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Socio-economic background

Mrs. A is a 48-year-old, a mother of six children and a highly empathetic mother

and grandmother of her six grandchildren. Mrs. A is a housewife who occasionally
works as a laundress for those who hire her to do their laundry. Her husband works as a
harvester, which is a seasonal employment that only depends when the fruits are ready
to be collected. This temporary work will never be adequate for the family members
because they are an extended family with Mrs. A child and grandchildren who are still
reliant on them whenever food is made at the table during meals.

Mrs. A earns Php 300–600 each day, depending on the amount of laundry to be
washed, but this can only be earned three times per week, depending on whether or not
someone will hire her. Her estimated monthly income is Php 2000 – 2500. Her spouse
works 10–12 hours per day, starting at 6 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m., for a monthly wage of
Php 3000–5000. Mrs. A is in charge of budgeting the money. The money that both of
them earned is only enough for electric bill, water bill, and their basic needs like food,
enough for them to eat at least thrice daily. Furthermore, their income is insufficient to
meet their demands; as a result, Mrs. A family member simply eats food that costs less
than one hundred pesos in order to be prepared for the next days. Mrs. A also
mentioned that neither of them has any financial assets on hand in case of an
emergency. They'd simply borrow money from her mother-in-law.

Mrs. A and her husband is undergraduate. Mrs. A is in her third year of high school,
while Mr. A is in his second. Mrs. A has been an interviewee for various schools since
then. She expressed her delight and added that she would gladly help.

Mrs. A family member, notably her grandchildren, is malnourished and has poor
hygiene, based on the data collected. Mrs. A has had goiter for more than ten years and
was diagnosed with hypertension. Her goiter makes it difficult for her to breathe at
times. Mr. A is suffering from high blood pressure and joint pain. Mrs. A's health issues
have worsened, particularly her goiter, due to her fear of being operated on because
she has high blood pressure. Mrs. A's barangay kagawad in Matina, Davao City, was
willing to assist her in getting her condition checked, particularly her goiter, which was
growing in size, but she was hesitant to take the risk.

Mrs. A believes that high blood runs in her family, from her grandparents to her
parents, and that her husband is no exception. But she has no idea where her goiter
originated from, because no one in her family has ever had it, except her brother, who
died, and her daughter Daylin, whose goiter is growing in size. Mrs. A said that her
goiter started after he delivered his son, Martin John and was first notice by the midwife.
Mrs. A and Mr. A were able to take preventative health measures of their illness by
going to their barangay and requesting free medicine for their upkeep. They avoid
certain foods such as chicken, canned products, and beans, because it can aggravate
their illness. In line with the Covid 19 vaccination, both Mrs. A and her husband still
haven’t taken their first shot of dose.

The anthropometric data of the family showing the nutritional status of the family
during home visit.


Mrs. A 48 62in (1.57m) 48kg 19.47 Normal
Mr. A 58 62in (1.57m) 70.70 kg 28.68 Overweight
Child 1 29 58in (1.47m) 43.65kg 20.20 Normal
Child 2 27 55in (1.40m) 45kg 22.96 Normal
Child 3 20 57in (1.44m) 54kg 27.49 Overweight
Child 4 18 61in (1.55) 65.95kg 27.45 Overweight
Child 5 13 62in (1.57) 48.70kg 19.76 Normal
Child 6 11 54in (1.37) 29kg 15.45 Underweight
Grandchild 1 13 58in (1.47) 35.25kg 16.31 Underweight
Grandchild 2 12 52in (1.32m) 26kg 14.92 Underweight
Grandchild 3 9 47in (1.19m) 21.90kg 15.47 Underweight
Grandchild 4 8 42in (1.07m) 15.75kg 10.87 Underweight
Grandchild 5 7 42in (1.07m) 17.05kg 14.89 Underweight
Grandchild 6 2 31in (0.79m) 10.30kg 16.50 Underweight

The table represents the family members' BMIs, with Mrs. A being normal and Mr. A
being overweight. Their three children had a normal BMI, and the other two is
overweight with the exception of the youngest, who was underweight. All of their
grandchildren were underweight or malnourished, implying that malnutrition affects the
family's children owing to a lack of food and vitamin intake. Mrs. A mentioned that even
if they manage to eat three times a day, it is still insufficient to fulfill and maintain a
healthy body and growth in their children. There are also occasions when their meals
are not nutritious and insufficient among family members, adding to their children's
Health Problem Family Nursing Computation Justification
Presence of pests Inability to provide a Nature of the problem Having poor environment
home environment 3/3 *1 = 1 sanitation including their
conducive to health drainage system, stagnant
Health Threat maintenance and water, filthy and unsegregated
personal development trash are great factors that can
because of: contribute to health threat to the
family as this will attract
1. Poor environmental unnecessary attention from
sanitation pests.
Modifiability This is partially modifiable as
1 / 2 *2 =1 we have to consider the
2. Inadequate living
financial status of the family in
order to control this problem.
They lived in a community
where houses are very closed
together and the cases of pests
are rampant. Also, we have to
consider the living space of the
family where they cannot easily
transfer to an adequate living
space in order to reduce the
presence of pests.
Preventive potential factor The problem is moderate and
2/3 *1= 0.7 can be prevented if the family
members have good sanitation
in their environment, and they
consider rearrangement of
resources to maximize their
home space in order to clean
the closely areas in their home.
Social salience/ concern The problem needs immediate
2/2 *1 = 1 attention as this can contribute
to different illnesses in the


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