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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Pascal Triangle leading to Binomial Theorem, Harmonic

sequence and Fibonacci sequence
Week no. 8 Date: November 9-12, 2021
At the end of the discussion, the students to:
1. Illustrate Pascal’s triangle.
2. Utilized the concept of Pascal’s triangle in expanding binomials
3. Illustrate and relate the concept of arithmetic sequence and harmonic sequence.
4. Illustrate Fibonacci sequence
5. Determine the nth term of Fibonacci sequence.


TOPIC: Pascal Triangle leading to binomial theorem, Harmonic Sequence and Fibonacci
Grade 10, Mathematics: A student-friendly textbook.
By Alan M. Pulido and Maria Erika P. Senido
Editor, Dr. Wilfredo P. Mariño
MATERIALS: PowerPoint Presentation, laptop and Work sheets, white board.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Review

Good Afternoon, class! Good Afternoon, Ma’am!

Before we start, kindly check your internet and (The student will follow properly)
audio to test whether we can hear and see one

Now that everybody is settled, Melah, my I know All present ma’am.

who are absent for today?

Very good! It is nice to know that you really love (Virtual clap)
my subject. Mathematics. So, let’s give
everybody a round of applause.
Let me remind you class that we have a Class
Find place that have a good signal but be sure that
you are safe and comfortable in learning.
Please turn off your mic to avoid unnecessary
noise from your background to give respect to the
person talking.
If you want to recite and ask question please turn
your on mic and say your name.
Lastly, open you camera for me to monitor you if
you are really listening and learning.
Yes ma’am.
Is it clear class?
Before we formally start our lesson class. Let us
have first our review on the last topic we
discussed last meeting.
So last meeting we discussed about geometric
(A student say his/her name)
Any volunteer to summary our lesson last
Last meeting we discuss geometric series
Okay we have volunteer, take the floors yours ma’am. And geometric series ma’am and we
anak. define geometric series that refers to the sum
of the terms of a geometric sequence. We also
have examples on geometric series ma’am and
we use the formula in geometric series ma’am
to get the correct answer which is

Sn=a1−a1 r n ¿ ¿ or Sn=a1−a1 r n ¿ ¿ r
1−r 1−r
,r ≠ 1
Also we discuss about the infinite geometric
series ma’am. We define infinite geometric
series whose terms are in a geometric
progression, or whose successive terms have a
common ratio. If the terms of a geometric
series approach zero, the sum of its terms will
be finite. As the numbers near zero, they
become insignificantly small, allowing a sum
to be calculated despite the series being
The formula we used in finding the sum of the
infinite geometric series:
Sn = , with -1 < r > 1
And for the finite geometric series ma’am, we
define it as a finite geometric sequence is a list
of numbers (terms) with an ending; each term
is multiplied by the same amount (called a
common ratio) to get the next term in the
Thank you! It seems like you understand our
previous lesson.
B. Lesson Proper


Before we finally start our new lesson,

Let’s have a game called Mathematical Word
Yes ma’am
Are you familiar with the game class?
If that’s the case class let me first read the
Instructions: Search up, down, forward,
backward, and on the diagonal to find the hidden
(10) mathematical words.

Yes ma’am.

For example, I found the mathematical word for

Understand Class?

Yes ma’am.

Are you ready? I’ll give you 2 minutes to find

those 10 mathematical words being hide.
Okay what mathematical words can you see
Equation ma’am.
Fibonacci ma’am.
Sequence ma’am.
Arithmetic ma’am.
Reciprocal ma’am.
Binomial ma’am.
Harmonic ma’am.
Golden Ration ma’am.
Pascal triangle ma’am.
Triangle ma’am.

Let see class if you found out the mathematical

words being hide.
Very good! You’ve got all the mathematical
words. Give yourself around of applause.
It seems like you all good at finding mathematical
words, that is good.
Those mathematical word presented have a
connection to our topic today and I hope it
energized you all.

Today we are going to have a new lesson and that
is Pascal’s Triangle leading to binomial theorem,
Harmonic Sequence and Fibonacci sequence.
Do you know who is he class?
Okay if that is the case lets meet sir Blaise Pascal. No ma’am.
He is a French mathematician who developed so
many triangle’s properties and one of it is the
Pascal’s Triangle. In 17th century, Pascal’s
triangle was named after his name Pascal.
Do you have any idea why the Pascal’s triangle (A student say its name.)
was named after Blaise Pascal class?
Yes, kindly share to us your idea. It was named after him because he develops
triangle ma’am.
Thank you! Very good.
Although the triangle has been around long
before Pascal, it is named for him because he
studied the triangle and published the Traite du
Triangle Arithmetique.
A bit trivia class with the help of Jia Xian his
contribution in Pascal Triangle made also
Jia Xian is a Chinese mathematicians , he devised
a triangular representation for the coefficients in
the 11th century.
Understand class? Is there any question? None ma’am.

Okay if that’s the case class lets define what is

Pascal’s triangle.
Kindly read the definition class? ( A student say its name)

Yes, the floor is yours. Pascal’s triangle is a triangle array of binomial

coefficients. The rows are enumerated form the
top such that the first row is numbered n=0.
The elements of each row are enumerated form
k=0 up to n.

Thank you!

Now let’s see what looks like a Pascal’s triangle.

What can you notice class?

Both side have 1 ma’am.
Good observation! Very good. It have values of 1
in both sides.
What else?
It have a pattern ma’am.
Very good that’s correct! I have a pattern.
Have you ever wonder how Pascal’s triangle
Now let’s find out!
Since I said earlier that the Pascal’s triangle have
a pattern so we have here a constant 11.
So in order to complete the given values in the
Pascal’s triangle we need to get their values of the
exponents of 11.

110 = 1
111 = 11

112 = 121

113 = 1331 Yes ma’am

Is there a pattern? When you add the two given ma’am you can
What is it? get a term below just like for example 1+2 = 3.

Very good!
If you don’t have a calculator you can utilized the
Pascal’s triangle.
Lets take for example number 1.

11 4
First we need the last value of the 113 which is
We copy the first digit which is 1.
Then we add the two consecutive digits, which
are 1 and 3 to is result to 4.
Again, we move to next two digits that are 3 +3,
which is equal to 6.
And same as to 3 and 1 which is equal to 4.
Then if we have left number we just simply copy
the last digit, which is 1.
For the result, 1 4 6 4 6 1.
So therefore, 11 4 = 1 4 6 4 6 1. Yes ma’am
None ma’am
Is it clear class?
Are there any questions?
Now try this class in your own seats.
Find the value of following using Pascal’s
Triangle. I’ll give you 2 minutes to answer.


Lets check you answer class.
What is the answer for number 1? (A students says its name)

Kindly explain your process. 1 5 10 10 5 1 ma’am.

(The student explain its process)

Let see if it’s correct?

Very good, you are correct! The answer is 1 5 10
10 5 1
How about for number 2 class? (A students says its name)

What is your answer? 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 ma’am.

How did you come up with that? (The student explain its process)

Let’s see if it’s correct!

Very good, you are correct! The answer for
number 2 is
1 6 15 20 15 6 1.
How about for the last item? What is you answer, (A student says its name)
Yes, what is your answer? And kindly explain 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 is my answer ma’am
your process.
(The students explains its process)
Let’s see if you are correct.
Very good you are correct!
The answer for the last item is 1 7 21 35 35 21 7
It seems like you understand how the Pascal’s
triangle created.
Now let’s move on to our next topic, which is
expanding Binomials.
Lets first define a binomial. What is a binomial
(A student say its name)
Kindly read the definition of binomial. Any
volunteer. Binomial is a mathematical expression
consisting of two terms connected by a plus
Yes please.
sign or minus.

For example, (2a + 3b)

We have 2 terms here 2a and 3b so this is an
example of a binomial.
How about the following example, Lets define
whether the given is a binomial or not.
(a + b)

5 y 3−9 y 2
(A student says its name)
What is your answer class for item number 1?
It is not binomial ma’am because it have 1
term only.
Let’s see if it’s correct.
Exactly it is not a binomial, you’re correct!
How about for number 2 class?
What is your answer? (A student says its name)
It is binomial ma’am because it have 2 terms
which are a and b.

Let’s see if it’s correct.

Exactly it is not a binomial, you’re correct!
(A student says its name)
How about for the number 3 class?
It is binomial ma’am because it have 2 terms
What is your answer?
which are 5 y 3 and −9 y 2.

Let’s see if it’s correct.

Exactly it is a binomial, you’re correct!
How about for last number class? (A student says its name)

What is your answer? It is not binomial ma’am because it have 1

term only.
Let’s see if it’s correct.
Exactly it is not a binomial, you’re correct!

Since you are now expert in determining

binomial. We are now ready to expand binomials.
How do you expand binomial class?
(A student say its name)
By using distributive ma’am.

(A student say its name)

For example, ( a+ b ) if we expand this one we
By using FOIL method ma’am.
will get an answer a 4 + 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b2 + 4ab 3 + b 4

What method do I used to expand this one class?

Yes, How?
Okay, very good!
What else class? How do you expand binomial?
Yes, what is your way of expanding binomial.
Very good!
You are all correct! The said methods are used for
expanding binomial.
But did you know class that using the Pascal
triangle we can expand binomials?
Let’s now see how it works class.
These are the following rules in expanding
We need the values of Pascal’s Triangle.
Substitute the given coefficient in the Pascal’s
triangle. Considering that, the exponent of the
first term (a) is decreasing, while the exponent of
the second term (b) is increasing in a manner.
For its operation when the given is (a + b) all the
operation are addition but if the given is (a – b )
these will be you basis. (+, - , + , -, +,...).
Now let’s have an example here.

( a+ b )4 .
First, we need the Pascal triangle up to five rows
since the exponent of the given is 4.

Second, we need to substitute the given

coefficient in the Pascal’s triangle. Considering
that, the exponent of the first term (a) is
decreasing, while the exponent of the second term

(b) is increasing in a manner.

Since the given is addition in operation the
operation between the terms are also addition.

So therefore, the expanded binomial of ( a+ b )4 is

1a 4 + 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b2 + 4ab 3 + 1b 4 or
Yes ma’am.
a 4 + 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b2 + 4ab 3 + b 4 None ma’am.

Now, these are the following observation you can

1. The exponent of each term are always the
value of n.
2. The number of terms when expanded is
always n + 1.
3. The coefficient of each term forms
4. The exponent of the first term (a) is
decreasing, while the exponent of the (A student say its name)
second term (b) is increasing in a manner. x 4 + 4 x 3 y + 6 x 2 y 2 + 4 xy 3 + y 4
Is it clear class? (A student explain its process)
Any questions?
If that’s the case class, Let’s try these following
example. I’ll give you 2 minutes to answer.
Expand the following using the Pascal triangle.

(A student say its name)

x 3 + 3 x 2 y + 3 xy 2 + y 3

( x− y )4 (A student explain its process)

( x + y )3
Times up!
What is your answer for number 1 class?
Yes, what is your answer?
Kindly explain your process.
Let’s see if it’s correct!
Very good, you got the correct answer!

The expanded binomial of ( x− y )4 is

(A student say its name)
x 4 - 4 x 3 y + 6 x 2 y 2 - 4 xy 3 + y 4
How about for number 2 class? Binomial Theorem is an algebraic expression
that states the principle for expanding the
Who wants to try?
algebraic expression (a+ b)n and expresses it as
a sum of the terms involving individual
exponents of variable x and y.
Each term in a binomial expansion is
associated with a numeric value, which is
called coefficient.

Yes, what is your answer and kindly explain your

Let’s see if it’s correct!
Very good, you got the correct answer!

The expanded binomial of ( x + y )3 is

x 3 + 3 x 2 y + 3 xy 2 + y 3
Very good! It seems like you are good at
expanding binomial using the Pascal triangle.
Now let’s move on to our next topic which is the
Binomial Theorem.
What is Binomial Theorem?
Kindly read the definition of Binomial Theorem.
Any volunteer?

Thank you.
To make it simpler. The value in the Pascal’s
triangle are the coefficient in the binomial
expansion or the binomial theorem.
Again using the Pascal’s Triangle, we can
generate the Binomial theorem.
Lets visualize it.

Yes ma’am.
None ma’am.
So there is an interrelation of the pattern can be
generalized thru the diagram above.
n n ( n−1 ) n−2 2 n ( n−1 )( 1−2 )
( a+ b )n=1 an + an−1 b1+ a b+ +…+1 b n
1 1.2 1 ⋅2 ⋅3
Where n is natural.
Understand class?
Any question?
If you don’t have question let’s try to find the
coefficient of the following binomials using the (A student says its name)
binomials theorem.
The coefficient of (a+ b)7 are 1, 7, 21, 39,39,
I have here an example. 21, 7 and1 ma’am.
Determine the coefficient when (a+ b ¿ ¿6 is (The student explains its process)
expanded .
First is we need the values of the Binomial
theorem of rows 7 since the given is raised to 6.
(A student says its name)
The coefficient of (a+ b)8 are 1, 8, 28, 60,78,
60, 28, 8 and1 ma’am.
(The student explains its process)

Then evaluate the given.

So therefore the coefficient of the (a+ b)6 are
1, 6, 15, 24, 15, 6 and 1.
Is it clear class?
Are there any question?
If that’s the case class. Try the following.
Determine the coefficient of the following.

(a+ b)7

(a+ b)8
I’ll give you 2 minutes to solve this.
Times up!
What is your answer class for item number 1?

Kindly explain your process.

Let’s see if you are correct.
You’re correct! Very good.
How about number 2, who wants to share his

Kindly explain your process.

Let’s see if you are correct.

(A student says its name)

10a 3 b 2 ma’am.

You’re correct! Very good. (The student explains its process)

How about we are task to determine the

coefficient of a particular term?
Let’s have an example. (A student says its name)
Determine the third term of the expanded form of
28a 6 b 2 ma’am.
(a+ b) .
(The student explains its process)
In here class we will utilized the pattern that we
generalized earlier.
n n ( n−1 ) n−2 2 n ( n−1 )( 1−2 )
( a+ b )n=1 an + an−1 b1+ a b+ +…+1 b n
1 1.2 1 ⋅2 ⋅3
Where n is a natural number.
So the problem needs the third term so we will
n ( n−1 ) n−2 2 None ma’am.
use the third term formula which is a b
No ma’am.

n ( n−1 ) n−2 2 7 (7−1 ) 7−2 2
a b = a b
1.2 1.2

(A student says its name)

7 (6) 5 2
= a b
1.2 An ice cream shop offers 6 flavor of ice cream.
Each customer is required to mix flavors every
= 21a 5 b 2 time the buy the promo. How many 3-flavored
Understand class? ice cream can there be?

Is there any questions?

If that’s the case class try to determine the term
using the generalized pattern.
Find the 3rd term of the following.
(a+ b)5

(a+ b)8
I’ll give you 2 minutes to answers.
Times up!
What is your answer for number 1?
How did you get the answer?
Let’s see if it’s correct.
Very good, you got the correct answer.
How about for item number 2?
How did you get it?

It seems like your good at identifying the

coefficients of binomial using the Binomials
theorem and I observed that you’re now good at
getting the particular term without expanding the
given binomials. That’s good class.
Are there any question class?
What if there is a numerical coefficient in the
variable? How to expand?
Let’s take for example.
Expand (2 x+ y)4

(A student say its name)

10 ma’am.
( The student explains its process)

So therefore, the expanded of (2 x+ y)4 is16 x 4+

32 x3 y+ 24 x2 y 2+ 8 x y 3 + y 4 (A student say its name)
Lets more talk about the use of Pascal’s triangle. 35 ma’am.
Did you know class that aside from expanding ( The student explains its process)
binomials of power n , we could also use the
concepts of Pascal’s Triangle in solving problem?
If that’s the case class, let us try this example.
Who wants to read the problem?
Yes, the floor is yours.

Thank you.
To solve this one, we need first the values of
Pascal’s triangles up to rows 7.

(A student say its name)

Harmonic sequence is defined as a sequence of
real numbers which is determined by taking
the reciprocals of the arithmetic progression
that does not contain 0.

Let the 6 flavors of ice cream be our rows.

And Let 3-flavored be the particular term that we
will find.

There are 20 possible 3-flavored ice cream.

Is it clear class? (A student say its name)
Are there any questions? 5, 10, 15, 20 ma’am.
If that’s the case, try this on your seat class. ( The student explains its process)
There are 5 marbles with different colors. How
many different ways can you chose 3 of them?
There are 7 colors. Each of the artist has freedom
(A student say its name)
to mixed 3 colors every time they do a piece of
art. How many combinations of 3-colored colors 1 1 1 1
, , , ma’am.
will there be? 8 16 24 32
I’ll give you 5 minutes to answer. ( The student explains its process)
Times up!
What is your answer for number 1?

Let’s check if you are correct.

Very good! You got the correct answer.
How about for item number 2?

Let’s check if you are correct.

Very good! You got the correct answer.
It seems that you really understood the used of
Pascal’s Triangle.
Now, let us move in our next topic, which is
Harmonic sequence.
What is harmonic sequence?
Kindly read the definition.

Thank you!
Harmonic sequence is just the reciprocal of
arithmetic sequence.
For instance, if we have a, b, c, d for arithmetic
1 1 1 1 Yes ma’am.
its harmonic sequence is , , , .
a b c d
None ma’am.
Let’s have an example.
Determine the harmonic sequence given the
arithmetic sequence.
1 1 1 1
, , ,
5 10 15 20
8, 16, 24, 32
What is your answer class?

How did you get the answer?

Let’s check if you’re correct.
Very goof you are correct. (A student say its name)
How for number 2? What is your answer? Not a harmonic sequence ma’am because it is
Yes, kindly also explain your process? a geometric ma’am.
( A student explains its process)

Let’s check!
Exactly, you got the correct answer. (A student say its name)
Very good. Harmonic sequence ma’am, it have a common
How about in determining the given sequence if it difference that is 1 .
is a harmonic sequence or not? 14

First thing to do is to get the reciprocal of the

Second, get their common difference.
(A student say its name)
In getting the common difference, we just
It’s a harmonic sequence ma’am because it
subtract the two consecutive terms just like in
arithmetic. have common difference of .
If they have common difference then we can
conclude the given sequence is a harmonic
sequence. (A student say its name)
Take a look for example. Not a harmonic sequence ma’am because it
don’t have a common difference.
1 1 1 1
, , ,
2 4 6 8
Get first the reciprocal.
2, 4, 6, 8
Next get the common difference.
4-2= 2
6-4= 2
8-6= 2
So, as you observed, the given sequence have a
common difference which is 2. Therefore, we can
conclude that the given sequence is a harmonic
(A student say its name)
1 1 1 1 1
Understand class? , , , , ma’am.
25 50 75 100 125
Is there any questions?
( The student explains its process)
If that’s the case try to solve the following.
Determine the sequence whether if it’s a
harmonic sequence or not. If the sequence is (A student say its name)
harmonic give its common difference. I’ll give
you 2 minutes to answer. 20 , 16 ,12 , 8 , 4ma’am.

1 1 1 1 ( The student explains its process)

, , ,
4 8 16 32
7, 14, 21, 28
25, 20, 15, 10 (A student say its name)
36, 30, 24, 10 23 , 30 ,37 , 44 , 51ma’am.
Times up! (The student explains its process)
What is your answer for item number 1 class?

Let’s check your answer.

Got it! Very good.
How about for number 2? What is your answer?
Lets check!
Very good, you got it!
How about for number 3? What is your answer?

Let’s check!
Very good! You got it.
How about for the last item? What is your

Let’s check.
Very good! You got it.
Your now expert in identifying a harmonic
sequence. Now, let’s try to complete the
Determine the next 2 terms of the following
harmonic sequence. I’ll give you 2 minutes to
1 1 1
, , , ____, ____
25 50 75
20, 16, 12, ____, ____
23, 30, 37, ____, ____
Times up!
What is your answer?
Yes, what is your answer? Yes ma’am.
Kindly explain your process. None ma’am.
Let’s check!
Very good, you got it!
How about for number 2?
What is your answer?
Explain your work.
Let’s check!
Very good! You got it.
How about for the last item?
(A student say its name)
What is your answer?
Explain your work. ma’am.
Let’s check! ( The student explains its process)
Very good! You got it.
It seems like you really understand harmonic
Since harmonic sequence is related to the
arithmetic sequence, we could conclude that the (A student say its name)
nth term of the harmonic sequence will be the 1
reciprocal of the nth term of the arithmetic. ma’am.
1 ( The student explains its process)
a1 + ( n−1 ) d

Let’s have an example.

Determine the 19th term of the harmonic sequence
1 1 1
, , , ...
3 10 17
Transform the harmonic sequence to arithmetic.
3, 10, 17, ...
d= 7
Since the common difference is 7 so d= 7
Given values.
a 1= 3

d= 7
n= 19
Use the formula .
a1 + ( n−1 ) d

Substitute the given values.

19 th term=
3+ ( 19−1 ) 7
19 th term=
3+ ( 18 ) 7
19 th term=
So therefore the 19th term of the harmonic
1 1 1 1
sequence , , , ... is .
3 10 17 129
Is it clear class?
Are there any questions?
If that is the case, were going to have an example
in you seats.
Find the 20th term of the following harmonic
1 1 1
, , , ...
15 10 5
1 1 1
, , , ...
24 26 30

Yes ma’am.
None ma’am.

Times up!
(A student say its name)
What is your answer for number 1?
Kindly explain you process. 9
2 ma’am.
Let’s see if you got the correct answer.
( The student explains its process)
Very good! You got the correct answer.
How about for number 2?
What is your answer?
How did you get the answer?

Lets check!
Very good, you are correct.
Now let’s discuss harmonic means.
In getting harmonic means these are the following
Convert harmonic sequence to arithmetic
Determine the arithmetic means by getting the
common difference using the formula
a n−a1
d= .
Add the common difference to the arithmetic
Lastly, get the reciprocal of the sequence. A set or series numbers that starts with 1 or 0.
The next number is the sequence can be
Let’s take for example. determined by adding up the two previous
1 1 numbers.
Determine 3 harmonic means between and .
3 9
Convert harmonic sequence to arithmetic
3, 9
Determine the arithmetic means by getting the
common difference using the formula
a n−a1
d= .
an = 9 d=
6 3
a1 = 3 d= ∨
4 2
Add the common difference to the arithmetic
(A student say its name)
3 6+3 9
3+ = =
2 2 2 337 ma’am
9 3 12 (The student explains its process)
+ = =6
2 2 2
3 12+ 3 15
6+ = =
2 2 2
(A student say its name)
9 15
The arithmetic means are , 6 , . 610 ma’am
2 2
Lastly, get the reciprocal of the sequence to get (The student explains its process)
the harmonic sequence.
9 15 2 1 2
,6, = , ,
2 2 9 6 15
Is it clear class?
Do you have a question?
If that’s the case class, try to solve this one. I’ll
give you 2 minutes to solve.
Insert 2 harmonic means between 4 and 6.
Times up!
What is your answer?
Kindly explain how did you obtain that answer.

Let’s check.
Very good, that’s correct.
Now, you are now full of knowledge.
Let’s move to another topic which is Fibonacci
A great mathematician during the 12th century
named Leonardo Fibonacci. The sequence formed
was named after him and that is Fibonacci

None ma’am.

What is Fibonacci sequence.

Kindly read Kendrick.

Thank you.
This is an example of Fibonacci sequence.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...
Yes ma’am.
The Fibonacci sequence rule can be obtain by
F n=F n−2+ F n−1, where n ≥ 2. None ma’am.

Now, lets determine the next term of the

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ____, _____, _____.
As in the rule. We just add the previous terms to
get the next term.
21+34 = 55, 34+55= 89, 55+89= 144.
Therefore the next terms are 55, 89, 144. (A student say its name)
Now you turn. 987 ma’am
55, 89, 144, 233, ____, ____ (The student explains its process)
What is the next term?

Let’s check! (A student say its name)

Very good, that’s correct. 4,181 ma’am
How about for the next term. (The student explains its process)

Let’s check.
You got it, very good.
You are now good at Fibonacci sequence.
Let’s more nourish ourselves in Fibonacci
In the concept of Fibonacci sequence, the golden
ration can be acquired.
Lets have the Fibonacci sequence.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ...
Try to divide the 2 consecutive terms.
2÷1= 2 13÷8= 1.625 89÷55= 1.618
3÷2= 1.5 21÷13= 1.615 144÷89= 1.618
5÷3= 1.667 34÷21= 1.619 233 ÷144= 1.618
8÷5= 1.6 55÷34= 1.618
The approximate value of the Fibonacci sequence
is 1.618 and that will be our golden ratio.
To utilize it, let have an example.
Approximate the next term of the Fibonacci
sequence if the 14th term is 377.
So, in here to the approximate next term of the
Fibonacci sequence we just multiply the 377 to
the approximate value 1.618.
377 x 1.618 = 609.986
So therefore, the approximate next term of the
sequence is 610.
Is there any questions? Yes ma’am.

How about if the problem is like this. None ma’am.

Approximate the 18th term of a Fibonacci

Sequence if the 16th term is 987.
16th term= 987
17th term =?
18th term= ? (A student says it name)
Since two terms is unknown, the given 28, 657 ma’am.
approximate value will be square.
(The student explains its process)
987 x (1.618)2 = 2583.89
Therefore, the approximated 18th term will 2584.
Is it clear class?
Any questions?
Now it’s your turn.
Answer the following. I’ll give you 5 minutes to
Approximate the 16th term of the Fibonacci
sequence if the 15th term is 610.
Approximate the 19th term of the Fibonacci
sequence if the term 17th is 1597.
Times up!
What is your answer for item number 1?
Kindly show your solution.
Lets check!
Very good! You got it.
How about for number 2?
What is you answer?

Let’s check!
You got the correct answer! Very good.
That’s nice class, you are all good in solving
Fibonacci sequence.
How about if we were task to find the nth term of
the Fibonacci sequence?
In here class we will use the value of golden ratio.
The values of golden ratio 1.618 cab be estimated
using radical expression as
√5+ 1 and √5−1 .
2 2
Using this new value, we could have the formula
to determine the given nth term of the Fibonacci
n n
(1+ √ 5) −(1−√5)
F n=
2n. √ 5
Where n is the number of terms.
Let’s have an example.
The approximate 20th term of the Fibonacci
Using the formula
n n
(1+ √ 5) −(1−√5)
F n=
2n. √ 5
Substitute the given values.
20 20
(1+ √5) −(1− √5)
F 20=
220 . √ 5
Evaluate the given.
F 20=¿ 6,765

Is it clear?
Any question?
If that’s the case class. Try this example.
Determine the 23rd term of a Fibonacci sequence.
I’ll give you 3 minutes to answer.
Times up.
What is your answer?
Explain you process.

Let’s check if it’s correct.

You got it! Very good.
Now that you master the Fibonacci sequence ,are
there any questions, addendum or any
clarification class?
Melah summarize our lesson for today. (Melah summarized the lesson)
Thank you Melah.
Our lesson for today talks about Pascal’s triangle,
expanding binomials, binomial theorem,
harmonic sequence, harmonic means, nth term for
harmonic sequence, Fibonacci sequence, golden
ratio and nth term for Fibonacci sequence ma’am.

For Pascal’s triangle it is developed by Blaise

Pascal the values of the Pascal’s triangle can be
obtain from adding the two consecutive terms to
get the below term.
In expanding binomial, we can use the Pascal’s
triangle. Considering that, the exponent of the
first term (a) is decreasing, while the exponent of
the second term (b) is increasing in a manner. Just
like for binomial theorem, we can use the given
values to expand binomials.
For harmonic sequence is simply the reciprocal of
the given sequence.
Harmonic means , convert first the given to
a −a
arithmetic the used the formula d= n 1 in
getting the common difference aftermath we will
multiply it the arithmetic means and get the
Harmonic nth term we will use the formula
a1 + ( n−1 ) d

Fibonacci sequence a set or series numbers that

starts with 1 or 0. The next number is the
sequence can be determined by adding up the two
previous numbers. Develop by Leonardo
For the golden ratio, the value is 1.618.
For the formula for the nth term is
n n
(1+ √ 5) −(1−√5)
F n=
2n. √ 5
Always remember class, One mistake will lead to
wrong answer so therefore, be careful and
mindful of the given terms and sequence you
Since you now have full of knowledge lets have
an activity.
I need 6 students.
For me to pick the 6 lucky students, I’ll going to
use the lucky roulette.

(Teacher use the Spin wheel)

(6 spins)

For the 6 lucky students, I have here 6 colors.

Pick the color you want. (The students pick colors)

Behind the colors are problems you need to

Determine the indicate term of the following

1 1 1
harmonic sequence. , , , ... 10th term.
28 23 18
1 1
Two harmonic means between and .
8 56

Expand ( x + y )5 .

Determine the specified term of the following

when expanded. ( x + y )6 2nd term.
Determine the 30th term of the Fibonacci
Approximate the 21st term of the
Fibonacci sequence if the 20th term is
(The students solve)
I’ll give you 5 minutes to solve.
Times up!
Let’s check!
What is the answer for blue? 7
(The student explain its process)
How did you get?

Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.
24 and 40 ma’am.
How about for color yellow what is the answer?
(The student explain its process)
How did you get?
Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.
x 5+ 5 x 4 y +10 x 3 y 2 +10 x 2 y 3 +5 x y 4 + y 5 ma’am
What is your answer for green color? (The student explain its process)

How did you get?

Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.
15 x 3 y 2 ma’am
How about for violet color?
What is your answer? (The student explain its process)
How did you get?
Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.

For pink color? What is your answer?

How did you get? 514, 229 ma’am.
(The student explain its process)
Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.

How about for the last color? What is your

answer? 10, 946 ma’am
How did you get?
(The student explain its process)
Let’s check!
Very good! you’ve got the correct answer.

You are all good! Keep it up.

That’s all for today, before we end please turn on

your camera class for our routinary checking of

In the count of 1, 2, 3 say cheese

That would be all for now. See you again next

online meeting!

Good bye class, thank you and keep safe! Goodbye and thank you ma’am.



Expand the following: 3 pts.

1. ( x + y )4
2. ( x− y )6
3. (2 x− y )3
4. (2 x+ y)5
Complete the following harmonic sequence. (1 pts)
1 1 1
1. , , , ____, ____.
5 7 9
2. 56, 70, 84, _____, ____.
3. 75, 25, -25, _____, _____.

Solve the following.

1. There are 8 different toppings for pizza. You are allowed to have 5idfferent toppings. How
many different types of pizza can you make? (5 pts) With complete solution.

2. Determine the 33rd term of the Fibonacci sequence. (5 pts) with complete solution.


Expand the following: 2 pts.

1. x 4 + 4 x 3 y +6 x 2 y 2 + 4 x y 3 + y 4
2. x 6−6 x 5 y+15 x 4 y 2−20 x 3 y 3 +15 x 2 y 4−6 x y 5+ y6
3. 8 x 3−12 x2 y +12 x y 2− y 3
4. 32 x5 +80 x 4 y +80 x 3 y 2 + 40 x 2 y 3+10 x y 4 + y 5

Complete the following harmonic sequence. (1 pts)

1 1
1. ,
11 13
2. 98, 112
3. -50, -100

Solve the following.

1. There are 56 possible types of topping of pizza.
2. 2, 178, 309
Take pictures/video that have a Fibonacci pattern in your surroundings and make a vlog or
video presentation.

Criteria 25 20 15 10
Displays a
focused, thorough, Disorganized,
Displays a
and creative Displays solid simplistic, and
Content (25 understanding of understanding of displays a lack of
understanding of
pts) the geometric the geometric understanding of
the geometric
sequence. sequence. the geometric

Comprehension Coherent, Sometimes

Not always Limited or no
insightful, and inconsistent but
of enduring coherent or clear relevant
clear clear
understandings demonstration of demonstration of
demonstration of demonstration of
for lesson. (25 enduring enduring
enduring enduring
pts) understandings. understandings.
understandings. understandings.

Substance and Not only

substantive and Lacking in
creativity of Substantive and Simplistic and
creative but also substance and
presentation. creative. superficial.
thought provoking creativity.
(20 pts) and insightful

Generally well
Format of Professionally Professionally
presented but Disorganized and
presentation presented and well presented and well
some disorganized not well presented
(20) organized. organized.
In a yellow pad paper, answer the following essential questions using your own words. (20 pts)

What is the importance of the Fibonacci Sequence? Cite some applications of it in real-life

Criteria 10 pts 5 pts 3 pts

Displays a focused,
thorough, and creative Displays solid Displays a minimal
Content (10 pts) understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
geometric sequence. geometric sequence. geometric sequence.

Comprehension of Coherent, insightful, Sometimes inconsistent Not always coherent or

enduring and clear demonstration but clear demonstration clear demonstration of
understandings for of enduring of enduring enduring
lesson. (5pts) understandings. understandings. understandings.

Professionally Professionally Generally well

Format of
presented and well presented and well presented but some
presentation (5) organized. organized. disorganized elements

Prepared by:



Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher


Principal, Laboratory School

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