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Friday, June 26, 2020 5:57 PM


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//Use arrays to store item code, description and price
DECLARE Item_Code[17]: STRING =["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "B3", "C1",
"C2", "C3", "D1", "D2", "E1","E2","E3", "F1", "F2", "G1", "G2"]

DECLARE Description[17]: STRING= ["Compact", "Tower", "8GB",

"16GB", "32GB", "1 TB HDD", "2 TB HDD", "4 TB HDD", "240 GB SSD",
"480 GB SSD", "1 TB HDD", "2 TB HDD", "4 TB HDD", "DVD/Blu-Ray
Player", "DVD/Blu-Ray Re-Writer", "Standard Version", "Professional

Lbb Page 4
DECLARE Price[17]: REAL= [75.00, 150.00, 79.99, 149.99, 299.99,
49.99, 89.99, 129.99, 59.99, 119.99, 49.99, 89.99, 129.99, 50.00,
100.00, 100.00, 175.00]

CONSTANT Basic_Price=200
DECLARE Computer-Price, Case_Price, RAM_Price, MHDD_Price: REAL
// Allow a customer to choose one case, one RAM and one HDD

PRINT "Here is the list of Computer Case"

FOR Index=0 TO 1
Print Item_Code[Index], Description[Index], Price[Index]
NEXT Index
PRINT "Enter Item code for Case "
INPUT Case_Code

WHILE NOT (Case_Code=Item_Code[0] OR Case_Code=Item_Code[1]) DO

Print "Error! Case code is not valid, try again"
INPUT Case_Code

PRINT "Here is the list of Computer RAM"

FOR Index=2 TO 4
Print Item_Code[Index], Description[Index], Price[Index]
NEXT Index
PRINT "Enter Item code for RAM "

WHILE NOT (Case_Code=Item_Code[0] OR Case_Code=Item_Code[1]) DO

Print "Error! Case code is not valid, try again"
INPUT Case_Code

FOR Index = 0 TO 7
IF Case_Code=Item_Code[Index] THEN
Case_Price <-- Price[Index]

IF RAM_Code=Item_Code[Index] THEN RAM_Price<--Price[Index]

IF MHDD_Code=Item_Code[Index] THEN MHDD_Price<--Price[Index]
NEXT Index
Computer_Price<-- Basic_Price + Case_Price + RAM_Price +

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Computer_Price<-- Basic_Price + Case_Price + RAM_Price +
PRINT "Computer price = " , Computer_Price

Python Code:
Item_Code=["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "B3", "C1", "C2", "C3", "D1", "D2",
"E1","E2","E3", "F1", "F2", "G1", "G2"]
Description= ["Compact", "Tower", "8GB", "16GB", "32GB", "1 TB HDD",
"2 TB HDD", "4 TB HDD", "240 GB SSD", "480 GB SSD", "1 TB HDD", "2
TB HDD", "4 TB HDD", "DVD/Blu-Ray Player", "DVD/Blu-Ray Re-
Writer", "Standard Version", "Professional Version"]
Price= [75.00, 150.00, 79.99, 149.99, 299.99, 49.99, 89.99, 129.99,
59.99, 119.99, 49.99, 89.99, 129.99, 50.00, 100.00, 100.00, 175.00]
print("Here is the list of Computer Case")
for Index in range(2):
print(Item_Code[Index], Description[Index], Price[Index])

Case_Code=str(input("Enter Item code for Case: "))

while not (Case_Code==Item_Code[0] or Case_Code==Item_Code[1]):

print("Error! Case code is not valid, try again")
Case_Code=str(input("Enter a valid case code "))

print("Here is the list of RAM:")

for Index in range(2, 5):
print(Item_Code[Index], Description[Index], Price[Index])

RAM_Code=str(input("Enter Item code for RAM: "))

while not (RAM_Code==Item_Code[2] or RAM_Code==Item_Code[3] or
print("Error! RAM code is not valid, try again")
RAM_Code=str(input("Enter a valid RAM code "))

print("Here is the list of Main Hard Disc Drive:")

for Index in range(5, 8):
print(Item_Code[Index], Description[Index], Price[Index])

MHDD_Code=str(input("Enter Item code for Main Hard Disc Drive: "))

Lbb Page 6
MHDD_Code=str(input("Enter Item code for Main Hard Disc Drive: "))

while not (MHDD_Code==Item_Code[5] or MHDD_Code==Item_Code[6] or

print("Error! Main hard disc drive code is not valid, try again")
MHDD_Code=str(input("Enter a valid Main Hard Disc Drive code "))

# selection of chosen items

for Index in range(8):
if Case_Code==Item_Code[Index]: Case_Desc=Description[Index]
if RAM_Code==Item_Code[Index]: RAM_Desc=Description[Index]
if MHDD_Code==Item_Code[Index]: MHDD_Desc=Description[Index]
# Calculating computer price
for Index in range(8):
if Case_Code==Item_Code[Index]: Case_Price=Price[Index]
if RAM_Code==Item_Code[Index]: RAM_Price=Price[Index]
if MHDD_Code==Item_Code[Index]: MHDD_Price=Price[Index]

Computer_Price= Basic_Price + Case_Price + RAM_Price + MHDD_Price

print("List of chosen items:")
print("Case = ", Case_Desc)
print("RAM = ", RAM_Desc)
print("Main Hard Disc Drive = ", MHDD_Desc)

print("Computer price = " , Computer_Price)

PRINT "Do you want to purchase a solid state drvie (Yes/No) :"
INPUT Choice
IF Choice="Yes" THEN
PRINT "Here is the list of solid state drive "
FOR Index= 8 TO 9
PRINT Item_Code[Index], Description[index], Price[Index]
NEXT Index
PRINT "Enter item code of selected solid state drive "
WHILE NOT (SSD_Code=Item_Code[8] or SSD_Code=Item_Code[9]) DO
PRINT "Error! Invalid item code for SSD is entered, try

Lbb Page 7
PRINT "Do you want to purchase a solid state drvie (Yes/No) :"
INPUT Choice
IF Choice="Yes" THEN
PRINT "Here is the list of solid state drive "
FOR Index= 8 TO 9
PRINT Item_Code[Index], Description[index], Price[Index]
NEXT Index
PRINT "Enter item code of selected solid state drive "
WHILE NOT (SSD_Code=Item_Code[8] or SSD_Code=Item_Code[9]) DO
PRINT "Error! Invalid item code for SSD is entered, try

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