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Nissa Andini Intan Salsabila

Critical Listening 403
Book Review: The Maidens - Alex Michaelides

Youtube link:

Recording link:
1. What is the main issue discussed by the speaker about the book?
The main issue discussed here is a murder case that consists lots of plot twists
and turns. Mariana Andros is a group therapist, still grieving over the death of her
husband. She seems to have trouble setting boundaries for herself and her patients.
One patient harasses and stalks her and she quickly meets several men at her old
university that scare her yet she puts herself in close proximity to them, even allowing
them to pour her drinks that take her past her tipsy limit. She is back at Cambridge
University because her niece's good friend has been murdered and she wants to give
her niece the support she needs to get through this sad time. 

2. What are his reasons for justifying his review on the book?
She said that the author has a nice writing style that flows really well and
which made her wanted to read it more, she even finished the book in one day
because the book feels like it sucks you in and keep you on your toes. She also said
that the author doesn’t overload the readers with lots of information in a way which
make it lot easier to read. And at the end she talked about the Silent Patient, the
author’s other book, and how nice it is that the author linked the character together
with this book. So, it is very intriguing to read.

3. Analyze the generic structure of the review you just listened.

 Orientation: The reviewer tried to give a brief summary of the book.
 Evaluation: The reviewer said the ending was kinda rushed and
underdeveloped. The books got a mixed review on few platforms such as
goodread, etc. But she liked the book nevertheless, the plot twists are nice, and
it is very enjoyable to read.
 Interpretative Recount: The reviewer just gave the explanation about the
main characters and the most essential plot of the story, she did not explain in
detailed how the story began, how it got to the climax and to the end.
 Evaluative Summation: She said that the author doesn’t overload the readers
with lots of information in a way which make it lot easier to read. And at the
end she talked about the Silent Patient, the author’s other book, and how nice
it is that the author linked the character together with this book. So, it is very
intriguing to read.

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