2nd Monthly Notes 2021 (Class-III)

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Notes for 2nd Monthly Exam 2021

Class: III (January Session)

Sub: Islamic Studies

Surah Al- Falaq [Pg. 59]

* Bismillaahir - Ra‘hmaanir - Ra‘heem.

1. Qul a‘uoozu bi Rabbil falaq.
2. Min sharri maa khalaq.
3. Wamin sharri ghaasiqin izaa waqab.
4. Wamin sharrin-naffaasaati fil ‘uqad.
5. Wamin sharri ‘haasidin izaa ‘hasad.

* In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn.
2. From the mischief of things.
3. From the mischief of darkness- as it overspreads.
4. From the mischief of those who practice secret arts.
5. And from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy.

Tasbih of Sijdah:

Sub‘haana Rabbiyal a‘laa

Meaning: Glory to my Lord (Allah) the Highest


* Atta‘hiyyaatu lillaahi wassalawaatu wattayyibaat.

* Assalaamu ‘alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa Ra‘hmatullaahi wa
* Assalaamu ‘alainaa wa ‘alaa ‘ibaadillaahis-saali‘heen.

* Ash-hadu al laa ilaaha illallaahu wa ash-hadu anna Mu‘hammadan

‘abduhoo wa Rasooluh.

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Notes for 2nd Monthly Exam 2021 Class III (January Session) Islamic Studies

Obedience to Parents, A story, Good Behaviour with Classmates, Exchanging

Salam: [Pg. 28-32]


Q. 1. What is the benefit if our parents remain pleased?

Ans. If our parents remain pleased then Allah remains satisfied with us. If Allah is satisfied with
us, then we shall get Jannat (heaven).

Q. 2. Which Du‘a should we pray for our parents?

Ans. We should pray for our parents the following Du‘a:
“Rabbir ‘hamhumaa kamaa
rabbayaanee sagheeraa.”

Q. 3. How should we behave with our classmates?

Ans. We should behave politely with our classmates. We should greet them with ‘Salam’ when we
meet them. We should not fight or quarrel with them.

Q. 4. What has the Holy Prophet (S A W) said about ‘Salam’?

Ans. The Holy Prophet (S A W) has said, “The person who will greet others with Salam first will
gain more Sawab (virtue).”

Fill in the blanks: [Pg. 28-29]

One day our beloved Prophet (S A W) was sitting with his companions. An old woman came there.
Seeing the old woman the beloved Prophet (S A W) stood up. He honoured her and spread his own
scarf for the woman.
He made her seated politely. Being astonished the companions asked him, “Who is this woman”?
The beloved Prophet (S A W) answered-this is my foster mother Halima (R).

Unseen Chapter

Getting Nabuwat of the Great Prophet (S.) and Preaching Islam: [Pg. 66-68]: [Unseen Q/A].

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Notes for 2nd Monthly Exam 2021 Class III (January Session) Islamic Studies

Islamic glossary:
Word Meaning
(1) Hadis sayings of the Prophet (S A W)

(2) Deen religion, the way of life

(3) Halal that which is allowed in Islam

(4) Haram that which is not allowed in Islam

(5) Kafir disbeliever, a person who does not believe in Islam

Different shapes of Arabic letters and Jazam for reading and understanding: [Pg.48, 53-54]

Words with pronunciations:

Khayrun َ‫خَيَر‬ (٤) Qamarun َ‫قَمَر‬ al

Noorun ‫نَوَ َر‬ (٥) Qalamun َ‫قلَم‬ (٢)

Akala َ‫اَكَل‬ (٦) Laylun َ‫َل َيل‬ (٣)


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