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Plan ‐ Builders

Communications Type Objective of Communication Medium Frequency Audience Responsible Deliverable

Agenda, Meeting 
Introduce the project team, the project  Minutes, Work Delgation 
Kickoff Meeting and objectives. Review the Scope Conference call [Zoom] Once Project Team Project Manager Report.
Agenda, Meeting 
Review Status of the project with the  Minutes, Work Delgation 
Project Team Meetings team. Set deliverables for next meeting Conference call [Zoom] Weekly Project Team Project Manager Report.

Raise Urgent questions necessary to  Project Team, Owner, A/E  Fomally submitted RFI, 

Project Query Reports facilitate a deliverable Internal Messaging Board [Slack] As needed Team Project Manager Request for Meeting

Builder Representative, 
Review Status, Present deliverables,  Owner Represtantive, A/E  Status Report, Feedback 
Stakeholder Meeting Gather Feedback, Decide Next Steps. Conference call [Zoom] At project Milestones Representative Project Manager Report, Deployment plan.

Review project successes/failures. 
Recognize improvements for future 
Lessons Learned projects. Peer review Conference call [Zoom] AT Project Completion Project Team Project Manager Peer Reviews

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