BG Chapter 2 Eng FAQ Final

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BHAGWAT GITA CHAPTER 2 [SANKHYA /NISHKAMA KARMA/BUDDHI YOGA Important texts in this chapter are total 21 27, 11.12, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, (up to 39 is Sankhya Yoga) 2.40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 59, 62, 63, 64, 69. (40 onwards he is speaking of Nishkama Karma Yoga/ Buddhi Yoga) In this chapter Krishna speaks of : + Confusion: text 2 to 7 + Death of loved one: text 13,20,22,25 and 27 + Anger: text 56, 62, 63 and 26 + Depression: text 3 and 14 + Seeking peace: text 66 and 71 + Temptation: text 60,61 and 70 FAQ's Q1. Why was Arjuna confused on the battlefield? (2.7) Arjuna was confused on the battlefield because he was overwhelmed with affection for his family members and elders. Although he could understand that his duty to fight was awaiting him, he could not discharge his duties on account of weakness of the heart that overcame him, These events happened to Arjuna, who was full of all good qualities of a Kshatriya, due to the supreme will of the Lord and due to his soft-hearted nature. Q2. Why did Arjuna ask Krishna this question (Why is the war necessary) on the battlefield and why not before the war began? It appears that Arjuna had been focussed regarding his duty in the circumstances present. It was upon witnessing all his family members, elders and teachers on the battlefield with whom he was supposed to fight, that he became overcome with affection and mentally confused, All this happened especially because of the Lord's. wish. Q3. Why did Krishna choose Kurukshetra to tell Gita? Kurukshetra was also known as "Dharmakshetra” (the "field of Dharma"), or field of righteousness. Kurukshetra has been a sacred place of pilgrimage from the time immemorial of the Vedic age. Therefore, the Gita might have been chosen by Lord Krishna to be spoken there. Q4, Who is an actual learned person according to the Lord? (2.11) According to the Lord, an actual learned man is one who knows that the body, being perishable, is not as important as the soul. Such a man, therefore, does not lament regardless of the condition of the body. QS. According to Lord Krishna, Arjuna is mourning for what is not worthy of grief, what is that? (2.12) According to Lord Krishna, the condition of the material body, which is perishable and impermanent in all cases, is not worthy of grief. The Lord instructed Arjuna to fight for that was his duty as a Kshatriya to establish religious order. He should not lament for impending death of his family members, as the material body is temporary. Q6. What according to the Lord is eternal? (2.20) The soul. For the soul there is neither birth or death at any time. The soul is unborn, eternal, ever existing and primeval. The soul is not slain when the body is slain, Q7. What happens to the soul at the time of death? (2.13) This soul transmigrates to another body at the time of death, just as one gives up old garments and wears fresh new ones. Q8. How does each understand soul? (2.28) Some look on the soul as amazing, some describe him as amazing and some hear of him as amazing, while some never understand about him at all, even after hearing about him, Q9. What is the quality of the soul? (2.23, 2.24) The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor bumed by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind. The individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither bummed or dried. He is everlasting, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same. When the body is destroyed, the soul remains unharmed Q10. Why according to Krishna should Arjuna not lament? (2.27) Krishna says, who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again, hence, in the unavoidable discharge of his duty, he should not lament. Q11. What is the best way to understand Self? The best way to understand ‘Self is to understand the statements of Bhagavad Gita spoken by the greatest authority Lord Krishna. Such understanding is achieved by approaching a bona fide spiritual master and inquiring about the Absolute Truth from him in a service attitude 12. With what does Lord Krishna compare the non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress? (2.14) Krishna says that the non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress and their disappearance in due course, is like the winter and summer seasons; hence, We must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. Q13, What then is eternal according to the Lord? According to the Lord, the soul is eternal, not the material body. Q 14. How is Krishna's individuality not material? Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna, and the spirit soul are non-material, spiritual entities. It is due to contact with material nature that we have forgotten our real constitutional position. Such a contamination is never possible for the Lord. Q15. Why according to Krishna would Arjuna become infamous by not fighting? ‘As a kshatriya it was Arjuna’s duty to fight on religious principles, by not doing so he would incur infamy. Also, the great fighters would have considered him a coward and that he left the battlefield out of fear only. Q16. Who is a self-realised soul? ‘One who is not bewildered by changing body from boyhood to old age and then to death; and by the non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress is a self-realized soul. Q17. When do we say we are in transcendental state or what are the characteristics of a self-realised man? (2.40) Activity in Krishna consciousness, or acting for the benefit of Krishna without ‘expectation of personal gratification, is the highest transcendental quality of work. Q18. What according to Krishna are the benefits of working for the satisfaction of the Lord? By working for the satisfaction of the Lord, one becomes free from all bondage of the three modes of material nature and attains ultimate peace and happiness. All the more, Lord Krishna says in this endeavour there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on the path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. Q19. Who cannot have resolute determination for devotional services? (2.44) People who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence and who are bewildered by such things cannot have resolute determination for devotional service. Q20. What is the highest perfect knowledge? (2.46) nal stage of Ver The rituals and sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas are meant to encourage gradual development of self-realization. Therefore, the highest perfectional stage of Vedic knowledge is to know Lord Krishna, the primeval cause of everything Q21. Who can obtain complete mercy of the Lord? (2.64) A person free from all attachment and aversion and able to control his senses through regulative principles of freedom can obtain the causeless mercy of the Lord Q22. What is Yoga? Yoga is performing your duties equipoised, abandoning all attachments to success or failure. Yoga is the art of all work, and it can be achieved through acting in Krishna Consciousness. Q23. How does Arjuna find a solution to his confusion whether to fight or not to fight? Arjuna tums to Lord Krishna in his hour of crisis and surrenders unto Him. The Lord instructs him in the matter of Absolute Truth and shows him things as they are. Hence, Arjuna is able to find a solution to his confusion and gains clarity.

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