
striking one characte r for 1d4 points of damage as it
"Did Nuromen send you? I shall tell him you tried to enter
make s its e scape .
here." Should anyone try to force the door, it will sparkle
with lightning and shock all within 5’, doing 1d6 damage A bookstand holds a te xt re adable only by magic use rs or
(saving vs. magic for no damage). Dispe l Magic will cause e lve s. The re is an instruction to, “mix the blue elixir with the
the magic to vanish. It can be batte re d down by doing 15 green in order to transmute stone to gold”. Se ve ral stone s lie
points of damage with a blunt we apon or axe , but it will be side the book and the re is in fact a be ake r on a me tal
loose lightning strike s until the ve ry e nd. If the door is stand fille d with murky gre e n liquid and be side it a glass
force d or the magic dispe lled, the corpse face will cry out, cup fille d with blue liquid which still bubble s afte r all
"Nuromen! Nuromen! Strangers have breached thy Maze!" This the se ye ars. If anyone should mix the se liquids, a
cry will boom throughout out the Maze , ale rting all tre me ndous e xplosion will re sult that doe s 1d6 damage to
within. anyone within 10', or 1 point of damage to anyone up to
20' away. The table , book and be ake rs will be de stroye d
and a large portion of the books and she lve s will catch
fire .

Inte llige nt playe rs may fe rret something of value from the

surviving books, but most are in obscure scripts or can be
re ad only by magic use rs. The contraptions are quite
worthle ss as the y are incompre he nsible . If anyone is
foolish e nough to drink any of the e lixirs around the place
the ir only re ward is a 1d8 roll on the following table and a
saving throw vs. poison or magic as appropriate :

~ 6 ~

1-4: Be come viole ntly sick for 1 turn, no move me nt or daily allotme nt, although he still ne e ds to me morise it as
actions othe r than uncontrollable re tching (poison). normal. In addition, any magic-user re ading the book will
imme diate ly gain sufficie nt XPs to advance half-way to his
5-7: Turn into a frog, a bird or inse ct (magic).
ne xt le ve l. The book is ve ry valuable to magic-use rs, who
8: Writhe and scre am in pain for se ve ral minute s be fore will pay thre e time s book's 5-pound we ight in gold to
dying a horrible de ath (poison). have it – or e lse try to take it!

Also, hanging on a hook are two large me tal ke ys that Nurome n’s wraith come s he re to me morise his spe lls,
ope ns the door to Nurome n’s vivise ctory (chambe r 14) commanding one of his ske le ton guards to turn the page s
and the door to the Hall of Statue s (chamber 16), although – it is obvious that the books have been re cently disturbed.
the latte r, like its lock, is of strange make and not The re is also a magical +1 dagge r in a scabbard slung ove r
imme diate ly re cognisable as a ke y. the back of the chair.

14: The Chamber of Misery

This room is held fast by an iron door with a view slit.

The door cannot be forced, it can only be opened by a
thief or the key from Nuromen’s Study (chamber 12).
Inside a skeleton dressed in black rags and hood lies on
the floor, clutching a rotting whip, 10 more are chained to
the walls, and one is hanging in an iron cage from the
ceiling. In a pouch under the skeleton on the floor is a
jewel worth 70gp. The skeleton in the cage is still clothed
and concealed in the remains is a map of the nearby
village, when it was still a tiny hamlet. According to the
map, there is a chest of treasure buried below the stones
of the altar in the village chapel.

If anyone se arche s for se cre t doors and spe cifically There is also a table with what appear to be gore-
me ntions che cking the bookcase s, the y have a 1-5 in 1d6 encrusted torture implements (but are actually Nuromen’s
vivisection tools). Propped up in one corner is what
chance of finding the hidde n door be hind a hinge d
appears to be an iron maiden. The iron maiden is rusty but
bookcase against the northern wall. The se cre t door le ads
a character with Strength 14 or higher can force it open.
to the hiding place whe re Nurome n ke pt his most Inside is the decayed corpse of a zombie, which will
valuable magical artefacts. Close by, hidde n unde r a table attack immediately.
and cove re d by a thre adbare rug, is a trapdoor which
ope ns on a shaft le ading 135’ down to a se cre t door into Zombie (1) – hp:10; #AT:1; D:1d8; AC:8; I:6
the Te mple (chamber 23). The iron staple s set into the wall
are still solid.

13: The Necromancer’s Goods

This bare room contains a chair and table . On the latte r

re st several magical artefacts. The re are three spe ll scrolls:
Dispe l Magic, Invisibility, and Charm Pe rson. The re is also
a potion of ESP and a 2 potions of Cure Light W ounds,
cle arly labe lle d. The re is also a small bottle marke d
"Ane cdote " which is an antidote to the poison gas in the
Tre asure Vault (chambe r 22).

On sturdy stands, still sound, are three massive grimoires.

Two are Nurome n’s magic books , the third is the Book of
Powe r. It is claspe d with a lock, and the wraith of
Nurome n has the ke y (although a thie f can pick it). The
tome is an e nchante d 1st le ve l magic book. If re ad by a
magic-use r the re is a 1 in 1d4 chance he will be imbue d
with the knowle dge of a random 1st le ve l spe ll from the
book. The magic-use r pe rmane ntly adds this spe ll to his

~ 7 ~

LEVEL 2 of Nuromen's treasure chests, its brass fittings still

15: The Empty Hall
However, it is guarded (and polished) by a ghoul who was
If the party liste ns at the door be fore e nte ring the y will once a master thief. He appears as a sad but bestial
he ar goblins cursing and spe aking (in Goblinoid) of the looking figure who greets the party in a seemingly
horrors of the Maze and the lack of tre asure s. The goblins unthreatening way. Thieves may have heard of how the
are unable to pass be yond the door to the Hall of Statue s reputedly greatest thief who ever lived mysteriously
(chambe r 16) since none have found the ke y from the vanished in these parts many years ago. Nuromen
ne cromance r’s chambe rs and the door is too strong for transformed the thief in his experiments, whereupon it
the m to burst. amused the necromancer to bind him to the chest as its
The hall is occupie d by five goblins but is othe rwise empty
e xce pt for some ruine d furniture and broke n statue s. The However, the thief retains some will and he will allow the
referee should roll on the re action table to de te rmine how party to pass and obtain the treasure if they can answer a
the y re act to the party, bearing in mind the ir pe rce ption of riddle: “My life is measured in hours. I live by being
the party’s re lative strength. The y have some coins, a bone devoured. Thin I am quick. Fat I am slow. The Zephyr are
talisman, and the ir we apons. The bone talisman has a my foes. Who or what am I?” The answer is a candle.
spe ll cast upon it that make s its we are r irre sistible to any After 1 full turn or if the party makes three incorrect
goblin of the opposite se x. guesses, the ghoul will attack.
If the party answers the riddle correctly, he will bow and
Goblins (5) – hp:2,3,3,4,6; #AT:1; D:1d6; AC:6; I:11; T:1
gesture towards the treasure, telling them that his charm
will be released when the treasure is taken. He will speak
of nothing else in the Maze. If the party empties the chest
(even if they didn’t answer the riddle), the ghoul will leap
into the pool and disappear.
The chest is locked and trapped with a poisoned needle,
still efficacious after all this time. Inside are kept 300gp, a
magical +2 short sword engraved with the thief’s former
16: Hall of Statues name, a ruby worth 100gp, and a potion of gaseous form.
The iron door to the hall can only be ope ne d with the Ghoul (1) – hp:8; #AT:3+paralyse , D:1d3 e ach; AC:6; I:11
strange ke y from Nurome n's Study. The lock cannot be
picke d by any thie f be low 10th le ve l. He re is a vast hall
fille d with the statue s of Nurome n and his ance stors , as
can be de duce d by the inscriptions on the base s of the
large r-than-life , we ll sculpte d statue s. Characte rs
e xamining the statues will find that the re are two ide ntical
statue s of Nurome n. Be hind e ach is a se cre t door which
will ope n if the he ad of the statue is turne d to the le ft; one
le ading to the Cave of the Magic Bone s (chambe r 23) and
the othe r to the Unde rground Lake (chamber 24). I f turned
to the right, a poisonous gas is re le ase d. The characte r
turning the he ad must save vs. poison at +2 or take 1d4
points of damage – the poison has lost some of its pote ncy
ove r the de cade s.

If anyone states they are searching the base of the statue s,

the re is a 1-4 in 1d6 chance (automatic for thie ve s) of
discove ring a hollow base in one of the m, containing a
brittle le athe r coffe r of 200gp.

17: The Underground Lake

A small but deep lake fills much of this partially enlarged

cavern. On a small island in its centre some tantalising
glints can be seen in the light of the party's torches – one

~ 8 ~

18: Cave of the Magic Bones 21: The Priest’s Rooms

Upon entry, the party will see on the far end of the cave a He re live d the e vil cle ric who once attended to the Te mple
small clay pot overflowing with precious gems and a (chambe r 23). His ske le ton lie s on the floor, still we aring
scabbarded sword. There are 400gp gold worth of the tatte red ve stments of his re ligion. The re is an image of
assorted jewels, a beautiful golden necklace (100gp), and the e vil god in a small pe rsonal shrine se t into the wall.
a delicately wrought circlet of white gold (500gp). Here is The ske le ton's ha nd clutches an e mpty vial of poison that
the elven crown, stolen from the elf prince whom the cle ric drank whe n doom came to Law's End. A
Nuromen tricked, tortured and killed. Any character who ne cklace with anothe r idol lie s around its ne ck, e voking a
wears the elf crown will immediately add 2 points to their se nse great e vil if touche d. Any character who actually put
Charisma score. This effect is permanent and remains
it on will be curse d and must save vs. spe lls or
even if the crown is taken off. In addition, the character
pe rmane ntly drop to a score of 3 in Charisma.
will form a spiritual bond with elves from that moment
on, which will be reciprocated in kind. Dwarves, The re is also a book writte n in the common tongue , fille d
however, will henceforth be disdainful and cold toward with de scriptions and illustrations of te rrible rite s. If any
the character. The crown will impart this gift but once, good cle ric of 3rd le ve l or highe r se e s the book, he will
until the character dies at which point it will pass the gifts re cognise it as be ing curse d and urge its de struction. A
to the next wearer. good cle ric who burns the book will pe rmane ntly gain 1
At the back of the cave a recent rock fall has re-opened a point of Wisdom. Evil cle rics will pay handsome ly for it.
narrow passage to the deeper caverns, blocked by Howe ve r, anyone taking the book out of the Maze will
Nuromen in years past. suffe r a –1 attack pe nalty against all e vil cre atures until the
book is dispose d of.
Lying in the middle of the chamber is a single skeletal
arm clutching a rusty sword. If anyone approaches it or Unde r the rotting be d, the re is a locke d iron box
the treasure pot, the arm flies into the air and attacks! The containing 100gp and a je we lle d ring worth 300gp. There
magic bones must be defeated before the treasure can be is also a magical +1 mace, but it has been dedicated to the
had. cleric’s evil god. If wielded by a good character any
Ske le tal Arm (1) – hp:3; #AT:1, D:1d6; AC:4; I:16 damage inflicted will be turned upon the user as well as
his opponent.

19: Caves of the Troglodytes

Any character swept away by the underground river in the

broken shaft (chamber 1), will emerge into this large
cavern, taking 1d6 damage on the way. A roll equal or
less than his Dexterity score on 1d20 will allow him to
scramble onto the sandy shore next to the body of a
drowned goblin with 5gp and a dagger still in his belt. An
older skeleton lies on the other shore, its bones gnawed
and scattered. On a roll of 1-3 on 1d6 a search will turn up
the skeleton's finger with a Ring of Plant Command.
These caves are the abode of a tribe of troglodytes who
will soon arrive to investigate the arrival of their next
meal. The reptilians have lived in the deeper caves for
centuries. Nuromen knew of them, but instead of
destroying them he set magical wards to keep them out of
his Maze – which were destroyed in the cave-in in
chamber 18. 22: The Chamber of Instruments
Troglodyte s (3) – hp:6,8,9; #AT:3, D:1d4 e ach; AC:5; I:10 In here were kept the robes for the Temple's devotees as
well as the musical instruments and incense that
accompanied the evil rituals. There are some old stringed
20: The Antechamber instruments which will break to pieces if picked up.
However, the incense is still good; a pungent substance
There is a 10’ deep pit trap in the centre of this room,
which produces a narcotic effect when inhaled, resulting
hidden under an illusory floor here. A detect magic spell
in –1 to all rolls for 1d6 hours. In large quantities and in
or probing the floor with a pole will reveal the trap, but
the right surroundings the user will experience wild
anyone stepping on it unawares will fall in and take 1d6
hallucinations. It can fetch 300gp on the market. There is
points of damage.
otherwise nothing of value.

~ 9 ~

23: The Temple Wraith (1) – hp:11; #AT:1; D:1d6+drain; AC:3; I:10
Spe lls: Dancing Lights, De te ct Magic, Floating Disc, Magic
The door to this room is painted with the image of its evil
Missile , De te ct Invisible , Phantasmal Image .
multi-limbed god. Within, the place is permeated with an
aura of evil. Here it was that Nuromen paid homage to his Zombie s (3) – hp:4,7,7; #AT:1; D:1d8; AC:8; I:6
deity, a malevolent northern god unknown in the Realm.
There is a giant stone carving on a high central platform.
Four braziers lit by Continual Flame burn perpetually, 25: The Vault of Nuromen
between the steps leading up to the platform. The god is This chamber is where the necromancer hid his wealth.
depicted as a giant baboon with huge teeth, one large The door to the chamber is of bronze-plated iron and can
central eye, and eight arms clutching wicked scimitars. only be unlocked with the special amulet key worn by
Clerics will recognise the carvings and runes for their Nuromen’s wraith (chamber 24). If the amulet is fitted
evil, if not the god himself, it is obvious that the stained, into a depression in the door, the latter will swing inward
man-sized wooden basin at the feet of the idol was most of its own accord. Otherwise, no amount of force, lock
likely used for unspeakable rites. picking or magic will work. As the door opens , three
If any character touches the altar or any of the items on small capsules in the upper lintel will crack and eject a
the dais, they must save vs. spells. If they fail, they are stream of poisonous gas . Anyone within 5’ must save vs.
smitten with leprosy. Only a powerful cleric will be able poison or die. If they save, they still take 1d4 damage.
to remove this curse, requiring both a Remove Curse and If the characters survive this gift of Nuromen, they will
a Cure Disease; but he may lay a quest upon the character see a room magically lit by Continual Flame torches on
in return. the walls. The chamber is cut in half by a 10’ wide and
If the basin is pushed aside there is a shaft which leads 10’ deep trench, its bottom bristling with row after row of
20’ down, opening to a corridor leading to the Burial iron spikes whose tips are gleaming with a coating of
Crypts (chamber 24). The wooden ladder has slime. Beyond the pit are gathered chests and coffers
disintegrated. overflowing with coins and jewels. Unfortunately, this is
all yet another parting gesture by Nuromen – the spiked
pit and the treasure are both illusions.
24: The Ancestral Burial Crypts
The real treasure lies at the bottom of the trench. Anyone
This dark, haunte d hall is vast and cold. Carve d re lie fs on who falls or climbs into the pit will pass through the
the walls are painte d with sce ne s of Nurome n's family illusion and find Nuromen's treasure (and the floor of the
history going back ce nturie s, inte rspe rse d with image s of pit) 20’ below.
the e ight-armed baboon god. The re are stone sarcophagi
The “treasure” on the far side of the pit is also an illusion
in the alcove s, fourte e n in all. All appe ar to have
– it is a crossbow rigged to fire 3 bolts if anyone comes
artistically carved e ffigie s of the ir de ad occupants on the within 5’ of the illusion. The referee must determine who
lids. Nurome n paid handsome ly to have his family's is in the arc of fire; targets must save vs. ray or take 1d4
re mains brought to Law's End for inte rme nt. At the e ast damage.
e nd of the crypt is a large se pulchre ornate ly carve d.
Whe n Nurome n himse lf die d in the disaste r that be fe ll his Nuromen's hoard is great indeed: 4,500gp, 10 diamonds
de me sne, his cle ric laid him and his wife Zime na to re st in worth 300gp each, a magical +1 hand axe which can be
the se pulchre be fore taking his own life . thrown and returns to its master's hand, a rope of
climbing, 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds, 2 potions of
Nurome n was de voutly re ligious and it is for this re ason Invisibility, a potion of Diminution and a ring of water
that he did not pass into the world be yond but has walking.
re mained as a wraith! If not ale rted be fore now, he will be
awake ne d by the party's e xploration of the crypt and he
will arise , as will Zime na and two of his ance stors from
the stone sarcophagi. What look like e ffigie s are in fact
the ir dusty, de siccate d corpse s the mse lve s!

Nurome n may e ngage the party in ve rbal e xchange before

attacking. He spe aks in a hollow, e choing voice as cold as
the grave and whe re his e ye s once we re burn two crue l
re d e mbe rs. Around the ne ck of his corpse on the bie r lie s
the amule t that is the ke y to the tre asure vault (chambe r
25). Zime na and the two ance stors are mindle ss zombie s,
while Nurome n will fight as a wraith but re tains the
ability to cast some spells (only as a 4th le ve l magic -use r).

~ 10 ~

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OP EN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a Copyright 2000; Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

SYSTEM REFERENCE DOCUMENT Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

BLUEHOLME™ P rentice Rules Copyright 2012, Dreamscape Design.

The Maze of Nuromen is a modular quest designed to let the referee
introduce a group of 1st level characters to the thrills of Underworld
exploration as they attempt to unravel they secrets of the evil
necromancer’s lair.

To play this adventure you also require the BLUEHOLME™ Prentice

Rules, a table top fantasy roleplaying game that emulates the game play of
the original basic rule book, popularly known as the Holmes Edition or
simply the Blue Book.

Other Dreamscape Design books to keep an eye out for are the greatly
expanded BLUEHOLME™ Compleat Rules for 1st to 14th level characters
with expanded monsters, spells, magic items, the multi-system campaign
setting Adventures in Blueholme, presenting a fully-fledged fantasy world
for time-strapped referees.



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