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Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

Skin Cancer Predictor by Image Processing

using Big Data Techniques
P. Subhashini peneti1 , A. Ramya sri2 , U. Mohan Gopi Krishna 3 , M. Alekhya4 , G. Manikandhara 5
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,
subhashinivalluru@gmail.com1 ,ramyasrialuvala@g m2 ,umg krishna00@g m3 ,reddymaddula99@g m4 ,
manikandhara.g2002@g m5
2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 978-1-6654-1272-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICICCS51141.2021.9432213

Abstract— When an indi vi dual suffer from particular skin by the patient and prescription is taken to deliver the
disease, the affected person shoul d physically visit the medicines. [6]
doctor, which consumes more ti me and money. Also, if the
affected person is out of reach of the doctor and hospitals,
it may be difficult to i dentify the disease and also some will II. LITERATURE SURVEY
feel uncomfortable to convey the skin related problem to There is an existing method called Skin Disease prediction.
the doctor. To reduce the doctor’s efforts, an economical, Skin Disease prediction system is based on the predictive
efficient and ess time -consuming model has to be modeling predicts the disease of the user on the basis of the
developed to provi de correct treatment on ti me and the symptoms that patient provides as an input to the system.
developed model will also make the affected person to feel
free to convey their problem by provi ding the input as a
picture of the affected area to the skin cancer predicti ve The system analyzes the symptoms provided by the
model, which then generates the meta report that is more patient as input and gives the probability of the disease as an
helpful to understand the type of skin cancer. output. If the patient is not confirmed with the symptoms the
prediction of the disease may odd. If particular diseases have
Keywords—Predicts, dataset, pre-processing, testing, more symptoms, then the UI of the system expects more inputs
validation, disease. fro m the patients. The average prediction accuracy probability
60% is obtained which is less percentage to predict. So as to
overcome this problem we are introducing this new method.[7]


In present pandemic situation of COVID-19, people are III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
afraid o f going to hospital and n the exisitign busy lives people
are not more interested in consulting a doctor for skin d isease,
since it consumes more time and also they feel shy to Skin disease predictor is a predictive model, which runs on
communicate about their skin problem, so to overcome this , the basis of Image processing and it expects only one input as
the proposed idea is introduced to them as it is very easy and an image that the affected area of the patient and predict the
less time consuming to the patient and can analyse their associative skin disease on the basis of the pattern of the skin
problem by taking screenshot of the affected area and observe disease. Not only the prediction of skin disease but also it
their skin p roblem and also the individual can get the medicine generates the meta report. This reduces the doctor efforts and
related to the problem. time. Saves both money and time. This model will imp rove in
prediction of disease when compared to the existing system.
First the user will register with their personal details and then When compared to the existing system, the proposed
login into the website, where they need to upload the pictures system accuracy probability is 70%. The proposed system is a
of affected area. If the patient is not satisfied with the accuracy collaboration with huge network of the doctors, patient and
predicted by the model, then the patient can choose the doctor, delivery boy. Our system allows to view the doctor to the
whom they want to consult and can check the availability of patient who the doctors are in online?
the doctor, who are online and offline. The main motive of this collaboration, if the patient is not
satisfied with the predicted accuracy, then he/she can go to the
Then, they will get a medicat ion according to their prob lem doctor consultancy. The proposed system provides a chat box,
and they can check the prescription and ask the delivery boy to which helps to build the interaction between doctor and patient
send the medicines to deliver to your house. Here, the delivery which is available for 7days after the submission of the report
boy status can also be checked. Finally, the problem is known to the doctor.

978-0-7381-1327-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 913

Authorized licensed use limited to: National University of Singapore. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 04:56:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

In order to take the doctor consultancy the patient needs to

follow few steps,
Step1: First, he need to select the report which he is willing to
take the consultancy and then he need to select the doctors who
are in online. Then our system generates a request to the
associative doctor.
Step2: Our system allows to view the patient request to the
doctor based upon the doctor’s schedule. He may accept or
reject the patient request.
Step 3: Based on the doctor’s action the system will generate
acknowledgement to the associate patient. If the
acknowledgment is positive(accept) then on the patient’s side it
displays a pop-up message which contains the doctor’s UPI. To
get the consultancy the patient need to pay the money through
Step 4: The doctor cross verify whether the money is
transaction is successfully done or not. If the transaction is
successfully done then the doctor approval the patient’s
Step 5: After co mpletion of approval the patient’s report is
successfully submitted to the doctor. The patient is supposed to
wait for 2-3 hours to get the doctor prescription and also the
patient can able to communicate to the doctor for up to 7 days
through chat box.

System Architecture:

978-0-7381-1327-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 914

Authorized licensed use limited to: National University of Singapore. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 04:56:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

There is a reliable website called as Kaggle which provides a B. Results:

huge number of experimental data sets. Among that we pick
the skin cancer related data set. The size of our data set is 7GB The model is built on the basis of the algorithm called k-
means cluster algorithm, wh ich takes the input from the user
approximately 3000 images.
and it will find the cluster name to which it belongs to.
1) Accuracy:
There is a package called as keras in python which holds huge
Usually, the model predicts the output by accepting the
number of functions which helps to pre-process the image, to
load the dataset, to build the model, etc. In order to build the input as an affected area of the skin. The predicted output may
or may not be correct. In order to know the level of correct
model, first it is required to select the appropriate algorithm
which perfectly suited to the selected project and then built the predictions predicted by the model, it is calculated by using the
accuracy formulae.
conventional neural network.
Number of correct predictions
Accuracy = _____________________________
Load the data set using keras package and also make the data
set in to two divisions. One is training data and testing data Total number of predictions
which we need to feed the model.
Built the model using 4-5, 2D conventional layers. Load the
training data set randomly with the random rotation of image
and feed to the built model and check the accuracy. If the
accuracy levels are good then fit the model and transform, if
not then we need to redefine the architecture of the model.[6]
The main goal of the proposed research is to reduce the
wait ing time and consulting time of the patient. And also
whatever meta report generated by the model will help the
doctor to analyse and identify the type of disease. Patients can
feel free to consult a doctor and get results. Being at home,
user can login into the page to view the problem in the form of
pictures and get doctor prescription by paying online. The
Our model is built on the bases of k-means clustered algorithm.
In the algorith m intermediately we use the Euclidean distance med ication can be obtained online and it can be delivered to
formulae. In order to identify the input image which it belongs your home with the help of a delivery person. As well, the
to the set of clusters.[10] doctor can also give the prescript ion to the patient, when the
affected person is not present in the hospital. The interaction
between the doctor and patient is done easily.
Euclidean Distance Formulae = (y2-y1)^2 + (x2-x1)^2

The payment API’s are to be integrated to our project and

IV. EVALUATION fro m that, the money can be able to send through our website.
fro m this, a great coordination can be made on money
A. Data Set: The present accuracy of the project is 70%, wh ich has to be
Our data is taken from the website called Kaggle which increased up to 90-95% to be more efficient.
provides the experimental data sets. Among that we pick the This project has considered three various diseases in which
skin cancer related data set. The size of our data set is 7GB it has to consider more diseases to predict various other
approximately 3000 images. Our data set is classified in to 3 diseases and gain knowledge about various unknown diseases.
categories which are three types of diseases they are stored in
three different folders. These data set can be processed using
keras package. In which it contains inbuilt functions which
helps to pre-processing the images and building the model and
algorithm .[8]

978-0-7381-1327-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 915

Authorized licensed use limited to: National University of Singapore. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 04:56:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21K74-ART; ISBN: 978-0-7381-1327-2

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978-0-7381-1327-2/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 916

Authorized licensed use limited to: National University of Singapore. Downloaded on July 04,2021 at 04:56:29 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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