Social: True or False

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True or False:
1) Francis I upheld conservative goals against liberal forces and limited industrial

2) Competing interests contributed to a series of crises and wars in the


3) Italy is the homeland of one of the oldest ruling house in Europe, Hapsburg

4) In the Austria-Hungarian compromise, they shared Finance, Constitution, and


5) Ferenc Deak is the emperor of Dual Monarchy._________

6) Absolutism caused the decline of several empires in Europe.________

7) With industrialization, Hapsburg faced predicaments such as the growth of the

cities, worker discontent, and dynamic social structure._________

8) Ferenc Deak is a moderate Hungarian leader who helped work out the
compromise between Hungary and Austria.__________

9) In the beginning, newspapers were allowed to discuss the key demands of


10) Francis Joseph of Hapsburg empire ruled until 1916._________

11) Russia practiced free will for people._________

12) Landowning nobles dominated society and rejected any change that would
threaten their power._________

13) Rigid social structure existed in Russia._________

14) After the emancipation of serfs, peasants were discontent because they can't
buy land to farm.__________

15) Serfdom was efficient, but landowners had no interest in developing


16) Suffrage is a violent mob attack on Jewish people.__________

17) The radicals favored conservative goals in Russia.__________

18) Russia won in the Crimean war against Britain, France, and Ottoman Turks
which revealed Russia's progressiveness.__________
19) Although Serfdom had almost disappeared in Western Europe, it survived in

20) Efforts to modernize Russia had little success because tsars imprisoned or
exiled critics.__________

21) Zemstvos was the status of many peasants under feudalism._________

22) Millions of non-Westerners were robbed of their cultural heritage because

Westerners thought they were equal to them.________

23) European imperialism was inspired by the desire to start a war.________

24) Whenever the tsars made liberal reforms, they eventually canceled them to
maintain the support of the nobles._________

25) Westerners believed that they had the duty to spread what they saw as the
blessings of Asian civilization.________

26) Hapsburg rulers tried to prevent industrialization, fearing that it would change
the empire's traditional way of life._________

27) In 1859, Austria suffered from its humiliating defeat at the hands of France and

28) In Russia's social structure, landowning nobles were weak and small.________

Choose the correct answer:

1) In ______________, Austria was defeated by Sardinia and France.

A. 1859 B. 1858 C. 1857

2) Under _____ and ______, newspapers could not even use the word constitution
in Vienna.

A. Francis and Victor Emmanuel

B. Francis and Metternich

C. Francis and Ferenc Deak

3) He became a Russian leader in 1855 and was eventually assassinated.

A. Alexander I B. Alexander II C. Francis Joseph

4) In 1861, Russian leader issued a reform which refers to ________ which boosted
the drive to further reforms.
A. expansion of territories B. emancipation of serfs
C. set up a system of local government

5) What kind of government Russia had?

A. democratic B. autocratic C. republic

6) In______, Russia was not only the largest, most populous nation in Europe, but
also a great world power.

A. 1851 B. 1815 C. 1816

7) Crimean war that broke out when Russia invaded _______ lands along the

A. Hapsburg B. Ottoman C. Balkan

8) Which statement is true about Alexander III?

A. He slaughtered his critics. B. He exiled critics to Siberia.

C. He honored his critics' opinions.

9) Liberals are supporters of _____________.

A. autocracy B. democracy C. absolutism

10) Under his governance, Russian jews became refugees.

A. Alexander II B. Alexander III

C. Nicholas III D. Nicholas I

11)______ became a threat to the Russian leaders' absolute power.

A. Serfdom B. Industrialization
C. Reformation D. Political Security

12) Between_______, Europe had little influence on the lives of the peoples of
China, India or Africa.

A. 1600 and 1800 B. 1400 and 1800 C. 1500 and 1800

13) Western leaders claimed that colonies were needed for national security is
considered as _______.

A. economic interest B. political and military motives C. religious goals

14) Which statement is true about Russia by 1851?

A. Russia was a minor world power, and it was also economically undeveloped

B. Russia was a major world power, but it was also socially undeveloped.

C. Russia was a major world power, but it was also economically undeveloped

D. Russia was a minor world power, but it was also economically developed.

Short answer questions:

1) What is the war of Russia against Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire?

2) It is an elected national legislature in Russia._________

3) They are people who flee their homeland to seek safety elsewhere._______

Complete the following sentences:

1) Dual Monarchy is a monarchy between _______and________.

2) ______________ is viewed as the sickman of Europe.

3) Under the Ottoman Empire, Balkan regions are referred as “_______________,”

and its explosion helped set off World War I.

4) ____________ is the act of freeing someone, usually from slavery or serfdom.

5) European nations viewed Russia _________ or giant anxiously.

6) __________ is the domination of one country of the political, economic, or

cultural life of another country or region.

7) Historian called Europe's aggressive expansion as ___________.

8) Many Westerners accepted_________________ which relates to the idea that

they were superior.


- Dual monarchy is an agreement that made Austria and Hungary different

states with their own constitutions and parliaments, but with shared
ministries of finance, defense, and foreign affairs.

- During the 1848 uprising, 18-year-old, Francis Joseph, inherited the

Hapsburg throne. He would rule until 1916.

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