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Modeling spatial relationships

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See
the latest documentation.

This document provides additional information about tool parameters but also introduces essential vocabulary and
concepts that are important when you analyze your data using the Spatial Statistics tools. Use this document as a
reference when you need additional information about tool parameters.

The tools in the Spatial Statistics toolbox will not work directly with XY Event Layers. Use Copy Features
to first convert the XY Event data into a feature class before you run your analysis.
When using shapefiles, keep in mind that they cannot store null values. Tools or other procedures that
create shapefiles from nonshapefile inputs may store or interpret null values as zero. In some cases,
nulls are stored as very large negative values in shapefiles. This can lead to unexpected results. See
Geoprocessing considerations for shapefile output for more information.

Conceptualization of spatial relationships

An important difference between spatial and traditional (aspatial or nonspatial) statistics is that spatial statistics
integrate space and spatial relationships directly into their mathematics. Consequently, many of the tools in the spatial
statistics toolbox require the user to select a value for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter prior to
analysis. Common conceptualizations include inverse distance, travel time, fixed distance, K nearest neighbors, and
contiguity. The conceptualization of spatial relationships you use will depend on what you're measuring. If you're
measuring clustering of a particular species of seed-propagating plant, for example, inverse distance is probably most
appropriate. However, if you are assessing the geographic distribution of a region's commuters, travel time or travel
cost might be better choices for describing those spatial relationships. For some analyses, space and time might be less
important than more abstract concepts such as familiarity (the more familiar something is, the more functionally near it
is) or spatial interaction (there are many more phone calls, for example, between Los Angeles and New York than
between New York and a smaller town nearer to New York, like Poughkeepsie; some might argue that Los Angeles and
New York are functionally closer).

The Grouping Analysis tool contains a parameter called Spatial Constraints, and while the parameter options are similar
to those described for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter, they are used differently. When a
spatial constraint is imposed, only features that share at least one neighbor (as defined by contiguity, nearest neighbor
relationships, or triangulation methods), may belong to the same group. Additional information and examples are
included in How Grouping Analysis works.

Options for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter are discussed below. The option you select
determines neighbor relationships for tools that assess each feature within the context of neighboring features. These
tools include the Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I), Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*), and Cluster and Outlier
Analysis (Anselin Local Moran's I) tools. Note that some of these options are only available if you use the Generate
Spatial Weights Matrix or Generate Network Spatial Weights tools.

Inverse distance, inverse distance squared (impedance) 1/11
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With the Inverse Distance options, the conceptual model of spatial relationships is one of impedance, or distance
decay. All features impact/influence all other features, but the farther away something is, the smaller the impact it has.
You will generally want to specify a Distance Band or Threshold Distance value when you use an inverse distance
conceptualization to reduce the number of required computations, especially with large datasets. When no distance
band or threshold distance is specified, a default threshold value is computed for you. You can force all features to be a
neighbor of all other features by setting Distance Band or Threshold Distance to zero.

Inverse Euclidean distance is appropriate for modeling continuous data such as temperature variations, for example.
Inverse Manhattan distance might work best when analyses involve the locations of hardware stores or other fixed
urban facilities, in the case where road network data isn't available. The conceptual model when you use the Inverse
Distance Squared option is the same as with Inverse Distance except the slope is sharper, so neighbor influences drop
off more quickly and only a target feature's closest neighbors will exert substantial influence in computations for that

Distance band (sphere of influence)

For some tools, like Hot Spot Analysis, a fixed distance band is the default conceptualization of spatial relationships.
With the Fixed Distance Band option, you impose a sphere of influence, or moving window conceptual model of spatial
interactions onto the data. Each feature is analyzed within the context of those neighboring features located within the
distance you specify for Distance Band or Threshold Distance. Neighbors within the specified distance are weighted
equally. Features outside the specified distance don't influence calculations (their weight is zero). Use the Fixed
Distance Band method when you want to evaluate the statistical properties of your data at a particular (fixed) spatial
scale. If you are studying commuting patterns and know that the average journey to work is 15 miles, for example, you
may want to use a 15-mile fixed distance for your analysis. See Selecting a fixed distance for strategies that can help
you identify an appropriate scale of analysis.

Zone of indifference

The Zone of Indifference option for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter combines the Inverse
Distance and Fixed Distance Band models. Features within the distance band or threshold distance are included in
analyses for the target feature. Once the critical distance is exceeded, the level of influence (the weighting) quickly
drops off. Suppose you're looking for a job and have the choice between a job five miles away and another job six
miles away. You probably won't think much about distance in making a decision about which job to take. Now,
suppose you have the choice between one job five miles away and another 20 miles away. In this case, distance
becomes more of an impedance and may be factored into your decision making. Use this method when you want to
hold the scale of analysis fixed but don't want to impose sharp boundaries on the neighboring features included in
target feature computations.

Polygon contiguity (first order) 2/11
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For polygon feature classes, you can choose CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY (sometimes called the Rook's Case) or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS (sometimes referred to as Queen's Case). For CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY, polygons that
share an edge (that have coincident boundaries) are included in computations for the target polygon. Polygons that do
not share an edge are excluded from the target feature computations. For CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS, polygons
that share an edge and/or a corner will be included in computations for the target polygon. If any portion of two
polygons overlap, they are considered neighbors and will be included in each other's computations. Use one of these
contiguity conceptualizations with polygon features in cases where you are modeling some type of contagious process
or are dealing with continuous data represented as polygons.

K nearest neighbors

Neighbor relationships may also be constructed so that each feature is assessed within the spatial context of a
specified number of its closest neighbors. If K (the number of neighbors) is 8, then the eight closest neighbors to the
target feature will be included in computations for that feature. In locations where feature density is high, the spatial
context of the analysis will be smaller. Similarly, in locations where feature density is sparse, the spatial context for the
analysis will be larger. An advantage to this model of spatial relationships is that it ensures there will be some
neighbors for every target feature, even when feature densities vary widely across the study area. This method is
available using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool. The K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS option with 8 for Number of
Neighbors is the default conceptualization used with Exploratory Regression to assess regression residuals.

Delaunay triangulation (natural neighbors)

The Delaunay Triangulation option constructs neighbors by creating Voronoi triangles from point features or from
feature centroids such that each point/centroid is a triangle node. Nodes connected by a triangle edge are considered
neighbors. Using Delaunay triangulation ensures every feature will have at least one neighbor even when data includes
islands and/or widely varying feature densities. Do not use the Delaunay Triangulation option when you have
coincident features. This method is available using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool.

Space-Time window

With this option you define feature relationships in terms of both a space (fixed distance) and a time (fixed-time
interval) window. This option is available when you create a spatial weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial
Weights Matrix tool. When you select SPACE_TIME_WINDOW, you will also be required to specify a Date/Time Field, a
Date/Time Interval Type (HOURS, DAYS, or MONTHS, for example), and a Date/Time Interval Value. The interval value is
an integer. If you selected HOURS for the Interval Type and a 3 for Interval Value, for example, two features would be
considered neighbors if the values in their Date/Time field were within three hours of each other. With this
conceptualization, features are neighbors if they fall within the specified distance and also fall within the specified time
interval of the target feature. As one possible example, you would select the SPACE_TIME_WINDOWConceptualization
of Spatial Relationships if you wanted to create a spatial weights matrix file to use with Hot_Spot_Analysis in order to
identify space-time hot spots. Additional information, including how to visualize results, is presented in Space-Time
Analysis. Other opportunities are available to help you visualize, in 3D, a netCDF space-time cube.

Get spatial weights from file (user-defined spatial relationships)

You can create a file to store feature neighbor relationships using either the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool. If you want to define spatial relationships using travel time or travel costs
derived from a network dataset, create a spatial weights matrix file using the Generate Network Spatial Weights tool,
then use the resultant SWM file for your analyses. If the spatial relationships for your features are defined in a table, use
the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool to convert that table into a spatial weights matrix (.swm) file. Particular fields
should be included in your table in order to use the CONVERT_TABLE option to obtain an SWM file. You can also 3/11
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provide a path to a formatted ASCII text file that defines your own custom conceptualization of spatial relationships
(based on spatial interaction, for example).

Selecting a conceptualization of spatial relationships: Best practices

The more realistically you can model how features interact with each other in space, the more accurate your results will
be. Your choice for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter should reflect inherent relationships
among the features you are analyzing. Sometimes your choice will also be influenced by characteristics of your data.

The inverse distance methods (INVERSE_DISTANCE, INVERSE_DISTANCE_SQUARED), for example, are most appropriate
with continuous data or to model processes where the closer two features are in space, the more likely they are to
interact/influence each other. With this spatial conceptualization, every feature is potentially a neighbor of every other
feature, and with large datasets, the number of computations involved will be enormous. You should always try to
include a Distance Band or Threshold Distance value when using the inverse distance conceptualizations. This is
particularly important for large datasets. If you leave the Distance Band or Threshold Distance parameter blank, a
threshold distance will be computed for you, but this may not be the most appropriate distance for your analysis; the
default distance threshold will be the minimum distance that ensures every feature has at least one neighbor.

The FIXED_DISTANCE_BAND method works well for point data. It is the default option used by the Hot Spot Analysis
(Getis-Ord Gi*) tool. It is often a good option for polygon data when there is a large variation in polygon size (very
large polygons at the edge of the study area and very small polygons at the center of the study area, for example), and
you want to ensure a consistent scale of analysis. See Selecting a fixed distance below for strategies to help you
determine an appropriate distance band value for your analysis.

The ZONE_OF_INDIFFERENCE conceptualization works well when fixed distance is appropriate but imposing sharp
boundaries on neighborhood relationships is not an accurate representation of your data. Keep in mind that the zone
of indifference conceptual model considers every feature to be a neighbor of every other feature. Consequently, this
option is not appropriate for large datasets since the Distance Band or Threshold Distance value supplied does not
limit the number of neighbors but only specifies where the intensity of spatial relationships begins to wane.

The polygon contiguity conceptualizations (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY, CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS) are effective

when polygons are similar in size and distribution, and when spatial relationships are a function of polygon proximity
(the idea that if two polygons share a boundary, spatial interaction between them increases). When you select a
polygon contiguity conceptualization, you will almost always want to select row standardization for tools that have the
Row Standardization parameter.

The K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS option is effective when you want to ensure you have a minimum number of neighbors
for your analysis. Especially when the values associated with your features are skewed (are not normally distributed), it
is important that each feature is evaluated within the context of at least eight or so neighbors (this is a rule of thumb
only). When the distribution of your data varies across your study area so that some features are far away from all other
features, this method works well. Note, however, that the spatial context of your analysis changes depending on
variations in the sparsity/density of your features. When fixing the scale of analysis is less important than fixing the
number of neighbors, the K nearest neighbors method is appropriate.

Some analysts consider DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION a way to construct natural neighbors for a set of features. This
method is a good option when your data includes island polygons (isolated polygons that do not share any boundaries
with other polygons) or in cases where there is a very uneven spatial distribution of features. It is not appropriate when
you have coincident features, however. Similar to the K nearest neighbors method, Delaunay triangulation ensures
every feature has at least one neighbor but uses the distribution of the data itself to determine how many neighbors
each feature gets.

The SPACE_TIME_WINDOW option allows you to define feature relationships in terms of both their spatial and their
temporal proximity. You would use this option if you wanted to identify space-time hot spots, or construct groups
where membership was constrained by space and time proximity. Examples of space-time analysis as well as strategies
for effectively rendering the results from this type of analysis are provided in Space-Time Analysis.

For some applications, spatial interaction is best modeled in terms of travel time or travel distance. If you are modeling
accessibility to urban services, for example, or looking for urban crime hot spots, modeling spatial relationships in
terms of a network is a good option. Use the Generate Network Spatial Weights tool to create a spatial weights matrix
file (.swm) prior to analysis; select GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE for your Conceptualization of Spatial
Relationships value, then, for the Weights Matrix File parameter, provide the full path to the SWM file you created. 4/11
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ESRI Data & Maps, free to ArcGIS users, contains StreetMap data including a prebuilt network dataset in SDC
format. The coverage for this dataset is the United States and Canada. These network datasets can be used
directly by the Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.

If none of the options for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter work well for your analysis, you can
create an ASCII text file or table with the feature-to-feature relationships you want and then use these to build a spatial
weights matrix file. If one of the options above is close, but not perfect for your purposes, you can use the Generate
Spatial Weights Matrix tool to create a basic SWM file, then edit your spatial weights matrix file.

Selecting a fixed-distance band value

Think of the fixed distance band you select as a moving window that momentarily settles on top of each feature and
looks at that feature within the context of its neighbors. There are several guidelines to help you identify an
appropriate distance band for analysis:

Select a distance based on what you know about the geographic extent of the spatial processes promoting
clustering for the phenomena you are studying. Often, you won't know this, but if you do, you should use your
knowledge to select a distance value. Suppose, for example, you know that the average journey-to-work
commute distance is 15 miles. Using 15 miles for the distance band is a good strategy for analyzing commuting
Use a distance band that is large enough to ensure all features will have at least one neighbor, or results will not
be valid. Especially if the input data is skewed (does not create a nice bell curve when you plot the values as a
histogram), you will want to make sure that your distance band is neither too small (most features have only one
or two neighbors) nor too large (several features include all other features as neighbors), because that would
make resultant z-scores less reliable. The z-scores are reliable (even with skewed data) as long as the distance
band is large enough to ensure several neighbors (approximately eight) for each feature. Even if none of the
features have all other features as neighbors, performance issues and even potential memory limitations can
result if you create a distance band where features have thousands of neighbors.
Sometimes ensuring all features have at least one neighbor results in some features having many thousands of
neighbors, and this is not ideal. This can happen when some of your features are spatial outliers. To resolve this
problem, determine an appropriate distance band for all but the spatial outliers, and use the Generate Spatial
Weights Matrix tool to create a spatial weights matrix file using that distance. When you run the Generate
Spatial Weights Matrix tool, however, specify a minimum number of neighbors value for the Number of
Neighbors parameter. Example: Suppose you are evaluating access to healthy food in Los Angeles County using
census tract data. You know that more than 90 percent of the population live within three miles of shopping
opportunities. If you are analyzing census tracts you will find that distances between tracts (based on tract
centroids) in the downtown region are about 1,000 meters on average, but distances between tracts in outlying
areas are more than 18,000 meters. To ensure every feature has at least one neighbor, your distance band would
need to be more than 18,000 meters, and this scale of analysis (distance) is not appropriate for the questions
you are asking. The solution is to create a spatial weights matrix file for the census tract feature class using the
Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool. Specify a Threshold Distance of about 4800 meters (approximately three
miles) and a minimum number of neighbors value (let's say 2) for the Number of Neighbors parameter. This will
apply the 4,800 meter fixed-distance neighborhood to all features except those that do not have a least two
neighbors using that distance. For those outlier features (and only for those outlier features), the distance will be
expanded just far enough to ensure every feature has at least two neighbors.
Use a distance band that reflects maximum spatial autocorrelation. Whenever you see spatial clustering on the
landscape, you are seeing evidence of underlying spatial processes at work. The distance band that exhibits
maximum clustering, as measured by the Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation tool, is the distance where those
spatial process are most active, or most pronounced. Run the Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation tool and note
where the resulting z-scores seems to peak. Use the distance associated with the peak value for your analysis.

Distance values should be entered using the same units as specified by the geoprocessing environment
output coordinate system. 5/11
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Every peak represents a distance where the processes promoting spatial clustering are pronounced.
Multiple peaks are common. Generally, the peaks associated with larger distances reflect broad trends (a
broad east-to-west trend, for example, where the west is a giant hot spot and the east is a giant cold
spot); generally, you will be most interested in peaks associated with smaller distances, often the first
An inconspicuous peak often means there are many different spatial processes operating at a variety of
spatial scales. You probably want to look for other criteria to determine which fixed distance to use for
your analysis (perhaps the most effective distance for remediation).
If the z-score never peaks (in other words, it just keeps increasing) and if you are using aggregated data
(for example, counties), it usually means the aggregation scheme is too coarse; the spatial processes of
interest are operating at a scale that is smaller than the scale of your aggregation units. If you can move
to a smaller scale of analysis (moving from counties to tracts, for example), this may help find a peak
distance. If you are working with point data and the z-score never peaks, it means there are many
different spatial processes operating at a variety of spatial scales and you will likely need to come up with
different criteria for determining the fixed distance to use in your analysis. You will also want to check that
your Beginning Distance when you run the Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation tool isn't too large.
If you do not specify a beginning distance, the Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation tool will use the
distance that ensures all features have at least one neighbor. If your data includes spatial outliers, that
distance might be too large for your analysis, however, and may be the reason you do not see a
pronounced peak in the Output Report File. The solution is to run the Incremental Spatial Autocorrelation
tool on a selection set that temporarily excludes all spatial outliers. If a peak is found with the outliers
excluded, use the strategy outlined above with that peak distance applied to all of your features
(including the spatial outliers), and force each feature to have at least one or two neighbors. If you're not
sure if any of your features are spatial outliers:
For polygon data, render polygon areas using a Standard Deviation rendering scheme and
consider polygons with areas that are greater than three standard deviations to be spatial outliers.
You can use Calculate Field to create a field with polygon areas if you don't already have one.
For point data, use the Near tool to compute each feature's nearest neighbor distance. To do this,
set both the Input Features and Near Features to your point dataset. Once you have a field with
nearest neighbor distances, render those values using a Standard Deviation rendering scheme and
consider distances that are greater than three standard deviations to be spatial outliers.

Identify a distance where the processes promoting clustering are most pronounced.
Try not to get stuck on the idea that there is only one correct distance band. Reality is never that simple. Most
likely, there are multiple/interacting spatial processes promoting observed clustering. Rather than thinking you
need one distance band, think of the pattern analysis tools as effective methods for exploring spatial
relationships at multiple spatial scales. Consider that when you change the scale (change the distance band
value), you could be asking a different question. Suppose you are looking at income data. With small distance 6/11
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bands, you can examine neighborhood income patterns, middle scale distances might reflect community or city
income patterns, and the largest distance bands would highlight broad regional income patterns.

Distance method
Many of the tools in the Spatial Statistics toolbox use distance in their calculations. These tools provide you with the
choice of either Euclidean or Manhattan distance.

Euclidean distance is calculated as

D = sq root [(x1–x2)**2.0 + (y1–y2)**2.0]

where (x1, y1) is the coordinate for point A, (x2, y2) is the coordinate for point B, and D is the straight-line distance
between points A and B.

Manhattan distance is calculated as

D = abs(x1–x2) + abs(y1–y2)

where (x1, y1) is the coordinate for point A, (x2, y2) is the coordinate for point B, and D is the vertical plus horizontal
difference between points A and B. It is the distance you must travel if you are restricted to north–south and east–west
travel only. This method is generally more appropriate than Euclidean distance when travel is restricted to a street
network and where actual street network travel costs are not available.

When your input features are not projected (i.e., when coordinates are given in degrees, minutes, and seconds) or
when the output coordinate system is set to a Geographic Coordinate System, or when you specify an output feature
class path to a feature dataset that has a Geographic Coordinate System spatial reference, distances will be computed
using chordal measurements and the Distance Method parameter will be disabled. Chordal distance measurements are
used because they can be computed quickly and provide very good estimates of true geodesic distances, at least for
points within about thirty degrees of each other. Chordal distances are based on a sphere rather than the true oblate
ellipsoid shape of the earth. Given any two points on the earth's surface, the chordal distance between them is the
length of a line, passing through the three dimensional earth, to connect those two points. Chordal distances are
reported in meters. 7/11
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Be sure to project your data if your study area extends beyond 30 degrees. Chordal distances are not a good
estimate of geodesic distances beyond 30 degrees.

Self-potential (field giving intrazonal weight)

Several tools in the Spatial Statistics toolbox allow you to provide a field representing the weight to use for self-
potential. Self-potential is the distance or weight between a feature and itself. Often, this weight is zero, but in some
cases, you may want to specify another fixed value or a different value for every feature. If your conceptualization of
spatial relationships is based on distances traveled within and among census tracts, for example, you might decide to
model self-potential to reflect average intrazonal travel costs based on polygon size:

dii = 0.5*[(Ai / π)**0.5]

where dii is the travel cost associated with intrazonal travel for polygon featurei, and Ai is the area associated with
polygon featurei.

Row standardization is recommended whenever the distribution of your features is potentially biased due to sampling
design or an imposed aggregation scheme. When row standardization is selected, each weight is divided by its row
sum (the sum of the weights of all neighboring features). Row standardized weighting is often used with fixed distance
neighborhoods and almost always used for neighborhoods based on polygon contiguity. This is to mitigate bias due to
features having different numbers of neighbors. Row standardization will scale all weights so they are between 0 and 1,
creating a relative, rather than absolute, weighting scheme. Anytime you are working with polygon features
representing administrative boundaries, you will likely want to choose the Row Standardization option.


Suppose you have a complete set of all crime incidents. In some parts of your study
area there are lots of points
because those are places with lots of
crime. In other parts, there are few points, because those are low
areas. The density of the points is a very good reflection
(is representative) of what you're trying to understand:
crime spatial
You probably would not row standardize your spatial weights.
Suppose you've taken soil samples. For some reason (the weather
was nice or you happened to be in a location
where you didn't have to
climb fences, swim through swamps, or hike to the top of a mountain), you have lots
of samples in some parts of the study area, but
fewer in others. In other words, the density of your points is not
strictly the result of a carefully planned random sample; some of
your own biases may have been introduced.
Further, where you have more
points is not necessarily a reflection of the underlying spatial
distribution of the
data you're analyzing. To help minimize any bias that may have been introduced during the sampling process,
you will want to row standardize your spatial weights.
When you row standardize, the fact that one feature has
two neighbors and another has 18 doesn't have a big impact on results; all the weights sum to 1.
Whenever you aggregate your data, you are imposing a structure on it. Rarely will that structure be a good
reflection of the data you are analyzing and the questions you are asking. For example, while census polygons
(like census tracts) are designed around population, even if your analysis involves population-related questions,
you will still likely row standardize your weights because those polygons represent just one of many ways they
could have been drawn. With polygon data you will almost always want to row standardize your spatial weights.

Distance band or threshold distance

Distance Band or Threshold Distance sets the scale of analysis for most conceptualizations of spatial relationships (for
example, INVERSE_DISTANCE and FIXED_DISTANCE_BAND). It is a positive numeric value representing a cutoff distance.
Features outside the specified cutoff for a target feature are ignored in the analysis for that feature. With
ZONE_OF_INDIFFERENCE, however, the influence of features outside the given distance is reduced in relation to
proximity, while those inside the distance threshold are equally considered.

Choosing an appropriate distance is important. Some spatial statistics require each feature to have at least one
neighbor for the analysis to be reliable. If the value you set for Distance Band or Threshold Distance is too small (so 8/11
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that some features have no neighbors), a warning message appears suggesting that you try again with a larger
distance value. The Calculate Distance Band from Neighbor Count tool will evaluate minimum, average, and maximum
distances for a specified number of neighbors and can help you determine an appropriate distance band value to use
for analysis. See also Selecting a fixed distance band value for additional guidelines.

When no value is specified, a default threshold distance is computed. The table below indicates how different choices
for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter behave for each of three possible input types (negative
values are not valid):

Inverse Distance, Inverse Delaunay
Fixed Distance Band, Zone of Indifference
Distance Squared Triangulation,
K Nearest

No threshold or cutoff is
applied; every feature is a
0 Invalid. Runtime error will be generated. Ignored.
neighbor of every other

A default distance will be

computed. This default will A default distance will be computed. This default will be
blank be the minimum distance to the minimum distance to ensure that every feature has at Ignored.
ensure that every feature least one neighbor.
has at least one neighbor.

The nonzero, positive value For fixed distance band, only features within this specified
specified will be used as a cutoff of each other will be neighbors. For zone of
positive cutoff distance; neighbor indifference, features within this specified cutoff of each
number relationships will only exist other will be neighbors; features outside the cutoff are
among features within this neighbors too, but they are assigned a smaller and smaller
distance of each other. weight/influence as distance increases.

Distance band options

Number of neighbors
Specify a positive integer to represent the number of neighbors to include in the analysis for each target feature. When
the value chosen for the Conceptualization of Spatial Relationships parameter is K Nearest Neighbors, each target
feature will be evaluated within the context of the closest K features (where K is the number of neighbors specified). For
Inverse Distance or Fixed Distance Band, when you run the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool, specifying a value for
the Number of Neighbors parameter will ensure that each feature has a minimum of K neighbors. For the polygon
contiguity methods, any feature that does not have the Number of Neighbors specified will get additional neighbors
based on feature centroid proximity. For the Generate Network Spatial Weights tool, specifying a value for the
Maximum Number of Neighbors parameter will ensure no feature has more than the value specified. For the Grouping
Analysis tool, providing a value for the Number of Neighbors encourages feature proximity within each group.
Specifying 6 neighbors, for example, will limit groups to features sharing at least one of six nearest neighbors to other
features in the group.

Weights matrix file

Several tools allow you to define spatial relationships among features by providing a path to a spatial weights matrix
file. Spatial weights are numbers that reflect the distance, time, or other cost between each feature and every other 9/11
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feature in the dataset. The spatial weights matrix file may be created using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool, or it may be a simple ASCII file.

When the spatial weights matrix file is a simple ASCII text file, the first line should be the name of a unique ID field. This
gives you the flexibility to use any numeric field in your dataset as the ID when generating this file; however, the ID
field must be type Integer (Long or Short) and have unique values for every feature. After the first line, the spatial
weights file should be formatted into three columns:

From feature ID
To feature ID

For example, suppose you have three gas stations. The field you are using as the ID field is called StationID, and the
feature IDs are 1, 2, and 3. You want to model spatial relationships among these three gas stations using travel time in
minutes. You could create an ASCII file that might look like the following:

Generally, when weights represent distance or time, they are inverted (for example, 1/10 when the distance is 10 miles
or 10 minutes) so that nearer features have a larger weight than features that are farther away. Notice from the weights
above that gas station 1 is 10 minutes from gas station 2. Notice also that travel time is not symmetrical in this example
(traveling from gas station 1 to gas station 3 is 7 minutes, but traveling from gas station 3 to gas station 1 is only 6
minutes). Notice that the weight between gas station 1 and itself is 0 and that there is no entry for gas station 2 to
itself. Missing entries are assumed to have a weight of 0.

Typing the values for the spatial weights matrix file can be a tedious job at best, even for small datasets. A better
approach is to use the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or to write a quick Python script to perform this task for

Spatial weights matrix file (.swm)

The Generate Spatial Weights Matrix or Generate Network Spatial Weights tool will create a spatial weights matrix file
(.swm) defining the spatial relationships among all the features in your dataset based on the parameters you specify.
This file is created in binary file format so the values in the file cannot be viewed directly. To view or edit the feature
relationships in an SWM file, use the Convert Spatial Weights Matrix To Table tool.

When the spatial relationships among features is stored in a table, you may use the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix
tool to convert that table into a spatial weights matrix file (.swm). The table will need the following fields:

Field name Description

<Unique ID
An integer field that exists in the input feature class with a unique ID for each feature. This is the from
feature ID.

NID An integer field containing neighbor feature IDs. This is the to feature ID.

This is the numeric weight quantifying the spatial relationship between the from and to features.
Larger values reflect bigger weights and stronger influence, or interaction, between two features. 10/11
11/21/21, 9:48 PM Modeling spatial relationships—Help | ArcGIS Desktop

Required Table Fields

Sharing spatial weights matrix files

The output from the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix and Generate Network Spatial Weights tools is an SWM file. This
file is tied to the input feature class, the unique ID field, and the output coordinate system settings when the SWM file
was created. Other people can duplicate the spatial relationships you define for analysis by using your SWM file and
either the same input feature class, or a feature class linking all or a subset of the features to a matching Unique ID
field. Especially if you plan to share your SWM files with others, try to avoid the situation where your output coordinate
system differs from the spatial reference associated with your input feature class. A better strategy is to project the
input feature class, then set the output coordinate system to Same as Input Feature Class prior to creating spatial
weights matrix files.

Related topics
Spatial Statistics toolbox sample applications
What is a z-score? What is a p-value? 11/11

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