ToR Dan Agenda RSPO Virtual Tour - 18 November 2021

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Terms of Reference


RSPO Virtual Tour: Exploring a Different Side of Palm Oil

Thursday, November 18, 2021
1.30 - 4.00 PM JKT

One of the business practices that has received attention from various parts of the world is the palm
oil industry. The use of palm oil as a raw material for various industries such as food products, beauty,
oleochemical industry, and biodiesel, makes this commodity to be one of the most important
commodities for the global. According to the data presented by Statista(1), in 2019/2020, the
consumption of palm oil in the world reached 73.22 million tons. Furthermore, the Indonesian Palm Oil
Association (GAPKI) stated that in 2020 the demand for palm oil in Indonesia is around 17.3 million tons
and the demand for exports is 34 million tons. Unfortunately, until now, the palm oil industry is still
getting a bad perception from various parties, including environmental and social observers both
nationally and internationally, governments from various countries, as well as people who are
consumers of palm oil products and their derivatives. This is because there are still many palm oil
industry players who run their business poorly or do not follow sustainability principles. That is why
until now, palm oil industry players have still considered the cause of forest and land fires, the
extinction of flora and fauna, and triggering land conflicts. However, in addition to the facts about these
negative issues, currently, there are a number of palm oil industry players that have begun to show
their commitment to change their business practices towards sustainability principles. This is reflected
in the large number of palm oil companies joining RSPO to be RSPO Members. As of July 2021, there
are 452 mills in the world that are RSPO certified, and 50.66% of this number comes from Indonesia.
Approximately 60 oil palm plantation companies in Indonesia have been registered as RSPO Members
and are ready to practice sustainable palm oil and preserve the environment around their management
areas. Indonesia has contributed to producing 11.40 million tons of CSPO and this number contributes
to more than 55% of the world's CSPO availability. Unfortunately, this has not been well-responded and
has not been recognised by many people in the world. There are still many parties who have not
provided full support for these achievements. This can be seen from the lack of publications and the
dissemination of positive information about sustainable palm oil commodities both from Indonesia and
other producing countries.
Therefore, based on the background that has been described, the RSPO in collaboration with ICCO
Cooperation, Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA), Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS), and the Borneo
Orangutan Foundation (BOSF) intend to invite RSPO RT 2021 participants to virtually explore oil palm
plantations and orangutan conservation areas managed on a sustainable basis by RSPO members in
Indonesia. This virtual tour is a substitute for physical field visits to oil palm plantations and
conservation areas that we always organise every year. This program aimed to introduce and promote
the value of sustainable palm oil that supports environmental sustainability.


Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Other RSPO Offices

Sona Topas Tower, 16th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 26, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jakarta Selatan 12920, Indonesia London, United Kingdom
T : +62 21 2506417 F : +62 21 2506284 E : Beijing, China
We, as the organiser, also want to inspire and to invite everyone to take part in the responsibility as
palm oil supply chain actors as well as consumers together to achieve the RSPO vision, namely, to make
sustainable palm oil the norm.
This Virtual Tour is a virtual experiential learning method to provide information & education to
audiences about the implementation value of RSPO certification through technological platforms and

Objectives :
● to promote the value of sustainable palm oil implemented by RSPO Members in Indonesia
● to educate the public about the Sustainable Practices in the Palm Oil Industry and increase
their awareness about the positive aspects of oil palm that can coexist with environmental
● to invite audiences to see the context, situation, efforts and impact of the palm oil industry on
their plantation site and surrounding areas
● to explore the beauty and biodiversity of the orangutan conservation area and surroundings
at Central Kalimantan
● to respond to the criticisms of the certification system (particularly around labour and social
issues) in a credible and active way
● to invite everyone to realise sustainable palm oil to work together through collaborative action
and a multi-stakeholder approach

● Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA)
● Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS)
● Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF)
● Indonesia Youth Influencer

Date, Venue, and Agenda

● Day/ Date: 18 November 2021
● Time : 1.30 - 4.00 PM JKT
● Duration: 2,5 hours
● Platform: Online, using Zoom

Targeted Audiences for RSPO Virtual Tour:

● RSPO Members (Asia Pacific region)

● RSPO Stakeholders (general public, Asia Pacific region)
● RSPO Media partners in Indonesia
● Youth representatives (Asia Pacific region)

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Duration Notes
Activity Resource Person
(in mins)
5’ Opening & Welcoming Participants & By
Invitation MC
7’ Opening Remarks by RSPO Director of RSPO Indonesia
7’ Opening Remarks by Chairman of Borneo Prof. Dr. Bungaran Saragih
Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF)

90’ RSPO Virtual Tour Host & Narrator

• Segment 1: [Opening] Palm Oil is near us
and The Sustainable Palm Oil Narrator:
• Segment 2: A closer look at the process of 1. RSPO
sustainable palm oil practices 2. BGA
• Segment 3: Sustainable palm oil for 3. SSMS
community and workers welfare 4. BOSF
• Segment 4: Sustainable palm oil for 5. Indonesia Youth Influencer
environmental sustainability
• Segment 5: [Closing] All can go together
and all returned back to our choice
20’ Q&A Host & Narrator
10’ Closing MC
● Announcement of the winner of the
best Questioner
● Wrap Up & Closing Remarks by RSPO Margareth Naulie Panggabean
Indonesia Outreach & Engagement
● Group Photo Manager of RSPO Indonesia

Note :

● This session will be delivered in a semi-informal and more relaxed way so that the virtual tour
participants can easily understand the message conveyed and do not feel bored with the long
● The session will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia, with English subtitles or any other related
setting, e.g: simultaneously translation

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