TOEFL Primary Step 2 Book 2

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TOEFL Primary eduplanet “The purpose of this book is to prepare young leamers for successful results on the TOEFL Primary tests created by ETS. TOEFL Primary, the first level of TOEFL assessment, is designed to measure young leamers' English ability, especially their skills in reading, listening, and speaking TOBAL Prhmary Reading emd Ulstenilag is divided into two levels: Step 1 and Step 2. Step 1 examines young leamers at the early stages of learning. The reading passages and listening scripts are based on contexts that young leamers are familiar with. The basic words, phrases, and expressions are selected from common objects, people, and places, while the {questions are fairly short, simple, and related to everyday life. Step 2 features questions about basic expressions, requests, phrases, and directions as well. One major difference between the Stops 1 and 2 is that Step 2 contains stories and conversations that are slightly longer and more complex than those of Step 1. Furthermore, in Step 2, leamers will be challenged by facing unfamiliar words with contextual clues. THOBRL, Pithacuy Speeksding is for both Steps 1 and 2. This test is intended to evaluate young learners’ ability to communicate orally in situations that they are familiar with in their daily lives. The learners are asked to express their feelings, describe people, places, and things, and explain or soquence series of events Each unit of this book introduces new words that are related to a given topic in order to stimulate young learners to leam new words or review ones that they already know. One of the many advantages of this book is that all ofthe reading, listening, and speaking sections of each unit are centered on a particular topic. This allows students to see how the target words, phrases, and expressions are used differently in each section. The contexts for each topic have been carefully selected to correspond with the real test standards, so learners will find expressions, phrases, and directions that are similar to those appearing on the actual test. This book will give young leamers‘a chance to become familiar with TOEFI. Primary tests by looking at questions in a variaty of situations, ° . yw.ots.orgite Visit hip primary for more detailed information. pee iith4) Understanding the Question Types . 1 ) For Here or to Go? Word Review.. . 16 Listening Dictation... Speaking. | 3) Jobs Around Town Word Review... . 56 Grammar (Can and Could), . 58 . 60 .-. 66 .71 aoe Dictation Speaking. Practice Test. \2 mt Things in the ’ Hardware Store Word Review..... Grammar (Too Many, Too Much, and Very) .. Reading... Listening. Dictation .. Speaking... Historical Figures Word Review.. Grammar (Should, Have to, and Must)... 78 Readin. Listening. Dictation .. Speaking... Ene Hitelan Ole fel a Bey 19 Reading Part 1 In this part, students are asked to find the most suitable match for the description provided by the sentence clues. These answers might include things we often use or 00, places in our neighborhood or community, and feelings or personality types. Since the answers come from a wide variety of areas, it is helpful to know definitions or key word descriptions at a range of levels. You will find the answer if you read the clue sentences carefully. } Sample Questions 1, They are long thin parts on your hand. People use them to move or hold things. They can type and turn over the pages in a book. ‘What are they? (A) Toes (B) Hands (C) Fingers » Toes are on your feet, s0 (A) is not the answer. Also, the question is asking about parts on your hand, so (B) cannot be an answer. The answer is (C). 2. People become like this and want to drink water when they are dehydrated. They are sometimes like this especially when they play a sport or talk for a Jong time. They become (A) hungry (B) thirsty (C) sleepy . - » ‘To dehydrate means losing too much water from your body. The answer is (B). Reading Part 2 In this part, students will be asked to answer four different types of questions. The first type features a diagram, chart, time schedule, poster or graph, while the second requires students to answer questions after reading a letter. The third type features a long fiction, while the last part covers a short non-fiction reading passage. For the first type of question, you should be able to understand a variety of visual resources in order to compare and contrast them with the answers. For questions using alletter as the text, you should understand who wrote the lotter to whom, as well as the purpose of the letter. The third type may seem difficult because itis the longest reading passage in the reading section. However, once you understand the characters and plot of the story, it will not bo too hard to find the answers. You will be able to read a variety of different non-fiction topics from science to history. Don't be frightened by the names of people, areas, plants or scientific terminology that you are not familiar with, You can still answer the questions without having background knowledge on a particular subject. Sample Questions Type 1. Read about Luke’s schedule. Answer questions 1 to 4. Mon. Tues, Wed. ‘Thurs. Fri. Sat. Classes (8:20 a.m.—4:00 p.m.) Community Center Volunteer si Debate Club Si Debate Club pes occer ate Club Soccer Debate CUD pay aoe Practice Meeting —“ Practice ~—- Meeting (4:30 p.m) (6:00 p.m) (4:30p.m.) (6:00 p.m, Movie Night -2:00 p.m.) hry ing the Question Typ 1. What does Luke do regularly from Monday to Friday? (A) He goes to soccer practice. (B) He goes to school. (C) He does volunteer work. » He has classes from Monday to Friday. The answer is (B). 2. What does Luke usually do on Saturdays? (A) Attends a debate club meeting (B) Goes to soccer practice (C) Goes to a community center » He has volunteer work at a community center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The answer is (C). 3. Where will Luke be on Friday at noon? (A) At school (B) At church (C) At the movie theater > Hes in schoo! from 8:20 am. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. The answer is (A) 4. Who does Luke watch a movie with on Fridays? (A) With his friends (8) With his family > (C) By himsett Family Movie Night is writen under Friday, The answer is (B). ‘Type 2. Read the letter. Answer questions 1 to 2. Dear Uncle Joe, | Thad a wonderful birthday party last week. It would have been even more fun if you had come to my party. A huge box was delivered to me this afternoon, with the new roller skates | have always wanted. How did you know what | wanted? Did my mom tell you? | tried them on, and they fit me perfectly! | am going to skate in the park tomorrow after school. Thank you very much for your thoughtful gift. I love the skates. Dad told me you are very busy with your work at the moment. Will be able to see you at Grandpa's house on Thanksgiving next month? I miss you a lot. Thank you again for the gift. Talk to you soon. Sincerely, | Joseph 1. Why did Joseph write to his uncle? (A) To ask for a birthday gift {B) To thank him for the gift (C) To tell him about Dad’s birthday party » Joseph wrote, “Thank you very much for your thoughtful gift.” The answer is (B). 2. What does Joseph wani to know? (A) Whether he can meet his uncle during the holiday or not (8) Whether his uncle knows when Joseph's birthday is or not (C) What his uncle wants for his birthday Joseph wrote, “Will | be able to see you at Grandpa's house on Thanksgiving next month?” The answer is (A). Type 3. Read a story about Joanna, Answer questions 1 to 4, Joanna decided to paint an old doghouse for Pokey, her puppy. She wanted to make the prettiest doghouse in the neighborhood. Joanna went to the store and got some paint and paintbrushes with her mom, “'m going to paint the roof blue and draw the sun and some clouds,” Joanna said, “Then I'm going to paint the house green and draw some flowers and bees,” she added. It took a whole day for Joanna to paint Pokey's house. When she was finished, Pokey's house seemed very pretty. “The flowers and bees look real. I'm going to get a camera and take a photo of it and send it to your grandpa," Joanna's mother said, and she hurried into the house. “Do you like the new look of your house, Pokey?” Joanna asked. Pokey barked and jumped. Pokey seemed happy. Suddenly, Pokey ran to the house and kept on barking at the bees painted on the house. “Stop barking, Pokey! They are not real!” Joanna couldn't stop laughing at her dog. “I will make you a bigger house and paint some bones on it when you grow up. Hove you, Pokey.” Joanna, gave her puppy a big hug. - 1. What did Joanna decide to do? (A) Paint her house (8) Build a new doghouse (C) Paint her dog's house > Read the first sentence, “Joanna decided to paint an old doghouse for Pokey, her puppy.” The answer is (C). 2. What did Joanna do to the roof of Pokey’s house? (A) She drew some bees on it. (B) She painted it blue. (C) She didn’t paint it. > Joanna said, “im going to paint the roof blue and draw the sun and some clouds.” ‘The answer is (B). 3. Why did Joanna laugh at her dog? (A) It kept barking at her friends. (B) It learned a new trick. {C) It barked at the bees painted on its house. > Joanna laughed at her dog because it kept barking at the bees that she drew on the house. ‘The answer is (C). 4. What did Joanna promise her dog? (A) To make a bigger house (B) To get some bones for its snack (C) To take it for a walk » Joanna said, "| will make you a bigger house and paint some bones on it when you grow up.” The answer is (A). Understanding the tion Types Type 4. Read the text, Answer questions 1 to 2. ‘There are three types of matter: solid, liquid and gas. A solid is something that has a shape and a color. For example, a pen, a book and a house are solids. Solids can be made of differont materials such as metal, wood and plastic. A liquid doesn’t have a shape, but it can be contained in a container, and is visible. Water and milk are examples of liquids. A gas is something that doesn’t have any shape. Itis in the air, so we cannot see it at all. The air that we breathe is an example of a gas. 4. What is true about a solid? (A) It doesn't have any shape. (B) It doesn't have any color. (C) A pen is an example of a solid. © Asolid has a shape and color. The answer is (C). 2. Which type of matter is invisible? (A) Solid (B) Liquid (C) Gas » Gas doesn't have any shape. Itisin the air. The answer is (C). 10 Listening Part 1 In this part, students will hear sentences and see three pictures for each question. Of these three pictures, students should be able to choose the one that best describes the sentences they hear. The questions might ask what a person is doing or what students have to do next after listening to the teacher's instructions. Try to catch some key words from the sentences so that they can be helpful clues for you. Sample Question ‘You will heat Listen to a teacher. J want you to write about what you did yesterday. You will write for the next 10 minutes. Keep writing until | tell you to stop. Q. What will the students do next? > The teacher told the students to write for 10 minutes. The first picture shows the students writing at their desks. The second picture shows the students singing, and the third picture shows the students having lunch at a table. The answer is (A). " 12 Understanding the COTE s CNT a Listening Part 2 In this part, you will hear a conversation between two people. You will hear the main question before and after the conversation. When you hear the question, think about what you have to listen for in the conversation. Then when you hear the question again, focus on the answer choices to find the best answer for the question. Don't confuse the two speakers in the conversation. Sample Question You will hes Listen to the conversation between a man and a waitress. Listen for the answer to this question. What does the man order? W: Hi, are you ready to order? M: Umm, do you have any lunch specials? W: Yes, we have a T-bone steak with a baked potato and a soft drink for $19.99, or spaghetti with meatballs and a soft drink for $9.99. M: Iwill have spaghetti with meatballs and a soft drink. Also, | would like a house salad, Q. What does the man order? (A) T-bone steak (B) Greek salad (C) Spaghetti with meatballs > The waitress introduced two different lunch specials. The man said, “I wll have spaghetti with meatballs and a soft drink. Also, | would like @ house salad.” The answer is (C). Listening Part 3 ‘ You will mainly hear a phone message for each question. You need to figure cout who is calling whom and what the message is about. After you understand the message, you must figure out the answer for the question. Sample Question Listen to a phone message. B: Hi, Jamie. Its Brian. | think we should throw a surprise farewell party for Jennifer. | heard that sho is moving to a new city noxt woek. We have been friends with her since kindergarten, ‘and Maya told me that she has been feeling sad lately because she doesn't want to leave here. So | thought we should cheer her up about this new change in her life. Q. Why did Brian call? (A) To tell Jamie that he is moving to a new town next week (B) To tell Jamie that Jennifer misses him a lot (C) To suggest to Jamic that they throw a party for Jennifer > In this message, Brian mentioned Jennifer's moving and suggested that he and his friends should throw a farewell party for hor, The answer is (C). 13 Understanding the Chee tth| ard Listening Part 4 This is the last part of the listening test. You will hear two different types of listening passages: fictional stories and non-fictional lessons. For the fictional stories, you should listen carefully for the characters, conflict, climax, and resolution. For the non-fictional lessons, listen carefully for the topic and details. The topics in the non-fictional lessons come from a variety of subjects and offer challenging questions. Sample Questions Listen to a teacher giving a science lesson. You will hear: ‘T: We are going to talk about the life cycle of a plant. Let's say there is a grown-up pine tree with pine cones. The seeds in the pine cones scatter all over the ground when the pine cones fall. The seeds sprout and become young plants. Then they become grown-up pine trees. This is the ife cycle of a plant. Like this, living things grow and change all the time. In order for thom to grow and change, they need air, water, and soil. They also need food. ‘Then how do they get food? First, plants use sunlight, air, and water to make food. When a plant grows, it makes a flower or a fruit. Some plants can make both a flower and a fruit. ‘Then birds and bees move pollon between flowers. Pollen is a powder inside the flower, and ithelps make sdads. Seeds have many different shapes and’sizes. Do you have any questions so far? “4 1. What happens after the seeds in the pine cones scatter on the ground? (A) The seeds grow up and become young plants. (B) The farmers harvest the crops before Thanksgiving. (C) The birds make a nest on the pine cones. > Look at the fourth sentence, “The seeds sprout and become young plants.” The answer is (A), 2. What do plants need in order to grow and change? (A) Sunlight {B) Fire (C) Ice ® tis mentioned that the plants use sunlight, air, and water fo make food. The answer is (A). 3. What is pollen? (A) Aleaf (B) Aseed (C) A powder > The third last sentence stated that the pollen is a powder inside the flower. The answer is (C). 15 or Here or to MES Ca 4 A) Re Study the words. pizza taco spaghetti nachos hamburger sushi French fries rice hotdog ketchup __ sandwich . mustard : fish and chips noodles muffin baked potato doughnut takeout burrito delivery 46 Unit 1 © Read and write the correct word for each definition. 11. long and thin pieces of food cooked in soup or boiling water 2. an oven-baked flat bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings a 3. a type of Mexican food with cheese and beans ‘on top of tortillas 4, a small sweet food that looks like a cupcake . 5. a red sauce made from tomatoes pizza muffin noodles ketchup nachos | Q Complete the sentences. 1. s are sweet, so | eat them with a cup of coffee. 2. | would like to have of French fries. potatoes as my side dish instead 3. Some people eat a bowl of __ with some side dishes and soup. 4. | don't have time to cook dinner. | am going to get some 5. | don’t eat because | can't eat raw fish. __ takeout baked ‘sushi rice doughnut Word Review 17 May and Might When we talk about something that has a possibility of happening soon or in the future, we use may or might, Note that we can use may and might for the things that are possible but not certain. | may swim in the lake. | may not swim in the lake. We may go to the park tomorrow. We may not go to the park tomorrow. He might call me tonight. He might not call me tonight. We can also use may when we ask for permission. May | go to the restroom? Yes, you may May | have one more cookie? No, you may not. 18 Unil 1 A. Circle the correct answer for each sentence. 1. Itis very cloudy today. | (may / am) not go outside today. 2. If Peter feels better today, we (are / might) go to the park later. 3. There's heavy traffic on the road. Dad (is / may) be late for dinner. 4. Mrs. Lee is sick today. She (might / was) not come to school. 5. | (might / was) watch TV tonight if | am not too tired. . Complete the conversations. 1..Q: May I sit here? Az Yes, you 2.Q: Ihave a glass of water? A: Sure. Here you go. 3. Q: May I go to my room now? ___, you may not. C. Check y the correct sentences. 1. Itis sunny outside. John wants to go out and play. John might go outside and play because it is sunny outside. John might not go outside and play because it is sunny outside. 2. Jessica is bored. She wants to watch TV. Jessica might not watch TV because she is bored. Jessica might watch TV because she is bored. Part 1 (4 Read the hints and circle the best answers. 20 Unit 1 1. You use this service when you can't go out to eat, but you want to order some food. Q. What is it? (A) Delivery (B) Reservation (C) Cancellation go aut + odor + resowvation: + cancelation: s Itis a type of Mexican food. It’s a folded tortilla filled with meat, beans, and other ingredients. Q. What is it? (A) Ahamburger (B) Ataco (C) A sandwich + Mexican: + fakes: + ora: = ogre: » [tis a type of cooking method. You cook food in an oven by heating it. Q. What is it? (A) Frying (B) Boiling (C) Baking + mothod: > It is a type of sauce. It is yellow, and it has a strong taste. Q. What is it? (A) Mustard (B) Ketchup (C) Water Part 2 a Read the menu. Then answer questions 1 to 3. Menu Pizza 1. Hawaiian (pineapple, smoked ham, and fresh Mozzarella) 2. Roasted Garlic Chicken .. (onions, fresh Mozzarolla, Parmesan, scallions, black pepper, gatlic, and chicken) 3. Veggie. $6.99 (broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, com, red onions, sun-dried tomatoes, and Mozzarella) Please call (234) 234-3456 for dolivery. ‘A10% delivery charge will be added to your total. + roasted + scalion; = dolvey charge: 1. What ingredient is used in Hawaiian pizza? (A) Garlic (8) Mushrooms. (C) Pineapple 2. How much is Veggie pizza? (A) $6.99 (B) $7.99 (C) $8.99 E 3. How much is the delivery charge? (A) 5% off the total (B) 10% off the total (C) 100% off the total Reading 21 £44 Read the letter. Then answer questions 4 to 5. Dear Mr. Chang, | would like to place an order for tomorrow. We would like to have 3 Pepperoni, 2 Bacon and Potato, and 2 Vegetarian pizzas. We are going to have them after the meeting. The meeting will end at noon. If you could deliver them by a quarter to twelve, it would be great. Please confirm this order as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert + placa an order end: + at noon + quarter: + conte 4. Why did Robert write a letter to Mr. Chang? (A) To ask him about a meeting (B) To place an order (C) To change an order 5. What time does Robert want to receive the pizzas? (A) By 12 o'clock (B) By 12:15 (C) By 11:45 22 Unit 1 E{\ Read the text. Then answer questions 6 to 8. = 7 Today, many families lead busy lives. Children are busy learning something new every day after school. Not many moms cook at home because they have jobs, just like dads. Our society is changing rapidly, and so are people’s lives. Busy families tend to find new ways to make their lives easier and simpler. These new changes can be found in our eating habits, too. Many families get takeout or order out for delivery. This is nice because you can try many different kinds of food, and you save lots of time because you don't need to go shopping for ingredients or prepare the food yourself, However, not all takeout makes you happy. You may never know what you are actually eating. Also, it is too expensive to get takeout or order food every day. Most importantly, nothing can be compared to a home-made meal. oa + eosiely + api = habit + oxponsive. + compare: What is an advantage of takeout? (A) It takes too much time. (B) Itis convenient. {€) You have to cook it. What is true about takeout? (A) It takes too long to get. (B) You need to go shopping for ingredients. (€) You can try many different kinds of food. According to the text, which statement is true? (A) A home-made meal is better than takeout. (B) Only dads work to take care of their families nowadays. (C) Our society will never change. Reading 23 {{\ Read the story about Holly. Then answer questions 9 to 12. 24 Unit 1 Holly often becomes lonely and bored at home. Her parents work full- time, and she doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. “Are you going to be late again, Mom?" Holly asked. She hates when her mom comes home late because she has to eat dinner by herself. “I am not sure yet,” Holly’s mom replied. “I will calll you later.” Around 6 o'clock, somebody opened the door. Holly ran to the door. “Is that you, Mom?" she shouted. “It’s me, Holly.” It was Holly's dad. “Hi, Dad. Mom isn’t home yet, and I'm getting hungry,” said Holly. “That's why I came home early,” replied her dad. “Mom called me and told me that she was going to be late, so I'm afraid we have to order some food for dinner.” “But I'm sick and tired of takeout food!” Holly yelled. She seemed like she was about to cry. Holly's dad thought for a minute. “Well, then let's go to the kitchen and see if we can find anything to make there,” he said, They walked to the kitchen and fished through the refrigerator and cabinets. “We have some tomatoes and mushrooms,” said Holly. “I found some spaghetti noodles,” said her dad, “Let's make some spaghetti!” That night, Holly and her dad had a late dinner. It was not as good as the spaghetti from a restaurant, but Holly thought it was the tastiest spaghetti she had ever eaten. futimes = bug be sek of + ys be about to: fh 10. 1 12. . What is true about Holly? (A) She has a brother. (B) Her mom is usually at home. (C) She often eats takeout. What does Holly hate? (A) When her mom comes home late (B) When she does her homework (C) When she eats tomatoes . What did Holly and her dad make? (A) Macaroni and cheese (B) Mushroom pizza (C) Spaghetti How did Holly feel about making dinner with her dad? (A) She didn’t like it at all. (B) She enjoyed it very much. (C) She felt it was a waste of time. @ You finished the reading part. Reading 25 ‘Part 1 & Listen and circle the correct answers. 26 Unit 1 Part 2 a Listen and answer the questions. Qt. Listen to the conversation between a cashier and a man. Q. What is true based on the conversation? (A) The man ordered coffee and a muffin. (8) The man will eat a doughnut in the café. (C) The man will get the food to go. . Listen to the conversation between a girl and a boy. 99229 Q. What are they going to eat? (A) Nachos (B) Burritos (€) Tacos + oat +s alype of + Folded = file wth Listening 27 Part 3 @) Listen and answer the questions. {> 1. Listen to the phone message. G: Q. What is true based on the phone message? (A) Judy is free tomorrow after school. (B) Laura’s mom will make some pizza. (C) Laura and Judy have a group assignment. = cive 4 2. Listen to the phone message. Q. What does James want? (A) Kathy's muffins (B) Kathy's recipe for muffins {C) The location of the muffin shop a 28 Unit 4 Part 4 a Listen and answer the questions. « Listen to the story about Luna. W: + slood: = sack on + miss: = yum: «alo: * lean up: + moss: + pleased + grow up 42 1. What did Luna forget at first when she was making her sandwich? (A) Mayonnaise and bread (8) Ketchup and mayonnaise (C) Sliced tomatoes and cheese ‘} 2, Why was Luna’s mom pleased when she got home? (A) Luna did her hornework by herself and cleaned her room. (8) Luna made herself a snack and cleaned up the mess. (C) Luna cleaned the whole house and made a sandwich for dinner. Listening 29 &) Listen and answer the questions. @ Listen to the chef giving instructions on how to make burritos. Cc: + homomad: + fo: + wast wot + nortan + wrap something up: (3 3. Where should we put the ingredients for making burritos? (A) In a hamburger bun (B) Between two slices of bread (C) On top of a flour tortilla ‘2 4. Which sides of the tortilla should you fold first? (A) East and west (B) East and north (C) West and south : 43 5. For how long should you bake it in the oven? (A) 60 minutes (B) 2 minutes (C)7 minutes 80 Unit 1 Part 1 2 Listen and fill in the blanks. 21. twill go out and a hot dog. 4) 2. Why don't we make some tomato spaghetti 2 3. Part 2 ‘£2 Listen and fill in the blanks. 1 C: Welcome to Auntie Ann's Café. Are you ready to 2 M: Yes, | would like to a cup of and a doughnut, please. +: Cashion =: Man Q2 G: Hi, Alex. Let's go B: A taco? What is that? I've never had one before. GI's Mexican food. It’s a folded corn tortilla mixed meat and beans. Like eating How often do you eat it (them)? -» leat it (them) time(s) a (week / month). . If you had to get takeout for dinner, what would you get? Why? ~» | would get some Chinese takeout because | like Chinese food, and my favorite Chinese restaurant is close to my home. |. What is the difference between takeout and delivery? > Takeout is food that you pick up at a restaurant yourself. Delivery means you order food, but you don’t have to carry it home by yourself. A delivery person will bring your order to you. Imagine you are making a pizza. What toppings would you like to put on your pizza? ~ | like vegetables so | would put on some mushrooms, corn, green pepper, olives, potatoes, and broccoli. @ You finished the speaking part. king 35 ‘m' Things in the Hardware Store = Re Study the words. pocket knife wire hammer pipe ax light bulb shovel ail handsaw flashlight wrench : rope tool belt sandpaper pliors nut screwdriver nail electrical tape bolt : 36 Unit 2 @,_ Read and write the correct word for each definition, 41. a tool that is used for turning nuts 2. a tol that is used for turning screws 3. a long thin piece of metal 4, a tool that is used for hitling nails into wood 5. a tube that a liquid or gas flows through | hammer wrench screwdriver wire pipe Complete the sentences. 4. My dad loves his tool . He wears it whenever he fixes things in the house. 2. The electricity is out. We should go find a 3. | want to hang this picture on the wall. Ineed a and a hammer. 4, My dad is digging into the ground with a . He is going to plant a tree. 5. | turned on the light, but the roorn is still dark. | should change the nail flashlight light bulb shovel belt Word Review 37 ‘Too Many, Too Much, and Very Too many and too much are quantifying expressions. We use them when we talk about quantities. We use too many for countable nouns and too much for uncountable nouns. We use one of these expressions when there is more than enough of something. She makes too much noise. There are too many apples in the basket. He spends too much time in front of the TV. There are too many cars on the street. When we want to emphasize something, we use very. We use very with poo Myppy' Sy try Its very cold outside. - y 4 The box is very heavy. 38 Unit 2 A. Look at the pictures and write too many or too much, He eats ice cream. They have balls to play with. 3. © Rf i I i Ittakes time to get the tickets. B. Write too many or too much, 1 money 2 books 3. noise 4 food shoes 5, people C. Write the words in order. 1. weather / The / very /is / cold /. “> 2. She /../nice /is / very > 3. coffee / The / is / hot/./ very Grammar 89 Part 1 [{\ Read the hints and circle the best answers. 40 Unit 2 1. It is a tool with a heavy metal blade on the end of a long handle. You use It for cutting down trees. Q. What is it? (A) A shovel (B) A screwdriver (C) Anax + hoayy: + bade: + cut something down nv itis a strong, thick string. Q. What is it? (A) Arope (B) Adrill (C) Abolt + sing 2 . Itis a tool for cutting wood. Its blade has a lot of V-shaped teeth. Q. What is it? (A) Anail (B) Ahandsaw (C) Ahammer + Vshaped Itis a smalll knife, and it has many blades thatare folded into the handle. ad Q. What is it? (A) Sandpaper (B) Electrical tape {C) A pocket knife Part 2 £4 Read the order form. Then answer questions 1 to 3. ORDER FORM Order Date: June 29, 2014 Ship to: Bob's Hardware Store Item No. Product Name Price Quantity Total 1 nail $10.00 3 boxes $30.00 2 sandpaper $2.50 10 sheets $25.00 3 flashlight $4.00 20 $80.00 Subtotal $135.00 Shipping $13.50 (10% off the subtotal) Total $148.50 orm: hardware store quanti + sublot + shipoing 1. What product is NOT included on the order? (A) Nails (B) Flashlights (C) Hammers 2. How much is the shipping charge? (A) 10 percent off the total amount (B) 10 percent off the subtotal (C) 13 percent off the subtotal 3. How much is a box of nails? (A) $30.00 (B) $25.00 : (C) $10.00 Reading 41 (2) Read the letter. Then answer questions 4 to 5. Dear Dad, Happy Father's Day! | just want to say thank you for everything. You are a good friend, an amazing supporter, a super cool soccer player and the greatest dad in the world. | know how much you like fixing things around the house, so | got you a tool belt as a Father's Day present. | hope you like it. I love you very much! Your son, Jake + amazing: + supportr: th 4. Why did Jake write a letter to his dad? (A) To congratulate him on his birthday (8) To celebrate Father's Day {C) To celebrate Christmas 5. What did Jake get for his dad? (A) A seatbelt (B) A tool belt (€) A soccer ball 42 Unil2, £{) Read the text. Then answer questions 6 to 8. Have you ever thought about remodeling your room or house? If you have, how did you want to change it? Today, more and more people are becoming interested in remodeling their homes. Some people may want to remodel their homes by decorating them or fixing some problems around the house. No matter what the reasons are, remodeling their houses will give people great satisfaction at a low cost. Many people prefer remodeling because it is cheap and easy to create a new look with just a small change. This small change will also bring people something fresh in their lives. + remodot: more and more + satisfaction: + at alow eos + potor: create: “test 6. What is the text about? (A) Buying a new house (B) Selling an old house (C) Remodeling a house 7. Why do people remodel their houses? (A) To make the house look better (B) To close the business (C) To travel in the summer 8. According to the text, what is true about remodeling houses? (A) Itis more expensive than buying a new house. (B) It will make people feel great about the new change. (C) Many people are not happy about it. Yeading 43

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