Etymology Relation

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das Vieh – lifestock/cattle

Looks random… but

Vieh is related to fee. And before the ascent of money cattle was an common way to pay a fee

Now we have pictures in our minds and the word Vieh actually makes sense. I’m sure, you’ll
still know this by the end of this post. Das Vieh means cattle because it was used to pay a fee.

kaufen – CHEAP (related word) || to buy (actual translation)

Until the 16th century, an inexpensive purchase

was “a good cheap,” i.e., “a good buy.” The surname

Kaufmann is vocational: a businessman, merchant (the

fressen – FRET ║ eat, devour (said of animals)

To fret is, figuratively, to be “eaten up from within.”

The s of fressen appears in FOSTER, which originally

meant “to feed.” Remorse, like fret, is a word that

denotes a negative emotion but derives from a


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