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Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: A [Ae you | ateacher v |? Choose the correct answer in each drop-down a [Is She Amy? 8): No, Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: ‘Ac | can't find my keys. | Are they with you? «(Reaver ~) Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: A: Ahmed goes to school every day | Ishe a teacher ‘Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: A: We) are doctors. What do you do? 8: [ Lam an engineer. michael philips is an architect. he lives in australia and he has a cat named tommy. Choose the correct rewritten answer according to proper and common nouns. Michael Philips is an architect, He lives in Australia and he has a cat named tommy. @ Michael Philips is an architect. He lives in Australia and he has a catnamed Tommy. michael philips is an Architect, he lives in Australia and he has a cat named tommy. Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: A:You are an actor. What about Jessica? she is an athlete. Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: Aclsthis your car? B: No, it's not my car. its(Mr Sam's. ear Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: A: Hannah, where is | your house? 8: It's next to the bank Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: Cory’s house is next to Rose's one, Cory is { her neighbor Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: Full name (Bob Davidson)-house number(15) Hello, what's your friend's first and lastname? 8 His |first name is| Bob and his last name is Davidson Avand| What's ‘Mr, Davison’s house number? Fifteen Choose the correct answer in each drop-down list: ‘A: Your house is so far. | How do you go home? Choose the correct answer in each drop-down seel= list: == =e ‘A: Excuse me, where is | the toy store? Br it's(_ between the music store and Read about Steve Lee’s neighborhood. Then choose True or False for each statement. \'m Steve Lee. I'm a student, My house is on Main Street. My neighborhood is interesting. | like it, A restaurant and a bookstore are down the street. My mother works at the restaurant, She's a chef. A bank is next to the bookstore, and a pharmacy is around the ‘comer. My father works at the pharmacy. He's @ pharmacist. My school is on Bank Street. | {ge to schoo! by bus, but | walk home with my friends. Steve Lee's school is on Main Street. © Tne @ Fase A bookstore is on Main Street. @ Tne O False Abank is next to the pharmacy. O Tne @ False Steve's parents can walk to work. @ te © false The pharmacy is around the corner from Steve's house @ te © False

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