Grade 8 End of Term Pathway 1

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Family and Consumer Management

 Date: Wednesday, Marsch 3, 2021 70
Grade: 8 Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada
 Duration/Time: 1 hour 
Section A.
Choose the correct answers for the following below. (5marks) 
1. Which of the following is NOT a personal protective Equipment? 
a. apron          b. gloves           c. blouse              d. chef’s jacket 

2.  This prevents hair from falling into the food when cooking. 
a. gloves         b. hair net         c. chef’s jacket          d. rubber shoes 

3. All of the following are ideal places to store food in the home EXCEPT 
a. refrigerator         b. food cupboard          c. wardrobe             d. food container
4. What is the first thing to do before you clean the fridge? 
a. unplug the refrigerator                        b. remove all shelves and draws 
c. wash and drip dry trays                      d. remove all food items 

5. In order to store dry food safely you should: 

a. Keep food in sealed bags                   b. keep the storage area dry 
c. store food near cleaning products     d. don’t store them on the floor 

6. Match the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to its meaning 

PPE Meaning 

1. Gloves Use to cover the front of the body when you are in the kitchen 

1. Apron  Protects the feet from heat and fallen objects

1. Chefs Jacket Prevents hair from falling into the food when cooking

1. Hard Shoes Helps to prevent the spread of disease

1. Chefs Hat Protects you from harm in potentially dangerous environment

7. On the lines provided, state the appropriate storage area for the food items below 
1. Biscuits                         ______________________ 
2. Ripe banana                  ______________________ 
3. Uncooked fish              ______________________ 
4. frankfurter                    ______________________ 
5. cabbage                        ______________________ 

Instructions: Fill in the blank spaces provided to complete the steps to follow when cleaning the
refrigerator.                                                                                              (15marks) 
1. ____________ the refrigerator
2. Protect surface in front of refrigerator to avoid ____________
3. Remove and wrap all frozen food to avoid _______________
4. Secure ______ and _______ water in clean containers
5. Remove all other ________ items and cover safely 
6. Remove all ___________ and draws
7. In freezing compartment, put a pot of ________________ to hasten melting process 
8. Wash all __________ parts, ice tray and bottles. If there is a stain in the ice tray, mix two
parts _________ with one part _______ and put in trays to soak.
9. When freezer is thawed, wipe inside and outside with a mild ____________ which does not
carry a strong scent. Final wiping is done with a mixture of water and _________________ to
remove odour.
10. Empty, wash and dry ______________
11. Replace all moveable parts, water bottles, ice tray and __________________
12. Close and ____________ refrigerator. Wait at least ten minutes before placing food in the
refrigerator to prevent frozen food from sticking to the freezer compartment
13. Wipe frozen food packages and ____________ in the freezer 14. Clean up surroundings and

14.  label the two door standing refrigerator below on the numbers outlined. (10 marks) 

15. You school was chosen to give a presentation from the Home Economics Department on the
topic “Safety practices in the Kitchen” to a group of grade 8 students at five schools from the
Kingston area. 
1.Write a brief paragraph with not less than 6 points to relate the topic to your audience. 
  (6 marks) 

16.   Design a poster to outline Five (5) safe practices that should be followed in the kitchen at all
times                                                                                                                       (10 marks) 


Rice Peas Chicken Fish Fritters Tin Mackerel Corn Beef

Pork Cabbage Orange Apple Carrot Cornmeal Porridge

Milk Banana Bread Egg Plantain cereal

Use the words above to construct one of the following (7 mrks)

a. Double mix
b. Triple Mix
c. Quadri Mix

18. Explain the difference between micro and macro nutrients (2mrks)
a. Macro nutrients
b. Micro nutrients
19. State TWO (2) functions of protein foods (2mrks)
20. Write THREE (3) sources of carbohydrates (3 mrks)

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