Quiatzon - Keidgelledawn M2

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Introduction to psychology December 01, 2021

Module 2

Prof. Hannah Ancheta

Quiatzon, Keidgelle Dawn H.

Essay 1

How do you perceive your life?

Life for me is full of miracle, we do things that will make us happy, we give our all for something that we
want that we tend to forget what is a true meaning of life or how do we see life, we have different
perspective in life but for me it’s like a puzzle that we solve, every pieces has its own role, we can’t see
the outcome of life in the future if we don’t do our best in the present time.

It may be hard and full of ups and down, we life as a hope every day that passes we don’t forget to be
thankful to our Almighty God because this life is a gift that we cherish until we can go to Heaven.

Essay: Answer each item in one paragraph only.

1. What are the main ideas behind the theory of Multiple Intelligence say?

The theory of Howard Gardner, focuses on the Intelligence and ability that people discover while they
starting to grow as an individual, It is about how are we able to know our own strength and what is the
thing that we can do. The main idea is people are not born with all the Intelligence they will ever have.

2. How does the theory of Multiple Intelligences help you?

It helps me in a way that I can know what my strength and ability is, what I am capable of, It helps me a
lot especially in figuring out what I can do. Because many of us is still not sure what ability they have,
they find it difficult to find out things.

3. Introspection: Among the 9 Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, on which type of

intelligence/s can you see yourself in? Why?

I saw my myself as a Bodily kinesthetic Intelligence, Because I enjoyed doing things with my own hands
like to do some arts and also dancing make me happy its like when I dance somehow I forget all the
problem even if it’s for the short time. I also enjoy being alone sometimes and doing things on my own.
My dream board.

This is the life I want to be, spending it with my family and friends. To worship God, to fulfill my dream.
To do the things I want before I quit my career.

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