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Contemporary World

(ZGE 1102)

Preliminary Examination: Think Piece

How does Globalization affect your life as a student and the manner in which how you live
in the society based on your relationship to the following:


 I think the impact of Globalization to my family revolves to the work of my father. He

works at a company who sell microphones with karaoke in it. At first, the company earns
a lot because there are many people who wants to have karaoke in their own home that
time, so the salary of my father that time is really big. But as time goes by the company’s
income is becoming lower, and so the salary of my father. Now, the company is reducing
their employees due to the lack of income, and one of the fired employees is my father. I
think the reason why the company is not earning a lot just like before is because of
globalization. Due to Globalization, technologies and innovations is rising everywhere
such as the mobile applications that has karaoke so people don’t need to buy microphones
because they can already access it online. Also, Globalization increased competitions
among the other companies. Now that my father has no work, my family need to find
another source of income just to make me graduate from college.


 One of the great impacts of Globalization is it connects people thanks to different digital
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It helps me to communicate with my
friends easily, just one tap and we can call each other. Especially today, social gathering
is prohibited because of the pandemic, but digital platforms make it easier for me to stay
connected and updated with my friends while being physically apart. Digital platforms
are not the only way to stay connected with my friends, another way is by playing online
games with them to escape from reality for a bit, and relieve the stress from bunch of
assignments, projects, and seatwork from the online class. Also, Globalization helps me
to find more friends online even if we are apart from each other. Thanks to Globalization,
technologies like the internet gives us different ways to socialize with other people even
if they are a thousand miles away from us.

 According to Gupta (2017), Globalization increases the potential of the student to gain
and use skills. Globalization improves learners' ability to reach, interpret, adapt, and
apply information, think critically and exercise effective judgement, and cooperate with
others to make sense of new circumstances. She also stated that Globalization of
education may end up providing more valid prospects for developing countries than to
underdeveloped countries.
 Also, due to the pandemic right now, social gathering is prohibited, such as going to
school to avoid the spreading of corona virus. But thanks to Globalization with the
technology, we are able to adjust and find a new way to learn. Schools use learning
platforms such as the Canvas to disseminate the lessons and task to their students without
physical contact, just one tap and we can already access the modules. But there is a
downside with this way of teaching, the students who can’t afford technologies like
tablets and laptops are being left behind.


 I think that the impact of Globalization in the community is more visible in the economic
part. According to (Globalization: Definition, 2020), Global markets opened up in the
1970s, and the introduction of free trade agreements intensified the phenomenon of
globalization. Global exports rose 33-fold between 1950 and 2010. This has contributed
greatly to rising the relations between various regions of the world. This economic
exchange expansion has contributed to solid global economic growth. It also fostered a
rapid global industrial growth that caused many of the innovations and goods we
currently have available to be rapidly produced. Economic growth driven by
globalization, considering its positives, has not been accomplished without arousing
criticism. There are far from homogeneous implications of globalization: wage
inequalities, unequal resources and exchange that favor parties differently. One of the
critiques, in the end, is that some players (countries, corporations, people) profit most
from the globalization phenomena, while others are often seen as globalization's "losers."

Gupta P. (2017 April 06). Impact of globalization in education. Retrieved from:

Globalization: Definition, benefits, effects, examples – What is globalization? (2020 October 6).
Retrieved from:

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