Lesson 1 Introduction To Tour Guiding

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Taguig

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City


Tour guide is a very decent profession that provides you with abundant
opportunities to travel and see different places and meet new people. On becoming a tour
guide, you will be leading a group of travelers on sight-seeing or educational tours to
different spots or places of tourist attraction. You will be providing them with all the
information related to the points of interest. You will be required to answer all their queries.
It is very important for you as a tour guide to be well versed with all the historical and
religious aspects of given place. (Skyline Institute).
Every profession is a kind of work that requires a certain knowledge of human and
labor skills. Acquired the knowledge and skills through the general or special education,
and in the daily practice of the employee.

Until the 1960s, working as a tour guide was professional, it was a kind of
recreational activities for groups of enthusiasts. Guide duties performed by experts of
various disciplines on the job their main activities (teachers, researcher’s museums,
institutes, etc.). Only a few travel agencies and in some museums were established
guides. However, while this work is beginning to take on professional traits.


LO1: Identify the importance of tour guiding in tourism industry
LO2: Defining the role of a tour guide as profession

Definition; Tour Guide

Republic act 9593 or Tourism Act of 2009

“An individual who, by virtue of his qualifications and training, either as an

employee or affiliate of a duly licensed travel and tour company, who is duly accredited
by DOT and licensed by the local government units where he resides, is authorized to
accompany visitors, both foreign and domestic, to conduct and manage all sightseeing
tours and tour packages for a commission or any other form of lawful remuneration.”
It defines by the law the meaning of Tour Guide and the general responsibility as an
accredited ambassador/ambassadress of good will is to give story telling about the
interesting destination of the tourist. In tour guiding profession they have two

1. FREELANCE GUIDE - Not permanently connected with any travel agency and paid
per trip
2. STAFF GUIDE- Permanently connected with travel agency, receives monthly salary

Types of Tour Guide;

1. LOCAL GUIDE- Individuals tasked to perform some of the tour guide roles within a
defined geographical location or confined areas that specialize in historical, cultural or
religious aspects such as in the historical island of Corregidor.
2. SPECIALIZED TOUR GUIDE- The specialized guide has an in-depth knowledge of
selected subject matters and/or is proficient in skills required to service the needs of
special visitors such as Bird Watching in Palawan
3. ECO-TOUR GUIDE- Individuals who perform the tour guide roles within the classified
areas, where nature, flora, fauna and the local communities or indigenous people are the
main interest.
4. ESCORT– accompanying leader of group of tourist usually from the point of origin to
the destination.
5. LINGUIST GUIDE- fluent in 2 or more languages
Qualities of a Tour Guide
Tour guides handle a few or several tourists, at any given time. A quality tour guide should
show accurate and significant knowledge, all while providing a simple and engaging
experience for guests. Guides help to add a personal touch and influence to your
experience. Here are qualities a great tour guide should possess:

Knowledge of the Tour Area

Your tour guide should be prepared to take you on a journey to some of the most unique
places in the world. Tourists are educated during various parts of the trip by guides who
know the area inside and out. Tour guides should be able to explain facts, history,
landmarks, figures, local customs and more. They should also be able to answer
additional tour related questions that may come up during the trip. Knowledgeable guides
can help make your trip insightful and memorable.
Ability to Communicate Effectively
Communication is one of the strongest qualities a tour guide needs to have. They must
be able to articulate and project their voices and speak clearly, to help prevent any
misunderstandings from their various tourists and groups. A good tour guide also needs
to know how to properly pronounce words. Someone who knows how to command the
attention of multiple people at once, is a good candidate for a tour guide position. Tour
guides must be approachable and have excellent interpersonal skills because they will
be involved with multiple people on a daily basis.
Strong Empathy and Understanding
Tour guides assist people from all over the world. For this reason, it is vital to be able to
communicate effectively. Tourists may come from various walks of life, age groups,
cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds, or speak different languages. The ability to
handle social norms and expectations is key to being an effective tour guide. The best
guides are empathetic to cultural differences and prioritize making each delivery unique
to their guests. Your tour guide should also have a sensitivity and understanding for
accommodating those guests with special needs.

Charismatic Personality
Your tour guide should be entertaining, and able to engage charismatically with numerous
tourists. It is a plus to have natural charisma. Each day and every tour will be unique, so
tour guides must consistently find opportunities to be charming, interesting, delightful,
funny and friendly. This helps groups enjoy one another, which can make the tour more
Keen Ability to Improvise and Adapt
Situations may change at the spur of the moment. Tour guides should be familiar with
improvising and adapt to these changing situations. They should be able to tell when their
audience needs for them to adapt to prevent loss of interest from the group. Your tour
guide should also be able to adapt and keep up to date with changing times and constant
advancements in technology and determine how they affect or enhance their tours.
Focuses on Building Rapport
People are excited to be embarking on once in a lifetime journeys. Tour guides can help
by exhibiting patient, yet encouraging and cheerful demeanours throughout tour
excursions. Guides should build rapport by encouraging effective conversations, asking
questions, providing information, and demonstrating passion.
Engaging Storyteller and Actor
Tour guides should have a compelling zeal and passion for what they do. They do not
have to be locals to be a guide in an area. They just need to have enough passion to
learn the history of an area, naturally, tell the story and explain their knowledge with
enthusiasm to eager guests. Tourists love learning about various fun facts and little known
secrets about the area they will be touring. Guides should consistently have the ability to
convey passion, act positively and tell various interactive stories.
At times, tour guides will need to go with the flow. They may need to use various
approaches based on the audience they will be entertaining. A flexible approach to a
situation can make a good tour even better. Great tour guides are flexible when it comes
to unexpected issues and schedule changes.
Timeliness and Punctuality
Being punctual is one of the most essential characteristics your tour guide should possess
because they need to have guests at designated areas at specific times. They usually
follow a schedule from an itinerary with various timeframes. It is imperative that your tour
guide make specific allotments for these timeframes, and help guests get to where they
need to be on time. The greatest tour guides are punctual and organized.
Eagerness to Learn and Willingness to Teach Others
Your tour guide should be able to keep the tour group well informed. Guests should learn
new things and gather new insights while they are traveling. A good guide continuously
aims to facilitate ways to learn how to make each tour distinct and unique from previous
tours. They care about identifying needed improvements, and studies or pays attention
to what guests gain from their tours. Tour guides learn by encouraging guests to provide
necessary feedback so they can use the information to enhance future tours. A good tour
guide is an expert in their destinations and area attractions.

Guides should maintain rapport by displaying a professional attitude at all times. Even
when not working, quality guides exhibit behaviours that are representative of who they
are. Professionalism helps audiences see the tour guide as a credible and reliable source.
Being professional includes essential attributes such as being honest, well groomed,
punctual, attentive and courteous.
Having a good tour guide can be beneficial. Your tour guide should have the ability to
guide with authority, enthusiasm and help you to have some of the most authentic, and
rewarding experiences of a lifetime. Regardless of your destination, great tour guides
utilize their qualities to ensure their guests have memorable tours.


Tour Guiding is respectful of and unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed,
culture, disability, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, politics, race or social status. A
tour Guide renders services to the individual, the family and the community and
coordinate their services with those of related groups.


I. Tour Guide and Clients
II. Tour Guide and Practice
II. Tour Guide and the Profession
IV. Tour Guide and Tourism Partners

I. Tour Guide and Clients

a. The professional tour guide’s responsibility is to his clients and the tourists.
b. Promote an environment in which the human rights, values, customs
and spiritual beliefs of the individual, family and community respected
c. Ensure that a tourist receives sufficient and accurate information on which to
base decisions or develop understanding on the culture and environment of the
d. Holds confidence, personal knowledge and information and uses judgement in
sharing this information
e. Share with society the responsibility for initiating and supporting action to meet
thy needs of the tourism industry.
II. Tour Guide and Practice
a. the tour guide carries personal responsibility and accountability for practice, and
for maintaining competence by continual learning,
b. Maintains a standard of personal health such that the ability to provide service
is not compromised
c. uses judgement regarding self-competence when accepting and delegating
d. maintains standards of personal conduct which reflect well on the profession
and enhance public confidence.
e. ensures that the use of technology and scientific advances are compatible with
the safety, dignity and rights of clients and tourists.
f. shares responsibility to sustain and protect the cultural and natural environment
from depletion, pollution, degradation and destruction.

III. Tour Guide and the Profession

a, assumes the major role in determining and implementing ethical standards of
practice, management, research and education.
b. the tour guide is active in developing a core of research based professional
c. participates in creating and maintaining safe, equitable, sustainable social and
economic working conditions in the tour guiding industry

IV. Tour Guide and Tourism Industry

a. the tour guide maintains a proactive relationship with co-workers and tourism
stakeholders in tour guiding and tourism industry as a whole
b. takes appropriate action to safe guard individuals, families and communities
when their interest and that of the local tourism industry is endangered by co-worker or
any other person.
Dos and Don’ts in Tour Guiding

1. Smile and Be Properly Attired

2. Be friendly, courteous and calm
3. Be positive, patriotic and sincere
4. Be sensitive of the operating environment
5. Avoid guess work, propaganda and do not memorize commentaries
6. Encourage responsible and sensitive behaviour from the clients
7, Establish rapport with the clients and the suppliers
8. Be understanding, but firm
9. Make choices- decide now, explain later
10. Never insinuate nor ask for tips.

1. Smile and Be Properly Attired

 There is nothing more refreshing than a cheerful smile
 Be properly attired for the occasion or the environment
 Practice personal grooming- hair, nails, shoes- and basic hygiene
2. Be Friendly, Courteous and Calm
 Be genuinely interested in people
 Seek common interest and healthy lines of communication
 No matter how tired or up-set you are, be courteous

3. Be Positive, Patriotic and Sincere

 Focus on the positive aspects of the commentaries- if you have a negative
commentary to make, be tactful
 Let your love of country and people show in your words and deeds
 Encourage trust and confidence by showing sincerity
4. Be Sensitive of the Operating Environment
 Re-act to the usual naturally- do not panic
 Be ready for the unforeseen- what can go wrong, will go wrong.
 Know your tour, your itinerary, the inclusion and exclusions
5. Avoid Guess Work, Propaganda and Do Not Memorize Commentaries
 Select your materials carefully (interesting, unusual, amusing, and
appropriate) and know important data by heart- if you do not know, say so
(guess work is easily detected)
 Develop enthusiasm for research and check and update all information
 Never discuss religion and politics- ne neutral in discussion- and never use
words “I think”, “I guess” or “Probably”, it is better to say “I do not know, but
I will find that out”
 Prepared and memorized statements or classroom- type commentaries are
as unprofessional as an amateur who pads limited knowledge
6. Encourage Responsible and Sensitive Behavior from the Clients
 respect local sensitiveness
 behave with consideration of others
 obey rules that protect the physical and social environment
7. Establish Rapport with the Clients and the Suppliers
Guiding is a form of theatre use a bit of drama and acting to:
 arouse interest
 provide entertainment
 draw the clients attention
 elicit the cooperation of the supplier
 seek grounds of concern with your suppliers for the common good
 show genuine friendship with your suppliers staff
 Responsive clients bring out the best of a tour guide, and this is what
makes tour guiding special.

8. Be Understanding, But Firm

 adapt your people management level to the clients level
 have empathy- put yourself in the other persons place
 be firm without being bossy
9. Make Choices- Decide Now, Explain Later
 keep the general welfare in mind
 the majority rules- remember you cannot please everyone
 consider the long term consequences when making a decision
10. Never Insinuate Nor Ask for Tips.
 Tour guiding is about service, but not being servant
 A tip earned is a tip servant
 A good, knowledgeable, skilled and professional tour guide will always earn
a tip
I. Read the statement and the question, and then select the best answer. Encircle the
letter of your answer.
Ana is from Baguio. She went to Cagayan de Oro City with her friends for whitewater
1. Is Ana a tourist?
a. YES b. NO

2. What kind of activity Ana and her friends do in Cagayan de Oro City?
a. Cultural b. Adventure c. VFR
3. What mode of transportation must Ana take to reach Cagayan de Oro City from
a. Airplane b. Bus c. Both
4. Which of the following does Ana represent?
a. Domestic Tourist
b. National Tourist
c. Both
d. None of the above

5. Which of the following does Ana represent?

a. Excursionist
b. International tourist
c. Both
d. None of the above
Robert is a US resident who came to the Philippines to visit the Banaue Rice Terraces.
1. Is Robert a tourist?
a. Yes b. No
2. What kind of activity did Robert do in Banaue?
a. Sports b. Ecotourism
3. What mode of transportation must Robert take to reach Banaue from NAIA
a. Airplane b. Bus c. Both
4. Which of the following does Robert represent?
a. Domestic tourist
b. National tourist
c. Both
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following does Robert represent?
a. Excursionist
b. International tourist
c. Both
d. None of the above


Each guide must have a knowledge of not only the specialty, but also knowledge
of the basics of pedagogy and psychology. It is also important to guide, to analyze his
work, he was able to make an objective assessment of excursion, showed integrity and
demanding of themselves.

Practical knowledge and skills are the basis for the participation of the guide in
methodical work, you can manage the methodology section, the methodical study, to
teach in training and professional development guides, managers of tourist groups, travel
agencies, tour guides to help beginners. Possession of practical knowledge and skills is
a solid foundation of skill guide.


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