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Republic of the Philippines

City of Taguig
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



This manual was designed as a reference and toolkit accompanying guided

questions and activities. For students who enrolled in Applied Business tools,
this manual is fit for you.
The course and these materials should help students gain a better
understanding of:

• The interrelated nature and complexity of tourism by learning the

importance of GDS
• A knowledge of how important the technology in tourism industry
• Some system related to GDS and how will it apply it in the future.

Its aim is to provide a few tips to lead to a more understanding and it

successful business in the future.

A GDS is a worldwide conduit between travel bookers and suppliers, such

as hotels and other accommodation providers. It communicates live product,
price and availability data to travel agents and online booking engines, and
allows for automated transactions.
The GDS is often used to tap into the corporate travel market because it has
the ability to present hotels, flights, and car rentals in one simple interface
which is convenient. Many companies organizing trips for their staff will use
the GDS as their preferred booking method.





This module composed of two areas – MIDTERM and FINALS, and it has 7 Lessons.
Each Lesson has the following:

• Course/Subject
• Introduction
• Learning Objectives
• Lesson Proper
• Self-Progress Activity
• Summary of the Lesson
• Supplementary Materials/Resources
• References


1. Course/Subject - this section shows the subject focus of the module. (e.g.
Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for Tourism Professionals)

2. Introduction – this section of the lesson will give you a brief description and details
about the course. It will provide you a glimpse of the topics that will be discuss and
an overview about the things that the learners will anticipate from the beginning
until the end of the lesson.

3. Learning Objectives – are brief statements that describe what the learners will
be expected to learn by the end of the lesson. It is focused in KSA or the
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude.

4. Lesson Proper – this section shows the content of the lesson.

5. Self-Progress Activity – this is the assessment and evaluation section of your

lesson. This section will test you level of understanding about the lesson. It
comprises of Guided Question and Quiz Master. Guided Question focus on short
essay type of answer where you will be asked a certain question related to the
lesson. Quiz Master is more on multiple choice related to the lesson. Each
assessment or evaluation has its own Grading System or Rubrics where you can
see the level of grading per question on the lesson.

6. Summary of the Lesson – this section shows the consolidation of all important
key indicators or terminologies or phrases in the lesson. This will give you more
emphasis on the main points of the lesson.

7. Supplementary Materials/Resources - this portion will give you the supporting

materials which directly linked to the lesson. It consist of series of links that you
can check online or reading materials to give you more detailed information about
the lesson.

8. Resources – this is the section of the lesson where you can see the sources of all
the lesson that was presented on the lesson.


This module aim to understand the role of travel agency and tour operator in the tourism
industry. The role of each component in offering cost effective and good “value for money”
products fr its client. It covers two module with 7 lessons each. ( Midterm and Finals).



WEEK 1 Orientation
WEEK 2 and 3 Business tools and
WEEK 4 and 5
WEEK 6 and 7
Business Technology
Ethics and Legal Business
3 Hours
WEEK 8 Business Communication

For you to understand the Module, You need to do the Following:

1) To start in the module, you have to start reading the course outline for course
orientation and the coverage of the module. These tell you what should know and
be able to do at the end of the module.

2) After reading the course outline, you have to start the Module 1 – Midterm Period
which composed of 7 Lessons.

3) Each lesson has the outline which was discussed at the first part of the outline.
You have the Learning Objectives, Introduction, Lesson Proper, Self-
Progress Activity, and References as major key points to focus on each lesson.

4) There are lists of pre-tests before the lesson to assess your basic understanding
about the lesson. It’s like a brainstorming or ice breaker portion in face to face set-

5) Read thoroughly the Topic as it shows the content of the lesson. The content of
the lesson is direct to the point and understandable as a learner.

6) Do the required Assessment and Evaluation at Self-Progress Test. There are

various exercises applicable for modular, synchronous and asynchronous set-up.
Consult the teacher for further elaboration. It is composed also of grading system
or the Rubrics where you can see how you will be assess based on your outcome.


A business tool can be considered as an asset that helps or assists the organization to
achieve its stated aims or objectives. There are various types of tools that may be used
in a business varying in size, complexity, danger, and importance to the business
operation. There are large, heavy tools such as stoves, refrigerators, cars, or freezers.
This unit aims to consider the items that are portable and valuable, and by their very
nature present unique management challenges to the business. Various considerations
relate to the management of these items that are not applicable when considering their
other cousins. For example, it is very easy to misplace a mobile telephone, but very
difficult to misplace a freezer. The cost of using a mobile phone can vary significantly; the
cost to the business of the mobile can be reasonable or exorbitant depending on use. It
is also a challenge to misuse a freezer.

However, there have been several cases where the misuse of a telephone has had
significant implications for employees and the business.

Modern managers must be able to manage these tools to ensure that they are available
when required, are in a usable and operating condition, and that the user is sufficiently
trained to use the device efficiently. A mobile phone must have a sufficiently charged
battery, a mobile service, and a user who is sufficiently trained or experienced to be able
to use the tool efficiently and productively.

To continue the example of the mobile telephone, it is possible to imagine a situation

where an employee is given a phone with a flat battery. A charger is eventually found and
the battery charged. When the phone is switched on it asks for a security code, which is
unknown, but also later located. When this is entered it is discovered that the bill has not
been paid and there is no service. This is a simple example of the care and management
that is necessary to ensure that the tool does meet the needs of the business and that
the tool enhances the performance of the business.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to

LO 1: Define Business Tools

LO 2: Identify different classification of business tools
LO 3: Describe the different business tool considerations
LO 4: Describe uses of business tools

Lesson Proper

What is Business Tool

Business management tools are all the systems, applications, controls, calculating
solutions, methodologies, etc. used by the organizations to be able to cope with changing
markets, ensure a competitive position in them and improve business performance.
There are instruments relevant to the department of each company that can be
categorized for each management aspect. For example, tools for preparation, process
tools, tools for documentation, tools for staff, tools for decision making, controls tools, etc.
these general aspects will be regarded by classification by function
• tools that are used in every department for data input validation.
• Tools used for business process management and development
• Tools used for the consolidation and decision making of details

Due to rapid technological advancement, management techniques, have now advanced

rapidly in the last decade. It has advanced so quickly that it is now difficult to pick the right
business tool for any company situation. This is exacerbated by a never-ending effort to
reduce cost and raise revenue, the desire to consider the needs of the consumer, and the
struggle to produce the goods they need in the way they need.
In this situation, instead of going for the latest technology, a manager should take a
strategic approach to business management instruments, managers typically rely on the

instruments without any modification, contributing to any predictable situation. Tools for
business, management should be carefully chosen and then tailored to the requirements
of the company and not the other way around.

Classification of Business Tools

There are several ways of classifying software tools, each of which us a different
perspective on these tools.
1. A functional perspective where tools are classified according to their specific
2. A process perspective where tools are classified according to the process
activities that they support.
3. An integration perspective where tools are classified according to how they are
organized into integrated units that provide support for one or more process

The following table shows a classification of software tools according to function, this
table lists some different types of tools and specific examples,

Tool type Examples

Planning tools PERT tools, estimation tools, spreadsheets
Editing tools Text editors, diagram editors, word processors
Change management tools Requirement’s traceability tools, change control systems

Configuration management tools Version management systems, system building tools

Prototyping tools Very high-level languages, user interface generators

Method-support tools Design editors, data dictionaries, code generators

Language-processing tools Compilers, interpreters
Program analysis tools Cross-reference generators, static analyzers, dynamic
Testing tools Test data generators, file comparators
Debugging tools Interactive debugging systems
Documentation tools Page layout programs, image editors
Reengineering tools Cross-reference systems, restructuring systems

Business Tool Considerations

A significant phase in the performance testing process begins before your

company starts gathering data is to choose the ideal testing method. In matching a testing
method to your web platforms, there are many variables to consider, here are 8 of the
most critical factors to consider when deciding which instrument will help you build on
your best solution for testing:

• Customer Preference Tool - If the IT employees are already familiar with the
method of load testing, it is important to consider the instruments they have used in
the past and the ones they prefer. Familiarity is crucial and can reduce the learning
curve required to introduce the instrument on the platforms of your organization
significantly. Elements such as ease of use of the GUI and available plugins for
analysis are relevant here.

• Availability of License within Customer Machine - Consider if the instrument is

compatible for licensing with the existing testing machines of your business, that
would mean making additional hardware transactions or rentals to conduct the tests
if the method is not compatible.
• Availability of the Test Environment - TO create a sufficiently accessible testing
environment, the performance tool needs to be able to access enough hardware and
network resources. If a network test environment that correctly simulates the desired
amount of frame cannot be aæomplished by the method, it will not work for the needs
of your business.

• Additional Protocol Support - For your business, a tool that can support a wide
variety of protocols is more beneficial than one with a more restricted reach. For
instance, protocols that are currently used may not be suitable for your current
setting, or changes to the infrastructure may change which protocols are supported.
Being able to support extra protocols provides flexibility to the instruments to retain
support across adjustments to the platform.

• License cost - Another substantial factor is the expense of using this tool Not all
instruments are equally produced, nor do they share the same pr ice tag. The cost of
the license needs to fit into the IT budget of your companY' while providing your
employees with the necessary capabilities to conduct reliable load tests on your
system. Keeping ease of use in mind is also important: one tool might be cheaper,
but if it takes your workers more to study, implement and use, you may incur
additional costs.

• The efficiency of Tool - The efficiency Of a testing tool refers to how many current
virtual users it can produce on a single test operating system for a test. To create a
larger-scale virtual test, a more powerful tool ensures that the organization can
needless testing devices.

• User Options for Testing- Different tools provide different performance testing user
choices, the tool your organization uses should include the ones that fit your needs
best. These options will vary from the maximum volume of virtual users to the
required local performance changes to Workaround issues that inhibit the accuracy
of the test.

• Vendor Support- In certain cases, the people behind the instrument are as critical
as the instrument itself. As with every big purchase that your company will rely on in
the long run, the company needs to inquire if the manufacturer will fund the
instrument when you need it. Other factors are important, such as aid during the
setup process and support for troubleshooting.

Uses of Business Tools

A survey conducted by Bain & Company in 2013 revealed how business

instruments are used across the globe. These tools reflect how their findings relate to
the needs of each country, given the downturn and the business situation of companies.

➢ Strategic planning
➢ Customer relationship management
➢ Employee engagement survey
➢ Benchmarking
➢ Balanced scorecard
➢ Core competency
➢ Outsourcing
➢ Change management program
➢ Supply change management
➢ Mission statement and vision statement
➢ Market segmentation
➢ Total quality management

How to Use Business Tools to stay Competitive

Now that you know some of the advantages of incorporating BI instruments in the
organization, you might be wondering how to do so. To get started, consider these
general recommendations by experts at Datapine, based on their Il-Step BI Roadmap:

✓ Define Your Objectives: You need to deme your priorities before deciding what
BI resources to use. Then think about what exactly you want.

✓ Assess the current situation: Figure out what works, what does not and be
completely aware of operating procedures.

✓ Create a roadmap: Compile a practical timeline outlining short and long-term

priorities. when it comes to your BI efforts, this timeline should serve as a path map
to follow

✓ Clean Up Your Data: The realization of actionable knowledge requires clean data
So, make sure you spend some time tidying up all the details that you have on

✓ Employ Additional Support (if required): Often, you can not be able to navigate
the complexities of BI resources on your effectively. Consider hiring a Chief Data
Oficer in the event that you are strugghng. And a small team that concenfrate
primarily on data And market intelligence.

✓ Select the right tools: Take some time to fry free trials, interview different
providers of BI and analytics and consider creaång a custom application. Consider
factors such as the ability to scale up and whether t.he instruments should cloud-
based or on-site. Don't hurry through this stage, The more work you put into
choosing the right instrument* the better the results are going to be.


Answer to Self-Progress Test/ Comments

• Guide Questions 20 POINTS

• Asynchronous Activity 30 POINTS


Guide Questions (Short Essay) 20 POINTS

o Answer each question through a short essay
o Answer in the 1 sheet of paper or through MS Word
o Each question is equivalent to 10 POINTS. Check the Rubrics below
o Guide Question Rubrics

Rubrics for Short Essay


SentenceStructure, All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences are Sentences sound
Grammar,Mechanics, & well constructed are well well constructed, awkward, are
Spelling and have varied constructed and but they have a distractingly
structure and have varied similar structure repetitive, or are
length. structure and and/or length. difficult to
length. understand.

Focus & Details The main ideas The main ideas The main ideas are The topic and main
are clear and are are clear but are somewhat clear. ideas are not clear.
well supported not well
by detailed and supported by
accurate detailed
information. information.

Summary of the Lesson

Each business will need to develop criteria to identify which tools are to be monitored and
therefore controlled to ensure that time and effort are devoted to managing the proper
and important tools.

A mobile phone supplied to a salesperson will need to be monitored and controlled to

ensure that all costs are consistent with business activity. However, the mobile of the
business owner is probably immune from such controls. A mobile phone may be on a
contract and have a purchase price of zero, while a stapler to fix paper together may cost
a few hundred dollars.

Several criteria may be used to identify and classify a business tool, and most businesses
will use a combination of these criteria to establish the classification of an individual tool.
Once identified, the tools need to be considered as a group and it is logical to provide a
name for the list that recognizes the importance of the group.

Supplementary Readings and Materials

• What are office supplies? definition and meaning. (n.d.). BusinessDictionary.Com.

• Utility Expense - Definition, Classifications, Accounting Treatment. (n.d.).
• What is a quality measure? definition and meaning. (n.d.). BusinessDictionary.Com.




Business technology refers to research, data, engineering, and information technologies

for business purposes, such as achieving economic and organizational objectives. The
principle of transition, and how it can impact business and society, is the primary element
of technology. For several, as technological change occurs too rapidly, the problem of
potential shock arises that it causes people to be unable to tolerate changes or manage
the conSequences.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

• Define Business technology;

• Identify different hardware and software;

• Know the different communication tools;

• Know the importance of the work tasks.

I. Hardware

A. Computer Equipment

• Desktop computer or Laptop- A personal computer is now used by most

companies. Some prefer laptops but the desktop in the corporate world reigns
supreme, The explanation for this is that processing power costs less.
When choosing between a desktop or laptop, weigh your pros and cons, You're
going to need goods that last for many years and hardware that needs limited
• Printer - A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a
computer and transfers the information to papery usually to standard size
sheets of paper. Printers vary in size, speed, sophistication, and cost, In
general, more expensive printers are used for higher-resolution color

• Scanner - A scanner is an input device that scans documents such as

photographs and pages of text. When a document is scanned, it is converted
into a digital format. This creates an electronic version of the document that
can be viewed and edited on a computer.

B. Digital Cameras

Digital cameras are used to capture photographs and videos independently, Later,
these photo and video files can be transferred to a computer by connecting directly
with a cable, removing the memory card, and slotting it into the computer, or through
wireless data transfer methods such as Bluetooth. Once the photos are on the
computer, they can be saved, edited, emailed, or printed.

C. Security surveillance technology

Businesses use different surveillance types to protect their employees, assets, and
property from criminal elements and other malicious breaches of security. Business
owners invest time and money in their businesses and use the various technologies
available to protect this investment, The type of business and nature of protected
information and assets should dictate the type and extent of surveillance used.

• Video surveillance - Businesses set up video surveillance cameras for a variety

of reasons, both outside and inside their buildings. Outside cameras protect
against unlawful entry, including all-weather enclosures to protect against
elements and the ability to provide images of quality in very low light. Inside
cameras ensure honesty for employees around valuable assets and protect
against unlawful entry after closing, Security firms can incorporate or configure
these cameras into the business network, so owners view live footage from
anywhere via the Internet

• Internet surveillance - Software reports on employee Internet monitoring. This

powerful software records all visited sites, any chats that occurred, and email
activity from non-companies. Businesses could load the software on individual PCs
or purchase and load the network version at the server level to monitor multiple
stations at once, They must alert monitoring software employees to remind them
of company policy on personal Internet use, chat systems, and personal email.
Employees can dislike introducing this intrusive level of monitoring, and as a result,
may decline.

• Telephone surveillance - Businesses use this method of tracking mainly for

quality control while workers communicate to clients on the telephone and when
recruiting, they must warn employees that they use phone recording devices. In
certain states, consumers on the other end must also be told about the telephone

monitoring system. Managers or company owners study client conversations and
give staff advice and training.
• Counter surveillance - It sounds like a spy novel, but as business becomes more
data-oriented and information-oriented, the need for countersurveillance
inspections and devices increases. Compeütive espionage, while illegal, occurs in
large and small businesses. It includes audio jammers, noise generators, and bug
sweep machines. The first two mask regular speech, reducing bugging device or
secret recorder effectiveness. Bug sweeping systems use radio transmitting
technology for secret recording

D. Handheld devices input - An input device is essentially a piece of hardware that

sends data to a computer. Most input devices either interact with or control the
computer in some way. The most common input devices are the mouse and
keyboard, but there are many others.

• Touchpad - Also known as a trackpad, a touchpad is for a computer mouse. It

is essentially a specialized surface common that substitutes the movement
of a user's finger and uses that information to direct a pointer and control a
• Microphone - A microphone captures audio and sends it to a computer where it
is converted to a digital format. Once the audio has been digitized, it can be played
back, copied, edited uploaded, or emailed. Microphones can also be used to
record audio or to relay sounds live as part of a video chat or audio stream.

E. Communication systems

Communication is to the of every organization. By making consumers aware Of your

business and What it has to offer, good, external communication helps develop your
brand and promote your product or In order to make the organization operate
efficiently and effectively, internal contact between workers, departments, partners,
and leaders is important.

Two types of communication, external and internal have different objecüves;

• External communication reaches out to the customer to make him or her aware of
your product or service and provide a reason to buy. Brochures, advertising, contact
letters/direct mail, telephone calls, business cards, blogs, and everything else that
makes the public aware of what you do are part of this communication

• Internal communication with team members is essential to attracting and retaining a

talented staff and monitoring business performance. Performance certificates,
newsletters, seminars, telephone calls, and both formal and informal conversations are
tools for interacting internally.

Basic Communication Tools

For external and internal communication, a large range of communication techniques

are used. Fax, email, mobile, cell phones, tablets, computers, Video and web
conferencing apps, social networking, as well as online communication, and productivity
channels are all in these tools.

• Mail - Even with all modern communication techniques, daily postal mail still
a powerful tool for a business. It provides a personal touch and is also used
to deliver protected documents and contracts and to provide consumers with
purchased goods.

• Email - In connecting with clients, suppliers, and internal teammates, getting a

company email would be beneficial. It is important to review e-mail on a regular
Depending on the account form you have, there are several email features
available. Sending outgoing emails, filtering incoming emails, and setting up
automated replies for various account types may also be done.

• Landline - The telephone system that uses a physical cable for transmission is
the landline. In your home, your office, or at a public phone spot, you may have
a landline. You will still be able to use your landline if the internet is unstable
since it depends on a different networking technology

• Smartphone - A smartphone is a mobile phone that provides computer-like

features with advanced capabilities. Apps such as email, the internet, and social
media are built into a smartphone. Smartphones are text messaging capable and
have a video-enabled camera

• SMS Messaging and Texting - Although not all cell phones are smartphones
capable of videos and pictures, SMS (short message service), messages can
be received by almost all mobile phones. These are texts of less than 160
characters, consisting solely of letters, numbers, and symbols, An effective way
to connect is SMS messaging, and texting in general.

• Video and Web Conferencing - Video -conferencing offers away without the
cost of travel to hold face-to-face meetings. It offers a more intimate way of
communicating both internally with clients and associates and internally with
team members or workers who might work outside the office.

• Social Networking Sites - A social network is an Online Community made up

of people or organizations bound together by Shared interests, Internet-based
social networking takes place across a range of website platforms that allow
content to be shared and interacted online by users of common interests. Yahoo,
Instagram, Twitter, Linkedln, Pinterest, and YouTube are several popular social
networking sites.

Il. Software applications

Application software is a type of computer program that performs a particular function

that is personal, educational, and business, each software is intended to help the user
with a specific process that may be linked to efficiency, innovation, and/ or

A. Word processing packages

To manipulate a text document such as a resume or a journal, Word processing

software is used. By typing, you usually enter text, and the program offers tools
for copying, deleting, and different formatting styles.

• Microsoft Word - Word regularly wins the title of the most commonly used word
processing application worldwide as part Of the Microsoft Office suite, Word 2007
features tools that offer a lot of versatility to the software, for example, Word also has
desktop publishing capabilities besides simple word processing functions. Built-in
templates allow users to produce complex output quickly, such as brochures, schedules,
and reports of expenses

Many of the systems in Microsoft Office can work together, An Excel worksheet, for
instance, can exist inside a Word document. Word can combine mail with Excel lists or
from an Access database file quickly.

• Microsoft Works - The word processor in Works 9, a scaled-down version of Microsoft

word, still contains all of the basic features required for simple uses, such as creating
correspondence, The software includes pre-designed templates. For instance, the built-
in template would greatly simplify this task if a user decided to use the Works word
processor to build a

B. Spreadsheet Packages

A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file consisting of rows and columns that helps to

efficiently sort, organize and arrange data and measure numerical data The ability to

measure values using mathematical formulas and data in cells is what makes a
spreadsheet software program unique. An example of. how a spreadsheet can be used
is to construct a summary of the balance of your bank.

Microsoft Excel - Excel is convenient that can be used to store Several data sets and
arrange them. You may also use the tool 'to make sense of your data using its
characteristics and formulas, you might use a spreadsheet to track data and show
averages and totals of sums automatically.

C. Accounting packages

Accounting software is a computer program that helps monitor end report tire financial
transaction of a company to bookkeepers and accountants, Accounting software's
design varies from product to product,

• Sage One - Sage One is an accounting, and payroll software focused on the
cloud, Sage's UK goods are designed exclusively for small businesses and have
a range of features that keep you in line with UK laws, legislation, and taxes,
• AccountEdge Pro- AccountEdge is a complete solution for Mac users in small
business accounting and management, 'It will assist with sales and acquisitions,
payroll, inventory, invoices, and contacts management

• Free Agent - Free Agent offers an online accounting program to UK freelancers
and small business owners that brings together everything from invoice and
expense control to the filing of VAT, payroll, and self-assessment tax returns,
• FreshBooks - Small business owners can monitor time, record expenses, and
customers with FreshBooks, and is accessible from any computer (desktop,
iPhone, iPad, and Android),
• Harvest - Harvest works on your laptop, iPhone, and Android, claiming to “make
time tracking easy (and almost fun)." It analyzes dau, sets budgets, monitors the
progress of your project, fracks billable and non-billable time, and runs reports.

D. Database packages

System software for database development and management is a database (DBMS). A

DBMS makes it possible for end-users a read, update and remove data, The DBMS, the
most popular type of data management platform, effectively act as an interface
between database and end-users or application systems, ensuring them that
information is structured and easily available consistently.

Functions of a DBMS

Three essential items are handled by the

DBMS: Data, the Database engine that
allows data to be accessed, locked and
updated, and the database schema, which
determines the logical structure of the
database. these three fundamental
elements help to provide productivity,
stability, and integrity of data, and uniform procedures for data administration

E. Presentation Packages

In order to communicate visually to an audience, a presentation kit it’s a software program

containing a text editor and the ability to add charts and graphics ages, such as photos,
clip art, or other objects, to create a slide show.

• Microsoft PowerPoint - Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program that

allows users to create engaging presentations that can include text, images,
sound, movies, hyperlinks, and other objects and consist of individual pages or
slides, PowerPoint allows users to apply animations and effects to the elements of
the slideshow.
• Prezi - Prezi is just as different as you can be from PowerPoint. It's more of a visual
and immersive mind map, where you connect with various elements on a virtual
canvas, instead of providing a slide-by-slide presentation.

F. Internet Browser

To present and explore content on the World Wide Web, a browser is a software program.
These pieces of content are linked using hyperlinks, including photographs, videos, and
web pages, and classified with URIS (Uniform Resource Identifiers)

This page is an example Of a web page that a browser can be used to view.

There have been several different web browsers that, over the years, have come and
gone. In Tim Berners-Lee invented the first one, called WorldWideWeb (later modified
to Nexus), NCSA Mosaic was, however, the first graphical browser and commonly used
browser that helped bring attention to the Internet.

List of current Internet browsers

• Google Chrome
• Microsoft Edge
• Microsoft Internet Explorer
• Opera
• Apple Safari

Work Task

1. Processing Reservations

A consumer can put a hold on things that are not accessible at present. If the
reservation request for an item has already been made by others, the reservation is
placed on the waiting list that determines the order in which people made a reservation
for the item.

An e-mail notice is forwarded to the administrator after a reservation request is

made, who processes the request and begins the reservation fulfillment process in
compliance with the relevant procedures within the organization.

2. Undertaking Stocktakes

Stocktaking (or stock counting) is when all the inventory that your company currently
has on hand is manually checked and registered. It is an important part of your
inventory management since it can impact your buying, manufacturing, and sales.

Why are stocktakes important?

Any product-based business will need to ensure that their levels are 100% accurate
from time to time as a part of their inventory control.

a. See how well you're tracking inventory - If you aren't tracking your goods as
well as you thought, then it may be a sign that you have poor inventory control.

• Stockouts (when you run out of products to sell)

• Overstocking (when you have too many products on hand)
• Dead stock (when your products become obsolete before they can be sold)

b. Discover stock issues - Using a stocktake to detect issues that could have
been missing from the inventory management system, such as faulty goods,
missing orders, inadequate control, or theft.

c. Ensure your business is meeting targets - You will start to refine your processes
and strategies to improve productivity and increase margins until you know exactly
how your inventory management is doing.
• Reduce the amount of safety stock you keep on hand in case of an emergency or
surge in demand
• Change up you’re pricing to ensure all your products are selling quickly

3. Processing Financial Records

The one business area that all companies have in common is accounting You need to
know what your financial status is regularly, no matter what your company is, and you
need to satisfy your financial responsibilities to local city, state, and federal tax authorities.

Importance of financial records

a. Knowing your financial Situation You need to 'know where your business is situated
on a regular, weekly, yearly, quarterly and annual basis. Do you make money, do you
increase or decrease your client base, do you have enough money in the bank to fulfill
your commitments, do you fulfill the goals you set .for your business? You have little or
no influence over your organization without this information. When you need to buy, you
need to know how much inventory you have on hand, how much you need to order, the
credit termS provided by your suppliers, the balance of your bank account to fund your
company operating payments such as rent, electricity, office equipment inventory,
salaries of workers, and payroll taxes.

b. Meeting your tax obligations - You are responsible for meeüng the federal state and
city tax commitments weekly, quarterly and yearly. These responsibilities include payroll
taxes, state and municipal sales taxes, local business taxes, employee withholdings and
employer portion in federal income tax, social security, and Medicare, and permits and
fees to do business in the jurisdiction of your company.

4. Producing Documentation

As your business grows, so does its complexity, there are more steps, more people,
and more things involved that may not always be arranged most efficiently.

The Importance of process Documentation

a. Helps to strengthen operations. Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies by the

same procedures being recorded; you will see easily what systems you need to
upgrade or get rid of.
b. Helps workers practice. To help new workers understand their work
responsibilities and familiarize themselves with the procedures they may be
involved in, you will use process papers. Whenever they want to make sure that
they are conducting the procedure properly, even seasoned personnel will
always turn to these records.
c. Helps to maintain awareness of the industry. Keep a record of techniques only
known to a few individuals who are skilled in performing them. That way, even
though they depart, the newcomers can quickly resume the job
d. Helps to minimize uncertainties and ensure continuity in processes.
e. Detailed recording of systems is also a critical aspect of trademarks and trade


Answer to Self-Progress Test/ Comments

• Guide Questions 20 POINTS

• Asynchronous Activity 30 POINTS


Guide Questions (Short Essay) 20 POINTS

o Answer each question through a short essay
o Answer in the 1 sheet of paper or through MS Word
o Each question is equivalent to 10 POINTS. Check the Rubrics below
o Guide Question Rubrics

Rubrics for Short Essay


SentenceStructure, All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences are Sentences sound
Grammar,Mechanics, & well constructed are well well constructed, awkward, are
Spelling and have varied constructed and but they have a distractingly
structure and have varied similar structure repetitive, or are
length. structure and and/or length. difficult to
length. understand.

Focus & Details The main ideas The main ideas The main ideas are The topic and main
are clear and are are clear but are somewhat clear. ideas are not clear.
well supported not well
by detailed and supported by
accurate detailed
information. information.

Summary of the Lesson

Many modern business tools have wide applications in a business where they can assist
the business in meeting its objectives. Many business tools also present a possible non-
business use that should be considered when allowing access. The simplest example is
a telephone. Business calls to suppliers and customers are part of the job of many people.
Just as a telephone call to a relative in another country is not. The number, cost, and
nature of personal access have been a challenge for businesses for many years, but as
the range of tools with this issue has increased so has the range of challenges.

Supplementary Readings and Materials

• MindTooIs. (2009). SWOT Analysis — Discover New Opportunities, Manage and

Eliminate Threats. MindtooIs.Com. 05.htm
• Presenting Survey Results Drawing Conclusions. (n.d.). ExplorableCom.
• The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2018). supply and demand I Definition,
Example, & Graph. In Encyclopædia Britannica.




Ethics is a system of moral principles, They affect how people make decisions and lead
their lives. It is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also
described as moral philosophy. The term is derived from the Greek word ethos which can
mean custom, habit, character, or disposition

Legal Behavior follows the dictates of laws, which are written down and interpreted by
the courts. In decision making, determining the legality of a course is facilitated by the
existence of statutes, regulations, and codes.

Ethical business practice is concerned with society's duties and responsibilities to

uphold moral values and to live up to the aspirations Of stakeholders, the public,
government institutions, and society, These principles include fairness and integ•igr
standards, understandings of right and wrong, and responsiveness and transparency
expectations, In both formalized agreement* such as taxes and salaries to workers, and
the tacit understandings •that determine the position of the corporation within society,
the ethical principles that corporations must live up to exist

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

• Define and understand Ethics;

• Discuss the concept of ethical business practice;
• Describe the importance of ethical business strategies;
• Identify Laws, Codes, and Regulations Related to Business Technologies;

Business Ethics Laws and Regulations

This means more than just following the letter of the law since laws can still be
amended, but also following the codes of behavior created by the religious values
philosophies, and even the special requirements of a particular occupation of society.
Ethics is a reflection of the belief held by most people that, regardless of whether an act
of thinking is always good or always evil, or whether, depending on a situation, they are
relative, we must behave in a way that is right as human beings.

Ethical Business Strategies

To build an ethical business, an ethical strategy is necessary. The purpose of sound

ethics and ethical culture is shared by several businesses, However, ethics
administration is not prioritized, it is often made more difficult to create and maintain an
ethical organization. Ethics is often discussed only reactively or in an ad hoc manner
after a problem has arisen.

To better allow the organization to achieve its ethical objectives, a consistent ethics plan
is required.

1. Creation of ethical principles

The ethical standards of an organization need to be clearly defined by the values and
laws, including the code of ethics and policies. They should describe the behavioral
standards desired, which should be into appropriate and unacceptable behaviors in the
company codes of ethics and supporting policies.

The power of leaders is even more important because they are such good role
models-the way they implement the values in practice By values they convey, by what
they say, and by what they do, the organization's ethical standards are effectively set
and ingrained

2. Forming an Ethics Committee

The Companies Act now demands that most companies form social and ethics
committees (except small businesses). Yet, especially in the absence of legislation, an
ethics committee can be a valuable facet of an ethics policy.the value of this
committee's contribution will depend on its composition: members need to be sufficiently
senior to be able to make decisions and to support acts. However, the ethics committee
does not assume the role of sole custodian of the ethics of the workplace. Instead,
every member of the organization should consider their role and devotion to the
company's ethical status, and the committee's effectiveness will depend on the degree
to which they achieve this buy-in.

3. Ethical knowledge building

In the pursuit of better workplace ethics, awareness of ethics is a Strong strategy,

especially in terms of reducing unethical behavior, A simple instance of the visibility
effect is visible policing. The private security vehicle patrolling the neighborhood does
not result in many (or any) criminals being arrested, but their repeated presence tends
to raise ethical awareness and therefore serves as a deterrent to the crime committed in
that area.

So, too, a high degree of ethical awareness in the workplace understands the same
impact of mitigating wrongdoing.

Ethical consciousness can also promote ethical behavior by providing a daily reminder
of what is proper behavior inside the organization, this is especially productive if the
tangible examples are derived from the positive actions of the members of the

4. Measuring and monitoring the ethical status

Measuring and monitoring a company's ethical status is also a vital part of good s&ateu
on ethics. When you can't measure something, the dictum that you can't regulate it
applies to ethics, as well as any other part of an organization posiffve ethical status, has
many benefits, including customer retention, corporate reputation, and brand image,
although, on many fronts, a negative status can be very detrimental.



Republic Act No. Consumer Act of the Philippines of 1991
DOJ Advisory Opinion Advisory on Plagiarism if committed under certain

No. 02-2012 circumstances, can amount to a criminal violation of the

Intellectual Property Code, the ECommerce Act or the
Cybercrime Prevention Act."
Republic Act No. Access devises Regulation Act of 1998 — An act regulaüng
8484 the issuance and use of access devices, prohibiting
fraudulent acts committed relatively thereto, providing
penalties, and for other purposes.
Republic Act No. An Act Providing for the Recognition and Use of Electronic
8792 Commercial and Non-Commercial Transactions and
Documents, Penalties for Unlawful Use Thereof and Other
Purposes" or the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
REPUBLIC ACT NO. An act to promote the establishment of barangay micro
9178 business enterprises (bmbes). providing incentives and
benefits therefore and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9173 Data Privacy Act of 2012 — An Act Protecting Individual

Personal Information in Informaüon and Communicaüons

Systems in the Government and the Private Sector, Creating
for this Purpose a National Privacy Commission, and for
Other Purposes
The Labor Code of the Philippines is a legal code that determines all employment
practices and labor relations in the Philippines. This is to help protect employees and
employers- while ensuring that neither is subject to unfair freaünent or exploitaüon.


Answer to Self-Progress Test/ Comments

• Guide Questions 20 POINTS

• Asynchronous Activity 30 POINTS


Guide Questions (Short Essay) 20 POINTS

o Answer each question through a short essay
o Answer in the 1 sheet of paper or through MS Word
o Each question is equivalent to 10 POINTS. Check the Rubrics below
o Guide Question Rubrics
Rubrics for Short Essay


SentenceStructure, All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences are Sentences sound
Grammar,Mechanics, & well constructed are well well constructed, awkward, are
Spelling and have varied constructed and but they have a distractingly
structure and have varied similar structure repetitive, or are
length. structure and and/or length. difficult to
length. understand.

Focus & Details The main ideas The main ideas The main ideas are The topic and main
are clear and are are clear but are somewhat clear. ideas are not clear.
well supported not well
by detailed and supported by
accurate detailed
information. information.

Summary of the Lesson

Ethics is a system of moral principles; they affect how people make decisions and lead
their lives. It is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also
described as moral philosophy. The term is derived from the Greek word ethos which can
mean custom, habit, character, or disposition

Legal Behavior follows the dictates of laws, which are written down and interpreted by the
courts. In decision making, determining the legality of a course is facilitated by the
existence of statutes, regulations, and codes.

Ethical business practice is concerned with society's duties and responsibilities to uphold
moral values and to live up to the aspirations Of stakeholders, the public, government
institutions, and society, These principles include fairness and integ•igr standards,
understandings of right and wrong, and responsiveness and transparency expectations,
In both formalized agreement* such as taxes and salaries to workers, and the tacit
understandings •that determine the position of the corporation within society, the ethical
principles that corporations must live up to exist

Supplementary Readings and Materials

• Direct Labor - Definition, How to Measure, How To Calculate. (n.d.). Corporate
• Sanjay Bulaki Borad. (2019). EFinanceManagement.Com. license tax. (n.d.).
TheFreeDictionary.Com. htps://
• Cruz, V. (2018, April 2). What is the selling price? Definition and examples.
Market Business News; Market Business News.




What does it take to run a successful business? Some people tell you it’s the art of
identifying and seizing an opportunity—the union of preparation and luck. Some say
preparation and education best prepare people for the rigors of the business world. Still,
others claim it’s all about connections. But none of them offer the whole story.

There’s one major element that’s essential: effective communication. Indeed, strong
communication, more than any other factor, maybe the leading predictor of business
success. In some way or another, communication contributes to all those other factors.
Communication helps us learn about new opportunities, manage our education, and
ultimately maintain and cultivate important connections. But it also helps within a
business; with employees, customers, and shareholders; and in virtually every other
aspect of a business.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

• Describe the different business languages and terminologies;

• Discuss the concept of business etiquettes and protocols;
• List the different techniques to fix a conflict
• Identify what are the different business documents;
• Define the concept of neåquette
• List the different information regarding effecåve business communication
• Describe the impact of social media on the tourism industry

I. Business languages and terminologies

Business plan. A business pian is, as the name implies, a document used explain the
strategy of an organization, set growth for the next three to five years, and identify
information needed to achieve those goals, such as target market, unique selling points,
marketing goals, etc. it can also highlight strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats (also known by the abbreviation SWOT). Business plans are important for forming
or starting a company and would be needed to receive funding from banks, the
government, or investors

Balance sheet. A balance sheet details company finances for a certain moment in time
(often the end of the financial year), This lists the company's asset values (things that
belong to it), liabilities (what it owes), and equity of ownership (what is left after liabilities),
A review of how the organization is doing financially should be presented, which can then
be compared with the objectives outlined in the business plan.

Start-up process. The term "start-up is used to describe a brand new company, usually,
in ifs few months or years of trading, The definition has connotations Of entrepreneurship,
and the implication is often that the organization will significantly grow in scale. It is often
associated with the industry since the word was commonly used during the dot com
period, but it can refer to any new business. Start-ups, often in unorthodox offices with a
friendly environment, ate generally thought of as forward-thinking.

Forecast. Just as a weather forecast forecasts what the weather Would do based on its
current state, external circumstances, new products, marketing, and so on, a business
forecast predicts various aspects of a company’s future movement. The timeframes are
usually much longer than those involved in weather with previews being popular for
three to five years. Sales, profit and loss, and cash flow are types of company forecast;
the latter allows business owners to assess when money is going to run out.

Marketing. Marketing refers to the commercialization of a product or service. It can take
many forms, including advertising, emailing customer, sending out leaflets or brochures,
communicating With potential Customers through social media, and so on.

USP- A "USP" is the "Unique Selling Proposition" Of a company, product, or service in

other words, what makes it different from similar offerings, USPS are considered when
a company is formed or a new product or service is launched' and they are always at
the forefront of marketers' minds, as they are the unique aspect that allow marketers to
succeed by showing why customers should choose them rather than other company.

II. Business Etiquette and Protocols

1. Give Attention to the

Names. Names are one of the
first pieces about anyone that
we meet. That how individuals
and address you
2. Greet Everyone. Not only is it
respectful to the individuals
with whom you come in
contact, but it creates
relationships. You don't know
who the people you've
welcomed could be, so everyone must be welcomed with the same kindness.
3. Give a handshake and make eye contact. Handshakes are the universal
business greeting. Having a powerful handshake is often considered a positive
quality. A faint one is an unpleasant one.
4. Give cues that show you're paying attention. When someone else is
speaking, it is necessary to nod or smile. This means that you are interested
and are actively listening. It tells them that you care about what they think and
value their views.

5. Introduce others. No one wants to stand with a group of people who
uncomfortably have no idea who they are and what they doing there, It is
unpleasant. If you are starting a conversation with someone and are with a
person they have .not yet met, it is respectful to make an introduction,

6. Give handwritten, personalized Thank You notes. IVs perfectly good to

send out auto-confirmaüon and thank you emails after clients make an online
purchase. A thank you by email, however, is considered naive and rude,
especially if it is a large account or a long-standing business relationship

7. Proofread emails for grammar and typo mistakes. If you're like most
professionals, you can connect a lot by email Every message sent reflects on
you, so you need to ensure that they are well-written and professional. You
shouldn't have typos in emails. It just takes a few seconds to proofread your
emails before clicking send.

8. Be polite and professional in all forms of communication. in any encounter,

it does not matter whether you meet face-to-face by phone or emails you need
to be professional.

9. Always be on time. When it comes to work or a meeting or a deadline,

punctuality is crucial. Time is important.

10. Dress appropriately. Dress codes have been a lot more relaxed in recent just
because no rule says you can't show up for work in a hoodie, sweatpants, and
flip-flops, that doesn't mean you should.

III. Conflict Resolution Techniques

To help resolve conflicts in your workplace, consider the following strategies for
conflict resolution:

• Listen, Talk Out Then. Believe it or not, just listening to the issue of an employee
is the first and most important step in dispute resolution. You should listen to all
parties involved to better grasp the nature of conflicts and then start
troubleshooting solutions.

• Collect a party. As a chief, you'll need to organize a meeting with all parties
involved to tackle the problem. *Give everybody a chance to talk; it's a good
opportunity to hear from both sides and get a better picture of the conflict By
conducting a community meeting, an arrangement that will satisfy everyone may
also be expedited.

• Be ImpartiaL Don't take any sides! In a leadership position that favors one person
over another, you should not demonstrate any sort of opinion. If you're biased
against one person, fry accessing the situation from both sides to come up with a
reasonable and logical solution.

• Do Not Postpone Conflict Resolution. Resolve the conflict immediately'

Otherwise, the condition could escalate and may affect employee productivity. Just
make sure that the dilemma is not too quickly or without due consideration, as the
decision will directly affect the attitude and of the employees.

IV. Business Documents

Business documents are materials that represent you, your department, and/or your
corporation, whether they are external parties or other stakeholders in your organization.
It is a form of organized document that is used for business purposes to keep things

Example of Business Documents.

➢ Formal Letters or Memos

➢ Financial Documents
➢ Accounting Documents
➢ Reports
➢ Proposals
➢ Business Plans
➢ Customer Service Documents
➢ Operational Documents
➢ Meeting Summaries

V. Digital Communication Skills for Business

Digital communication involves the use of electronic tools to send messages common
ways of communicating digitally include:

➢ Email
➢ Text messages
➢ Video conferencing
➢ Social media

Importance of Communication

✓ Improved speed and accuracy of information - Electronic tools allow written

correspondence to be easily edited and checked, helping to minimize grammatical
and spelling errors. Messages can be shared at a much quicker rate, which can
help keep external stakeholders up-to-date while delivering information to internal
stakeholders to improve decision-making.

✓ Better customer service - The use of digital communication has helped

companies to enhance the service they deliver to their customers by providing a

broader variety of contact options. Clients can now contact organizations at a time
that is convenient for them.

✓ Improved productivity - Digital networking enables many issues with production

equipment to be addressed remotely, such as screen sharing to fix computer
problems. these lower costs and the effect of equipment breakdowns are

✓ Access to a wider audience - Businesses will now have far better access to a
larger audience. When targeting clients with marketing materials, this can be
helpful. However, this can also be useful for the human resources feature, as they
may want to draw a large pool of candidates for a work vacancy.

Netiquette refers to etiquette, or contact protocols and guidelines, on the Internet.

Text messages and e-mails are part of our networking environment, and they are
considered by professional business communicators to be a valuable connecting
method. It is no different from having a face-to-face conversation with someone to

correspond, compose, or have a conversation on the Internet, except that the
dialogue takes over a network

Texting- t is helpful for brief exchanges and is a convenient way to remain with
others when it would be cumbersome to communicate on the phone. For long or
complex texts, texting is not beneficial, and the audience should be given due


Answer to Self-Progress Test/ Comments

• Guide Questions 20 POINTS

• Asynchronous Activity 30 POINTS


Guide Questions (Short Essay) 20 POINTS

o Answer each question through a short essay
o Answer in the 1 sheet of paper or through MS Word
o Each question is equivalent to 10 POINTS. Check the Rubrics below
o Guide Question Rubrics

Rubrics for Short Essay


SentenceStructure, All sentences are Most sentences Most sentences are Sentences sound
Grammar,Mechanics, & well constructed are well well constructed, awkward, are
Spelling and have varied constructed and but they have a distractingly
structure and have varied similar structure repetitive, or are
length. structure and and/or length. difficult to
length. understand.

Focus & Details The main ideas The main ideas The main ideas are The topic and main
are clear and are are clear but are somewhat clear. ideas are not clear.
well supported not well
by detailed and supported by
accurate detailed
information. information.

Summary of the Lesson

Communication in business is important to convey clear, strong messages about strategy,

customer service, and branding. A business building a brand reflects a consistent
message tailored to its audience. Internal communication builds rapport among
employees and managers and encourages teamwork and collaboration.

Good communicators are vital to a business's profit margin and reputation. Employees
who communicate well and understand the company's vision help make the company
successful. Using effective communication skills can benefit a business and its
employees in a variety of ways, including:

• Building better teams

• Preventing misunderstandings and conflicts
• Improving customer service
• Meeting goals and earning success
• Promoting creativity and innovation
• Advancing individual career prospects

Supplementary Readings and Materials

• Direct Labor - Definition, How To Measure, How To Calculate. (n.d.). Corporate
• Sanjay Bulaki Borad. (2019). EFinanceManagement.Com. license tax. (n.d.).
TheFreeDictionary.Com. htps://
• Cruz, V. (2018, April 2). What is the selling price? Definition and examples.
Market Business News; Market Business News.


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