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In this text, the author revealed that he analyzed architecture through drawings on a notebook.
This technique helped him focus on his teachings. According to the author, one can learn
architecture by studying the works of others. As one can see how others used the power of
architecture and can help it forming their own ideas. Furthermore, the author has compiled his
teaching into a thematic framework that can be used for analyzing. In the first chapter, the
working definition of architecture is discussed i.e ‘as identification of places’. This is considered
an important topic since it underlines the primitive motivation of architecture which is to
discover places that allows us to into related areas mentioned in the book. Roles of geometry in
architecture and conceptual strategies are vastly discussed in the book. Moreover, the author
believed that architecture has an evident link with poetry and philosophy. The author is found
comparing architecture to poetry and argues that architecture surpasses poetry and one can
interpret a place according to one’s own perception and experience. The chapters work with a
number of themes. In addition to that, these themes are called filters or frame of references. Each
theme denotes a particular aspect of architecture such making frames, primitive place types,
cottages and temples, etc. Apart from that, in all the chapters there is a harmony between the
explanation of the text and the drawings that are used for analysis. The drawings mostly include
plans or sections of examples that are discussed in the book and others are diagram of particular
elements or ideas. Some of the work has been used in more than one chapter, in accordance to
different themes in each chapter. The work of any architecture could be scrutinized through any
filters however; this does not guarantee to produce any fruitful revelations. Lastly, in the end
there are some case studies which explains how a fuller analysis of a particular work can be done
through examining it under different themes.

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