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Research Paper

Reliability of turbulence models and mesh types for

CFD simulations of a mechanically ventilated pig
house containing animals

Hao Li, Li Rong, Guoqiang Zhang*

Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Blichers Alle 20, P. O. Box 50, 8830 Tjele, Denmark

article info
The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the airflow within farm animal
Article history: buildings is increasing. The choice of turbulence model within CFD is generally considered
Received 21 March 2017 to be important due to the approximations of the turbulence in varied scales. Although
Received in revised form some studies have been conducted on evaluations of turbulence models in simulation of
5 June 2017 airflow in ventilated rooms, knowledge of airflow in the animal occupied zone (AOZ) with
Accepted 16 June 2017 airflow blockage by the animals and knowledge of thermal convection effects are still
limited. In this study, five commonly used two-equation turbulence models (standard ke3 ,
realisable ke3 , RNG ke3 , standard keu, and SST keu) were applied to a CFD model of the
Keywords: airflow in a mechanically ventilated pig room with animals housed in pens. In addition to
CFD modelling turbulence models, the effects of non-conformal meshing which combines several
Livestock housing ventilation computational sub-domains and connects the boundary of domains using interfaces, were
Airflow in AOZ tested. The effect of mesh ratio on the interface (i.e. ratio of the grid number of the up and
Mesh configuration down interface) was studied based on fully structural hexahedral mesh (SH). The investi-
gation of mesh type effect was conducted by application of an unstructured tetrahedral
mesh (UT) in the AOZ and SH in the rest of the domain. The results showed that the choice
of turbulence model did not have a strong effect on the main airflow pattern except for the
RNG ke3 model. The tested ratios of resolution at interfaces were also found not to strongly
impact on the predicted airflow distributions. The use of UT in the AOZ sub domain also
provided acceptable results. It was concluded that non-conformal meshes are a feasible
alternative for animal buildings with complex geometries to maintain affordable grid
numbers and also reduce the difficulties in mesh generation.
© 2017 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

animals. Therefore, to improve the indoor environment of

1. Introduction animal house, the airflow distribution should be carefully
It has been found that flow fields in pig houses are crucial for In studies of ventilation systems, computational fluid dy-
creating a thermally comfortable and healthy environment for namics (CFD) has been shown to be superior to conventional

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Zhang).
1537-5110/© 2017 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
38 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

models with realistic geometry have been used in some CFD

Nomenclature studies of indoor environment inside buildings (Bjerg, Zhang,
& Kai, 2008; Gebremedhin & Wu, 2005; Seo et al., 2012).
Abbreviations Turbulence models are generally considered to be impor-
AOZ animal occupied zone tant on the results due to the approximations of the turbu-
CFD computational fluid dynamics lence in varied scales (Rong et al., 2016; Sorensen & Nielsen,
LES large eddy simulation methods 2003). Although some studies have been conducted on the
RANS Reynolds-averaged NaviereStokes method evaluation of turbulence model in simulation of airflow in
RNG re-normalisation group ventilated rooms (Norton, Grant, Fallon, & Sun, 2010; Rong
SH structural hexahedral mesh et al., 2016; Shen, Zhang, & Bjerg, 2012; Zhang, Zhai, Zhang,
SST shear stress transport & Chen, 2007), knowledge of the airflow affected by animals
UT unstructured tetrahedral mesh blocking the airflow and thermal convection is still limited.
Among turbulence models, generally there are Reynolds-
averaged NaviereStokes (RANS) method and large eddy
r fluid density
simulation (LES) methods. RANS method is widely used in
ui velocity component
building ventilation research due to the sufficient high quality
f flow variables
and low requirements for computational power (Zhang et al.,
Gf,eff effective diffusion coefficient
2007). Therefore, five two equation turbulence models (stan-
Sf source term
dard ke3 , realisable ke3 , Re-Normalisation Group (RNG) ke3 ,
p fluid pressure
standard keu, and Shear Stress Transport (SST) keu) which
H fluid enthalpy
were commonly used and embedded in most CFD codes were
k turbulent kinetic energy
evaluated on a ventilated pig room containing animal models
3 turbulent dissipation rate
in this study.
u turbulent specific dissipation rate
Gridding is another important factor for simulation results.
mt eddy viscosity
In general, it is the hexahedral, tetrahedral, and hybrid
Gk generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to
meshes are the commonly applied in animal building simu-
the mean velocity gradients
lation. The hexahedral mesh was the first type of mesh
Gb generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to
adopted in the CFD studies and it is commonly considered to
have more accurate results compared to tetrahedral meshes
R3 addition term in RNG ke3 models concerning
(Duan et al., 2015; Hefny & Ooka, 2009). Hexahedral meshes
the strain rate
are mainly adopted for relatively simple geometries. For a
S rate of the strain
complex geometry, such as an animal, it is almost impossible
C3 1, C3 2, C3 3, Cm coefficients of the turbulence models
to obtain suitable meshes using hexahedral grids. Tetrahedral
Gu generation of u
meshes, however, are useful for boundaries with complex
Yk dissipation of k due to turbulence
surfaces. In addition, using most modern grid generation
Yu dissipation of keu due to turbulence
codes, they can be generated automatically. However it is
ak inverse effective Prandtl number for k
known that the prediction accuracy of the tetrahedral meshes
a3 inverse effective Prandtl numbers for 3
may be lower than hexahedral using the same grid number.
sk turbulent Prandtl numbers for k
To maintain the same accuracy, the number of cells of a
s3 turbulent Prandtl numbers for k and 3
tetrahedral mesh need to be larger than for a hexahedral
n measurement number in the evaluation
mesh with the same size cells, which means that the
y experimental results
computation time can be longer (Duan et al., 2015; Juretic &
y simulated values from CFD
Gosman, 2010; Yu, Yu, Sun, & Tao, 2012). Conformal hybrid
y average value of experimental data on
meshes, as a combination of hexahedral and tetrahedral
measurement line
meshes, exhibit the advantages of both these kinds of mesh,
and they have been applied to study air distribution in one
animal house (Seo et al., 2012). However, this kind of hybrid
mesh is difficult to generate, particularly with grids that have
experimental methods. The main advantages of CFD are that high aspect ratios.
it allows full control on the influencing factors and provides Non-conformal meshes, which connect adjacent domain
universal data in the computational domain with relatively boundaries using an interface, are used when complex ge-
low costs of time and expense. There is therefore an ometry is involved in the room space. For instance, a tetra-
increasing tendency to use CFD methods to study of flow hedral mesh can be used in the animal occupied zone (AOZ)
distributions in agricultural buildings (Bartzanas, Boulard, & where the geometry is complex and a hexahedral mesh can be
Kittas, 2002; Benni, Tassinari, Sonora, Barbaresi, & used in the rest of the room domain. When hexahedral and
Torreggiani, 2016; Bjerg, Svidt, Zhang, Morsing, & Johnsen, tetrahedral meshes are adopted in different domains, they
2002; De Rosis, Barbaresi, Torreggiani, Benni, & Tassinari, can be regarded as form of hybrid mesh but without requiring
2014; Lee et al., 2013; Norton, Sun, Grant, Fallon, & Dodd, the full agreement of nodes at the interface boundary.
2007; Rong, Nielsen, Bjerg, & Zhang, 2016; Wu, Zhang, Bjerg, Therefore, they are relatively easy to generate compared to
& Nielsen, 2012). To better model livestock buildings, animal the aforementioned hybrid mesh. However, since the nodes
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 39

do not fully agree at the boundary, iteration data needs real- temperature and humidity were continuously measured by
location at the boundary and the ratio of resolution at the the sensors fitted in the room and recorded each minute by
interface boundary can impact on the data transfer process. the climate control. The surface temperature of wall and
On the basis of the state-of-the-art of CFD simulations of artificial pigs was measured using T type thermocouples and a
air distribution in pig houses, this investigation conducted a data logger (Eltek Ltd, Cambridge, UK) every 5 min during the
systematic evaluation of turbulence model and mesh types. experiment. Temperature profile was not studied as a
The objectives were: (1) to identify a suitable turbulence model parameter in this study because the focus was on the config-
for air velocity in a mechanical ventilated pig house contain- uration of mechanical ventilation, and the ventilation rate
ing heated model pigs; (2) to test the impact of ratio of reso- was relatively high. In these conditions the indoor air can be
lution on the interface boundary on the air speed distribution; assumed to be fully mixed and with low temperature
(3) to compare the effects of hexahedral and tetrahedral gradients.
meshes modelled in the AOZ on the prediction accuracy of air
velocity when using a non-conformal mesh. Following these 2.2. Computational fluid dynamics modelling
evaluations, a case containing complex-shaped pig models as
an example of using this modelling method to simulate a 2.2.1. Calculation domain and grids
realistic problem was investigated. All the studies reported here were based on the same geom-
etry of the pig house as the field measurements. In order to
reduce the complexity of modelling in CFD, proper approxi-
2. Material and method mations were made: the light and drink system were not
included in the CFD modelling, and the feeders were modelled
2.1. Experiment setup as cuboid. Since the study has two main objectives, to test the
turbulence models and mesh resolution and type, the treat-
A room in the experimental pig house in AU Foulum, Denmark ments of the calculation domain and mesh generation were
with dimensions of 5.70  4.88  2.67 m (L  W  H), was used different in these two parts. In the study of the impact of
for this experiment. The dimensions and layout of the room turbulence models, the calculation domain was regarded as a
followed a section of typical commercial Danish pig produc- whole, and a structured mesh was adopted for the grids. To
tion unit. The room was equally divided into two pens reduce the impact from the mesh and ensure the quality of
(4.8  2.44 m, L  W) by a partition wall (heights 0.78 m and simulation, a grid independence test was conducted first. The
1.03 m in the two parts). slots in the slatted floor increased the complexity of the mesh.
Each pen had a two thirds fully slatted floor and a one third There were 168 slots of 10 mm in width in the floor and
drain floor. There was a drinking water trough on each side therefore the mesh size of the slots cannot be larger than
wall, and one shared feeder on the partition wall in each pen. 10 mm. The cylindrical animal models also increased the
In front of the pens, there was a 0.9 m wide inspection alley. complexity of mesh, and the skewness could be higher when
Underneath the floor, a 0.69 m deep manure pit was built for the cell size around the animal models was large. Therefore,
each pen. There were four artificial animals placed inside the low Reynold number modelling approach was used to mesh
room, in each pen two the artificial animals were placed in the the grids around the pig models to provide a better mesh
middle of the slatted floor and drained floor. The artificial quality around the animal models and consequently a better
animals were made of iron in a hollow cylindrical shape. Four simulation result on the airflow around animals. With all
100 W incandescent bulbs were installed inside each of the these considerations, the coarsest mesh in the grids inde-
artificial animals to generate the heat. The experimental pendent test had 3.25 million cells. For the mesh in medium
measurements were conducted under non-isothermal con- and dense levels, the cell numbers were 4.25 million and 6.10
ditions with ventilation rate of 2533 m3 h1 operated in million, respectively. Although more dense meshes have been
negative pressure and two bottom hinged flap wall inlets. used in CFD studies, for this application this density was
Before each measurement, the ventilation system was oper- considered adequate.
ated for around 3 h to reach steady state condition in the Figure 2 shows the velocity profiles in four vertical
room. During the experiments, the ventilation rate was measured lines in different mesh resolutions using standard
measured by a free running propeller and recorded by a ke3 model. No significant difference was found among the
climate control system (Vengsys, Roslev, Denmark) each three resolutions on the testing heights above floor. The mesh
minute. Using 8 omnidirectional air velocity transducers at the medium was used for evaluating the turbulence
(model 8475, TSI, Minnesota, USA) simultaneously together models. The coarse mesh was not selected since the slots only
using a CR 1000 data logger (Campbell Scientific Ltd, Lough- contained one cell on the width dimension of the slots, which
borough, UK), the air speeds were measured every 0.2 s and was consider too coarse to generate accurate data beneath
averaged every 1.0 s for a measurement period of 60 min at floor, although, as mentioned earlier the velocity under floor
each measuring points. The measurement was conducted on was not the focus of this study.
four vertical lines in the 99 centre of the pig pen 1 (Fig. 1) at 8 In the study of the impact of mesh interface resolution and
heights (0.35 m, 0.7 m, 1.1 m, 1.5 m, 1.8 m, 2.0 m, 2.2 m, and type, the entire computational domain was divided into three
2.4 m). parts (Fig. 3), namely, above the AOZ domain, in the AOZ
Air velocity above the floor was measured but air velocity domain, and below the AOZ domain. It should be noted that
below floor was not considered as it was assumed to be the reason for separating the domains in this way was to
negligible and also not the target area for this research. Room generate meshes in a convenient way. The zone where AOZ
40 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Fig. 1 e The sketch of (a) the experimental pig house and (b) the measurement points for the air speed in horizontal plane, all
units in metre.

domain located may not exactly be the AOZ that occurs in equation RANS turbulence models were compared to the
reality. The grids in these three subdomains were generated experimental measurements. The turbulence models used in
separately. The two adjacent domains were connected by in- the evaluation included the standard ke3 model, the realisable
terfaces named as “interface up” and “interface down”. These ke3 model, the RNG ke3 model, the standard keu model, and
three calculation domains were meshed with different grids the SST keu model. These two-equation RANS turbulence
resolutions and different mesh types were compared on the models were chosen because they were the models used most
AOZ domain. Detailed information of cells numbers and mesh often in both research and design applications for room
types is shown in Table 1 where they are noted as cases 1e4. ventilation (Shen et al., 2012).
Grids plot for the interface boundary is also provided in Fig. 4. The governing equations for all these five turbulence
models in a steady state can be written in a general form with
2.2.2. Turbulence models a convection term on the left and a diffusion term and a
Turbulence models are generally considered to have impor- source term on the right:
tant influence on the results of CFD due to the approximations  
of the turbulence in varied scales. To determine the most vf v vf
ruj ¼ Gf;eff þ Sf (1)
suitable turbulence model for use in the study, five two- vxj vxj vxj

Fig. 2 e Grid independence test for calculation velocity profiles on the four vertical lines.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 41

Fig. 3 e The divisions of the computational domain. The two adjacent domains are connected by interface boundaries, all
units in metre.

Table 1 e Combination of the three parts of computational domain in different cases.

The test of interface resolution The test of mesh type
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Up AOZ domain Hexahedral Hexahedral Hexahedral Hexahedral
Mesh type/cells number 1850k 1233k 377k 377k
AOZ domain Hexahedral Hexahedral Hexahedral Tetrahedral
Mesh type/cells number 1534k 1534k 1534k 1397k
Down AOZ domain Hexahedral Hexahedral Hexahedral Hexahedral
Mesh type/cells number 868k 868k 868k 868k
Ratio of grids number on interface up 1:1 1:1.5 1:5 1:2.3
Ratio of grids number on interface down 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1.4

Note: The cell numbers in the computational domain are the cell numbers of volume domain. And the grids ratio is defined as the ratio of grids
number of up interface to that of down interface for two adjacent faces on the interface boundary.

Fig. 4 e Grids plot on the interface boundaries of the four cases with different mesh resolutions and types. The red line in the
plot is the interface boundary. The cells above the upper red line belong to the above AOZ domain. The cells between the
two red lines belong to the AOZ domain. The cells below the lower red line belong to the below AOZ domain.
42 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Table 2 e Key mathematical expressions of the five turbulence models selected in this study (Ansys, 2013).
f Gf;eff Sf Key constants and coefficients
Sharing variables ui m þ mt vp=vxi  rbgi ðH  H0 Þ=Cp
m mt
for (1)e(5) T sT þ sT;t SH
m þ smkt mt vT
(1) Standard ke3 k Gk þ Gb  r3 mt ¼ rCm k3 ; Gk ¼ mt S2 ; S ¼ 2Sij Sij ; Gb ¼ bgi Pr t vxi
; C3 1 ¼ 1:44; C3 2 ¼ 1:92;
m þ smt
C3 1 k3 ðGk þ C3 3 Gb Þ  C3 2 r 3k Cm ¼ 0:09; sk ¼ 1:0; s3 ¼ 1:3
mt ¼ rCm k3 ; R3 ¼ Cm h1þbh
ð1h=h0 Þ 3 2
2 3
(2) RNG ke3 k ak ðm þ mt Þ Gk þ Gb  r3 3 k ; C3 1 ¼ 1:42; C3 2 ¼ 1:68; Cm ¼ 0:0845;
3 a3 ðm þ mt Þ C3 1 k3 ðGk þ C3 3 Gb Þ  C3 2 r 3k  R3 ak ¼ a3 z1:393  
m þ smkt h
(3) Realisable ke3 k Gk þ Gb  r3 mt ¼ rCm k3 ; C1 ¼ max 0:43; hþ5 ; h ¼ S k3 ; S ¼ 2Sij Sij ; Cm ¼ 1
* ; C3 1 ¼ 1:44;
A0 þAs kU
m þ smt rC1 S3  rC3 2 kþ3pffiffiffi ffi þ C3 1 k3 C3 3 Gb
2 3
3 n3
C3 2 ¼ 1:9; sk ¼ 1:0; s3 ¼ 1:2
(4) Standard keu k m þ smkt G k  Yk mt ¼ a* rk u *
u ; Gu ¼ a k Gk ; Yk ¼ rb fb* ku; Yu ¼ rbfb u ; sk ¼ 2:0; su ¼ 2:0

u m þ smut G u  Yu
(5) SST keu k m þ smkt ~ k  Yk
G mt ¼ rk h1 ~ k ¼ minðGk ; 10rb* kuÞ; Gu ¼ a Gk ; sk ¼
i; G 1
u 1 SF2
nt F1 =sk;1 þð1F1 Þ=sk;2 ;
u m þ smut G u  Yu þ D u max
a * a1 u

su ¼ F1 =su;1 þð1F
1 Þ=su;2

Note: Gk is the generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradients, Gb represents the generation of turbulence kinetic
energy due to buoyancy, R3 is the addition term in RNG ke3 models concerning the strain rate, Gu generation of u, Yk and Yu are the dissipation of
k and u due to turbulence, ak and a3 are inverse effective Prandtl numbers, sk and s3 are the turbulent Prandtl numbers for k and 3 , respectively.

where f is the flow variables, e.g., velocity, enthalpy, and shear flows is improved in this model. It improves the results
turbulence parameters, Gf,eff is the effective diffusion coeffi- for boundary layers under adverse pressure gradients
cient, and Sf is the source term. The key mathematical ex- compared to ke3 models (Wilcox, 1988). However, this model
pressions of the five turbulence models selected in this study is sensitive to inlet boundary conditions, which decrease its
are presented in Table 2. Due to the space limitation, this robustness. The standard keu model used in Fluent codes
paper does not provide a detailed description of all the pa- (Ansys Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA) is reported to improve the
rameters included in these models. In this study, default pa- accuracy of the model for predicting free shear flows by add-
rameters were used for all the simulations and the reader is ing production terms to both the k and u equations
referred to the user theory guide of the commercial codes (e.g. (Anonymous, 2013a, 2013b). The SST keu model combines the
Fluent (Ansys Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA)). The standard ke3 advantages of standard keu model in simulating the near-
model uses k to represent the turbulence kinetic energy to wall region and the robustness of ke3 model in simulating
account for energy transport, and 3 as dissipation rate to the freestream in the far field (Menter, 1994). A blending
represents the turbulence diffusion (Launder & Spalding, function is multiplied to the standard keu model and the
1974). This model is robust and widely used for industrial transformed keu model and then both equations are summed
application although its performance is limited in applica- accordingly. The standard keu model is activated by setting
tions with swirling and rotating flows and strong separation the blending function to be 1.0 in the near-wall region and
flows. The realisable ke3 model is a modified form of the zero away from the solid surface to activate ke3 model there.
standard ke3 model. The dissipation of turbulent kinetic en- The standard keu models requires a fine mesh in the near-
ergy, in standard ke3 is described using the coefficient, Cm wall regions. However, in practice, a very fine mesh on all
which is a constant. In the realisable ke3 model it is expressed the surfaces is a challenge for mesh generation and requires a
as a function of flow properties (Shih, Liou, Shabbir, Yang, & very large computational capacity. Therefore, to overcome the
Zhu, 1995). The 3 term in realisable ke3 model is quite difficulty in mesh generation and to reduce the grids number,
different from those in both the standard and RNG ke3 models a low Reynolds modelling approach was adopted on the region
and is formulated based on a dynamic equation of the mean- where the artificial animals located. Fine mesh was generated
square vorticity fluctuation. It can be seen in Table 2 that the on the surface of the artificial animals, giving a Yþ (non-
production term is not included in realisable ke3 model. It is dimensional wall distance) on the surface around 1 and
believed that the modified transport equation can better providing better predictions of the airflow near the animals.
describe the spectral energy transfer (Anonymous, 2013a,
2013b). Due to the revisions on calculations of turbulent vis- 2.2.3. Data transfer between interfaces
cosity and dissipation rate, this model can provide appro- Interface boundaries are generally used to calculate the flux
priate predictions for complex shear flows involving moderate across the non-conformal boundary in which hanging nodes
swirls, vortices and locally transitional flows such as occur in may exist. In this study, the interface boundary connected
room ventilation. The model constants of the RNG ke3 model calculation domains were all considered as fluid zones, and an
are derived from RNG theory instead of empirical approxi- interior zone was generated on the interface where the mesh
mation (Yakhot & Orszag, 1986). The RNG model has been on the two domains overlapped and allowed the flux transfer
suggested by a few researchers for room ventilation of build- across the domain boundaries. Data was transferred across
ings occupied by humans (Zhang et al., 2007). Comparing to the interface boundaries through a virtually generated inter-
realisable ke3 model, this model is more difficult to converge. face zone on the intersection area between the two adjacent
The standard keu model is based on model transport equa- boundaries (Anonymous, 2013a, 2013b). Figure 5 shows an
tions for the turbulence kinetic energy (k) and the specific example of data treatment at the interface. When data is
dissipation rate (u), and the accuracy of prediction for free transfer from domain 1 to domain 2, data on the interface
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 43

Domain 1 Table 3 e Boundary conditions.

Inlet Pressure inlet (0 Pa), temperature of
19.8  C
A B C Outlet Mass flow inlet with reversed flow in
Interface boundary 1 0.862 kg s1 (equal to 2533 m3 h1)
a b c d e
Interface zone Walls and floor Non-slip wall, with the wall
boundary on an average
Interface boundary 2 temperature of 20.8  C and floor in
19.7  C
Pig model The two pigs closing to inlet, surface
temperature of 36.2  C;
Domain 2
The two pigs closing to the working
corridor, surface temperature of
Fig. 5 e Example on the data transfer on the interface
33.3  C
boundary. AB and BC represent the faces of cells I and II in
domain 1; DE, EF, and FG represent the faces of cells III, IV,
and V in domain 2. Domain 1 and Domain 2 were 2.2.5. Comparison between experiment and simulation
connected by interface boundary and virtual interface zone results
were generated. ab, bc, cd, and de represent the virtually The coefficient of variation of root-mean-square error, CV
generated face grids in interface zone. (RSME), was adopted to analyse the accuracy of the CFD pre-
dictions using the various turbulence models and mesh
schemes (Ntinas, Shen, Wang, & Zhang, 2017).

boundary, e.g., face AB, are distributed into faces, named ab sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ðy  y Þ
b 2
and bc, in the new generated interface zone, while the flux of RSME ¼ (2)
different parameters on boundary face BC, is allocated into n
face cd and face de, in the interface zone. Then the data on the
interface zone is transferred to the corresponding cells CVðRSMEÞ ¼ (3)
directly, for instance, the data transfer from cells I and II to cell
IV was made by face bc and face cd, but not by face EF. Since where n is the number of measurement points in the evalua-
the data are reallocated on the interface, the accuracy of the b is the simulated values from
tion; y is the experimental data; y
simulation may depend on the mesh ratio at the interface CFD; y is the average value of experimental data of the n
between two adjacent domains. In this study, the mesh ratio measurement points on each measurement line.
is defined as the ratio of number of grids on the up interface to
that of down interface for two adjacent faces on the interface
boundary. The interface ratio is represented in a form as 1:x 3. Results and comparison with experiment
(where x is a positive rational number from calculation). data

2.2.4. Boundary condition and numerical methods 3.1. Effect of turbulence model on the results
To represent the experimental pig room, proper boundary
conditions were necessary. The wall inlet in the physical The experimental results of the measured air velocity on the
model was defined as pressure inlet. And the exhaust of the four vertical lines are summarised in Table 4. Figure 6 shows
ventilated room was regarded as an outlet to ensure the distributions of the experimentally measured and numeri-
control of the ventilation rate. All the surfaces of the wall, floor cally predicted velocity magnitudes on the four vertical mea-
and pig models were set as non-slip walls with no roughness, surement lines in pen 1. Generally, good agreement between
and an enhanced wall treatment (a blended wall model in experimental and numerical values was found for most of the
which two separate wall models were blended by use of a turbulence models used in this test, except for the RNG ke3
damping function) was activated in the three ke3 models. The
temperatures of the inlet air and the wall surface were aver-
aged from the measurement. The boundary conditions were Table 4 e The air speeds at different heights on the four
summarised in Table 3. measurement lines.
Based on the commercial CFD software Fluent 15.0 (Ansys Heights (m) Air speeds, mean value ± standard deviation
Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA), the simulation used the finite (m s1)
volume differencing scheme in Steady RANS method and Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
SIMPLE (Semi Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations)
0.35 0.38 ± 0.10 0.34 ± 0.08 0.19 ± 0.06 0.43 ± 0.12
numerical algorithm. Second-order upwind schemes were
0.7 0.33 ± 0.08 0.31 ± 0.08 0.45 ± 0.10 0.60 ± 0.13
used for both the convection and the viscous terms of the 1.1 0.35 ± 0.09 0.44 ± 0.10 0.39 ± 0.12 0.53 ± 0.13
governing equations. The criteria of convergence were set 1.5 0.36 ± 0.09 0.28 ± 0.10 0.20 ± 0.10 0.33 ± 0.11
such that the residuals for u, v, w, k, 3 less than 103, and for 1.8 0.30 ± 0.07 0.20 ± 0.07 0.20 ± 0.07 0.25 ± 0.09
the residual for energy were less than 106. The net flow rate 2 0.57 ± 0.15 0.44 ± 0.15 0.44 ± 0.16 0.38 ± 0.16
of the geometry, which was monitored as a supplementary 2.2 2.39 ± 0.17 1.38 ± 0.21 1.00 ± 0.21 0.66 ± 0.19
2.4 0.64 ± 0.11 1.46 ± 0.18 1.40 ± 0.15 1.04 ± 0.16
convergence criterion, was set to be less than 104.
44 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Fig. 6 e Air speed profiles of the four vertical lines by simulation using varied turbulence model and measurement in non-
isothermal condition.

model, which had higher deviation than others although its The discrepancies in the performance of turbulence models
trends were similar to the other models and the experimental may come from the influence of geometry and ventilation
results. The CV (RSME) values were 0.29, 0.27, 0.25, and 0.28 for configurations. There are other evaluations of the current
standard ke3 model, realisable ke3 model, standard keu five turbulence models but conducted with different pur-
model, and SST keu model, respectively. The CV (RSME) was poses. Shen et al. (2012) concluded that the SST keu turbu-
0.39 for RNG ke3 model. lence model had the best performance for predicting
The contours of velocity magnitude on the middle plane in ventilation rate in a naturally ventilated house. For simula-
the tested pen are shown in Fig. 7. Similar to the velocity tion of the external airflow around various designs of build-
profile, the RNG ke3 model generated a different airflow ing roof, the SST keu model was found to be the most
pattern compared with the other turbulence models all of suitable model for the prediction of turbulent kinetic energy
which had a similar flow pattern above floor. Similar results and the RNG ke3 but Realisable ke3 model performed better
were also found on the horizontal contours of velocity at for the prediction of velocity (Ntinas et al., 2017). It appears
height of 0.35 m (Fig. 8). that the performance of turbulence models on the prediction
In general, it can be concluded that most of the CFD of airflows could be case dependent. Therefore, a suitability
models provided a reasonable description of the airflow evaluation on turbulence model test is recommended in the
pattern in the room. Using the experimental data as evalu- given simulation if no such evaluation has previously been
ation reference, it is evident that RNG ke3 model did not done for similar case.
perform well in this specific ventilation configuration. The The geometry of the case considered here was complex,
results are different from some research that suggests RNG and a robust turbulence model is required for the iterations to
ke3 models have high performance under different ventila- reach convergence. Since the standard ke3 is the most widely
tion conditions (Huawei, Lingying, & Yuanhui, 2007; Liu et al., used in engineering application, and is considered to be very
2013). However, our results agree with the results by Rong robust, it was chosen for the study on the impact of interface
et al. (2016) in a study conducted under similar conditions. resolutions and mesh types.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 45

Fig. 7 e Contours of the velocity magnitude on the middle plane in pen 1 based on different turbulence model.

3.2. Impact from the resolution of interface magnitude in the vertical plane in the centre of pen 1 (Fig. 10)
showed that the information was transferred through the
Figure 9 shows various distributions of experimental and interface smoothly. Comparing the contours between the
numerically predicted velocity magnitudes along the sym- cases with varying ratio of interface resolutions, the differ-
metrical plane in the pen 1 when the resolution of the inter- ence was not significant above the floor. Same results were
face was varied. The data in each domain were transferred also shown on the horizontal contours of velocity at height of
continuously. Cases 1e3 (Table 1) tested in the study were 0.35 m (Fig. 11). Data is reallocated on virtual interface zone
found sharing the same tendency with the experimental re- between the two adjacent interface boundaries during the
sults on the four measured vertical lines. The differences be- transportation through calculation domains. Therefore, the
tween these three cases were relatively small, the CV (RSME) resolution on the interface boundary should have impact on
of these three ratios were at similar level, i.e., 0.20, 0.27, and the data transfer, since detailed information can be lost in the
0.22 for cases 1e3, respectively. The prediction of velocity process of data redistribution when the ratio of the interface
46 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Fig. 8 e Contours of the velocity magnitude on the horizontal plane at height of 0.35 m based on different turbulence models.

boundary is too high. Interface boundaries with non- reduced when the interface is adopted. In this study, the it-
conformal mesh have been adopted by many researchers (Li, erations were conducted using 4 nodes and a parallel pro-
Rong, & Zhang, 2016; Li, Rong, Zong, & Zhang, 2016), and cessor on a PC with i7292 4770 CPU and 16 GB memory, the
good simulation results have been achieved generally. It is iteration times for the three cases were 38.3 h, 30.5 h, and
always preferred that the ratio between the two adjacent 22.1 h, respectively, with the ratios on the interface boundary
interface boundaries is close to 1. The interface boundary ra- increased when the grids was fixed number in below AOZ
tios in our simulations ranged from 1:1 to 1:5. Within this domain.
range, no significant differences were found. The results
provided reference for the grid size ratio on the interface 3.3. Impact from the mesh type in AOZ
boundary in this type of study. Although the interface grid size
ratio was found not to be significant in this study, it is still Figure 12 compares the measured airflow distributions with
notable that interface should not be used where sudden flow simulated airflow patterns at a cross section in the symmet-
transition may occur, since the data may be affected by the rical plane in the pen 1. With the structured mesh (Case 1), all
interface during data transfer (Anonymous, 2013a, 2013b). The three sub-domains were in structured meshes and the inter-
use of the interface, on the other hand, provides the possibility face ratio in the AOZ to above AOZ and to below AOZ were all
to mesh the calculation domains in a same geometry with 1:1. In unstructured mesh (Case 4), only in the AOZ domain was
varied resolution. For instance, the place where detailed in- unstructured gridding applied; below AOZ and above the AOZ a
formation is needed can be meshed in denser meshes, while structured mesh remained. The ratios of AOZ interfaces to
the rest of the domain could be meshed using a coarse mesh, above AOZ and below AOZ domains were 1:2.3 and 1:1.4,
and connected to each other by the interface. This approach respectively. The difference between these two different mesh
also reduces iteration time since the total number of cells is types on predicting the airflow profile in the four tested vertical
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 47

Fig. 9 e Air speed profiles of the four vertical lines by simulation using varied interface resolution ratios and measurement.
Case 1 represents the case with the up interface ratio as 1:1; Case 2 represents the case with up interface ratio as 1:1.5; Case
3 represents the case with up interface ratio as 1:5. The down interface ratios are all 1:1 in the 3 cases.

lines was not significant, and both of them showed good

agreement with the measured results, with the CV (RSME) at 4. Further investigation using pig models in
0.22 and 0.23 for Case 1 and Case 4, respectively. In Fig. 10, the similar body shapes of pigs
velocity magnitude contours of the centre plane in pen 1 are
shown. Compared with other cases using interface, the airflow Pigs in pens have more complex geometry than cylinders and
patterns were found to be similar. The results were also also have random distributions under realistic conditions. All
applicable on the horizontal contours of velocity at height of these will increase the difficulties in mesh generation if exact
0.35 m (Fig. 11). It has been reported that hexahedral meshes building geometries need to be used. On the basis of results
can provide higher accuracy in predicting the airflow distri- from the theoretical study in Section 3, an investigation using
bution (Duan et al., 2015; Hefny & Ooka, 2009; Juretic & Gosman, real pig geometries was conducted.
2010; Yu et al., 2012). However, no significant performance
increase was observed in this study for hexahedral meshes. A
4.1. Model geometry and mesh
possible reason can be the resolution of the AOZ domain was
In this part of the investigation, the room space was the same
high and that provided a greater prediction accuracy. The un-
as that earlier but the geometry was further subdivided
structured tetrahedral mesh (UT) was widely used when the
separated into three domains (Fig. 13). The difference is that
geometry of model is very complex, and normally it generated
simple cylindrical models in the AOZ domain were replaced
more cells than the hexahedral mesh based on same geometry.
with pig models with a similar shape to pig. 16 pigs in 50 kg
Using interface to combine the advantages of both hexahedral
mass were modelled in each pen. The mass was controlled by
and tetrahedral mesh can reduce the difficulty in modelling the
surface area of model based on the relationship of Brody,
complex geometry in agricultural research, e.g., the cases
Comfort, and Matthews (1928). The distribution of the pigs
which contain slatted floor or animal models.
48 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Fig. 10 e Contours of the velocity magnitude on the middle plane in pen 1 using interfaces. Case 1 represents the case with
the up interface ratio as 1:1; Case 2 represents the case with up interface ratio as 1:1.5; Case 3 represents the case with up
interface ratio as 1:5. The down interface ratios are all 1:1 in Cases 1e3. Case 4 represents the case combines both structured
and unstructured mesh. The up interface ratio is 1:2.3 and the down interface ratio is 1:1.4.

was that referred to in literature (Bjerg, Zhang, & Kai, 2011). 4.3. Results and discussion for the case study
A UT was used to generate the grids in the AOZ domain since it
is almost impossible to apply a structured hexahedral mesh in Although the number of pig models was larger than the cy-
such complex geometry. lindrical models used in the validation study, the physical
models for these two cases were similar. It has been reported
4.2. Boundary condition and numerical method that complex geometry can allow airflows to be fully devel-
oped more easily (Tian, He, & Tao, 2015). Therefore, the
The boundary conditions were similar in the aforementioned example case can be validated by the case with simple cylin-
cases with the cylindrical models. The changes mainly drical models.
happen with specific values. The ventilation rate was set as The contour of velocity magnitude in the symmetry plan in
3200 m3 h1. Since the ventilation rate was relatively high, the pen 1 is illustrated in Fig. 14. As with the cases studied above,
heat transfer between the indoor air and wall surface and floor there was a large vortex above the AOZ because the me-
surface was assumed to be very small in a steady condition, chanical ventilation from the inlet dominated the airflow. The
and therefore, the surfaces of the floor and the wall were jet from the inlet provided the energy for the movement of the
treated as being adiabatic. For the temperature of pig surface, air inside the pig room. In the AOZ, the airspeed was found to
a constant temperature of 39  C was selected as boundary be very low. The average velocity at a height of 0.35 m was
condition. only 0.25 m s1. The bulk of the pig models blocked the
For the numerical method, the calculation was calculated movement of air. It showed that the airflow passing across the
using the same numerical treatment as mentioned in Section back of pig can be the main force for the convective term via
2.2.3. the heat loss from pig. By modelling the relationship between
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 49

Fig. 11 e Contours of the velocity magnitude on the horizontal plane at height of 0.35 m using interfaces. Case 1 represents
the case with the up interface ratio as 1:1; Case 2 represents the case with up interface ratio as 1:1.5; Case 3 represents the
case with up interface ratio as 1:5. The down interface ratios are all 1:1 in Cases 1e3. Case 4 represents the case combines
both structured and unstructured mesh. The up interface ratio is 1:2.3 and the down interface ratio is 1:1.4.

air velocity at a certain height in the pig house and convective conditions may not be steady; ventilation rates can fluctuate
heat transfer, a ventilation control algorithm can be devel- and periodic vortices can be generated in the wake of cylin-
oped based on this relationship. In the simulation, all pig ders in airflows. The transient RANS or LES calculation may
models were placed in a half standing and lying position, fully provide better predictions for airflow patterns, but their re-
lying or standing postures were not modelled due to the quirements for computational power and time are much
complexity of geometry. However, under real conditions, the higher compared to the steady-state RANS method. Normally,
pig may spend 90% time lying on the ground (Ekkel, Spoolder, the thermal comfort inside the livestock building depends on
Hulsegge, & Hopster, 2003). The model in this study cannot be the temperature and airflow distribution over a long time span
regarded as a strict description for the real case. The purpose but not in a transient period. The measurement result in the
of the example here is to demonstrate how the interface and validation experiment was averaged from the data for at least
unstructured meshes work to make the complex geometry 1 h. From this point, the usage of RANS which modelled the
meshing possible. Detailed model and meshing methods turbulence energy by time averaged method was therefore a
depend on the research objectives under real conditions. reasonable way to describe the physical model in this study.
As this study focused on a mechanically ventilated animal
house, only airflow distribution was measured and compared
5. Limitations of current study and research with simulation results. The distributions of temperature,
perspectives humidity and ammonia were not measured or presented. This
can be a limitation of this study. However, since mechanical
This research contains some limitations. All simulations were ventilation dominates the airflow, the indoor air can be
conducted under a steady-state condition, while real considered at a fully mixed condition at high ventilation rate.
50 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2

Fig. 12 e Comparison of air speed profiles of the four vertical lines modelled by structured and unstructured mesh. Case 1
represents the case with fully structured mesh; and Case 4 represents the case with combined structured and unstructured
mesh, the above AOZ zone and below AOZ zone are structured meshes, while the AOZ zone is unstructured mesh.

Fig. 14 e Contours of the velocity magnitude on the vertical

Fig. 13 e Geometry and the division of the computational plane in centre of pen 1 in the case with pig model in real
domain. shape.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 3 7 e5 2 51

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