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Factors influencing customers buying behaviors of Phuc Long Coffee and Teas:

I/ Buyer’s characteristics:
1. Culture:
1. Culture:
Phuc Long is a Vietnam brand and it owns a tea plantation in Thai Nguyen so the tea is
familiar and matches the Vietnamese taste. Besides, Vietnamese people will also buy
Phuc Long to support a brand of their country. Having a home advantage over foreign
brands, Phuc Long is not afraid to declare war on rivals by choosing selling points located
in prime selling locations. In cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, Phuc Long stores are
often located in big streets, in commercial centers, even very close to competitors.
b. Subculture:
The brand aims at the young who are usually into milk tea and new beverages of these
c. Social class:
This brand has 2 types of stores. One is in the direction of Take away express, targeting
the middle class of customers with the price of 1 cup of medium iced milk coffee 30,000
VND, hot milk coffee 28,000 VND, mixed smoothies 35,000 VND, a medium peach milk
tea 30 thousand VND.
The second type of store is called Take away house for the upper class customers. At
this kind of store, prices are higher than Take away express. For example, the middle-
class iced milk coffee here is 40,000, the middle-class peach milk tea is 42 thousand.
Phuc Long's staff said that the second type is more advanced, the space is beautiful,
spacious, the service is good, so the price is higher.
2. Social factors: 
It now has a Fanpage on Facebook with high popularity.
3. Personal factors:
Phuc Long aims mostly on young customers with average or high income and have an interest in
milk tea in particular and tea in general.
4. Psychological Factors:
In Vietnamese belief, tea is good for the health and together with milk, the combination does not
only do good for our health but also taste good. 
II/ The Buyer Decision Process: 
When customers want a cup of milk tea they will search for information and see that Phuc Long
is a highly recommended brand. Then they compare Phuc Long with other competitors and
realize that Phuc Long has the most reasonable price. They decided to try Phuc Long products
and had a great experience with the brand since the taste is familiar to Vietnamese people.

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