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B Modes From Space Workshop

December 15, 2015

NASA/Goddard ADR Capabilities

and Options for LiteBIRD

Dr. Peter Shirron

Cryogenics and Fluids Group, Code 552
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA

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ADR Development at NASA/GSFC
Began in mid-’80s with XRS on AXAF
§  Solid neon at 17 K
•  Eventually flew on Astro-E and –E2
§  Superfluid helium at 1.2 K
–  3 year lifetime
–  Average heat load <1 mW

§  Single-stage ADR cooled

detectors to 60 mK
§  Superfluid helium heat sink
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Continuous ADR Development in late ‘90s

Stage 1 2 3 4

Detector .045-.275 K .25-1.5 K 1.3-5 K Cryocooler

.05 K
interface Cold Tip

§  Removes “hold time” Stage 4


Temperature (K)
§  Order of magnitude increase
in cooling power per unit Stage 3


Stage 2

Stage 1
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Time (s)

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4-Stage CADR

§  Uses 4.2 K helium bath

§  Total mass of 7.7 kg

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Soft X-Ray Spectrometer on Astro-H

§  Multi-instrument satellite November 2015, TKSC

§  Soft X-ray Spectrometer
–  50 mK detectors
–  Hybrid superfluid helium
dewar with 4.5 K JT shield
–  Redundant ADR heat sinks

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Astro-H Cryogenic System

Dewar Main Shell, 300K

Outer Vapor Cooled Shield, 155K

Inner Vapor Cooled Shield, 28K

JT Shield, 4.5K
2ST Detector Assembly, 1.3K

Calorimeter Thermal Sink, 0.05K

2ST 15K 4.5K
LHe 0.5K 0.05K
4He JT
HS 4 HS 3 HS 2 HS 1
Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1

NASA/GSFC hardware
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§  LiteBIRD requirements
–  Instrument stages (temperatures are not yet optimized)
•  Warm intermediate stage: ~1.6 mW at ~1 K
•  Cold intermediate stage: ~16 µW at ~0.5 K
•  Focal plane: ~2.4 µW at 0.1 K
–  Heat loads carry 100% margin
§  Many ADR configurations can be used to meet requirements, but … these
requirements align very well with the capabilities of the Astro-H ADR

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Astro-H ADR Layout

Stage 3
Heat switches

Mounting plate –
mechanical and Thermal strap
thermal I/F to To JT cooler
He Tank

Stage 2

Stage 1

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ADR Assemblies

Stage 1:
• 270 g CPA
• 2 T, 2 amp

Stage 2:
• 150 g GLF
• 3 T, 2 amp
magnet Stage 3:
• 150 g GLF
• 3 T, 2 amp

Heat switches are active gas-gap

Astro-H/SXS FM CSI/HTS/ApA Pre-Ship Review for public March
release, distributionNASA
27, 2014 unlimited
Goddard Space Flight Center 9 9
Flight ADR, Detector and Dewar (April ‘14)

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Astro-H Cryogenic System

Design is tolerant of failure of He tank or JT cryocooler

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ADR Operation with Liquid Helium

§  2-stage ADR uses liquid helium as a heat sink

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ADR Operation in Cryogen-Free Mode

§  3rd stage begins cycling to pump heat from helium tank to the JT cooler
–  This would produce ~0.3 K fluctuation in He tank temperature

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ADR Operation in Cryogen-Free Mode

§  3rd stage transfers heat from tank to JT cooler

§  2nd stage stabilizes helium tank at ~1.5 K
§  1st stage cools detectors from 1.3 K
–  2nd stage decouples from tank to precool 1st stage to 0.8 K

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ADR Operation in Cryogen-Free Mode

§  2nd and 3rd stage form a continuous ADR,

operating at ~1.5 K
§  Temperature and cooling power are limited
by the peculiar Astro-H configuration

2-stage CADR
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§  LiteBIRD requirements
–  Instrument stages (temperatures are not yet optimized)
•  Warm intermediate stage: ~1.6 mW at ~1 K
•  Cold intermediate stage: ~16 µW at ~0.5 K
•  Focal plane: ~2.4 µW at 0.1 K
–  Heat loads carry 100% margin
§  Many ADR configurations can be used to meet requirements, but … these
requirements align very well with the capabilities of the Astro-H ADR

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§  LiteBIRD requirements
–  Instrument stages (temperatures are not yet optimized)
•  Warm intermediate stage: ~1.6 mW at ~1 K
•  Cold intermediate stage: ~16 µW at ~0.5 K
•  Focal plane: ~2.4 µW at 0.1 K

~1.6 mW at ~1 K (!)

§  Cannot be accommodated with single-shot cooling

–  Requires continuous cooling
§  Single-shot is okay for colder stages

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Astro-H ADR Operation Relevant to LiteBIRD

§  LiteBIRD heat load of ~1 mW at ~1 K requires continuous cooling

–  Single-shot cooling is acceptable at 0.5 K and 0.1 K
§  Relevant performance from Astro-H is Stage 1 and 2 operation in cryogen
mode, and Stage 3 in cryogen-free mode

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Stage 1 Performance

§  Hold time with He bath at 1.20 K is ~43 hours

–  On orbit expect ~1.10 K and 48 hour hold time
§  Heat load to 50 mK is 0.86 µW
§  Recycle time is ~45 minutes: 97% duty cycle Estimated heat loads
Heat switch: 0.015 µW
Detector assy: 0.45 µW
Kevlar susp: 0.38 µW
Total: 0.85 µW

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Continuous Cooling at ~1 K

§  Stages 2 and 3 operate as a continuous ADR to cool the helium tank

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Extrapolating Astro-H ADR to LiteBIRD

Astro-H Astro-H LiteBIRD Demonstrates

Performance performance reqm’ts / reqm’ts?
extrapolated assumptions
to LiteBIRD (1 hour
parameters recycle)
Stage 1 0.46+0.4 µW 2.4+0.4 µW at 2.4 µW at 100
at 50 mK, 42 100 mK, 36 mK, 7 hour Yes
hour hold hour hold hold
Stage 2 2.20 µW at 0.5 16+2.2 µW at 16 µW at 0.5
K, 150 hour 0.5 K, 18 hour K, 7 hour hold Yes
hold hold
Stage 3 1.8 mW avg lift 1.8 mW avg lift 1.6 mW at
at 1.52 K at 1.2 K 1.2 K Yes

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Reconfiguration of Astro-H ADR for LiteBIRD

Astro-H configuration

Most direct reconfiguration for LiteBIRD

Issue: quasi-continuous cooling results in fluctuations in FP 3 (>1 K)

§  Higher heat capacity would be advantageous
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~1 K CADR Options

§  Adding 1 stage enables true continuous cooling of FP 3

§  CADR can be configured as series or parallel

§  Lower temperature in parallel configuration improves performance of

colder stages

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Series vs Parallel CADR

~2x higher cooling

power for parallel

1.6 mW

§  Enables lower temperature operation, or reduces peak heat load to


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Options with 1.8 K JT Cryocooler

§  If 1.8 K JT cryocooler is used, other options are possible

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§  Astro-H ADR stages can be used as is to meet LiteBIRD cooling

–  Maintains high hardware TRL
§  ADR electronics have control capability needed for both continuous and
single-shot operation
–  Scalable for additional stages
–  1 card per stage, plus support cards (power conditioning, etc.)
§  Further investigation needed
–  Temperature stability requirements
–  Magnetic field requirements
–  Cosmic ray and other high energy heating in salt pills and instrument stages
–  Optimization of operating temperatures
§  Options need to be evaluated on ability to meet requirements, but cost,
performance margin (failure tolerance and performance degradation) and
overall reliability are important factors

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Backup Slides

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All Continuous Cooling

§  With 6 stages, continuous cooling at ~1 K, ~0.3 K, and 0.1 K can be


§  Eliminates large-scale changes in stage temperatures, and potentially long

equilibration times

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