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A Report on Internship WorkAt

[Full Company Name Here]

[Your Full Name Here]
ID: [Your ID Here]

Department of [your department here]Arba Minch
Institute of Technology, AMU[Month][Date], [year]

Name and thank persons and officials whom you would like to pass your gratitude to.

List of figures

List of Tables

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments.................................................................................................................................................. 2
List of figures ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter I ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Company Background and Overviews ............................................................................................ 6
1.2. Organizational Structure .................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Staff profile (optional) ......................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter II ...................................................................................................................................................................7
2. Work, Responsibilities and Assignments ..............................................................................................7
2.1. Task one (Put the name of the process or responsibility) ..........................................................7
2.2. Task Two (Put the name of the process or responsibility)........................................................7
Chapter III ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Technical Aspect of the Internship .......................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Objectives ................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Methods and procedures .................................................................................................................... 8
3.3. Technical tasks/products .................................................................................................................... 8
3.4. Knowledge and Acquaintances Acquired ...................................................................................... 8
3.4.1. Technical Skills Gained .............................................................................................................. 8
3.4.2. Management Skills Gained ........................................................................................................ 8
3.4.3. Acquaintances Acquired ............................................................................................................ 8
3.5. Contributions ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter IV ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
4. General Comments and Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 9
4.1. Problems Encountered During the Internship Period................................................................ 9
4.2. General Suggestions and Comments to the Company ............................................................... 9
4.3. Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 9
4.4. Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 9
Reference ..................................................................................................................................................................10

Chapter I
1. Introduction
1.1. Company Background and Overviews
In this section of your report you are supposed to clearly describe the background of the
company of your internship. Write something about the historical background and describe
how the company has arrived to the current profile. Discuss the following points.

1.2. Organizational Structure

Describe how the company is set up. Remember that organizational structure allows allocation
of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch,
department, workgroup and individual.

Organizational structure affects organizational action in two big ways. First, it provides the
foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest. Second, it determines
which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what
extent their views shape the organization’s actions.

Organizational structure activities are tasks such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be
considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization
and its environment.

Describe both organizational activities and organizational activities (use of organizational

charts is quite relevant) of the company.

1.3. Staff profile (optional)

This is optional point to be discussed. However, if you have the data describing the staff
(workers’) profile of the company, it will be important to include this information in paragraph,
table or graph form.

Chapter II
2. Work, Responsibilities and Assignments
In this section, you are supposed to clearly state your duties during the internship stay. If your
responsibility was single and was repetitive, you have to describe how you have been doing
things. It is also important that time broken down of your roles over a day be presented.
Describe each activity in detail and write down the comprehensive report of your duties. If you
have been doing various tasks, describe each as follows.

2.1. Task one (Put the name of the process or responsibility)

Describe task one of your internship here. You can create your own hierarchical reporting
format. Clearly state the objectives and mission of the task. You also write the methods and
procedures you have been following to carry out the task.

2.2. Task Two (Put the name of the process or responsibility)

The same description procedure as in section 2.1 goes here

Chapter III
3. Technical Aspect of the Internship
This section of the report describes technical things you have been carrying out in your
internship program. Note that the term technical here describes the engineering tasks that have
been executed by you. You should write the report in technical vocabularies and often reflect the
educational concepts in your writings in this section.

3.1. Objectives
Under this heading you are supposed to clearly state the objectives of technical task

3.2. Methods and procedures

Under this heading you are supposed to clearly state the methods and procedures of the
technical tasks. (In the procedures you can describe the steps in carrying out the technical tasks
or products).

3.3. Technical tasks/products

This section contains the description and evidences of the technical tasks you have carried out
which objective and methods you have described in subsection 3.1 and 3.2.

You have to provide some evidences of this task. (For example, if you have been doing some
maintenance, it is good if you have some pictures related to this). If you have manufactured some
items, do not hesitate to put these commodities. If nothing has happened don’t worry, just
provide what you have been doing.

3.4. Knowledge and Acquaintances Acquired

Discuss the general knowledge you have gained from the internship. Basically, the thinks you get
from an internship can be broadly categorized into technical knowledge, management
knowledge and acquaintances you have made with people and companies. Discuss these as

3.4.1.Technical Skills Gained

Clearly describe what you have gained technically.

3.4.2. Management Skills Gained

Describe what you have gained form management point of view

3.4.3. Acquaintances Acquired

Describe the links you have made to people (important people in fact) and important companies
during your stay at the internship.

3.5. Contributions
Here describe the contribution of your internship work to the specific. Don’t lie here. Prepare a
questionnaire for your immediate supervisor and collect the data accordingly.

Chapter IV
4. General Comments and Conclusions
This section of your report describes the following points

4.1. Problems Encountered During the Internship Period

Under this heading, provide the technical, personal and organizational problems you have been
facing one by one and how you have been working against these problems. If you have solved
some describe how you did it.

4.2. General Suggestions and Comments to the Company

Under this section, describe what you really think would make the company better. Try to be
rational and provide scientific evidences which support your suggestions and comments. Do not
be insulting and critic.

4.3. Summary and Conclusion

Provide a comprehensive conclusion and summary of your report in a rich words and sentences.

4.4. Recommendations
Recommendations are proposed plans of action for the future. They are suggestions following
logically from the conclusions. Remember that conclusions deal with the present,
recommendations with the future. Each should be presented on a separate page.

References lists all those books and journals, and if necessary web pages, to which you
specifically refer in your report. Materials from other authors and diagrams that you have not
drawn should be acknowledged explicitly when they are first used in your report. The
references should follow a well-established and consistent style. For example, you can follow the
following format. The [1] shows the one which you used in the paper. Look at the following

P. I. Kuznetsov and R. L. Stratonovich, “The Propagation of Electro-magnetic Waves in

Multiconductor Transmission Lines”, New York: Pergamon, 1964.

General Consideration

Margin of 3 cm on left (for binding), 2.5cm on right, 2.5 cm on top and bottom is required.
Generally a font of 14 points for only the title of the theses and for the rest 12 points in “Times
New Roman” style is to be followed. All the measurements are in Metric units and money is Birr
or Dollar. Each of the preliminaries and chapters must begin on new page and headings are in
upper case letters centered and bold. No titles or headings of any division, heading of Table and
Figure are under lined, punctuated or italic font. Each chapter opens with one or two paragraph
that discusses general issue of the chapter so that sub-headings do not occur just below the
chapter heading. All the sub- headings, sub- division headings, heading of Tables and Figures are
written in bold lower case (except first letter of first word and proper nouns), flushed to left and
should not run with text.

The spacing between the lines in text is 1.5 and between two paragraphs are always two spaces.
A free space between paragraph above and below the sub-headings and sub-division headings
are required in text. In first series small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii…) are used for all the pages
starting from the beginning of cover page ending at the last page of abstract. In second series
Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3. . .) are used from first page of Introduction and continued till the end of
Appendix section. The first page of both the series must not have its page number typed on it,
thus page numbering start with “ii” on next page at the bottom and center of pages in case of
first series and with “2” on the second page of INTRODUCTION at the top aligned with right
hand margin. Chapter headings begin with Arabic numerals starting from 1 for



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