UV 365 Disinfection of Drinking Water Tanks: A Product by Expert 365 Pty LTD.

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UV 365 Disinfection of drinking water tanks

• " incessant innovation

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• A product by Expert 365 Pty Ltd.,



2017 2016 2016

incessant innovation
hat is UV365 solution
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a common way to disinfect drinking water. but some viruses arc very
resistant to UV. UV365 is most effective on disinfecting harmful microorganisms due to its combined treatment of
chlorine/UV. The combined treatment with 0.4 or 0.8 mg CI/L (free Cl-dosage 0.5 or 0.8 mg/L, respectively) followed by
UV irradiation of 40 mWs/cm2 inactivated all caliphages tested by >3.6 Log lo-units. This technology is not to be used in
isolation but must be in conjunction with each Chlorination as primary disinfection. Our technology is significantly different
to any other commercially available m e t h o d s as we propose a synergised system for limiting coliphages by using auto-
chlorination and Chlorine/UV3655 combination.
What do we consider in our solution rovision?
Our solution considers several process variables in arriving at appropriate UV dose to provide the best
Ultraviolet system to suit specific tanks needs, the following variables are required to accurately size a UV system for a
spe• cific application. The following information is assessed prior to installing most effective disinfection system.

• Flow rate into and out of the water tanks.

• Water Source e.g. Borehole Surface Water sub-surface: Please note that as part of the disinfection
solution, we analyse and provide ongoing monitoring of water quality using our T a n k 3 6 5 a n d Water365 solutions.
• UVT (Ultraviolet Transmittance)e.g. 90% UVT
Details of primary disinfection: knowledge about the
Freechlorine via Tank365 system
• Known dose standard for various pathogens e.g. 30 mJ/cm minimum 60 mJ/cm on an average.

UV365 operates with specific wavelength output at 254 nanometres is known as UVC light (germicidal
region). UVC light can inactivate all known microorganisms, bacteria, pathogens, virus and mould, including chemically re•
sistant organisms, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. UV dose (fluence) is calculated from intensity (UV Power)
and time (flow rate). O ur kn ow h ow e nc o mpa ss e s ove r 2 50 pa t ho ge n s a nd the in te ns it it e s r e qu ir e d t o
e r a d ic a te th os e pa t ho ge ns .

.:. 365
incessant innovation
roached in two wa s:
1. To provide a minimum level of UV intensity. This sizing ensures that the UV
intensity at all points with the UV chamber, including the points furthest away from
the UV lamp
(UVC light source) receives a minimum dose set point e.g. 50 • This UV dose is
often referred to as wall dose, due to the chamber wall typically being the furthest
point from the UV lamp.

2. An average dose considers the wall dose (furthest distance from the UV lamp) and
the area immediately in front of the UV lamp where the UV output is greatest. Our
sizing method calculates an average dose for the whole UV chamber and appropriate
UV tubes are installed to achieve maximum disinfection.

UV light prevents
microorganisms from
reproducing by damaging
its nucleic acids.
UV disinfection is a
non-chemical process
and does not leave
any residuals.

.:. 365
·- expert
PARAMETER " incessant innovation

Complete UV sterilizer
Model *Capacity (m3/hr) Power(watt) Dimension (mm) Open hole(inch)
E) II9) 1E2
UV-320 170050 1.7
*Capacity is according to the water quality. The data above is test on pure water.

UV lamp specification:
Type Model Dimension Power Current UV output Life time
(mm) (watt) (A) @254nm w/cm (hr)

Amalgam UV-320 191554 12,000

Note l : Lamp data is based on measurements performed under laboratory conditions

in air at room ambient temperature. Measurements were performed on a high-
frequency, current limited electronic ballast and represent average values at l meter.
• •·•
· - " expert
365 .
incessant innovation
UV365 for drinkin water tanks

Ballast Ballast

I3 J .
The most common type of purifier's are Reverse Osmosis (RO) and UV water purifiers. It Is assumed that RO water purifiers are better than the UV~
purifiers. RO gives high level of purification while the UV purifier are combined with various forms of filtration as UV light can kiUbacteria·and viruses.

RO systems

In this purifier, water is purified using the RO technology that is opposite

Ultra Violet (UV) system
The big question is, how ~~sea water purifier?· Well, it should depend on the drinking wat:r of ;';ur locality. If the water has more Ions, then you
should buy a RO.'A Kent RO is noise freeand has inbuilt Total Dissolved Salt (TDS) control and if the minerals are low then you can opt for a UV

These system work with UV rays where the germs and microbes are
the osmosis technology. Impurities like dissolved solids in water are destroyed with the help of UV rays after the RO stage and gives pure
removed. But there are less chances of reducing invisible bacteria when and healthy water. This system can kill harmful contaminants and can
compared to UV water purifier. be combined with other forms of filtration by reducing chlorine.
How does it work? How does it work?
The RO purifier has a membrane that filters the dissolved solids and The UV water purifier makes water borne diseases inactive by
invisibles particles like bacteria. It can reduce the germs in the water exposing them to UV rays. It uses a UV light source which is
and Is therefore a water cleansing process. With this purifier, filtering of mounted in such a manner that when water passes through in a flow
chemicals and microbes protect health of every family member, as is exposed to UV rays, penetrate the cells of bacteria and destroy their
children are more prone to get infected to foreign particles. ability to reproduce.
The RO system moves the molecules from a region of higher solute
concen• tration to lower solute concentration by using the pressure The germs are destroyed with UV rays after the RO stage and gives
of incoming water across the membrane and leaving the Impurities pure drinking water.

Osmosis allows the water molecules to flow across a

semipermeable membrane from a low solute concentration to high
solute concentration.

As mentioned, that RO works the reverse of osmosis, so it moves the

water molecules from high concentration to low concentration with the
pressure of incoming water that push across the membrane. The left
out water and particles are discharged through other outlet.
•·• •
· " -incessant

Maintenance Maintenance
Costs Costs
A quality RO gives 100% pure water that is free of chemicals and smell, For a UV water purifier, UV lamps requires annual replacement for
it requires low maintenance costs. While a low cost and quality RO better performance. After one year there Is no assurance that the UV
compro• mises on filters and other accessories which needs a high light gives sufficient disinfection. The quartz sleeve need not be
maintenance costs. replaced but needs cleaning many times in a year.
Periodic service is must for RO purifiers and can enjoy best service
spare parts that keeps the RO running in perfect

condition. Power Consumption Power

If you buy a Eureka Forbes RO purifier, its electricity consumption is
negli• gible when compared to other equipment. The Aquaguard purifier While the UV unit uses the same amount of energy as a 60W light bulb
comes with 25 W that consumes one unit of current in 40 hours. With one that makes it affordable and enhances water quality as well. The UV
unit you can get 4800 litre of water purified. The figure may vary depending purifiers gives 30,000 MW seconds for the required flow rate. The UV
on what model and storage capacity you choose. purifiers gives optimum performance depending on model and storage
Power Consumption for RO water
Power Consumption for UV water

Model Capacity Power consumption Lamp No. Model No. Power Consumptionuv
Aquaguard Duo 10L 40W 9009A481 31946.001 10W Output 2.4W
Aquasure Nano RO 4L 34W 9018A4481 31946.201 20W 6.5W
Kent Supreme 9L 40W 9046A481 31946.401 SOW 19.3W

Tpy ical water disinfection and on-line water quality monitoring system


Water Tank


Office Locations Solution Partners

Melbourne: E Microsoft DIGIr

Suite: 2803N, 889
Collins Street r DECAG
Docklands,Melbourne CES

Victoria - 3008 a
Queensland, Australia, 4102
W: www.expert365.com.au L ' ~~\. ', .· Austrnlian Gowrnment
'iiga{" Bureau ofMeteorology

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