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Q.1 How can one understand the Science of Krsna?
A. By hearing from Krsna Himself or from His devotee in Krsna
Consciousmess can one understand the Science of Krsna.(7.1)

Q.2. What is the highest form of all Yoga?

A. Bhakti Yoga or pure devotional service to Krishna is the highest
form of all types of yoga practices. (6.47 And 7.17-18)

Q.3 Who is Supreme Personality of Godhead?
A. Krishna is the Supreme personality of Godhead as declared in
verse 10 of chapter 7.

Q.4. what are the separated material energies of Krishna?
A. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego- all
these 8 together constitute separated material energies of

Q.5 What are the 3 Visnus assumed by Lord Krsna’s plenary

expansion for material creation? (7.4 purport)
A. Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu thirdly Ksirodakasayi

Q.7. what is Paramatma? (7.4 puport)

A. Ksirodakasayi Visnu , plenary expansion of Krishna which is
present in everyone’s heart and is the best friend of all living
entities, is also addressed as”Paramatma”.

Q.8. What are the 5 manifestations or gross creations within

which 5 sense objects are included?(7.4 purport)
A. Five manifestations, namely earth, water, fire, air and sky, are
called the five gigantic creations or the gross creations, within
which the five sense objects are included. They are the
manifestations of physical sound, touch, form, taste and smell.

Q.9. what are Superior Energy and Inferior Energy of Krishna
comprise of? (7.5)
A. The living entities belong to the superior nature (or energy) of
the Supreme Lord. The inferior energy is matter manifested in
different elements, namely earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind,
intelligence and false ego.

Q.10. When does living Entity get liberated? (7.14)

A.When a Living Entity – one of the multi energies of Krishna – is
freed from material contamination (consisting of the three modes
of material nature), it becomes fully Krishna Conscious and gets

Q.11. What is OMKARA? (7.8)

A. OMKARA is the sound representation of Krishna.

Q.12. What do we become aware of in Krishna

Consciousness? (7.7)
A. A serious and sincere student of Krishna consciousness will
become fully aware of its “Sambhanda”or “relationship “with the
Supreme personality of Godhead ;the activities or “Prayojana” in
that relationship is to render pure devotional service to Him and
the “goal” or “Abhideya” of that relationship is to go back to

Q.14. Why is Krsna called nirguna? (7.12)

A. The 3 gunas or modes of material nature – goodness,
Passion and ignorance - although issuing from Krsna – do
Not affect him at all. Therefore he is called nirguna.
Q.15. Describe 4 classses of men functioning in the three
Material modes of nature.
A. Brahmanas – who are purely in the mode of goodness
B. Ksatriyas – who are purely in the mode of passion.
C. Vaishyas – who are in the mode of both passion and
D. Sudras – who are completely in ignorance.

Q.16. Who is the Master of Maya?
(Brahma – Visnu- Siva)
A. Only Krishna is the Master of Maya.


Q. 17. Which kind of people do not surrender to the lotus

Feet of the Personality of Godhead in spite of all scriptural
And authoritative advice?

A.The four kind of people - a. grossly foolish persons, b. the

lowest of mankind, c. the deluded speculators and d. the
Professional Atheists never surrender to the lotus feet of the
Personality of God head.

Q. 18. What is Pure devotional Service?
A. One who render transcendental loving service to the
Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for
Material Profit or gain through fruitive activities or
Philosophical speculation is called pure devotional
Q.19. who becomes a Pure Devotee of the Lord?
A. He who is in knowledge of the Absolute Truth and free
From all material desires becomes a really Pure Devotee
The Lord.

Q.20. who is very dear to the Lord?

A. In the preparatory stage – the man who is in full
Knowledge of the Supreme Lord and is at the same time
Executing devotional service is very dear to the Lord.

Q.23. Is both Demi God and the Living Entity are Independent?
A. No both Demi God and Living Entity are dependent on the
supreme will and they are not independent.

Q.24. Who goes directly to the supreme planet of the
Personality of Godhead?
A.The devotee of the Supreme Lord.

Q.25. Where do devotees of Lord Krsna go to?
A. Devotees of Lord Krsna go to Krsnaloka planet.

Q.26. Who and what is the Supreme Absolute Truth?

A. Supreme Absolute Truth- Lord Krsna has both form and

Q.27. Who is eligible to understand Krishna as a reservois of all
Krishna manifests only to His devotees as the reservoir of all
pleasure. But to others, to unintelligent nondevotees, He is
covered by His internal potency.
Q.28. Why the less intelligent cannot see the
A. To the unintelligent nondevotees, He is covered by His internal
potency (mahamaya). Therefore they cannot see Krishna as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Q.29. What does Krishna proclaim to Arjuna as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead?
A.As Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna says the he knows
everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in
the present, and all the things that are yet to come but no one
knows him.
Q.30. How can Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna be
A. By being in Krsna consciousness.

Q.31. How is the illusory energy manifested?
A. The illusory energy is manifested in the duality of desire
and Hate.

Q.32. What are the symptoms of one who is born into delusion?
A. The real constitutional position of the living entity is that of
subordination to the Supreme Lord, who is pure knowledge.
When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge,
he becomes controlled by the illusory energy and cannot
understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The illusory
energy is manifested in the duality of desire and hate.

Q.33. Which persons are freed from dualities of delusion?
A. The persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in
this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are
freed from the dualities of delusion.

Q.34. How is the elevation to being in spiritual platform possible in

Krsna consciousness?
A. By being in the association of Pure devotees.

Q.35. What does not affect the spiritual body?
A. The spirit soul is never affected by the sufferings of material
body such as: birth, death, old age, disease.

Q.36. What is supreme planet of Krsna known as?

A. Goloka Vrndavana.

Q.37 Who are actually entitled to be called as Brahman?

A. Only persons who perform activities in Krsna Consciousness
are actually entitled to be called as Brahman.

Q.38 What is drdha-vrata?
A. The determined faith of a person who is convinced that by
doing pure devotional service to Supreme Lord Krsna, all his
objectives will be fulfilled is called drdha-vrata whch is the
beginning of Bhakti-yoga.

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